Natalia strode through the halls of her house with no sense of purpose.

It had been so many years since she had cut off her ties with her brother and she barely spoke to anyone. This, naturally, upset her boss. With Belarus cut off from Russia and other countries to afraid to make a deal with them it left the country in a difficult position. This lead to her boss concluding that she hosts a ball in her private abode with all the other representatives of the countries, officially the one from France is organising it, but in Natalia's honour.

All those years ago her brother had used her and her sister within a war. During this war half of the population of Belarus was killed, which consequently killed off a part of Natalia. The only person who felt remorse for this action was Toris. The one of Lithuania who had fought against her. Since the event he was the only one other than her sister that Natalia still spoke to.

"Ahon~ Mon Cherie!~" The blonde rounded one of Natalia's dark corridors, he was in his dress robes already and a black mask hung from his face, glistening with black sequins and intricate details. Natalia's house seemed eerily dark at this time of day, it wasn't that the décor was dark,(Quite the contrast actually, wide wooden panels and light blue wallpaper lined her corridors, and the other rooms were similarly blue and white) it was just unused. The Frenchman was repairing the house to its former glory, but it would not take away the miserable light that was seeping in through the windows. "You are not even ready..?" The man faltered at the sight of the girl, who was in her nightdress still, he managed to plaster on a smile and wrap an arm around the girl's shoulder leading her towards the guest bedroom. Natalia merely allowed him to lead her. "Come come, Papa Francis will send you to the ball~" He laughed that annoying French laugh of his.

"Why are you helping me?" Natalia murmured monotonously. Francis laughed again with a smile.

"Because you asked me to, Papa Francis will look after you now~"

"But why do I have to go to some stupid ball? Balls aren't awesome enough for me." The albino sighed, whirling around in his chair. It had been… Gott how long had it been? He had been living in Ludwig's basement for a while now, mainly undisturbed unless Feliciano came round. Gilbert spent most of his days drinking, listening to music or talking to Antonio. It was a good life when you didn't have to bother being a country.

"Francis insists that you attend, also so does Mein Fuhrer. The terms of you staying here is that you still attend events as a part of Germany" Ludwig said softly. "Also it stinks down here, you haven't been out in weeks, you haven't been out since Feli came round a month or so, and even then that was only to the kitchen"

"Mmm… That Italian can cook…" Gilbert murmured, receiving a harsh glare from his blonde brother. Ludwig stood there in a black tailed blazer, crisp white shirt and an untied bow tie, his gloved hands were on a lacy white mask which he placed on the desk at the far end of the basement. "Do I really have to go?" Gilbert frowned.

"You haven't got a choice. I hear there's beer there, so just enjoy some free drinks and get over it." And with that the Aryan German left the room. Gilbert sighed loudly, he simply had a band T-shirt and jeans on today, a pristine white suit was laying in the corner of the room.

"If I have to do this, then I'm making it awesome…"

Natalia coughed in a very feminine manner as one of 'Papa' Francis' assistants sprayed an odd smelling liquid in her face.

"Is she ready?" A theatrical voice sang out from the othe

r side of the bedroom door. A chorus of little chirps from his assistants told him she was but Natalia was in too much shock from the perfume to notice the women had left her.

"Papa Francis told you he'd send you to the ball, non?" Francis smiled kindly at Natalia through the haze of hairspray and perfume. Natalia kept a blank expression on her face as the Frenchman lead her towards a mirror. Natalia's vision finally cleared enough for her to see what those babbling girls had done to her. Majority of her hair was down, sitting nicely against her lower back. The rest of it was tied into a loose pony tail at the back, there was a few silver pins in her hair to give it 'volume' the girls had said. Natalia touched a strand of her hair dubiously, not thinking it was really her in the mirror in front of her. The girls had forced Natalia's slender frame into a light blue lacy corset which complimented her frame nicely, there was intricate pattern in silver thread embroidered into the fabric which made it look even more delicate. Below this was a billowy blue fabric which rested upon her legs in many different layers. The fabric was lined with a thin, blue, floral lace which made the ensemble look vintage, a look that Natalia rather liked. Francis placed a delicate silver chain around her neck and fastened it before she cou

ld complain, on the end of the necklace there was a single white gem. Natalia looked at him puzzled.

"Have you heard the phrase 'Diamond in the rough'?" Francis asked softly, Natalia shook her head for him to smile. "We all know what happened between you and your brother Natalia, I cannot begin to imagine how it felt to have him destroy-… My point is that that was your rough time, now it is time for the diamond to shine~"

"I can't accept this" Natalia finally spoke.

"It is a gift as a friend, you have been nothing but tolerant of me and for that you have my thanks. So lets go to the ball mon Cherie. And show them how this diamond shines."

"Ludwig. This is so boring" Gilbert growled as he sipped some punch. Punch! There wasn't even any beer!

"Try and be more respectful! This is the first time that the sister of Ukraine has shown herself to anyone since the war!" Elizaveta hissed from the arm of her Austrian partner. Her hair was up in a bun behind her, she wore simple black dress that was tied with a ribbon at the back, it showed off her bust and hips, a fact that most of the men around her did not neglect to notice. She had a delicate silver mask upon her high cheek

"Hey! Lizzy! I haven't seen you in like forever, have you grown tired of the fact that the Austrian lacks something downstairs? Kesesese!"

"You take that back!" The brunette raised her voice at him, alerting the attention of Roderich next to her. The Austrian turned, wearing a suit very similar to Ludwig's. His mask was black and plain, 'Just like his personality' Gilbert sneered.

"Oh sorry, I forgot you have another dick for both of you! Kesesese!" The Prussian cracked up laughing to receive a hit from his brother.

"I'm sorry for him Elizaveta" Ludwig muttered.

"It's fine… Last I heard he was a dead country walking." The woman hissed back spitefully.

"Wow… That was cold Lizzy. Ice cold." Gilbert deadpanned before wandering off to find someone he knew.

"Gilberto!" Antonio called from a corner. The Spaniard was enjoying the various foods on offer, and had about a platters worth of food on his plate. Gilbert grinned and walked to his 'amigo' and before Gilbert could even utter a word he popped a prawn appetiser in the Prussian's mouth "It's good, Si?"

"Ja Ja…" Gilbert mumbled through bites.

"I haven't seen you in too long Gil!" The happy Spaniard smiled in a way that made the waitress nearby them faint. Damn the Spaniards powers were strong…

"You talked to me yesterday on Skype…"

"That was talking, I haven't been able to see you properly in a long time amigo and I want to set you up with some pretty Senoritas they will do anything to you if-"

"Ahem! May I have your attention for a brief moment?~" Francis' sing song voice rang out above the crowd. "May I present to you out guest of honour today, Miss Natalia Arlovskya" The entire hall went silent.