Title: Family of Five.

Rating: T for teen or PG-13 for thematic elements, Adult situations and anything else

Summary: Lila and Arnold are married and Lila leaves letting Arnold to raise their children alone. Helga steps in to help.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own anything so please don't sue. NOTHING belongs to me.

"Mommy...I don't feel good" Danny said sadly rubbing his red little ears.

Arnold turned from the dresser as Lila crossed their bedroom towards their four year old. lifting him to feel his head.

"You don't feel hot...you're fine Danny" She sat him back on his feet and went back to dressing.

"No, I really don't feel good" Danny whined and Arnold winced.

"Danny...you're fine now be a big boy and go get dressed before company arrives" Lila leaned over towards her mirrror to put in her earrings.

"Maybe..I'll go check him" Arnold said moving across the room.

"Really Arnold you've got him so spoiled already I'm telling you he's fine"

Arnold sighed before moving towards his sons room.

"Danny...come here I'll help you get dressed"

"Daddy...Can you help me too?" Jack their six year old asked from the other side of the room.

"Yeah, hang on"

The high pitch cries from the other room caught his attention.

"ARNOLD! can you get Sophie?" Lila called and he smiled at the boys.

"I'll be right back I gotta get your sister"

He moved across the hall from the boys room that they shared to his daughters room lifting her squirming little body out of the crib.

"Sophie...It's ok Daddy is here"

Almost immediately she stopped crying beaming up at him.

"DAD!" An insistant tug on his pant leg brough his attention back down to Jack.

"Yeah buddy?"

"I can't find my green shirt"

"Jack I already told you to wear another one" Lila called from the other room and he frowned.

"No mommy I want my green one"

"Calm down we'll find it"Arnold told him and he smiled.

By the time their company which consisted of Phoebe, Gerald and Helga arrived Arnold had found Jacks green shirt but had yet to dress Sophie or himself.

Arnold and Gerald were still best friend and so were Phoebe and Helga and so the five of them hung out regularly and Helga and Lila while still not best friends got along quite well.

Arnold and Lila had been married eight years with three children to show for it Jack was six, Danny was four and Sophie was one year and four months. Phoebe and Gerald had been married three years but no children to speak of yet and Helga was still single.

As soon as Helga was in the door the boys rushed to her for hugs throwing themselves against her legs.

"I don't feel good" Danny whined and Helga smiled lifting him into her arms.

"Awe, We'll just check for a fever then" She pressed her lips against his tiny forhead for a few seconds before pulling away.

"My my, You do have a fever" She said and Danny beamed.

"I don't feel good either!" Jack yelled pulling on her coat sleeve.

Arnold smiled watching his boys fall all over Helga while Phoebe and Gerald made their way into the small kitchen to help Lila.

He couldn't blame the boys she had grown into one of the sweetest most generous people he had ever known in his life. She had filled out nicely her long blonde hair was always pulled up into a bun but he knew when she let it down it swished in a gold waterfall to her waist. She had made it big in the writing industry and despite them being romance novels he had read everyone she had talent.

"Alright boys go see if your mom needs help in the kitchen" He shooed them as he helped her with her coat and Danny pulled his pant leg.

"Yes Danny?"

"Daddy tell her you don't feel good...you get a kiss" Danny beamed and Helga blushed since the child didn't bother to whisper.

"Go to the kitchen Danny" Arnold shooed his face turning red. Helga laughed pulling off her shoes.

"A ladies man already"

"I'm sorry about that..."Arnold motioned and she made a dismissive motion with her hand.

She stepped into the livingroom of their apartment with a sigh. She loved spending her saturday nights with the important people in her life, Phoebe, Gerald, Arnold and even Lila and the children but she couldn't help the stab of pain everytime she hugged the kids. She wanted them to be hers.

Jack was the oldest short for his age but smart as could be, He had curly blonde hair and Arnolds blue eyes.

Danny was next he was a sweet boy and also smart with Blonde hair and again Green eyes like his mother.

Sophie the baby was puure perfection. She had red curly hair in abundance and deep blue eyes but unlike her mother didn't have a single freckle or blemish just pure snow white skin.

"How's work?" She asked stepping over to sit on the couch.

"Work is...well stressful..."He collapsed beside her and she winced he looked absolutely beat.

"You love it though..."

"Yeah I love it...I just don't get much time with the kids.."

Arnold was a humanitairian lawyer and one of the best there was. His first case had been a fight to preserve the jungle his parents had loved it was a case deemed unwinable and he had won. That started his career fast and he was in hi demand and being Arnold he rarely turned anyone down.

"You spend the weekends with them don't you?"

"When I can...it never seems like enough...If I could open my own practice things would be easier"

"So...do it...you're a great lawyer you could make it"

"I don't have near enough money right now"

"Well...I..."He turned to face her and their eyes met and she saw something she'd never noticed when he looked at her before.

"I think I should go...check on the boys" He pushed to his feet and she watched him go.

"Lila dinner was amazing...honest" Phoebe smiled and Lila sighed her attention turned to Sophie who was beside her.

"I'm glad you think so...Sophie won't eat a bite" She tossed down the spoon wih a sigh.

"Here can I try?" Helga reached across the table and lifted Sophie from her highchair settling her on her knee.

"She's a picky eater" Danny said from his seat on Helgas left and she smiled at him.

"I see that"

"Dad said she eats like a turkey" Danny smiled.

"Bird...Not turkey" Jack rolled his eyes from Helgas right and she laughed.

"Well, let's see" Helga picked up a spoon and took some mashed potatoes from Sophies bowl offering it to her Sophie turned her head.

"Come on, Open up for the car...beep beep" Sophie giggled and eargerly opened her mouth taking the food and swallowing before eagerly waiting for more.

The car ritual continued until Sophies plate was clean and she sat happily chewing on her fingers in Helgas lap.

"Lila, Let me help with dishes" Helga offered and Lila stood.

"No, You've got a handful there don't worry about it" She trned towards the kitchen and Phoebe followed with a few plates.

Gerald began talking about an upcoming game that he was flying to, He was a manager for a basketball team with a shot at the championship. He rattled on and Helga glanced up breifly Arnold was watching her.

He wasn't even trying to hid the fact that he was openly watching her with a deep look she couldn't read Gerald kept talking but didn't get a response.

"Come see my new blocks!" Danny pulled on her sleeve and she stood shifting Sophie to one hip.

"OK, let's go"

Later, After Phoebe and Gerald had left and Helga as well Arnold put the boys in bed.

"Daddy...did you see I got another kiss"Danny beamed and Arnold laughed tucking him in.

"I saw you little rascal"

"Daddy...I got on too"Jack said with pride from the bed on the other side of the room and Arnold smiled turning to tuck him in as well.

"I know you did" he tucked Jack in kissing his forehead.

"Did you get a kiss Daddy?" Danny asked and Arnold shook his head.

"No, I didn't"

"Why? Don't you want one?" Jack looked at him curoiusly.

"Well...see...I have your mommy to give me kisses...it's not nice if I get them from someone else" He explained and Jack nodded snuggling down under the blankets.

"Mommy doesn't give you kisses though" Danny pointed out and Arnold winced.

"That's enough for one night...go to sleep"

He switched on the nightlight of stars and turned off the light in their room. Sophie was already in bed sound asleep and Lila was in bed as well.

He went into their bedroom and she was sitting up in their bed her hair in a braid, She was reading a mystery novel and wearing one of the slinky silk nightgowns she loved. He wasn't stupid enough to think she wore them for him or because she wanted sex she wore them because she liked them.

He sighed another night of sleeping on his own side of the bed without touching her. He didn't really want to touch her either. How long had it been since she even let him Sophie was one year and three months so it had been two years since he had been intimate with his wife.

"Did you get the boys put to bed?"

"Yes" He pulled back the blankets and got into the bed beside her.

"And Sophie?"

"Yes...is something wrong?"

"Sometimes I think the kids hate me" She said but she didn't sound upset over it just a fact.

"Don't be ridiculous...they love you"

"No, Arnold...they love you and they like me..." He sighed and flopped back to stare at the ceiling.

"Lila...You're their mom...they love you"

"Danny is four...you remember what we decided?"

"I didn't think it still applied...not now that we have Sophie" She looked at him disgusted.

"I knew you would say that" She got out of the bed and stormed over to her dressed to get some socks and pulled them on her feet.

"Lila, Don't be like that...I..just thought we were waiting"

"How long do you want me to wait?" She was angry and he sighed.

"I don't know...I'm just thinking of the kids"

"Arnold, They won't even notice I'm gone Jack barely acknowledges I exsist and Danny only ever wants you...Sophie is the worst she down right hates me...she won't even eat if I try to feed her...did you see at dinner? Helga had to feed her I felt inadeguate"

"I'm sure Helga didn't mean to make you feel bad"

"Well she did, She just clicks so much better with the kids then I do. It's not fair their MINE...MINE...they'll never be hers"

"Hold on just a minute" He sat up and she rolled her eyes.

"Come off it Arnold...let's face it...the kids aren't the only ones who prefer Helga...".

"Lila. I don't know what you're talking about"

"You've been infatuated with her since we were nine ever since you saved the neighborhood...I don't know why...even Gerald doesn't know what happened but something did and you've been crazy over her ever since"

"That's not true...I married you didn't I? I had children with you"

"Yes, you married me but I won't comment on the children..."

"Why? I had them with you I love those kids...we made them together"

"They were accidents Arnold...all three of them"

"Not Jack...or Danny...Just Sophie and I hate when you say that about them"

"Whatever...I've got a headache...I want to go to sleep" She stood and he lay back down.

"Fine by me"

"I want you to sleep on the couch tonight..."

He sighed before rolling out of the bed and pulling his pillow with him. He was used to this at least four nights out of the week he slept on the couch. He collapsed onto the couch too exausted to care. Lately he'd been going to work early to avoid seeing Lila in the morning he would work all day come home and fix dinner, Bath the boys and put them to bed then start all over.

Lila was the mother of his children and he loved her once but lately he wondered if she were right was it better for the kids if she left?

Helga woke up to her cell phone ringing like crazy and she winced reaching for it and glancing at her bedside clock.

It was seven in the morning on a sunday in the middle of summer who one earth would be calling.


"Helga?...I'm sorry did I wake you up?"

"Arnold..no...well...yes but it's ok" She sat up rubbing her eyes.

"I'm sorry Helga...I just...I didn't know who else to call.."He sounded upset.

"what's wrong? Is it the kids?" Her heart clenched at the thought of something happening to one of them.

"No...it's Lila...she's gone"

"Gone? What do you mean gone?" He sighed on the other end of the line.

"She left me"

"What? When? Why?"

"Last night sometime when I was sleeping...we've been having some problems...I don't think she's coming back...but look I got to go in to work it's an emergency or else I'd stay home...can you watch the kids? Please?"

"Of course...I'll be right over"

"Thank you" He hung up and she stumbled out of her bed rushing to get her things.

Arnold was running around his house when Helga let herself in. Danny and Jack sat in their pajamas infront of the tv with bowls of cereal, Sophie wailed like a banshee in her high chair cereal thrown all over her and the floor. Arnold was trying to pull on his tie and put papers in a briefcase all the while talking softly to the toddler.

"Sophie...it's ok baby...it's alright"

"Arnold.."Helga dropped her hot pink backpack that she had since college on the floor and he smiled slightly Lila always hated that backpack.

"Helga...I'm so glad to see you" She smiled as she walked towards him grabbing his tie and undoing it and then she began to retie it.

"I came as fast as I could"She said softly and he now got a good look at her.

She had pulled on well worn jeans with a rip on one knee and her worn out pink converse sneakers with a pink tanktop. She was wearing everyday clothes. Clothes Lila wouldn't be caught dead in and Arnold thought she looked good enough to eat.

He noticed how close she was her tiny pink tongue caught between her teeth working on his tie. He was a good two heads taller then her now she could barely see over his shoulder. He was wider then her too weekends at the gym building up muscel she was miniscule next to him.

Her body was wedged close against his with the table behind her his breifcase resting on it. He felt a bit of sweat trickle down the back of his neck. How easy would it be to bend her back over that very table. He began shoving papers in his briefcase behind her in an effort to keep his hands busy.

"I really appreciate this" He said softly and she smiled.

"I'm happy to do it...there perfect" She stepped away from him and turned to Sophie who was still screaming but he had blocked out at some point.

"Sophie...baby"She lifted her and Sophie instantly settled.

"I'll be home around six I promise..."He headed for the door.

"We'll be fine Arnold...don't worry I'm going to get her clean and feed her then maybe we'll go to the park and have hotdogs for lunch" She smiled at the boys and the giggled.

His hand gripped the doorknob and he took a deep breath maybe this was a mistake. He should have called somebody else it never occured to him how easy she would step into their lives and how easily she would fit there.

"Yeah...ok...I'll see you later then" He opened the door.

"Ok, We'll talk when you get home" She said heading back the hall with Sophie the boys falling into a line behind her.

He stepped into the hallway and sighed. It was too late now Helga was in his house with his children and he would have to deal with it. He trusted her more then anyone and he knew the kids couldn't be in better care.

He only hoped when things calmed down and got sorted out it wouldn't hurt the kids to much when she walked away.