Midnight: Sorry it took so long and also I'm using the library's computer so that's the only reason I was able to update. I'm working on the next chapters for many of my works but it's going to be slow. Also I don't know if my beta has internet yet so bare with my spelling mistakes.

Pairing: G1 Wheeljack/Harry (Techno)
Prompt given to me by Sallzy

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Wheeljack sighed as he watched the light grey and dark green Praxian, talking with his brother on the other side of the Rec Room, before the inventor took another drink of his high grade. He had been pinning after the other mech since he meet the young communications technician. He sighed again as he watched Techno before he got up and left the Rec Room heading for his lab, never noticing the pale green optics of his love interest watching him leave longingly.

There were many reasons he couldn't be with Techno, the inventor mused as he made his way to his lab. One, the other was the SIC's younger brother. Prowl would likely kill him if he made a move on Techno. Two, Techno was many vorns younger then him. No way would the younger mech want someone as old as him. Three, he was a walking time bomb! Very few even like to associate with him because of that fact. And the list just wen on and on. Wheeljack sighed as he sat down and began working on a new weapon for Prime.

Techno swore softly as he dodged laser fire. The cons had decided to attack a local power plant in the middle of the night dragging many of the mechs out of recharge. He was one of the few who were tasked with guarding Wheeljack as the inventor sat up his latest invention. He cursed and looked over his shoulder at the inventor trying to ignore the bolt of arousal that shot through him as he gazed at the mech he secretly loved. But it wasn't the time to indulge in watching the other work, there was a battle going on.

"How's it going 'jack" he asked his melodious voice cutting through the sounds of laser fire.

The inventor grinned, finials flashing earning another round of laser fire their way, as he chirped happily, "Almost done Techy."

The communications mech chuckled at the nickname as he fired back at the enemy, not noticing the three cons sneaking up behind them before it was too late, "Hurry up and get it up!"

He turned to grin at the other before freezing when a large con swung at the inventor, hitting him in the helm, "Wheeljack!"

Wheeljack crumbled to the ground as the cons leaped at Techno, the Praxian fighting them off desperately calling the other's name. Wheeljack groaned as he tried to sit up fighting to stay online, the last thing the inventor saw before falling offline was them knocking Techno out, "Techno..."

The next time Wheeljack woke up, he was staring at the orange ceiling of the repair bay. The inventor groaned sitting up and clutching his helm, "Techo?"

"He was captured," Prime spoke softly from beside his berth, "You and Techno were ambushed during the battle."

"We have to save him!"

"And we will, 'Jack. Mirage and Jazz are going on a rescue mission to retrieve him."

"I'm going too."


"I used to be Special Ops, Prime, I can handle it."

"Very well, I will inform Jazz."

There was a chuckle from behind them, "No need, Prime, Ah heard it all."

Optimus nodded, "Very well, Jazz."

Jazz looked at the inventor grinning, "Never thought ya'ld come back tah the Ops, Jackie."

Wheeljack growled, "The cons messed with the wrong mech."

Jazz chuckled before leaving with Prime, "We leave in half a joor, be ready."

"Yes, sir."

Techno winced as he came online, grimacing as he tried to move before swearing softly when he found he couldn't. Judging by the rattling sound he heard, Techno guessed he was chained to the berth.

"Good to see that you have finally decided to awaken," Techno grimaced as he onlined his optics to confirm, that yes that was Megatron talking to him, whom he glared at who only smirked in return, "You are a very hard mech to capture."

"What do you want from me?!" the young mech growled doorwings flapping agitatedly against the berth.

The tyrant only chuckled as he headed to the door, "I'll leave that for my Third to explain." He smirked over his shoulder at Techno as he left, "Have fun~"

Techno tensed when he finally noticed the silent blue mech before hissing, "What. Do. You. Want?!"

The TIC's visor flashed as he answered calmly gazing down at the frightened Praxian, "Soundwave: Desires Techno."

The communications expert stilled when he heard this before hissing loudly like a wild cyber-cat, "You can't have me! I only love one mech and you are not -umph!"

He cried out in surprise, having not noticed when Soundwave moved until the mech captured his lips in a brutal kiss causing Techno t whimper in pain. Techno quickly recovered and bit down on Soundwave's lip. The telepath jerked back before slapping Techno hard causing him to cry out.

Soundwave gripped his chin hard as he growled harshly loosing his usual monotone, the telepath's lip bleeding, "Techno: Will be Soundwave's."

Techno spat energon in the other's face, optics blazing with defiance as he hissed, "Go frag yourself."

The third in command slapped him hard again before leaving. Techno lay on the berth staring up at the ceiling forlornly, 'Wheeljack...'

To be continued...

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Midnight: Hope you like it also heres the cybertronian time reference.

Breem - 8.3 Earth minutes

Joor - About 6.5 Earth hours

Orn - About 13 Earth day

Cycle - About 3 Earth weeks

Stellar Cycle - About 73 Earth Months

Vorn - About 83 Earth years

And please forgive me for the cliff hanger and don't worry I will continue the story. Next one-shot will be up soon the prompt was given to me by Le-maru. Though I can't post it today cause the library will be closing soon.