disclaimer: i own nothing.

notes: okay, i know i said this was going to be a oneshot, but i got some really great reviews from my reviewers and ideas just kept popping in my head and wouldn't quit! lol sorry for rambling but now i know exactly where i want to go with this. & guys, i got alot of favorites on this story, and i would REALLY love to know your thoughts. like why even favorite a story if you can't let the writer know your thoughts, ykno? i'm just sayin'. so, please review! thanks so much and please check out my recent oneshot "losing grip!"




breaking free
visionary dreams




The way you move is like a full-on rainstorm
And I'm a house of cards
You're the kind of reckless that should send me running
But I kinda know that I won't get far
And you stood there in front of me
Just close enough to touch
Close enough to hope you couldn't
See what I was thinking of

Sparks Fly / Taylor Swift

This was not Hinata's scene at all.

The party was in full blast, nearing midnight. The music was blaring through Kiba's house and the amount of drunken, sweaty bodies in his living room dancing was putting Hinata off.

Where were her so called "friends" anyway?! They were the ones that forced her to come!

Oh right. Sakura spotted Sasuke and ran off, Ino went to hunt down Shikamaru, and Karin ran at the sound of beer pong.

What bitches.

Setting the red cup full of alcohol that Ino handed her down on a table, Hinata looked for an escape route. She was never one to party; there was no reason to start now. In fact, she much whether be at home with Netflix and chocolate anyway.

And ugh, did someone REALLY just smack her ass?!

Blushing red in anger and embarrassment, Hinata stormed off from where she was in the dining room, ignoring the chants of "Fight, Fight, Fight!" coming from the living room.

All she needed to do was find the front door and she was free of all this "excitement".

Not even paying attention to her surroundings, Hinata was pushed back by the two fighting and fell to the floor.

"Ow!" She yelped, as the two continued fighting, and she struggled to get up. Of course, just her luck to get hurt while she was trying to get out of something. Hyuuga Hinata, the luckiest girl in the entire world, gets ambushed trying to be a good girl, leaving the illegal activities. She snorted inwardly, despite her current situation. The thoughts that ran through her head sometimes.

"Need any help?" A tan hand came out of nowhere and he was hard to hear from all the yelling and fighting. Without even giving her a chance to answer, he grabbed her hand, and hauled her to her feet.

Hinata dusted off herself as he asked, "Hey, are you okay?"

She looked up into the most sincerest, beautiful blue eyes she had ever seen in her short seventeen years of life.

She blushed and managed to stutter out, "Y-yeah." He gave her a grin that made her suddenly feel weak in the knees. Wow, he was so cute. The boy beside her stood at least 6'3, with blonde hair and sun-kissed skin. He wore dark skinny jeans and a black tee.

Then, he cupped his hands over his mouth and yelled, "Aye, fuckheads quit fighting and get the fuck out of here!" The two admittedly stopped and looked over towards him, then scrambled to get out of the house fast.

Once everyone settled down and the music was back on, the mysterious boy looked down at her and grinned, motioning his head towards the front door. "Wanna get out of here?"

It went against everything Hinata learned about boys and trusting strangers, but for some reason, she nodded and followed after him.

It was an act of impulse that would change her life forever.

She followed him down Kiba's yard to the end of the driveway, where an orange motorcycle was parked.

"W-we're riding that?" She stuttered slightly, pointing nervously towards the street bike.

"Yup," he said, patting the bike fondly, and reaching out to hand her an orange helmet.

Hinata gulped, and took the helmet nervously as the blonde haired teen got on the bike and revved it up.

"You comin' or what?" He asked, winking, and without even a second thought, she put the helmet on and straddled the bike behind him.

That motorcycle and that wink were gestures Hinata would never end up forgetting.

He whooped and hollered as they speed off.

Twenty minutes later, while they were speeding on the interstate at around one o'clock with nowhere to go, did Hinata realize she had no idea who this boy in front her was.

"Wait!" She yelled over the motorcyle and whip of the wind around them. The air was cool and the stars above them glittered bright in the night sky. Her hair was whipping fast past her ears and she felt a rush she had never felt before. "What's your name?"

The boy in front of her laughed loudly, "Naruto! What's yours?"

"Hinata," she said, blushing, tightening her arms around his waist.

"A pretty name for a pretty lady!" He yelled, laughing and speeding up faster.

For once in her life, Hinata was living in the moment.