Hello and welcome to the What If Series!

Now, I'm just sayin'... I daydream at school (Chemistry) about random situations that aren't in the movie of The Avengeeeeeers!

What If... Everyone pranked Loki and called him The Beautiful Dancing Princess Gazelle for a whole god-dangin' week?

What If... Hawkeye MISSED a target? Oh! The tragedy!

What If... Captain America had a crazy addiction to coffee? PSH, the Sleeping Beauty :P

Have you daydreamed about randomness, but you couldn't really savor the flavah of the situation because it hasn't been written yet?

Well look-y here! Yo weird little dreams will come true!

Just send your funny/serious/creepy/totally and completely random ideas for The Avengers in the form of a review or PM, and I will write the situation as one chaptah!