Waking up at the feeling of those lips on her hand, Em hummed softly with a smile on her face. "Good morning to you, my queen." Planting a blind kiss to the brunette's forehead she then stretched lightly. Opening her eyes the soldier grinned. "You kept your promise."

"And good morning to you, my love." Regina kissed the tip of Emma's nose. "I don't make promises I don't intend to keep." She smiled, looking into those green eyes.

Emma rolled them over and hovered her upper body over the brunette's. She was silent as she stared at her, memorizing each feature of Regina's face. After a moment she spoke. "Wanna know my favorite part of you, other than the obvious?"

Regina tilted her head to the side as she looked up at Emma, nodding in regards to her question. "Yes."

"The scar you have on your lip. I love it." She kissed it lightly. "What's the story behind it?"

"Well, when I was just a girl learning to ride a horse, my steed bucked me off. Right into a thick bush of thorns. I actually received quite a few cuts and scraps, but with the way I landed this," she ran her finger over the scar, "was the deepest gash. And it left its mark."

Emma listened closely. She smiled sweetly and ran her hand over her hair. "Well, I happen to love it. It makes you even more beautiful to me."

"That's really sweet, Princess." Regina smiled and lifted her head to kiss Emma softly. "Now tell me, what would you like to do today? Your mother will be here tomorrow. Today, today's all about us."

"All about us, huh?" She smiled sweetly. "Well, what else is there to do in this massive kingdom of yours?"

"Plenty. As much as there is to do in yours. We could go for a walk or horse riding again, maybe take a dip in the lake this time. Or, if you want to show off your skills again, I'm sure Roran would be up for some swordplay or archery. Whatever you want, love."

"You had me at 'Lake'." She smiled and kissed the corner of her mouth. "Then maybe a walk." She kissed the other side of Regina's mouth. "After that.. I'll show off again in a different way." Emma's lips took control of the queen's and ran her hand up the woman's side.

A shiver of anticipation ran down Regina's spine at her lover's words and her hands slid to the side's of Emma's neck, her thumbs playing with the blonde's earlobes as she kissed her back deeply, tongues battling for dominance. The princess could show off any time she wanted.

Emma grinned once she pulled back. "Hmm I say we go now before I change my mind and you aren't allowed out of my bed."

Regina laughed and kissed Emma once more softly. "Okay. If we continue this much longer, I won't want to leave anyways." She smiled and slipped out from under Emma, pulling her dress on again. "I need to head to my chambers for something more appropriate to wear. Come with me, dear, and I'll give you something as well."

The couple made it down to the lake in thier apporpriate wear for the occasion. It didn't take long for Emma to start walking into the lake then dive under. She came back up, slicking her blonde locks back. "Come, my Lady. The water is perfect."

"Not too cool and not too warm, hmm?" Regina smiled and headed into the water after Emma, dipping under and resurfacing near the blonde, wiping her face. "So, if you're going to be staying here with me, you'll be getting your own space. Unless, that is, you'd like to continue to stay in my chambers."

"I will do and stay whatever and where ever you want me to. I'm yours. Your prisoner, your slave, and your lover." Emma floated closer to the queen and moved her hand over her brown hair,slowly.

Regina closed her eyes at Emma's touch and wrapped an arm around the blonde's waist to pull her closer. "Mmm, I like the slave idea." She smirked with a spark of mischief in her eye, her lips ghosting the princess'. "Honestly, I'd prefer to think of you just as my lover."

"Then thats what I am, for as long as you want me." It baffled Emma that she could fall in love with this woman so quickly and not feel ashamed about it. If she found out that Regina had cast a spell on her, Emma highly doubted she would give two licks about it.

"I have a feeling I'll want you around for a long time, dear." Regina kissed Emma softly and then leaned her forehead against the blonde's. "So what are you going to tell your mother tomorrow? When she comes for you and your father?"

Emma pulled Regina impossibly closer, arms wrapped around each other. "I'm going to tell her that she can have Pop, but I'm staying. I wanna stay with you, Regina." She smiled. "If you told me that you placed me under a curse to love you... I don't think I'd care. For some reason I'm happy with you. For some reason I fell in love with you and I don't want to change that."

"Oh?" Regina cocked a brow, intrigued by the princess' determination to stay with her, to love her. "Well the good news is that I didn't curse you. I had considered taking your heart to control you, but then decided I'd rather seduce you." She grinned playfully. "Good ol' fashioned seduction is more fun." She cupped Emma's face and stroked her cheek with her thumb. "What if your mother thinks you've been bewitched and tries to fight for you?"

"As long as you're in love with me, that's all that matterse." She smiled and kissed the grin on the queen's face. "Well, if and when she tries to fight, I'll stand my ground. In front of you. No matter what, I'm staying."

"I am." Regina replied in a rich, deep tone. "Very much so. I never thought I'd fall in love again, especially with my enemy's daughter. But here we are." She smiled and kissed the blonde again slowly, languidly. "And I'm glad to hear it. I'm sure I won't get to keep you without a fight."

"Just promise me you wont hurt her." She whispered against her lips. After a pause she smirked. "I know you should never ask a lady her age but, I am your enemy's daughter and you look just as old as I..."

"I promise." Regina said without hesitation. She really wanted to keep that promise above all others because she knew Emma loved her mother dearly, but she wasn't sure what she'd do if Snow White or Charming tried to break them apart, which was the most likely scenario. Her brow furrowed a bit at the thought but then she laughed at Emma's indirect question. "I was 19 when I first met your mother. She was 11."

"I'm 27, Mother is 51 now. So you're 59." She smiled. "You look amazing for your age by the way." She grinned and kissed her nose.

Regina laughed. "Yes, I'm old." She smiled though at the compliment. "Well thank you. Magic works wonders for one's complexion."

"Nah, you're not old. You're wise and experienced." She smiled. "Very. Very. Experienced." She kissed the brunette long and slow. "I don't think its all magic, my lady." Emma whispered against her lips.

"And you're very sweet when you want to be." Regina's voice took on a softer quality, much like that when she was just a teenager in love with the stable boy. She grinned mischievously into their kiss and then rubbed noises with her lover once it had ended. "Flatter."

After spending the entire day and night together, it had sadly come to an end. Snow White was on her way with her soldiers right behind her. Emma walked outside the castle gates to greet them, her hand in the Queen's. "Ready for this, your majesty?"

"Of course. I'm always prepared." Regina's eyes met Snow's as the younger woman approached, both sporting matching scowls.

Snow held up her fist to signal her men to stop and then jumped down from her horse, walking towards the queen slowly, her eyes falling on the couple's linked hands. "What's going on? Emma?"

"Mother, this war needs to stop. Regina has agreed to unite our kingdoms. Pop can come home to you, but I'm staying." She saw the look Snow gave her. "I'm in love. The queen and I fell in love and I think its a great reason to end the fighting."

Snow's mouth hung open for a minute, the raven haired beauty not knowing what to say immediately. Surely Emma couldn't truly be in love with a dark creature like Regina. "You have to be joking. How could you love her, Emma, knowing all she's done?"

"I'm not joking. I'm not cursed. I'm just in love. Yes, Regina has done some bad things but, I've seen the good she's done while I've been here. Hell, she saved my life just the other night." Emma sighed. "I know its hard to believe, but please, for me, don't take me away. And don't take her away from me."

It tugged at Snow's heart how much Emma sounded like her child self as she begged for their acceptance. But Snow White didn't trust Regina. The woman had been given chances to repent and failed. "And you don't think she could easily trick you? Plan things to go a certain way to make herself look good?"

Regina, for her part, really just wanted to smack the woman. But she remained silent, her scowl deepening. This was between mother and daughter - for the time being. She couldn't convince Snow herself that she hadn't bewitched Emma.

"She hasn't. You know how I have the gift of being able to tell if someone is lying to me? Well, just believe me when I say that the 'Evil Queen' isn't so evil. She loves me." She smiled and turned to Regina. "I'm not sure how this happened between us or why but, all I know is that I'm happy." She turned back to Snow. "And with this new happiness we want to unite the kingdoms."

Regina's frown shifted into an affectionate smile as her gaze met Emma's, Snow White watching the two's interaction carefully. "Is this true, Regina? Are you willing to end this feud between us?"

The queen looked to Snow and squeezed Emma's hand. "Yes. I've found my happiness. No reason to try and ruin yours anymore."

Snow's eyes narrowed but she nodded once. "Fine. Where's my husband?"

"Right inside my walls."

Walking inside the castle with Regina, Snow and a couple of her Knights to protect her, the princess looked through the glass a few feet away at her father. Taking a breath, the blond wrapped her arms around the queen from behind and kissed the back of her head.

Regina leaned back into Emma's warmth and covered the blonde's arms with her own, her eyes then shifting to Snow White who was staring at the body of her husband. "Go on." The queen said softly. "True love's kiss will wake him, just as it did when he woke you."

Snow heard the words but didn't look back. Opening the glass casket she leaned down and kissed Charming's lips softly. The feeling of his breath rushing passed her lips and into his lungs, she smiled and pulled back. Her love was awake and back with her.

Charming opened his eyes and gasped for air, smiling once he spotted Snow. He sat up and cupped her cheeks, kissing her again. "You found me."

"I'll always find you." She smiled against his lips then sighed. "However we have a little problem." White whispered.

"Wha-" Then his eyes spotted the problem, his daughter's arms wrapped around their enemy. He'd known about the girls Emma had romanced before, but to see her with THAT woman, he about lost it. "What the hell have you done to my daughter, you witch!?"

Regina rolled her eyes. "Besides love her... nothing."

Emma moved mostly in front of her lover when he snapped. Her hand, however, in Regina's. "I love her and I'm not ashamed of it. Now, I've told mother that this could be the best way to unite our kingdoms and end the pointless war."

"It began as a pointless war, but the more it went on, the more I realized we need to destroy Regina and end her tyranny. Emma, she's probably just using you. To get to us." Charming pushed himself to his feet.

"Her Tyranny is ended, Pop. Please, believe me." She pleaded. "I know this is hard for you to swallow but please try. For me."

Charming clenched his jaw, staring Regina down. The sorceress, in return, frowned deeply. She could barely stand the man. "What do you think, Snow?" He whispered to his wife.

His wife turned to face him. "Trust our daughter. Maybe they are in love and Regina has changed or Emma has something up her sleeve."

"Her change? Doubtful." He looked over at Snow tenderly. "Okay. I do trust our daughter. Maybe she's done some tricking of her own."

"I'm sure we'll find out soon enough."

As the parentals spoke, Emma had turned to face the queen. "No matter what, I love you." She smiled then leaned in kissing the brunette softly.

Regina smiled and rested her forehead against Emma's for a moment. "I love you, too." Her brown eyes traveled over to the Charmings as they looked on.

James cleared his throat and then spoke up. "We should get ready to head home, Emma. That is, if the queen really plans to let us go."

"You two can go. I'm going to stay here for a bit longer." She smiled at the beautiful woman in front of her then looked to her parents. "Go on without me. I'll be okay."

"I'm not really comfortable with leaving you here..." Charming began before Regina cut him off.

"Listen, you're both free to go. You're not my prisoners. And if I were using Emma against you, don't you think I would have done something by now? Why in the world would I allow Snow to wake you if I planned to destroy you both?"

"Look, I've been here for days. Alone with Regina and her guards. I think I can survive more of those kinds of days. I'll visit in a couple days, but at least now you know our kingdom is safe as long as I'm here."

Regina smiled and Charming huffed. "Fine. I'm sure Regina would have killed us all by now if she were just using you." He still didn't trust the witch and kept the thought to himself that she may have something up her sleeve. But Emma was a smart girl. She could handle herself. "We'll take our leave and see you soon." He could always talk some sense into her if he had to. When they were apart from the Evil Queen, that is.

Emma saw her parents off then turned around to grin at the queen. Wrapping her arms around Regina's waist, she picked her up and spun her around with a chuckle. "Mm I'm all yours." Setting her down, she crashed her lips onto her lover's in a heated kiss.

Kissed thoroughly by her lover, Regina was left breathless afterwards with a satisfied smirk. "That was a lot easier than I thought it'd be." She had truly thought they'd fight her for Emma.

"Yeah it really was. I didn't expect it to be honest." She ran her hands under the brunette hair and rested on the back of her neck. "However, I'm not complaining."

"Neither am I, dear. Now... I just have George to deal with." She frowned, unsure what to do with her husband but knowing he'd be pissed she was pulling their army out.

"I'll go with you if you'd like. Maybe try to sell the kingdoms being united?"

Regina laughed bitterly. "Sell him on the uniting of kingdoms? No. He's a tougher audience than I. For I was only sold on the idea because of you and my love for you." She took Emma's hands in her own and kissed the blonde softly. "I'll deal with him later." She sighed. "Surely he'll call upon me."

Emma moved the hair off of the shorter woman's neck and kissed it soft and slow. "When..." She kissed her pulse point, "did you..." She kissed right under Regina's earlobe. "realize that..." The princess then sucked on it, "you fell..." Lips travled the length of the brunette's jaw, "in love..." She kissed her full lips lovingly, "with me?"

Regina bit her lip as Emma hit her pulse point, a hot spot, and then moaned as she sucked on her ear lobe, the queen's concentration waning as her lips met Emma's. "I knew it for sure when I couldn't sleep with George. Because I'd never had an issue using my body as a weapon or tool before you."

"I'm really glad you didn't lay with him that night. I hated not being able to be with you for that whole night." She ran her thumb down Regina's scar. "I hated knowing that he would touch you the way I had been able to touch you." Emma's lips ghosted over the queen's lips. "I happen to be very possessive."

Regina kissed her lover's thumb, her honey eyes connecting with Emma's green. "No one will ever touch me that way again but you." She kissed the soldier's lips softly. "I'm all yours. And I actually sort of like that you're possessive." She grinned. "It's sexy on you."

"Good, because you are my evil queen and no one elses." She pulled her even closer, having no idea that one of George's guards were watching from behind a pillar. "And everything else is sexy on you." Kissing her once more, Emma took Regina's hand in her own. "How about we save the 'Uniting' speech for later and we celebrate by ourselves?"

"I think that sounds perfect." Regina smiled. "And how would you like to celebrate?"

George's guard slipped away to inform his king of the queen's actions with the enemy.

"Hmm I'm thinking I could show you just how much I love you in that chamber of yours."

"Have I mentioned that I love the way you think?" Regina asked as she pulled Emma in the direction of her room.

George was furious once his guard had informed him of Regina's affections for the daughter of Charming. There was no way in hell he was just going to let his wife live happily ever after with the wench nor Charming with Snow White.

The next morning, Emma dressed for the ride to Charming's castle. She leaned close and kissed Regina's lips with a smirke. Once they mounted their horses, the couple trotted towards the woods. About an hour had passed and the stallion the princess had been riding became restless. Seconds later something spooked him and he took off in the opposite direction, over the hill.

Regina was taken by surprise at first, her horses not usually so jittery, but quickly spurred her steed into action, following after Emma to ensure she didn't get injured. But when she peaked the hill, she didn't see her anywhere. "Emma!" She soon heard a growl and turned her head to spot a large wolf standing off to she side. Its head low and its teeth bared.

Emma had fallen off the black steed and landed in the dried leaves of the woods. Hearing her name then the growl of a wolf, the princess got up quickly and drew her sword, running toward the sounds of the frieghtened mare. She made it between the predator and her lover, weapon ready. Recognizing the markings of the wolf she lowered the blade and put it back in the sheith. "Red."

Regina was mere seconds away from forming a fireball and shooting it the wolf's way when Emma stepped in front of her. She loved how strong and protective the young woman was of her. The queen lowered her hand, her mouth dropping slightly agape upon hearing the name spoken from Emma's lips.

Red's ears perked up, her tail going between her legs in apology as she slowly approached the princess.

Emma went to one knee and greeted Red with a pat to the head. "You're forgiven and I'm okay. Regina is coming to the castle with me. No worries but you do your job well protecting this land." The soldier stood and smiled. "Escort us?" She asked then climbed onto Regina's horse, behind her. "The stallion fleed. I wasn't able to stop him. I'm sorry, my love."

Red didn't trust Regina, but she was glad to see Emma. She sat on her haunches, her tail wagging as she waited to escort to two to the castle. Regina leaned back into Emma and shook her head. "Don't worry about it, love. The horse can be replaced. It was you I was worried about."

Emma wrapped her arm around Regina's stomach and smiled. "You really do love me huh?" She chuckled then urged the mare to move forward with her heels. Fifteen minutes passed and the couple finally arrived at the castle. Dismounting, Emma spoke silently to the guard and he passed the word on to the inside. Looking up to her queen with a smirk, she gripped the reins and led the horse and rider through the gates.

Regina smiled warmly back at Emma and let her guide the horse in, Red bursting in past them like a flash of lighting. Once they were inside the gates, a big, burly soldier grabbed Regina around the waist from behind and yanked her off the horse, the queen instantly wiggling in his grip. "Unhand me at once!" She may be in Emma's kingdom now, but there was no way she was being manhandled.
The soldier didn't let her go, though. Instead, he pushed Regina to her knees, quickly gagged her and chained her hands behind her back.

Emma walked around the horse and went in front of the queen with a smug smirk. Taking the satchel in which she was handed by another soldier she turned it over above Regina's head. A black powder falling around the brunette. A certain magic that would prevent her from doing any magic herself. "So tell me, Queen, how did you like my acting?" She grinned and moved only inches away from Regina. "You have done enough to my family to be killed ten times over, but this I find much more enjoyable."

Regina's heart pounded hard in her chest as she struggled against him, her gaze turning to Emma. Surely her lover would help her out of the mess. It had to be a misunderstanding. But once she saw that smirk, her heart sank. She tried to shake off the powder, instantly feeling weakened by its affects. And upon hearing the princess' voice, looked up at the woman she'd fallen for with tear filled eyes that expressed more sorrow and sadness than any words. Emma's betrayal had stabbed her deeper than any sword ever could.

Emma smirked then leaned in close kissing her cheek lightly. "I can't say you'll be treated as well as I in your castle." She backed off then looked at the man holding her. "To the dungeon."

Regina's eyes narrowed at Emma as the guard yanked her up, his gruff voice filling the air. "Should I just throw her in one of the cells or chain her up to the wall, Princess Emma?"

"No. Regina has no powers now, so no chains will be needed." She winked at the woman she broke then sent the guard on his way to the dungeon with her. At that time Snow and Charming came out asking what was going on. With a proud smirk, the princess stood tall. "You should always believe in your daughter."

James raised a brow. "You look awfully proud of yourself. What's going on?" Snow held his hand and tilted her head. "Does this have something to do with Regina?" She added.

"Yes it does mother." She grinned. "The queen is captured and is being escorted to the dungeon as we speak."

James smiled great big. "You were playing her! I knew deep down you had something up your sleeve. That's my girl!" Snow seemed slightly confused. "But I truly thought you were in love with her. I know love when I see it, and even though I hated the fact it was Regina, it seemed genuine."

The blond threw her head back and laughed when James exclaimed. "I learn from the best, Father." Emma very rarely called Charming anything but Pop unless she was angry. Looking at her mother she smiled. "That would be the art of theatre. I gained her trust and love only to break her and give the queen what she deserves."

Charming was too thrilled with his daughter's skills to notice. Snow, however, picked up on the subtle difference in titles, wondering if Emma's intentions were as they seemed. "That you did, Em." James replied and headed over to his daughter, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as they walked. "We should celebrate your achievement. Hell, the entire kingdom should have a celebration. We won this war! And Regina's finally going to pay for all the destruction she's caused."

Snow remained quiet and hung back.

Walking back into the castle, the celebration was started and the whole kingdom was loud with joy and drunkeness. Except for one room. The cell, Regina was in. A guard came through the door of the hallway and made a beeline toward the queen and smirked. "Hello, dear." He said through his mask.

Regina was sitting in the corner of her cell, curled up in a ball on her bed and leaning against the wall. She didn't even turn her head to look at the guard. Her heart ached from the betrayal and she didn't have much bite to her at the moment. "What do you want?"

The guard grinned and appeared inside the cell then transformed into her true form. Cora. "Sweetheart, I'm so sorry you lost the war."

Regina's eyes flashed with anger as she quickly stood. "What are you doing here? Don't tell me you had something to do with all of this, Mother," she spat.

"Now why would you think that, Regina? The woman tricked you and broke your heart. You'll get your revenge soon enough."

Regina snorted. "You didn't answer my question. Why are you here? And how do you know so much? Why come around now?"

You are my daughter, dear. Though you may not think it, I do love you and I have been keeping watch. I see and know all. I have eyes everywhere. I'm here to reassure you."

"Reassure me of what? My stupidity?" Regina sighed and sat back down on the bed. "I should've never allowed myself to get close to her. I was such an idiot to believe the spawn of my enemies could ever truly love me."

Cora sat down on the bed beside her. "To reassure you that when the time is right, you will get what you deserve. You will get out of here and take over your true kingdom and make the princess pay dearly." She sighed. "Now, I do have to agree with you about being stupid in falling for the enemy. That never works out."

"Yes." Regina clenched her teeth together. "Emma will wish I had just locked her up in my dungeon when I'm finished with her. And I'll kill Snow White and her annoying husband. Like I should've done when that pathetic fool walked into my castle to claim the idiot. They took this kingdom from me... I'll just take it back." She sneered.

Opening her eyes, Emma found herself laying in the leaves of the trees from when she fell off the stallion and was knocked out. Slowly getting up and bracing herself on a nearby tree, the soldier was then grabbed by two men quickly.

Emma was chained and dragged back to Regina's kingdom, where she was pushed to her knees before the king, a guard yanking her head back by the hair. George grinned and leaned forward so his face was close to hers. "I've heard that you're my wife's favorite pet. And since she's made such a poor wife lately, I thought I'd punish her by taking away her favorite thing."

Emma stared up at the king then spit at his shoes. "If you weren't such an old, horny coot she wouldn't have had to come to me. Pretty sad a woman can do a better job than you." She would never back down, no matter if she were bound and on her knees. The princess had no idea what was happening to Regina while this was happening.

George slapped her than grabbed her roughly by the chin. "If Regina weren't such a slut we wouldn't be having this discussion right now. You think you're the only pretty, young thing she's fucked around here? There's been numerous soldiers, a pirate even. Yes, he was one of her favorites, too."

Emma winced and tried to recover from the blow. "Yeah, but I'm the only one that has gotten inside her heart and made her feel something again. You kill me and I can promise you and all your men will go straight to hell when the queen finds out."

George laughed maniacally. "Do you really believe you've affected her so? Tell me, Princess. Where is your queen now? She hasn't destroyed half the castle trying to find you."

"Something must have happened to her. Let me go and I'll find her. I'll bring her back to you and this castle." Of course she was lying about the last sentence but it was worth a shot.

George shook his head. "No need. I know where she is, and she isn't coming for you. If luck is on my side, your parents will be executing her before the full moon has finished its cycle."

"What? No... why? How?" Her breathing became rapid and her eyes went wide. Anger filled Emma as adrenaline came to the surface. Pouncing to her feet she went after the old man and gripped his throat, slamming him against the wall. However, when she felt a blade slice through her flesh diagonally across her back she let him go and stumbled back.

George choked and sputtered for air, pointing at Emma as he rubbed his neck. "Throw her in the dungeon! It's just too bad you won't have a front seat to that execution. Even I'm disappointed I don't get to see it first hand." He grinned.

Emma tried to fight back but the loss of blood prevented her from doing so and fell face first on the concrete floor of the dungeon. "Regina..." She whispered.

Cora had shifted back to 'Emma' in the party. Snow had asked where she had disappeared to and she simply explained that she went to the latrine. Snow White didn't feel right about the situation. Making her way down to the dungeon she approched the queen's cell. "Regina." She whispered.

"What?" Regina hissed from the shadows of her cell. She stepped into the light provided by the torch and sneered at Snow White. "I'm trapped. Powerless. Your family has everything it could ever want. What more do you want of me?"

"Something doesn't feel right. I saw the love Emma had in her eyes for you. It was real. But this? This I didn't see coming. I didn't expect this. Yes, my daughter can act well but not that well. She called James 'father' without being angry at him. She always calls him 'Pop'." Taking a deep breath she sighed, debating on whether or not she should let the queen go. "Do you love Emma?"

Regina listened to Snow closely and wondered if it was just another trick the Charmings had up their sleeves or if Emma really wasn't what she seemed. "I do." She answered honestly. "I did." She added, slightly deflated. "I don't know what to believe anymore."

"You still do and I'm going to see to it that I find out the truth because that woman up there does not act like the daughter I raised. Charming is blind to it because of his pride of his daughter in what she accomplished. Or what he thinks she accomplished." She sighed and touched the bars. "I'll be back."

Regina's brow furrowed, the queen beginning to wonder if her mother had played any part in all of this. She set her hands over Snow's to stop her from walking away. "My mother... she's here. Somewhere. Just... be careful." She removed her hands quickly, in disbelief of her own words. Who could've ever imagined she'd be concerned for Snow White's well being? On the same side as her former enemy? "I'll be here. Obviously."

"Your mother?" Snow's heart stopped. "I will thank you." Leaving the dungeon she went up to Charming. "James, Cora is here." She whispered in his ear.

James was drunk, laughing and having a good time with his men. But once Snow had whispered in his ear, he'd sobered up almost immediately. "What?" He sat up straight and set his mug down, glancing around. "Where?" He whispered.

"I don't know but Regina just warned me. Emma is acting unlike herself. There is something wrong here. I saw the love in our daughter's eyes yesterday. She may be cursed."

"Regina? Hmph." Charming huffed. "How can we trust anything that woman says? Perhaps she's trying to make us paranoid. Emma just did what I couldn't do. She tricked her and captured her for us. She seems fine to me."

"Charming, open your eyes. Your pride is getting in the way. Pay attention to her. She keeps calling you father and her eyes... something's just not right."

James looked at his wife and studied her face for a moment, seeing she was truly concerned. He nodded. "Okay. If you feel something's wrong with our daughter, I'll be sure to pay more attention."

Emma looked to her parents and saw the looks of concern on their faces. Walking up to them she sighed. "You two don't look so good. Why don't you lay down and sleep off the alcohol?"

James shook his head. "No, no. I'm fine." He smiled. "How about we go get another drink and you tell your old man about how you tricked that witch?" He stood and wrapped an arm around his daughter's shoulders to walk towards the ale.

She went with her 'father' and grabbed a large ale and drank a sip. "Well, I made her fall in love with me using my charm and lies. Then I destoyed her heart after getting you released." She smiled. "And now we're here, celebrating."

Charming watched Emma a moment, his forehead wrinkling as she took a sip. He told Snow he'd pay closer attention to his daughter and in doing so had noticed she didn't blow off the foam on her ale like she normally did. He forced a smile though as she spoke. "Indeed we are. I'm very proud of you."

"So what do you wish to do with the witch? Burn her at the stake? Hang her?"

"I may believe Regina needs to be executed for her crimes, but I do believe it should be done in a quick, humane way. Perhaps a firing squad?" He shifted from one foot to the other. "So you didn't develop any feelings whatsoever for her? She did seem taken with you."

"She fell in love with a lie, father. Nothing more. The hate I have for her was a preventitive for love." She shrugged, then sipped again when usually Emma chugged beer just like the soldier she is.

Charming rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh, that's good. Wouldn't want you falling for the enemy. So when do you think we should execute her, Em?"

"I say we let her suffer for a while in her cell. Chain her up tomorrow."

Charming was extremely suspicious of Emma now. He and Snow had not taught her to be this cruel, to wish suffering upon any living soul. "You caught her. You do whatever you please." He chugged his ale and set the cup down. "Now I think I'll take my leave. I'm old and need my sleep." He forced another smile.

She chuckled and nodded her head. "Night, old man." She watched him walk off.

Snow walked up to her husband. "So, what do you think?"

"I think you're right." James glanced over his shoulder at his daughter quickly and then turned back to Snow. "Something is definitely off about her. What do you think it is?"

"I don't think she's our daughter. What if something happened and Emma isn't really here and that's Cora?"

"It could be... but why would Cora want to imprison her own daughter? Plan her execution? And how are we going to find out for sure who that is?" He whispered.

"I-I don't know but part of me wants to let Regina go." She sighed and sat on the foot of their bed. "What if Emma is hurt somewhere and we don't know?"

Charming knelt down in front of Snow, taking her hands in his as he looked up at her. "We just have to have faith that she's okay. Emma's a tough girl. She's our girl and she'll be fine. She'll probably get herself out of any mess she might possibly be." Truth be told, he was just as worried. "But I'll do all I can to get her back." James looked down and thought for a moment. "If we let Regina go... do you think she'll help?" He asked, looking back up at Snow.

White squeezed his hands and nodded at his words. "I think she would help us. I know she loves Emma and Emma loves her. But that woman out there now is not our daughter. We never raised her to act like this, and she never has before. Let us go speak with the queen."

Charming nodded and stood, holding his hand out for Snow. Once she took it, he walked with her down to the dungeon, stopping outside of Regina's cell. She heard them coming and stood, stepping closer to the bars. "I have a feeling you're about to ask for my help."

Snow nodded her head. "Yes. We believe Emma may actually be your mother. I'm frieghtened to think of what could have really happened to our daughter." She took a key and put it in the lock, not yet turning it. "Promise me that you wont do anything against this kingdom after we release you."

Regina sighed. "I promise. If that's my mother and Emma is really locked up somewhere, Cora and whoever else is involved will be sorry." She scowled. If Emma was actually being held somewhere, injured, Regina would likely snap and destroy everything in her way. "Whatever you used on me though to take away my powers... you need to reverse it."

James looked at Snow, not positive they should give the evil queen her powers back. The woman looked into Regina's eyes and after some thought she nodded then turned the key. "Come with us to the Fairy Room. There they can reverse the spell."

"Wise choice." Regina stepped out of the cell and let the couple guide her. The blue fairy took one look at Regina with the two and shook her head. "You can't seriously expect me to give the queen her powers back? She could destroy you, the castle, your entire kingdom."

"She could yes but our daughter and the woman Regina loves could be in trouble. Cora is here and she could destroy the kingdom before we know it. This needs to be quick."

The blue fairy nodded. "Yes, your majesty." She waved her wand and restored Regina's powers, the queen's fingertips buzzing with energy. "Much better." She turned to face the couple. "Now... we need to find out if Emma's who she says she is."

"How do you think we should go about finding that out, Regina? She isn't exactly going to tell us the truth."

"Of course not." Regina rolled her eyes. "That's where magic comes in handy. I'm sure I can muster a counter spell, to show us what or who she really is."

"Then lets go, Queen." James said huskly.

"Let's." Regina agreed, lip snarled. If her mother was behind all this, if Emma had been harmed in any way, things would get ugly.


There was a silver plate on the floor of the dungeon. Lifting her head slightly she saw her reflection and the blood on her face from where she fell to the floor. "Regina.." She whispered weakly. "I gotta get outta here."

Regina was standing in one of the guest bedrooms, having just changed into something other than the rags she'd been forced to wear, when she heard Emma's voice, her head snapping up. "Emma?" She glanced around, spotting the mirror on the wall and stepping closer. The genie appeared and grinned. "Hello, my queen. Wish to see what you desire most?" Regina nodded and whispered a 'yes,' the blonde's image appearing in the mirror. "Emma!"

She didn't know her heart could see her or even hear her through the silver. Slowly she got up winced over the plate. The blood from her back slowly dripping onto the rim from her shirt. "Damn..." Quivering, the princess sat on her knees. "I have to get to her. To stop them."

Regina saw the blood dripping onto the mirror, her eyes going wide and her face paling. Her love didn't look good. "Genie, where is she? I need to get to her. Get her out of there."

"It seems as if she is in a dungeon. In your castle, my queen." He looked at her with sympithetic eyes. It was then that a soldier came into the cell and all Regina could see was him rearing his leg back and kicking Emma hard in the ribs. The force caused her to scream out in pain.

"I don't think you'll be able to go anywhere, Princess." He grinned then took out his dagger and went down, stabbing Emma in the thigh, causing yet another scream of pain.

Regina's temper flared, the queen snarling as she witnessed the guard kicking her love. Snow had just walked in to get her when the sorceress' dark eyes landed on Emma's mother. "Don't let on that you know Emma is actually Cora. I've found your daughter." And then she was gone in a poof of smoke.

Snow White let the words sink in then left the room to find her husband and tell him.

From the loss of blood, Emma was slowly dying. The guard had left the room and locked her in once again, then stood guard. The soldier had tears in her eyes. Not from the pain but from the knowledge that she wouldn't be able to save Regina from what she thought her queen was going through.

Regina appeared in front of the guard and grabbed him by the throat, lifting him off the ground and squeezing so he couldn't breathe. Once she'd strangled him to death, she dropped the guard and then took his key, unlocking the door and stepping inside. She immediately ran to Emma, kneeling down next to her and pulling her into her lap. "I've got you, love. Just hang on." She ran her hand over the blonde's wounds, energy pouring forth.

Emma was barely awake when Regina ran in. She was on the verge of passing out before the brunette started healing her. Opening her eyes moments later she spoke. "Regina? How? I thought you were trapped. The king told me that my parents were going to kill you. I.. I couldn't get to you in time. I tried." She whispered slowly.

"Shh." Regina soothed her by stroking her hair gently. "Everything's okay now. I've healed your wounds, but I couldn't replenish the blood loss. You'll need time to recover so I need to get you out of here."

"I want to go to the lake." Emma mumbled, clearly not all there.

"We can go later, my love. For now, I'm taking you home. Your parents and I will protect you, nurse you back to health." She kissed Emma's forehead. "I promise."

With a slow nod, Emma closed her eyes and her cheek gently fell to the side against Regina's stomach. Unable to stay awake and respond to her lover.

Regina's brow creased in worry as she gathered Emma into her arms. Even magic had its limits. The queen managed to get the princess back to her own kingdom, tucking her into the bed of the guest room. Regina could only transport to places she'd been to before, and she'd never been in Emma's room. Once she got her situated, she slipped out to find Snow.

Snow White was pacing in the all of the bedrooms and saw Regina walk out of one. "Regina." She whispered then trotted up to her. "Where's Emma? Did you find her?"

"I did." Regina replied with a nod. "I've just put her to bed. She had numerous injuries I healed, but she'd lost a lot of blood. Something I can't assist with. She just needs time to rest." The queen glanced around and leaned in close to Snow to whisper. "Where's my mother?"

"Thank you for finding her, Regina. It means alot to us." She gave a sweet smile. "Cora is being watched by David and a couple of his men, secretly of course. Last I heard she looks like Emma and is in the garden."

"You're welcome." Regina gave a closed lip smile. She didn't find Emma for them. She found the blonde for herself, but she could just keep that to herself, as well. "Now that we know the Emma in the garden isn't really Emma, we should take care of her."

"You have your powers back so don't make a mess of the garden." Snow giggled softly. "Lets go. She started walking down the hall to the staircase.

Regina reached out to grab Snow's wrist. "Wait. Maybe it doesn't have to get messy at all." She waited until the other woman looked back at her and then spoke again. "Perhaps we can trick her instead. Put me back in that cell, give me some of that fairy dust and then send her in for a visit."

White grinned. "I like the way you think." She pulled out a small leather bag and handed it to the woman. "I had some ready... you know, just in case." She gave a smirk then walked Regina back down to the dungeon and locked her in. "Good luck." Snow then disappeared to get Cora to pay her daughter a visit.

Regina rolled her eyes but gave a small smile. "Good to know you trust me." She changed back into those rags they called clothes and then sat on the bed to wait for her mother, the leather bag tucked under her leg hidden from view.

Cora, masked as Emma, came down and stood in front of the bars of the cage. "My mother said you wished to speak to me. So speak, witch." Cora had wanted her daughter to loose everything. For her heart to shatter and for Regina to need her again. She had succeeded only briefly. She wasn't aware of the plot being found out.

"Why? I want to know why you betrayed me. I could've given you everything you ever wanted. I treated you like the princess you are while you were in my kingdom." She wanted Cora to think she still believed her to be Emma. She really wanted her to come into the cell.

"The worst thing you could do is fall in love with your enemy. I have never stopped being that, I just played a part very well. I have everything I've ever wanted, Regina, and you never fit into that catagory and you never will." She walked up to the bars and moved her arms through.

If it weren't for the fact that Emma was lying upstairs in a bed, the words would've sliced right through Regina. She had believed Cora at first, really thought she was her princess. Now listening to her, knowing the truth, she couldn't believe she didn't see what was before her. "You will pay for everything you've done to me." Regina sneered and in a flash had stood and emptied the bag's contents on her mother.

And with that, Cora backed away and brushed it off. The dust cutting off her ability to use magic made her transform into her true self. The Queen of Hearts. Looking to her hands she looked up to her daughter, not expecting to be on the opposite side of the bars now. "Darling..." She started.

"Don't." Regina snarled. "Don't say another word, mother. You ruined my chance at true love once. I won't let you do it again." She stepped away from the bars. "I don't understand why you want to destroy my happiness."

Cora sighed. "George had told me that you strayed because you lay with the enemy. I couldn't let you forget what you were supposed to do. This kingdom should be in ashes by now. But it isn't because of her." She shook her head. "You think you'll have you're happy ending here, dear? I think you're very wrong. Emma will tire of you, Regina. You just wait."

"No." Regina shook her head. "I won't let you get into my head like that. Emma loves me. And it isn't just puppy love that will easily fade. All that time I spent trying to kill Snow White... I should've spent trying to get you out of my life for good. You're toxic, mother. And I won't let you poison me anymore."

"It isn't I that will end up poisoning you, Dear. The woman you claim to love will end up hating you one day. I hope you can handle that." She smiled. "And I hope I'll still want to be there for you with open arms." She smiled, hauntingly.

Regina swallowed hard, almost like a teenager again under her mother's intense glare. "Yes, well, we'll just see, won't we?" She scowled and then turned to walk away from the other witch.

"Yes, we sure will."


Opening her eyes, Emma smiled sweetly. "Mm it sure is good to wake up to your face." She smiled looking into Regina's eyes.

Regina smiled as she hovered over the blonde, her hands resting on either side of Emma on the bed. "I vaguely remember hearing you say otherwise at one point in time. But I'm just glad to see your eyes open. How are you feeling?"

"I got a bit of a headache but I think I'm okay." She reached up and caressed Regina's cheek with the back of her fingers. "What happened?"

Regina closed her eyes at Emma's touch, happier than words could ever express that her lover was okay and did, in fact, still love her back. "Cora, my mother, she... she posed as you and tried to make me think you hated me. She had me locked up in the dungeon." The brunette opened her eyes and looked into Emma's. "And George apparently had you all along. Which reminds me... I need to dispose of that man."

Emma's brows worried. She leaned up slightly and kissed her lips. "I don't think I could ever hate you unless you do something too terrible to forgive. I'm just happy you found me." She sighed. "You believed I did hate you, didn't you?" She asked and laid back down, bringing Regina with her to rest, body to body.

"I don't plan on doing any more terrible things. Unless you count killing George as terrible. I'd call it a service to humanity." Regina relaxed against Emma, her cheek resting against the blonde's chest as she nodded slightly. "Yes, I fell for her tricks for a time."

The blonde smiled. "No that wouldn't be terrible. He's a horses ass." She kissed Regina's head, running her fingertips up and down her queen's back. "I'm sorry you had to go through what you did but I'm glad we're back together. The King told me that you were going to be assasinated. I lost it."

"It's not your fault. It's all over now. We're together and everything will work out." Regina lifted her head to look down into Emma's eyes. "When I heard your voice, saw that you were hurt, I almost lost it myself. I would've burnt down my own kingdom to get to you."

"I love you for that." She moved her hands over the tops of the brunette's shoulders from behind then back down her back again. "But I'm glad you didn't. Because maybe once George and his men are out of the way, we can... maybe rule together. If you want, or I'll just be your loyal knight. Although you did make fun of that idea originally."

Regina smiled and kissed Emma softly. "We'll rule together, dear. As equals. The kingdom will just have to get used to the idea of two queens."

Emma couldn't wipe the smile off her face. "You know, in all my years as a princess, I never thought of myself as a queen. But now, with you, I can see it and I'm actually excited about it." Leaning in, she kissed her softly. "You have given me everything I never thought I wanted. I love you, Regina."

"I love you too, Emma." Regina felt her heart swell with pride. She hadn't loved another human being in so long that she didn't think she'd be very good at it. Actually, she thought she'd never be capable of it again. But here they were, and Emma was happy with her. "You'll make an excellent queen. And since I have a feeling you're not a fan of it, I can deal with the majority of the diplomatic bullshit. I see you as the type who would just want to be out with the people, tending to their concerns and leading our army."

"You're exactly right. I'll do my fair share of bullshit, though." Emma ran her fingers through long brown hair. "Now, don't expect me to be a fashion queen either. That's all you, my lady." With a kiss she finished her thought. "Because, let me inform you, you're very very good at it."

Regina chuckled and rubbed noses with Emma. "I fully expect you to continue on wearing pants and shirts, my love. I'm not going to force you into any dress. But thank you for the compliment."

There was a knock on the door and Emma kept Regina at her side on the bed. "Come in." She granted nd watched her father walk through the door. Sitting up slightly onto the headboard, she greeted him. "Hey Pop."

Charming shut the door behind him and turned to Emma with a big smile on his face. "It's so good to hear you call me that. How are you feeling, Em?" His eyes traveled to Regina and he gave her a nod of acknowledgement but nothing more.

"I feel great now that I have the queen back." She looked over at her lover and smiled sweetly then her eyes landed back on James. "It feels good to be awake again and in our castle."

Regina smiled just as sweetly back and James felt slightly awkward. Snow was right, they were very much in love. "We're glad to have you home safe and sound. Thank you, Regina," his eyes fell on the queen. "for saving her. For treating her well while she was under... your care."

Regina almost chuckled at the last bit. "You're welcome. Emma's the most important thing in my life." She said sincerely.

Emma looked back to the brunette as she spoke and felt the urge to kiss her but didn't want to embarrass her father too much so she decided not to. "I'm not staying here long. I'm going back to Regina's kingdom."

James sighed. "I wish you would, but I understand. What are you going to do about George, though?"

Regina spoke up first, a stern look on her face. "I'll deal with him properly. The old kook doesn't have much fight in him anyways."

Sitting fully against the head board now she nodded her head. "The rest of his loyals need to be dealt with as well. I got a few nice scars from those bastards."

Regina clenched her jaw, a fire in her eyes as she looked to her love. "They'll pay too for laying a hand on you."

James rubbed the back of his neck as he spoke up. "Would you like any assistance from our kingdom? For my daughter, I'd be glad to provide it. Emma?"

"Actually, we may take you up on that offer. Regina, we need to get to Roran and speak with him promptly. Let him know whats going on and get your troops to help as well."

Regina nodded. "Exactly what I was thinking. He knows who's loyal to who. He can lead my men against George's. At this point, I think George's are a smaller group."

"Good. It's up to you if we take prisoners or we just wipe them all out." Slowly Emma got out of bed, her head hurting just a bit from the blows she had taken days ago.

"We'll just see how things go down." Regina quickly stood to be by Emma's side, knowing very well the princess may still be weak from that blood loss. "How are you feeling, love? Perhaps you should rest some more."

She put her hand on the small of Regina's back and closed her eyes, stabling herself. "I'm okay but I'm tired of resting. Things need to be done. As soon as possible." Looking back into her lover's eyes she smiled reassuringly. "Then we can live happily. You can get your happiness."

"I already have it, dear." Regina smiled with pure admiration in her eyes as she wrapped her arm around Emma's waist and walked with her toward the door, James opening it for them like the gentleman he was. "Before we go do anything, how about a bath?"

An arm went around the brunette's shoulders and she walked through the threshhold. "Do I smell that bad?" Emma asked with raised brows.

Regina crinkled her nose. "Do you want honesty or for me to be one of those significant others who always says you look good, even when you don't?" She asked half-jokingly.

Her jaw dropped. "Uh.. I don't care, just as long as you don't make me cry." Emma chuckled slightly.

Regina laughed. "You do smell a little... ripe," she grinned, "but I did just have to wash off what blood I could and throw you in bed. It's totally excusable." Once they got into the bath room, Regina locked the door, and having grabbed some clothes for Emma on their way out, set them aside to help her lover out of her current ones.

Emma chuckled. "No tears, you're good." Stepping towards the tub, she slowly pulled off her shirt, revealing the large scar on her back magic couldn't get rid of. "Are you gonna get in with me?" She asked in a hushed tone.

Regina's eyes immediately went to the scar, her heart constricting as though she could feel the blade that had ripped through her love's flesh rip through her own. She'd personally kill the soldier who'd left that mark behind. "I will if you'd like."

"Mm to see you naked and wet again... I'll take it." She smiled and finished undressing. Slipping into the tub she leaned back and rested her head on the side as she watched her lady strip as well.

Regina chuckled. And once she was nude, she stepped into the tube across from Emma and sunk beneath the warm water that seemed to instantly sooth her muscles. She grabbed one of Emma's feet and moved it into her lap to massage.

"Wow... I never thought in a million years that I would have the queen rubbing my feet." Emma joked then took one of Regina's and started doing the same to her foot, so it would be fair. The soldier was tired but tried not to show it. What she had been through took a lot out of her. However she would never admit to it.

Regina laughed and massaged the bottom of Emma's foot first before rubbing the top and then playing with her toes, squeezing the big one. "I haven't always been a spoiled queen, you know." She said playfully, smiling at her lover.

"Oh yeah? So what where you before you became spoiled rotten?" She grinned and giggled when Regina played with her toes. She grabbed her heel and kneaded into it, releaving tension.

Regina let out a content sigh and then spoke. "I was the daughter of a miller and an avid horseback rider. It was the magic my mother gave into that brought us into wealth. And it was saving your mother that led to me becoming queen."

Emma listened to her and smiled. "Wow. I did hear about you saving her. You know that she never meant to hurt you right? She was just trying to help when she told your mother about Daniel."

"She told you about Daniel?" Regina was quiet a moment. "I know she was. But I was so angry, and I loved my mother so much that I didn't want to hate her. I used your mother as a scapegoat, and I'm sorry."

"All that matters now is that its all in the past and everyone is okay. Well except for Cora." She switched feet and started rubbing the left foot. "I hate to say it but I'm thankful for it all because now, I have you all to myself. I know it sounds selfish and I'm sorry but, I can't imagine my life without you in it."

"I'm glad you're selfish when it comes to me. I'm starting to believe things happen for a reason, and I'm just glad I met you and am ready to move forward. I think I've been living my life on pause. Now... I'm happy again." Regina smiled and also switched feet.

"I'm glad I could be your happy...beginning. This isn't the end so we shouldn't call it that. This is the beginning of our happy life together. I never thought I would fall in love with you, especially after hearing the stories, but you did what you said you would. You opened my eyes as well as my heart." She smiled softly. "To be honest, I didn't think I was capable of falling in love. All I wanted was sex all the time, but with you it became a lot more."

"Well, I'm glad I could become more to you. That I opened your eyes to the possibility of love just as you did with me. I didn't think it'd ever happen again." Regina's eyes met Emma's. "I was planning to seduce you, make you my pet and use you against your parents. Now I can't imagine another day without you by my side, as my equal. I love you, Emma. And as much as I wanted to fight it, I've come to realize that I love you more than I've ever loved anything."

There was a lump in Emma's throat that prevented her from talking without sounding like she was on the verge of tears. Moving up she slowly sat up and leaned over. Her hands supporting her weight on the edges of the tub. "And you are my universe. Somehow it happened and I will never want to take it back." Moving in, the princess kissed her queen with fervor and passion.

Regina gently gripped Emma's chin and kissed her back with everything she had and felt. Emma was very much her universe as well.

Making love in the tub led to making love in Emma's bedroom. Being with Regina was magic in itself. Laying in the bed in the middle of the day, the soldier held the woman close to her side, soaking in ever second.

Regina rested her head on Emma's shoulder, arm slung over her waist and leg hooked around the blonde's. She hadn't been a cuddler in decades, but the princess had brought that back out in her as well. There was no need for words in this moment. Regina knew Emma loved her. And Emma knew the queen loved her in return. Then there was a knock on the door, Snow's voice ringing out. "Emma, it's supper time. I imagine Regina's in there with you..." There was silence for a moment, Regina snickering to herself. "So you two come down when you're ready."

Emma chuckled softly. "Thank you, Mother. We'll be down soon." She looked to her girlfriend and smirked, hugging her close. "Mm I really don't want to get up but you really have to try the cook's food. It's to die for." Kissing her cheek, chin, nose and forehead, Em smirked.

Regina smiled and closed her eyes at the feeling of Emma's lips. "I am starving, actually." She opened her eyes and grinned at the blonde. "All this loving builds up an appetite." She kissed her lover's lips quickly and then laid back to stretch out before getting up to dress.

Once they dressed, Emma led Regina to the dinning hall and sat down next to her in the large chairs in front of a massive meal. A few chosen knights had joined them as well. Taking the queen's hand, Emma kissed it gently with a loving look. She felt like she were back in the school house with a crush on the teacher.

Snow White watched the two women together closely. She'd never seen her daughter so taken with anyone ever. And she hadn't seen a genuinely happy Regina in decades. She knew it was true love, and even though Regina had been her enemy for years, she was still happy. For both.

Dinner had gone well for all of them. They shared laughs and stories then once they finished dessert, Emma took Regina's hand and led her to the garden. "I had heard you started this place, and I want to show you what we've done with it." Walking her out there, Emma smiled at the sight. Everything Regina had planted was still growing. However now the garden was even more massive and beautiful.

Regina just took a moment to look around and admire the beauty of it. The garden, the apple tree especially, had been her pride and joy. The one thing she could really call her own in that castle, with Leopold. "It's beautiful. You've just made it bigger and better."

Emma smiled brightly and moved her arms around Regina from behind, resting her chin on the brunette's shoulder. "It is beautiful, but compared to you...its nothing."

Regina smiled and placed her arms over Emma's, turning her head to kiss the blonde's temple. "You seemed so rough around the edges when I first met you and now listen to you." She teased. "Nothing but a big sweetheart."

Emma laughed. "Well you gave me inspiration to show my soft side. But don't worry you'll be the only one to witnesses it, Love."

"Good. Now how about we go for a walk so I can see more of your kingdom's garden." She stepped out of the blonde's embrace and slipped her hand into Emma's to pull her along.

The princess chuckled and walked beside her closely, showing her everything they had added over the years.

Regina's full attention was on the princess, truly interested in all she had to say about the additions. As the tour came to an end, Emma mid-sentence about one plant or another, the queen suddenly cupped her face and kissed her.

This is the only way the soldier liked to be cut off while saying something. And Regina was the only one allowed to do it now. Kissing the queen back, hands went to her hips pulling their bodies flush together. Loving every second of it.

Regina's hands slid down and around to the back of Emma's neck as she was pressed tightly to the soldier. She playfully nipped at the blonde's lower lip before ending the kiss, her breath still on Emma's lips. "Thank you for showing me the garden."

Emma grinned and caressed the small of her back with her thumbs. "Mm you're quite welcome, Queenie. "Now, I think you should show me your 'garden'."

Regina smirked. "If we were back in my kingdom, I'd show you right here, right now. But I don't think your parents would appreciate that very much." She stepped back and took Emma's hand in her own again. "So let's go to your room, Princess, and you can have all the forbidden fruit you want."

Walking into the bedroom with a lustful smile on her face, Emma shut and locked the door behind them. She then grabbed Regina and pushed her back against the wood and kissed her feverishly. Her hands took the queen's and pinned them on the door above her head.

Regina kissed Emma back just as fervently and relinquished complete control to the princess, allowing her to do as she pleased. Something she hadn't done with any of her lovers since Daniel.

Emma fucked her lady until neither one of them could move. Feeling that Regina had indeed allowed for her to take over, the princess took advantage and made sure to satisfy the brunette's every need in a way she knew the queen had never had before."

Afterwards the queen lay entangled with her princess, truly never more satisfied. Not only were she sexually sated, but emotionally as well. Never having felt more loved by another person. "So, when would you like to return to our kingdom?"

"Mm 'our' kingdom. Damn, that sounds good." She smiled, holding Regina close. "In the next day or so should be perfect." Pressing a kiss to her head, Em smirked. "All this is much better than doing away with you. I'm glad I was your prisoner and I'll forever be faithful to you and cherish you like the queen you are."

"And you'll never again be treated like a prisoner in my presence. Not that you were ever treated that much like one to begin with." She chuckled. Regina soon shifted so she was on top of Emma and kissed the blonde soundly. "I love you, Emma. And together, we'll both always be happy."

Days later they returned to Regina's kingdom, and with Roran and Emma leading the queen's men against the king's, they took George down. He was no match for Regina and her former prisoner now turned true love. Together, the queen and her princess took over the kingdom and ruled it more fairly than it'd ever seen under George's hand. And, they did live happily ever after.

The End!

Finally! Lol it took long enough and I'm sorry for it. But hopefully you all enjoyed this story.

To the 'guest' that reviewed about this story being 'unoriginal', this story was original when we first started it. Just say'n.

Anyway, we love your feedback!