Hi guys, I somehow thought of a random idea for a story. I don't own Bleach sadly although I wish I did. I love reviews by the way

Karin in the Rukongai

I waited crouching in the shadows, grabbing the rock and throwing it against the wooden board. The man turns his head wondering what cause the sound, making his slow time to investigate. I jump up grab the white-black checkered ball and the sack of potatoes and run like hell, not bothering to look back at the old rugged man.
I can hear is the man's shouts of protest as I make my way through the streets of the Kagonotori*. I laughed at the thrill of the successful steal, and the possible danger it could bring. Although I didn't like to steal, it seemed like the only way to survive in a place like this.

Soon I hear the man's pursuit as he swears at my running figure, and I speed up. I smiled at the challenge, and made some sharp turns. I looked back sure I had lost him, and slowed down my gait. I started heading toward the hideout, beaming at my new treasures.

The sun started to set, and my feet shuffled faster, not wanting to be caught in the dark alone. It wasn't that I couldn't take care of myself, but living in the 71 district in the Rukongai wasn't exactly safe. I arrived here nine months ago and I learned how to survive here fast. I made a few friends along the way as well.

I walked into the woods stopping by a large tree, the large leaves shielded us from the rain, and you would be surprised by how few people tend to look up. I climbed to my branch and knocked on the trunk.

"Oi, I'm here!" I yelled up, four thuds landed beside me, and I scarcely looked up, tossing potatoes at their directions. I could almost feel my friends smiled.

"How'd you get these Karin?" The eight year old spiky black haired boy asked, his forest green eyes stared in wonderment.

"None of your concern Kiyoshi," I said ruffling his hair, he smiled childishly and I ruffled his hair affectionately. Kiyoshi was one of the only good things in the Kagonotori, he was nice, kind, and innocent. That's why me and the group tried to keep him in the dark on all the evil in the 71 district. He came about three months after I did.

"Sore wa nandesuka?" Isamu asked.

"It's a ball Burondi*, I think I used to play something like this when I was in the world of the living." Isamu was a tall blond boy (I called him Burondi because of his hair), who arrived in the Rukongai 15 years ago. He was brave, yet by far the most arrogant.

"What's the game called?" The short auburn haired boy asked.

"I'll tell you when I remember." I said looking at Hayato. Hayato was the second oldest in the group, and had been here for 25 years, though didn't look a day over 15.

"You shouldn't have risked it Karin, food was enough." The cold auburn haired girl said coldly.

I scowled, Kimiko was never one to take the risk, yet she was scary in her own way, you couldn't help but want to please her, and for that I rebelled against everything she said. She was a petite blond with green eyes, and looked about 16, and as far as we know was born in Kagonotori, and had been here for over 100 years.

"You'll be happy when we play with it tomorrow," I said begrudgingly.

Soon, the sun went down and we all huddled up close together, trying to preserve our heat. Kiyoshi huddled next to me, clinging onto my arm.

"Karin, do you remember the living world?" Kiyoshi asked.

"A little bit," I said absently, ruffling his hair, his green eyes begging me to tell, "I remember a green field, smiles and gray streets, and I remember orange hair, and white hair, and I remember a ball a lot like the one I brought today," I said whispering into his hair.

"I wish I could remember the world," he said closing his eyes.

"Maybe we'll go there someday Kiyoshi, just you and me," I closed my eyes falling into a deep sleep.

Dream/Inner World

Flashes, pictures running past. There was that same orange haired man fighting in a black kimono, that black and white ball on a green field as a white haired boy kicked it into the net, a girl with light brown hair smiling her strawberry hair clip hanging at her side. Don't you remember? The person of the muffled voice came into view, his eyes are the same color blue as the fire on a gas stove, his hair red and spikey, the wind howled, fire rained from the sky, and the earth trembled.

"Who are you?" I asked. The land roared, and the voice responded in a muffled voice don't you remember who you are?

Back to Consciousness

I woke up to wet water splashing on my face, gasping for air and coughing.

"Karin!" Kiyoshi tackled me with a hug, and started shaking. I patted his hair trying to sooth him; he started crying into my ragged kimono.

"It's okay," he started crying harder grabbing onto my arms, "It's okay, what happened?" I asked looking at everybody; they all stared at me like I was a freak.

"Karin, what did you do?" Hayato asked. I stared at him confused.

"Karin, you were burning up and wouldn't wake up, so we dragged you to the river, demo things that you touched started catching on fire," Isamu said.

"That's impossible," I said blankly.

They all looked at me oddly, but let it slide. I got up and hugged Kiyoshi once more and started heading back to the hideout.

Later in the day we decided to play with that white and black ball. I was pretty good at it. We passed the ball around at first, until we made goals, and split up into two groups. Kiyoshi wanted to watch so it was Isamu and I against Hayato and Kimiko.

Kimiko and I guessed the number Kiyoshi was thinking in order to try and get first dibs on the ball and Kimiko won. She started by hitting the ball towards Hayato who started dribbling down to my goal, Isamu stole the ball and passed it down the field to me, I quickly shot it between the two rocks. The game went on for two hours, and by the end we were all panting and sweating like crazy. I collapsed onto the ground and smiled at the radiating sun.

"Soccer!" I yelled jumping up, startling all the others.

"Nani?" Hayato asked.

"Soccer, it's what the game we played is called," I smiled and looked at him, "I remember.

Nani = What

Kagonotori = Caged Bird

Burondi = Blondie

Sore wa nandesuka = What is that

R&R thanks guys!