I don't own any of the characters - they belong to Marvel. Based on White Wolf's Vampire: The Masquerade roleplay system, revised edition

The Hunt - Pt. 1

The place - New York City. The time - half past two. The city that never slept strove to prove the title true, and the streets were still bustling with activity. For some, the abundance of life and commotion was a blessing, for others - a curse. It all depended on which role one played in the hunt.

"I see him!"
The cry was swallowed in the sounds of the crowd, though it was relayed safely to the earpiece the man was wearing. "The Captain", they called him, and to him, this was just another night on the job.

"Where?!" He demanded, eyes skimming the crowds, looking for his target.

"Ten o'clock, no, ten-thirty! Pointy, pierced, green ears, no doubt about it! It's him!" The voice rasped into his ear, and the Captain instantly spotted his prey.

"I've got visuals. Moving to intercept." He replied and dashed through the crowds, carrying himself with ease and swiftness that didn't become a man of his impressive stature.
He kept his eyes trained on him, a person, some might say, looking like a young man in his late teens. His short blond hair blew about in the wind as he ran, his blue eyes constantly looking over his shoulder as his pursuer. The only thing that really stood out about him were the uniquely shaped and colored ears, but the Captain knew better than to hunt over something like that. They were, after all, in 21st century New York City. Such sights weren't so rare during those days, let alone the nights.

What was special about the 'teen', they found out after tracking him for a while, and caught him in the act. There he was, claws and fangs drawn, about to strike and claim his victim. There was no doubt this 'boy' was no boy at all - he was a vampire - a monster, and it was up to them to hunt him down.

"Damn- I lost him!" He panted into the communication device, voice laced with frustration.

"He dove into the side street! Backtrack!"

"Copy that. Can't you get a clear shot yet, Bucky?!"

"Between it using the civilians as cover, and you two moving around all the time? I'm good, but not that good."

A mutter left the Captain's mouth as he dove into the alley. It was secluded and dark, and offered many hiding places for whoever needed to flee.
"Great." He concluded and reached for the gun hanging off his shoulder.
"Bucky, emergency-comm only." He ordered and loaded his weapon. He heard then the familiar tapping sound, a non-verbal reply to indicate the order was received. There was no need to give the creature a bigger advantage over them than it already had.

The trained eyes searched even the faintest of shadows, and he proceeded slowly, making almost no sound. It made it easier to notice the odd sound of something shifting, an almost organic noise that wasn't quite natural.
The Captain held his gun to his lips and uttered a small prayer before he lunged into the space between the two buildings.

"For God and Country!" He managed to say but do very little more as something came flying past him - an empty can.
He was careless.
The next moment something much bigger came at him, four legged, furry, and with two rows of sharp, deadly fangs that sank into the Captain's arm.

"N'gaah!" He screamed, the gun falling from his hand as he struggled to fend the beast - a wolf like creature - away. He could feel the blood trickling out of his body, but far too little of it fell to the ground. It was with terror he realized that the monster was feeding.

"Praise be to God, the father-" He chanted through clenched teeth, and immediately the creature let go and ran away with a terrified whimper. Two shots flew through the air, one missing him completely, but the other hit, right before the beast disappeared around a corner.

"Blast it, Bucky!" The Captain growled and retrieved his gun. "Why did you wait?!"

"You were in the line of fire, I-"

The argument came to an abrupt end as a loud scream tore through the air.

"Save it." The Captain ordered and held the gun with his good hand. The beast's jaws crushed his other arm, and he knew it was nothing but blind luck that left him with all his limbs. It still did little to stall him, and he ran in the direction the cry for help came from.

"Wait, Cap, it's-"
The communication was cut with a sharp burst of static, but the Captain had no time for that right then. He found him, a person crouching down on the ground, his belongings scattered all around him. He looked nothing like their target, what with his black hair and smaller build, but the Captain was already sucker-punched once; he wasn't eager to repeat that experience any time soon.

"Hail Mary, full of grace-" He whispered under his breath, but nothing happened. There wasn't so much as an acknowledgement as the young man remained still, his breath turning into fog in indication of his body heat.
Whoever the boy was - he wasn't their target. Worse, he was probably a victim.

"Easy, son, I'm here to help. My name's Steve."

The brown eyes that looked at him were confused and panicked, all the more-so when the boy, no older than his teens, looked down at the man's arm.

"It's a flesh wound." The Captain reassured, though in an obviously inpatient voice.
"Son, the thing that just came past here, that attacked you, which way did it go?"

It took a while, but finally the teen cooperated. He nodded slowly up at Steve, and then pointed down the alley. Four side-alleys branched off the one they were in, with one leading back to the main street.
The Captain had to fend off the urge to slam his fist against the nearest firm surface.

"Go home, son, lock the door, and bar the windows. Then, kneel down and pray." The man practically ordered before he ran off, hell bent on not losing the monster now that they finally caught its scent.

"Bucky!" He barked into the comm-piece. "Where did it go?! Did you-"

For a good while there was static still, and that made him come to a stop.
"Bucky- for God's sake, man, answer me-"

A giggle cut his worried banter, a melodious, sweet voice, and he frowned.

"I'm afraid 'Bucky' can't answer the phone, 'Captain'!"

He knew better than to think there'd be a point in asking anything. He also doubted whoever it was would be there when he got to the roof.
He just prayed Bucky would still be alive when he got there.

The man - Steve, was it? Disappeared, and the youth turned to look at the large dumpster that was just far enough from the wall to hide - say - a large wolf-like creature.

"He's gone now. You can come out." He said and collected his things before getting to his feet.

It wasn't until a moment later that his call was finally answered, and the large wolf emerged from the shadows. He gave the boy a long look, not quite certain how to take the rather calm air the boy had to him in light of what just happened. Still, the human was… smiling…

"You're wounded." The boy pointed out as he kneeled and eyed the bullet wound in the creature's hind-leg. He then looked in the direction the man - no doubt a hunter of sorts - disappeared in, only to see that the coast was clear. He let out a tiny sigh of relief before turning to look at the beast again, and still there was no fear or even alarm in his eyes. Only reverence, and something not unlike… joy?

"My apartment isn't far from here, I could take care of you there."

It was obvious the wolf considered its options, but before long he made a movement not unlike a nod. He moved to follow, limping after the boy.
The teen said nothing, and walked as quickly as he could, as even in its wounded state, the wolf was faster than him.