"Open it." One said,

"Hold on!" The other countered,

"Open the flippin' door!"

"For glob's sake chill the fuck out! I'm trying to get the keys!"

The other one growled but the door finally opened and they just crashed through and dropped their luggage all over the new large loft.


"If you weren't shouting at me, we could've gotten in sooner."

"Shut up, Marce."

"Jeez, Sheegz. Stop being so grouchy." 'Marce', or better known as Marceline, flopped onto the couch of their new loft. She was pale grey skinned girl with long ebony hair. "Just be glad we're finally out of that house and away from those bozos."

'Sheeg' or Shane Go, better known as Shego, sighed. This one had pale skin with a greenish tint to it. She also had ebony hair but was much shorter than the grey skinned girl. "Yeah, whatever. Get your lazy butt off of that couch and help me put our stuff away."

"Fine..." Marceline huffed and she jumped off the comfortable couch. "Where are our roomies anyway?"

"They're probably hiding from us... Doy! They're probably not here yet!" Shego retorted,

"You don't have to be snarky about it."

"Just help me so we can just go and rest already. I'm really tired Marce." Shego frowned,

"Okay okay." Marceline said and they started cleaning up. Afterwards they retreated to their room. The loft had two room that each had two beds. Shego immediately flopped onto a bed with grunt.

"Finally... Goodnight Marce, and sorry for being a bit grouchy back there. I was just tired is all." Shego said. She was lying flat on her stomach. Her head facing to the left, where Marceline's bed lay.

"It's cool. I know how tired you were driving all day." Marceline said and she laid down too. She checked the clock, it was late already.

"Goodnight Sheegz." She turned to the green skinned girl to find her already snoozing. After a while she dozed off as well.

-(Later In The Night)-





Shego groaned as she heard things that disturbed her sleep. She rolled over to the other side and put the pillow over her head hoping to drown out the noises. It was successful and she was able to resume her sleep.

But not for long.

Marceline hadn't thought of drowning out the sounds and just did what she usually did when things upset her in her sleep. She yelled and threw stuff at it.

"OH MY GLOSH! SHUUUUT UP!" She yelled with eyes still closed and threw the nearest thing to her, other than her pillow, which was her notebook, at the door with a loud thud. She slipped back under the covers with a grunt.

Shego sighed and massaged her temples as she sat up.

"So much for getting back to sleep." She growled,

"Oops." She heard a silent voice from outside.

'Must be our loft mates.' Shego thought, She threw off the covers and stood up. She walked to the door and opened it to find a red head and a strawberry blonde girl trying to pick up clothes that had fallen out of a suitcase.

They both looked up and sheepishly smiled,

"Hi." They said in unison, then turned to one another, "Jinx! You owe me a soda!" Then they started giggling. Shego rolled her eyes,

"Oy, if you're gonna be like that at least do it quietly." Shego grumbled,

"Sorry about that." The red head said, she stood up and stuck out her hand. "Hi, my name's Kim Possible."

Shego raised a brow but shook the red head's hand. "Hey... You can call me Shego."

"Shego?" The pink blonde echoed as she stood by her red headed friend,

"Yeah, you got a problem with it?" Shego snapped. The Pink blonde was taken a bit back but she stood her ground and smiled sweetly.

"No. It seems very unique actually, and a bit familiar." She said, "By the way, my name's Bonnibel. Bonnibel Gumm."

"Nice to meet you." Shego said flatly, the red head was eyeing her. "And what are you looking at?"

"Hmm... You just seem familiar... and what BB said seemed true..." She said and rubbed her chin. Shego's left eye twitched.

'No way she can know who I am. I quit a few months in it!' Shego screamed in her mind, to her relief the red head shrugged,

"Oh well... But yeah... maybe you can help us so we won't be so loud." Kim smiled, and Shego nodded and sighed.

After a while, Shego finally helped the red head and the pink blonde settle in and she made a bee-line for her room.

"Goodnight!" She heard Kim call from the living room of the loft. Shego waved behind her and went into the room and back into her bed.

-(Next Day)-

Marceline woke up before Shego which was a bit rare but she knew the older girl was still tired from yesterday. She stood up and put her hands over her head and stretched after that she went on to scratched her ass. She walked into the bathroom in their room and washed her face and brushed her teeth. After that she proceeded to grab her favourite red-bass, the one with a battle-Axe sticker on it. She likes calling it her Axe-bass sometimes. She heads out of their room and makes a bee-line for the balcony. Which was also connected with the fire escape. You had to go through the living room to get to it. The living room also had a door-arch which was a hole arch in the wall that lead to the kitchen/dining room. Which meant that whatever was going on in the living room, you can see in the Kitchen. But Marceline didn't seem to notice the strawberry blonde and red headed girls in the kitchen having hot chocolate as she went to the balcony.

When she got to her destination, she went on to the ladder of the fire escape and sat down, propping her Axe-bass on her lap. She started strumming it while feeling the morning breeze. She hummed a tune while doing so. She starts picking up the strumming and the humming turns to singing,

It moves like the wind when my brain kicks in.

Beats like a drum when my heart says some.

I come so undone, help me choose which one.

I wanted to be smart but, I wanna have fun!

So I'll sing...!

I'll do my best, don't get upset.

Sometimes my brain says, no, but my heart says, yes.


Marceline stopped and turned her head to the balcony doors. There was Kim and Bonnibel standing in pyjamas and holding cups of hot cocoa.

"Uhmmm... Who are you?" was all Marceline could ask right now,

"Oh! We're being rude. Hi," Bonnibel stuck a hand out as Marceline put her bass aside, "My name's Bonnibel Gumm."

"Hi Bonni." Marceline grinned, "I'm Marceline Abadeer."

"Hey, I'm Kim Possible." The red head smiled,


"You have a really nice voice." Bonnibel commented,


"Really!" Kim said, "You want some hot cocoa?"

"Do we have any coffee?" Marceline asked,

"Yeah I think so."

"I'll have that."

"Then come on in silly." Bonnibel giggled and they all went inside. Marceline closed the Balcony slide doors and propped her bass off to one side. She went in the kitchen and noticed Shego was still not up.

"Huh, guess Sheegz was really tired if she's still not awake."


"Oh uhh... Shego. My friend." Marceline said,

"Oh! Shego! Yeah, she helped us settle in last night. It was really nice of her, totally spankin'" Kim grinned as she made coffee for Marceline. "Black or creamy?"

"She did? and uhh, Black with a lot of sugar."


"Yeah." Bonnibel answered, "Apparently we were a bit noisy last night and seemed to have woken her up."

Marceline thought on it for a moment. "If you were noisy then how come I didn't wake up?"

"I'm not sure really."

"Hmmm..." Marceline thought about it for a while but she just shrugged as Kim put her coffee in front of her, "Thanks."

"No big." The red shrugs and takes a seat.

"Anyways, what brings you two to G.U.?" The pale girl asks as she sips some Coffee.

"The criminology here is great and that's what I'm taking." Kim said,

"I'm taking a major in Biology and Chemistry." Bonnibel said, "G.U. was recommended to me by Kim's parents. They said the science facilities here were excellent."

"Ahh... cool." She eyes Kim for a while, "Never would have guessed a girl like you would want to be a cop."

"Yeah well, you should know not to judge a book by its cover." Kim smirked and sipped some more cocoa. Marceline laughed,

"Yeah, I guess so."

"So what about you Marceline?"

"I'm taking a Music Major."

"I should've known." Bonnibel laughed,

"Yeah... I just, really love music." Marceline grinned, showing off her pearly white teeth.

They talk for a while until they hear a groan from the hall to the bedrooms.

"Must be Sheeg." Marceline said. They all looked at the direction of the groan and sure enough the green skinned woman emerged from the arch way.

"Morning She." Marceline smiled, "Lemme get 'ya some coffee."

"Morning, and thanks." Shego said and sat down.

"Goodmorning." Bonnibel said,


"Goodmorning sleepy head." Kim smiled,

"Morning to you too, red head." Shego said and laid her head on the table.

"You okay?" Bonnibel asked,

"Yeah just... *yawn* tired."

"Sorry for keeping you up last night." The two other girls apologized,

"It's cool. Better than Marce here waking up and whooping both your asses." Shego smirked and Marceline frowned as she set the coffee mug in front of Shego,

"Hey. There was a way higher chance you would do that than me. You were just too tired to be all cranky." Marceline defended,

"I'm not too tired to beat your narrow ass now." Shego groaned,

"Puh-lease..." Marceline said and sipped her coffee with a smirk on her lips.

Kim and Bonnibel just watched the exchange with interest. It was weird to see friends teasing each other and going as far as threatening to kick the other's ass to them. They're circle of friends weren't... violent.

"So anyway..." Kim started before a brawl emerged, "Do you guys have morning classes or what?"

"I have morning." Marceline said,

"Me too. Afternoon and night classes are too tiring if you ask me." Shego stated,

"That's spankin! We got morning classes too! Guess we'll be going out at the same times." Kim smiled,

"Cool, so what do you guys have planned for today?" Marceline asked while sipping some coffee.

"We were going to go buy some groceries maybe." Bonnibel said, "We don't really have much here."

"I was thinking the same thing." Shego said, "I doubt Marce here was... Can't really trust her in the kitchen." Shego snickered,

"Hey! I can make stuff... Just not the complicated stuff." The pale blue girl huffed. Shego raised a brow.

"Since when was making cookies complicated? You make a batter, put it in the tray and stuff if it in the damned oven."

"To hell with cookies." Marceline growled,

"Wow. I guess I'm not the only one that's bad in the kitchen."

"Oh really?" Shego said, "How bad?"

"Oh... Really bad." Bubblegum said,

"Bonni!" Kim said in embarrassment. "I'm not that bad!"


"How bad is she?" Marceline inquired,

"Burning popcorn bad." Bonnibel said with a straight face while Kim buried her face in her hands.

"Burning popcorn?" Shego asked,

"Yeah, the microwave caught on fire." Bonnibel nodded.

"Ugh! I thought you said you wouldn't tell anybody!"

"You brought it up."

Marceline and Shego did the only thing they could think of at that moment.

They fell off of their seats and laughed out loud. Making Kim blush so hard and Bonni giggle along with them.

Maybe this will be a good friendship.

So yeaaahhh... not sure how well this is working out... I find it a bit hard to write since I've never written KiGo before. This is like a pilot or something. If I get some good responses then I'll glady attempt to continue it but if not then I scrap it and move on with my life and other stories like A Friend In A High Place.

So please review!
