Disclaimer : Rizzoli & Isles is Tess Gerittsen's baby, adopted by Janet Tamaro and is currently in a serious relationship with Turner Network Television. The soundtrack is not mine. The English language is pretty much public domain though. I hope.
1. The Jock
It's Thursday. The Sun still has sleep in her eyes, but the café's already busy with caffeine addicts looking for their first fix of the day.
She sits on her own at a small table in a corner by the window, hair loose and shaggy, eyes unseen behind her dark Ray Ban shades. The steam is still rolling off the top of the mug, but she's already on her last sip of black coffee, no sugar.
After emptying the cup, she puts it down and replaces it with her phone. 7 missed calls. 3 texts. All from the same person, no doubt. The ache behind her eyeballs stops her from rolling them.
Feeling only slightly more human, she breathes out a deep sigh and scrolls through her call log.
Frost… Ma… K. Call. The line rings.
"Jane!" She cringes at the perky pitch of the voice on the other line, reckoning she's heard it mutter and scream all sorts of things into her ear enough for a lifetime.
"Hey, K." Jane's voice is gravelly and tired like a metal band front-man after a long tour. She suppresses a yawn.
"Where are you? I didn't see you leave. I made breakfast…"
"I wasn't feeling well." It isn't a lie. She feels like shit caught in a bull stampede.
"Aww, poor baby. Is it your stomach? I can whip something right up and bring it to you. Grandma's recipe. Did you go home? Just text me your address and I'll be right over. How did you get there so fast?"
Too many questions. Jane doesn't like answering them, no matter the time of day. Time to rip the Band-Aid off.
"Sorry to do this over the phone, but, I think we should stop seeing each other." Her voice is level and detached.
"What? You're breaking up with me?" The surprise and hurt in the other girl's voice is evident, but she's unmoved.
"No. We just hooked up a couple times. We were never a couple, babe." Jane reasons.
"But- but, Jane. What about last night? I told you I love you." The girl is getting too emotional. This conversation has to end soon. "After we climaxed-"
"I can't date a girl who's in love with me."
This is what happens when people start attaching strings to a perfectly good casual arrangement. Jane shakes her head.
"I- I- I don't understand…"
Jane notices a fine figure standing by her table, smiling sweetly. She covers the phone's receiver with her free hand and looks up.
"Is this seat taken?" asks the sexy stranger with a cute nose-ring.
"I'm waiting for someone," Jane replies shortly.
Feeling like she just got the royal brush-off, the girl turns to walk away with a dejected look on her pretty face, but after a quick once-over Jane decides to add, "But maybe we can have coffee some other time. Soon."
It's never a question, but the answer is always the same.
"Yes, I'd like that," the girl smiles.
Seeing as her phone is still busy with Ms K on the other line probably begging and pleading, Jane pushes a clean napkin across the table and pulls a pen out of her denim jacket's breast pocket. Always be prepared. A few scribbles later, the girl pushes the pen and napkin slowly back toward Jane.
"Is this seat taken?" Frost asks with a smirk, having walked in to find that his best friend is at it again.
Ignoring the newcomer's presence, the girl winks at Jane and mouths 'call me' before sauntering away. Jane silently motions for her pal to sit before returning to her phone call.
"I hear ya, but I gotta go. Don't call or text, please. Take care."
She hangs up and holds up two fingers toward her waitress across the room.
"Who was that?" Frost asks curiously.
Jane reads the napkin and says, "Danielle…? Look, she even gave me her e-mail."
"I meant on the phone."
"Oh. Herstory."
"Jesus, Jane. Another one?" Frost is in amused disbelief. This girl goes through girls like he goes through breath mints.
"It's nothing, really," she says with a shrug, leaning back in her chair.
"If it was nothing, you wouldn't have had to sneak out of her apartment this early in the morning, and then call me cause your car's still under construction. Look, you've still got cum in your hair," he laughs hoping she falls for it.
Jane tries to stop herself from checking. "Ha-ha, very funny, Frost." Again, an eye-roll would have been nice, but the pain isn't worth it.
"I try. You look like shit, by the way."
"Gee, thanks."
"So," he moves along in a business-like tone, resting his elbows on the table and balancing his chin on interlinked fingers, "did she say the 'd', 'g' or 'l' word?"
Jane groans in annoyance, regretting having called him at all. "No text-speak before my second cup of coffee. Please."
"She either introduced you as her girlfriend, told you she loves you, or… freaked you the hell out by calling you her Daddy in the heat of things." He can't help it. He just has to bring that up every chance he gets.
"That only happened twice. And it doesn't do much for my own daddy issues, okay?"
She yawns.
"Didn't get much sleep, huh?" He's in a teasing mood, clearly.
"You have no idea," she retorts with a shit-eating grin, flashing back to the things that K-girl did and let her do last night... before she grew feelings, that is.
"Well, good luck getting through today with that hangover." He smiles, triumphantly.
She groans again. "Don't remind me. Dunno why they don't just let the school year start on a Monday."
"I'm with ya on that one, partner."
The waitress arrives with two fresh coffees. Jane subtly reads her name tag. Theresa.
"Thanks, T."
Theresa looks up, a little surprised. She then smiles shyly and walks away with a bit more sway in her hips.
"That's Theresa from school, right?" Frost asks, his eyes fixated on the waitress' retreating form.
Jane nods slightly, more concerned with savoring her second first sip of the morning.
"I remember when she was a Senior last year, she was nice." He nods to himself. After a moment's pause, he leans into Jane conspiratorially. "Whataya think my chances are with her?"
Jane shrugs, eyes closed behind her dark shades, feeling her body wake further up. One limb at a time.
"C'mon," he looks around bashfully, "Y'know, I heard she's still a virgin."
At that, Jane snorts.
"Okay, what's that supposed to mean?" He's clearly offended. Theresa's a nice girl, unlike some of the skanks he's seen Jane with this past year. She's pretty too, which is a bonus.
Jane just shrugs again.
"Spill or I'll tell Frankie where you were last night. And you know that's just as well as telling your Mom." He doesn't usually resort to threats. No, actually he does.
She concedes. "Not even a backdoor virgin."
"Ah, hell no! You've been with her?" Frost's face is quite comical in its incredulity.
"No, her sister told me," Jane says sarcastically, hoping he doesn't get the inside joke.
"You were with her sister too?!" His eyes struggle to keep within their sockets.
"Keep your voice down, jeez," she scolds in a harsh whisper, "And just for the record, T & C both knew about each other."
"Oh. My. God. You did it. You had a threesome with twins." He throws his hands up in defeat.
"Shut up, wouldja? You're causing a scene," she says, although she doesn't look around to check if anyone's listening in on their conversation. Jane plus hangover equals vegetable.
Frost quirks his eyebrow cynically and huffs in contempt, finally taking a sip of his decaf cappuccino. Just the way he likes it. Then he has a thought.
"You don't even know their names, do you?"
"Who?" she asks mechanically.
"The girls you sleep with. Notice how you always call them by the first letter of their name?"
"More like a system for keeping track." He puts his mug down. "Y'know what, I blame this new shagging spree on those damn tweezers. Now you're like the Shane McCutchers-Whitney Mixter love-child devil."
Really? Shagging spree? Love-child devil? Even Jane had to laugh at that. "Really, Frost? And it's McCutcheon. What kinda lesbro are you?"
"Seriously though. You were much calmer when you still had your uni-brow… and no 6-pack."
"It's an 8-pack," she corrects, "and I'm not forcing anyone into anything they don't want, so what's the big deal?"
"It's not like they fall for you on purpose, you big jerk." He gives her a hard look before going back to his beverage.
"Yeah, well…" the sentence dies in her mouth. She can't really argue with that, but she sure wishes she knew how to keep them from falling for her. It complicates things.
"One of these days your luck's gonna run out, y'know? And you'll meet a psycho-" Jane gives him a look, "-okay, a certifiable one, and she won't let you go so easily, or in one piece. Or…" He snatches the Ray Bans off her face.
"Jesus, Frost. You're gonna pay for that." She doesn't lunge at him like she's tempted to. Damn hangover.
He ignores her. "Or… you'll meet the perfect girl," he stares down her narrowed, bloodshot glare to get his point across, "and sneak out her window at sunrise just because you're too scared to get your shit together and stay still."
"You're right," she agrees with a slight nod.
"Damn right I'm right." He slams the shades on the table in exclamation before doing a double-take. "Wait- what? I'm right?"
Jane quickly grabs her shades and puts 'em back on, trying but failing to hide a smirk.
"Oh, you're just messing with me, ain't ya?"
"A little bit, yeah."
"I really hope you fall for a psycho. Why are we even friends again? You clearly don't listen to me."
"Cause I let you cheat off my test once and now I own your soul."
"Oh yeah, that. The one time I forget to study…" he shakes his head regretfully. "Still don't get why we still got detention if we both failed with flying colours."
"That's Pike for ya."
They both chuckle at a swarm of memories of terrorising the poor bastard. Mostly Jane, but Frost teases him vicariously through her.
"I heard one of the teachers is retiring."
"God, I hope it's Pike."
"You're preaching to the choir. Plus, you can't be scouted if your GPA's still riding on rims and fumes."
"I'll figure something out," Jane says with surprising conviction.
Basketball is pretty much the only thing she's totally poured her heart into since she joined the team in freshman year. Plus, as the only thing she's really great at, in school anyway, it's her foot in the door to a scholarship, especially since the Rizzoli's are a one-income household now. But the only thing standing in her way is her spectacular ineptitude at anything science-related. Not to mention that Pike is a useless bag of barf.
"Then no more girls," Frost says sarcastically. He tried to be serious, but his friend doesn't inspire much faith considering her recent history with the fairer sex. He doubts she'd be able to stay away for long.
"You're right," she replies, causing Frost to roll his eyes. "No, I mean it this time. A scholarship's way more important than any 'shagging spree'. I was just blowing off some steam. I'm good now."
"You do know that means you can't send Danielle a booty-mail, right?" They laugh as Jane pulls out some cash (tip included) and tucks it under her used coffee mug. She stands up and glances at her wristwatch. It's 8:46; school starts at 9:00.
"Which part of 'no more girls' do you not understand, Frost? C'mon, I don't wanna be late."
He snorts. "We'll see…"
As they reach the café entrance, Jane inadvertently opens the door for a beautiful red-head who smiles and gives Jane the up-and-down. Jane smirks and briefly watches the girl go further on inside before exiting the café herself. Frost sees all of this and a light bulb switches on in his head. He counts on his fingers as he lists off the rules.
"Okay, no more sex," Jane stops and turns to face him. "of any kind," he continues, "No making out, no dirty pics or videos," he quirks his eyebrow pointedly, "no breaking hearts, nothing. I'm tempted to even say no talking to girls since they could probably cum with your voice alone."
Jane does roll her eyes this time. Ouch.
"So only talking with all our clothes on?"
Frost nods. "All of them."
Jane knows Frost has a point with all this anti-girl-talk, and she truly is listening to what he's saying and believes he is right and a good friend for looking out for her and all that crap. She only has one problem with the whole 'no more girls' thing: the 'no' part.
"Just talking? To each other?"
Frost's eyes sparkle in glee. "Pretend it's me and you'll be fine," he says with a pat on her shoulder on his way past her.
Jane thinks about the last time she ever took the time to actually talk to a girl and listen to what she had to say in return. No pick-up lines or dirty talk or let-her-down-easy speeches. A 'conversation', it's called. She scrunches up her face and shakes her head at the recollection.
She mutters under breath as they quickly make their way over to Frost's car. "I like 'em so much better when they're naked."
A/N: This chapter was brought to you by IDA MARIA's 'I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked'. Thanks for reading! Review if you want to.