"Hahaha, were you really in your boxers?" You were sat outside on the comfy garden sofas with your parents, swapping stories of your trip with Alex as you sipped your drink next to Jack. "Yep, and it was the Spongebob ones too," you giggle, "I had to rush after him to try and calm him down."

"Yeah, then that bloke was a real dick to you." Alex says excitedly, pointing his beer towards you. "What man? What did he say?" Your mum asks concerned, looking at you from the love seat she's sharing with your dad. "Oh it was nothing really; when Alex was banging on my door, practically naked, a family with two young children came out of the lift, and when I went to apologise he said that I should keep you under better control or something." You dismiss the memory with a swig of your drink. "Oh that was it," you recall, "He said that 'he'd appreciate it if I didn't let you roam the hotel like a wild animal."

"He'd appreciate it?" Your mum began, giving her glass a look of disgust, "What an arsehole, I hope you said something back." She says, throwing her head back followed by a sip of champagne.

Placing his 5th or 6th Bud on the floor, Alex moves in his seat "She couldn't," he grabs the bottle again and reclines in his chair, raising his drunken voice, "because he then slammed the door in her face."

"It wasn't that bad." You protest, kicking him in the foot lightly before looking at your mum. "Besides, his little boy did something better than I ever could, because when he closed the door I heard him say that he wanted some spongebob underwear too, so I let it pass." You explained, drinking your Glitter Berry J20.

"Even so, it was still a bit harsh." Alex slurs towards you, body moving forward with his head and almost falling off his seat.

"Alex," You turn to face your brother, bottle paused on his lips and eyes slowly sliding to meet yours, "you were sopping wet, in your underpants, shouting profanities and trying to kick the door down."

"Completely acceptable..." He scoffs before taking a triumphant swig of his drink.

You sit back into your chair, rolling your eyes at the moronic body you must call brother before exhaling with sarcasm "A tad unrefined."

At that point, your dad gets up to poor your mum and himself more champagne. "Well I for one wish I was there, because it sounds hilarious," before sitting back down and kissing her on the cheek. "especially the sitting in the shower part, that sounds great."

"That part's funny," your mum comments after sipping her drink, "but the way you acted after Alexander, wasn't as amusing." Alex reclines in his seat as she gives him that only-mothers-can-do glare.

"I take credit for that, I'm the one who caused him to get so angry."

"Jack, mate." that's it. Jack's put himself in the firing line for patriarchal mockery. "We already like you, so enough with the brown-nosing. This isn't Meet the Parents, there's no lie testing or electric shocks." Then he looks over his glasses, staring at Jack threateningly. "Unless there's a need for it."

"Oh (Dad's Name), stop it. You make the poor boy scared." Your mum lightly taps him on shoulder to stop it before turning to Jack. "But he is right son, just be yourself."

"Oh, thank you." He says, looking slightly out of place "Sorry, I've never been introduced to a girls parents before."

"Oh really, why's that?"

"Mum?!" you choke out through your drink before looking at her with What-the-fuck written all over your face.

"What? Oh sorry, shouldn't I have asked that?" She says all innocently, lowering her gaze to her drink with a slight smile.

"No, Not rea..." you start, but Jack interrupts you, placing his hand on yours.

"It's fine," he turns his gaze from you back to your mum, "it's because I've never been out with a girl before."

Your mum smiles sweetly at him. "Aww, that's ok, (Name) hasn't really been in any kind of a relationship before either."

What?! "MUM!?" you screech, not being able to believe what she's just said. out loud. to the guy you like. Kill me, just kill me now.

"What?" 'Don't give me "what?"' you think.

"Don't say things like that." you say shyly, before leaning back in your chair. You raise your head and try to defuse the situation with mock-confidence "Besides, he's not going out with me." You bring your drink to your lips, feeling successful. Until...

"Aren't I?"

You look back at Jacks confused and kinda stunned face. Now confused yourself "Are you?"

"Well, I thought you were."

"Shut up Alex." You say shooting your head back at your brother, eyes narrowing.

"Well, you know," Lightbulb. Seeing your desperate attempt to shush him and defuse the situation he carries on. Not making eye contact and with a devilish grin on his face he says, casually "With the kissing and the cuddling and the sleeping together..."

"What?!"Your Dad looks at Jack, eyes saying "You-better-watch-it-laddy."

Luckily your mum pipes up to calm him down "(Dad's Name), it's not like that." She says calmly, leaning forward to grab some nuts from the table, "Jamie got (Name) a suite and she offered Jack to sleep on the sofa because he didn't have anywhere to stay."

"Really?" He says, tone low and questioning.

"Yes, really (D. Name), calm down." Your mum says, tapping him on the leg as she looks at him in reassurance.

"Ok, as long as that's true." He says nodding before sending you both a look, "So it's clear that they're not sleeping in he same room?"

"Oh Dad."

"(Name)." Both your parents look at you.

Horror stricken, you reply in a shaky voice "I know. I know ok? Not in the same room." while waving your hands in front of you as if to say I-surrender.

"Good," your dad says, reverting back to his cheery disposition, "anyway, anyone fancy a top up?" He asks opening the second bottle of champagne for your mother and him.

"I'll have a-'hic'-nother, please Dad." Alex slurs, waving his empty bottle in the air, head down and swinging in time to his own drunken rhythm.

"I think you've had enough young man." Your mother leans over and takes the empty bottle from the hobo's hand and places it in the bottle bin behind her. "Get him one of those non-alcoholic ones please (D. Name)?" She says to your Dad.

Your brothers head flops back in protest, "But muuuuuuummmmm, they're horrible." Child.

"Well, what do you want then? But I'm telling you this now, you're not having another one of those" She says to him with her mum voice, narrowing her eyes at the spoilt brat.

He looks at her, then throws himself from out of his chair. "Fine," he wobbles past you, barely missing the table before turning back to your mother, "I'll go in and look for myself then shall I?" He spits. Then turns towards the house and staggers in.

"I'll go with him," Your Dad sighs, watching his intoxicated son fall over a flower pot then swear at it, before continuing to the house. "Do you want another one (Name)?"

"Um, Yes Please Daddy." You smile distractedly as you watch your brothers amusing display.

"What about you Jack?"

"No thank you, I'm good." Jack Says waving his hand.

"Ok." Your Dad turns towards the house and sighs before walking past your mum and towards the house.

With your Dad disappearing into the house, you all relax and you relax into your chair. But, before you get too comfortable, your mum speaks up again. "So Jack, where in America are you from?"

"Well, originally, I was born in what is now C..." at that moment a very loud crash comes from the house, followed by your Dad's voice "(Mum's Name!)"

"Oh god, what has that boy done now?" She exhales, "Sorry, I'll be back in a bit." And he hurries to the house to see what commotion Alex has caused leaving just you and Jack.

You begin to relax into your chair again as peace settles over you both. As you pull your feet onto your chair and rest your arms and head on the arm of your chair Jack breaks the silence. "Your Family's lively."

"Yeah, they really are." You turn your head to look back at the house, then turn your gaze to Jack. "Sorry about all the questions, mum really is the nosiest person in the world."

Jack smiles at you and laughs "Haha, its ok, I get that from Tooth." He leans on the chair arm closest to you and drinks he remainder of his drink. "She asks questions all the time, even if you've already told her the answer, she'll ask again."

"OH MY GOD!" You exclaim, moving your body eagerly to face him. "mum's like that, It's like she's thinking so much about what questions to ask she doesn't even listen to the answers you give her."

"ha, yeah I guess thats true, haha" Seeing your excitement he laughs and places his bottle on the floor.

"Haha, yeah but sorry about the no relationship thing," You laugh casually, trying to hide the slight redness in your cheeks at the remark, "that's embarrassing."


"What do you mean?" You blink, confused.

"Why is it embarrassing?" He questions, eyes fixed on you.

"Well, you know." You move slightly and recline in your chair. "Not being in a relationship in this day in age, it's embarrassing." You look at your shoes, knowing he'd agree with you if you put it like that.

But he didn't agree. Instead he moved your face with his hand and looked you right in the eyes. "(Name). I'm over 300 years old, and I've never had a relationship. Well, not since turning into Jack Frost." he finishes, magnanimously.


"Yeah," he sits back in his chair, "being invisible can really make it hard to meet people."

"Haha, I guess." You chuckle at the thought, then another pops to mind. "But you did have one before? A relationship I mean?"

"Yeah, of course." He scoffs as he folds his hands under his head. Looking like he has no cares in the world. Well, I guess he doesn't. Well, except you of course

"See," you say, whacking him in the stomach, jolting him from his cocky pose "even you say of course like its a given thing. And now there's even more pressure." You slump back in your chair and fold your arms, annoyed with his answer.

"No there's not." He stands from his chair, then crouches in front of you to make your look at him. But you refuse, so he continues "there's always been pressure, but now you guys only get pressure for sex, we got pressure to marry." Arms still folded, you resentfully look at him. "When I was human, you were an adult at 15 for boys, 12 for girls, we were expected to be courting and developing relationships at that age." You accept his explanation and unfold your arms. Obviously taking this as a victory, he strokes your cheek with his hand and sits down again. "You have it a lot easier now than we did."


"Yes?" He answers, beginning to recline back into his relaxed position.

"Did you have sex then?"

His eyes open wide and he begins to chuckle. "THAT'S what you focus on?" He looks at you with a What-the-fuck face. "I tell you we were adults and supposed to court, marry and produce children at an age that would put you on some kind of register now, and You just wanna know if I had sex?"

There's a slight silence between you as you lower your head in response to his claim. But that's broken by your "Yeah, but did you?"

Jack lets out a huge belly laugh before tapping you on the nose and smiling at you "God, who knew you were this filthy."

You move your face closer to his and kiss him on the cheek. "haha, sorry, haha." And you two continue to laugh when your mum walks back to the group.

"You two look like you' re having a good time." She says as she sits back down in her seat, glass now full of champagne.

"Yeah," Jack says, sitting himself back in his chair. "just laughing at what a filthy mind your daughter has."

"Jack!" You exclaim as you look at him, giving him a playful smack on the hand for his cheekiness.

"Yeah we know," Your father and Alex walk back to the group, carrying their drinks. Your father hands Jack and you another one and sits down as he continues "She's the good one while she's single, but I fear what she'll be like when she's in a committed relationship."

Jack thanks him for the drink, "She's a bright girl," he says "I doubt she'd be led astray that badly."

"It's not her we're worried about." Your dad replies dryly, "It's the poor guy, I'm afraid she'd tire him out so much she'll kill him."

"DAD!?" You shriek, completely shocked by his words.

"Oh come on Darling, you know it's true."

"MUM?!" You can't believe the both of them are saying this, OUT LOUD!

"HAHA," Meanwhile Alex is having a marvellous time and laughing his head off as he begins to chant " Ha Ha (Name) is a hussy, and mum and dad know it hahaha... Ow"

"(Name)!..." Your mother exclaims. You have proceeded to through and empty can on Fosters at his head. Ring pull hitting square between the eyes. Bullseye.

"Well you shouldn't laugh at me and I won't throw stuff then will I, You arsehole."

"(Name)." Your dad says. You look at him after his commanding tone and sit back in your chair, before pointing at your brother in protest. "Well, he is... And he needs to stop taking the Micky."

"Well, stop being a hussy." Alex says in the manner of a spoilt child.

Your dad gives him a cautioning look and says "Alex, that's enough now" sternly to the boy.

"Anyway," You chuckle, swigging your drink "you can talk Mr yo-yo boxers"

"What are you talking about?" Alex shoots you a Shut-up face, before composing himself and sticking his nose in the air "I have been nothing but faithful to Sophie."

Noting his tone of triumph you continue to bate him about his previous 'conquests' "Yeah, but what about the 30 odd girls between her and Melanie?"and he continues to try and shoot you down. Of course failing.

As you and your brother continue your sibling bitching contest your mother turns to Jack. "Sorry about this Jack, I'd like to tell you we're not always like this but..."

"No, I like it." He says, still looking at the both of you deep in 'conversation' with a smile on his face, "I've never really had a family before."

"Oh my, really?" your mother asks, saddened by this statement.

Jack looks at her and smile. Then continues calmly "Yeah, well both my parents are dead." before turning back to you and your brother.

"Oh," your mother, confused by the nonchalant tone in his voice to such a dark a subject, she just says "I'm sorry to hear that."d she places a hand on his.

"It's ok, it was a very long time ago." He looks back at her and smiles at her hand on his, "I also had a sister, but she's gone now too."

"Oh you poor boy, I'm sorry." She puts her other hand to her chest in shock.

Your dad moves his head to look at Jack too, "Yeah, we're sorry mate. That's awful."

"Not really," Jack removes the bottle from his lips and tilts his head to look at your dad. "I have great friends who have been like family to me. Like Jamie."

Your dad moves to look at Jack, putting his arm around your mum's shoulders. "You a childhood friend of Jamie's?"

"Yeah," Jack chuckles "something like that." Meanwhile, both your brother and you have stopped bickering and are now listening to Jack. He looks at you as he continues "I've known him a long time. 10 plus years now?" He looks at you for the answer to his rhetorical question. Like you know. You shrug and softly smile at him.

"That's nice." Your mum says, patting his hand with hers.

"Yes and you're welcome to this house of chaos any time Jack." Your dad says to him with a smile before standing up and stretching. "Well, seeing as it's almost 1 in the morning, I'm off to bed."

"God, is it that late?" Your mum looks at him and stands herself, "No wonder I'm tired."

"You guys staying up?" Your dad asks you three as he and your mother gather the empty glasses and bottles before walking into the house.

Alex stands and stretches too "No, I'm knackered Dad." He yawns "I think even I should bugger off to bed."

"What do you mean 'even you'?" Your mum says satirically as she swings round to face him. "You need sleep more than anybody to sober up before you break another one of my vases."

"Which your paying for by the way." Your dad adds as he takes your mums hands and walks her back to the house.

As Alex's moans become fainter as he follows your parents into the house Jack rises from his chair, and extends a hand to you. Taking it he pulls you up from the chair and into his arms. He wraps his arms around your waist and kisses you lightly on the forehead. He aring your dad shout from the house, Jack lets you go. "Leave the fire guys, I'll do that before I go to bed."

Jack waves at him to go inside "That's ok (Dad's Name), I can do it."

"You sure?"

Jack gives him a thumbs up "Yeah, I'm fine"

Your dad shouts back a "Thanks mate." before disappearing into the house again.

Once the coast in clear and your family are away from the sight of the fire and you two, Jack summons a strong and cold gust of wind to blows out the remainder of the fire. Drawing you into him to shield you from the chill.

Once the fire is out he lightens his grip on you and you look up at him. "They loved you."

"You think?" He asks, trying to be cool, but you can hear the slight anxiety in his question.

This makes you smile and you nuzzle back into his chest. "Yeah, totally." then you give a small laugh and look back up at him. "Though the sob story at the end did have some part in that."

The his face changes into a big, naughty smile "Yeah, I thought I'd get them with that." He moves slightly away from you and winks, "Just incase they weren't in love with me already."

"God you're cocky Jack Frost." You pull away from him and try to walk towards the house, but he caches your hand and pulls you back into another embrace. This time a little tighter.

You defiently look at him, but are caught of guard by the look in his eye. And with a soft tone he whispers in your ear "Yeah, but you love it." and there in the darkness of your garden, hands wrapped round your waist, he kisses you. He kisses you sweetly, warm tongue counteracting the coldness of his lips, with you completely engulfed in him. Well, he's met your parents and passed the test, he deserves some kind of reward.