For a long time, their life was not the easiest. Patrolling at night was dangerous, and keeping their relationship a secret from both the criminals and their family was hard. Over time, Jason and Dick were able to tell their family about their feelings for one another. Although it took a while for their family to accept them. However, when rumor leaked on streets that Red Hood had a thing for Nightwing, that was when everything became a little more hazardous.

The more stressful patrolling was, the more they fought. They would go weeks without sex, and even longer without speaking. Even though they hardly had time to be together, they still loved each other.

Whispering "I love you." while crossing paths over the skyline of Gotham was enough to keep their relationship going.

On slower nights, they made love wherever they could. It had to be fast, because they never knew when they would be needed.

A lot have years have passed since then, and now the could enjoy each other. After Dick suffered a major life-threatening injury, they both decided to stop the vigilante work – most of the time. Dick had no choice but to stop, but Jason decided to stop because patrolling was no fun without his boyfriend. Now they could stare into each others eyes, under the dimmed light of their bedroom.

Jason's legs were spread open, Dick was licking and kissing at the head of his penis. A moan was building in Jason's lungs. It was moments like this that made him wish they had stopped patrolling while they were still in their early twenties.

Unexpectedly their door was thrown open. Dick grabbed the sheets and covered them over himself, and Jason as their child padded into the room.

Jason uttered a soft curse, with a nervous laugh, "He almost saw..."

Dick , who was still laying on top of Jason, grabbed a handful of hair and yanked to get him to stop giggling, "Is there something we can help you with?"

"Can't sleep." the child yawned, his big golden brown eyes were watery with tears. "I had a nightmare..."

"You're a big boy, go sleep in your room." Jason quickly banished, but Dick tugged on his hair again, "Okay...okay, go sleep in your sister's room – OW," Jason growled, his scowl meeting with Dick's smirk.

Dick rolled his eyes, and turned his attention to his son, "You can sleep with us tonight."

As the little boy climbed into the bed, Jason protested, "I still think seven is too old to be sleeping -" he was interrupted by the sharp cry of an infant, "Sounds like someone is hungry."

"I'll get her." Dick rolled off Jason, while they were speaking, they had managed to slip their boxers back on.

"You sure?" Jason questioned, sitting up.

Dick stretched down, and grabbed his prosthetic, which he quickly strapped on the knee of his right leg. "Yup."

Thank you for reading. :3

For those of you wondering, I will write a fic that will reveal the names of the two children, and show how Dick lost his leg. I'm not sure if the fics are going to be oneshots of this AU, or apart of my Decisions multichapter fic (that is part of the same AU). Anyway, thank you for reading. :3