hai. yep the usual stuff, contains slash ect, i dont own them (god help us if i did), and comment if you like
just a short bit of fluff that i put together.
trust- phan
'best friends'. the phrase repeated itself over and over in my head. I sighed. this would never work.
I glanced up from my laptop at Phil who was editing a video, his face nearly pressed against the screen.
" your eyes will go square if you sit so close to the screen" I said seriously, managing to stifle the giggle creeping up my throat as Phil jumped back from the computer and stared at me in horror. " really?" he asked, on the verge of panicking. " yeah, it happened to one of my friends at school." I said, still keeping my face completely impassive. " crap! are my eyes okay? do they look alright to you?" he said, launching himself in front of me, his face inches away from mine, his lips looking soft and- ' no! stop it Dan!' I mentally scolded myself. " hmm, I can't really see any change... yet." I said slowly, miraculously keeping my voice even. Phil's eyes narrowed. " I don't trust you." he announced, running to the bathroom to check his eyes.
I blinked.
'I don't trust you'.
Phil didn't trust me? the words stung more than they should. I felt tears prickle at the back of my eyes, so I grabbed my laptop and ran to my room, tears threatening to overflow. I closed and locked the door as the tears began to fall.
Phil didn't trust me.
Phil pov
as I was examining my eyes ( no change, thank goodness ) I heard dans door close and lock. I frowned, was it something I said? I stepped out of the bathroom and knocked on dans door. " you alright Dan?" I called through the door. nothing. I bit my lip. " Danny?" i said again, worried. I heard a sniff. " don't worry Phil, I'm fine." he called back, his voice slightly choked. he was crying! " Dan!" I knocked on the door again. " what's wrong?" I asked, worry creeping into my voice. I had been developing some interesting... feelings... towards Dan lately and even though I know he's straight, I didn't want him sad.
the door clicked and then opened a crack. " don't you trust me?" Dan whispered, tears constantly flowing down his cheeks. "wha-" I began as he interrupted me. " I mean, I thought we were good friends, but I must've done something wrong, I tell you nearly everything and I thought you did the same. did I accidentally say something to Chris? I did think I kept all your secrets phil..." Dan said, all in a rush. what on earth had brought this on?... oh. oh no. the eye thing.
"... but if you don't want to tell me stuff, that's fine, I respect yo-"
" Dan!" I said loudly.
" I completely and utterly trust you. I didn't actually mean what I said this morning. I trust you more that anyone in my entire life and the only secret I keep from you is the one that would end our friendship." I said, my voice breaking on the last part.
Dan opened the door completley. " what's the secret?" he demanded. the tears had stopped. I sighed. typical Dan. oh well, I couldn't hide it anymore.
" I love you."
silence for a full one, two, three seconds, and then dan crashed our mouths together. my eyes flew open as his fingers tangled in my hair. he wanted this.
I brought my hand up to his neck, Careful not to touch the sensitive spot, and let my other hand snake around his waist, drawing him closer.
he pulled back, his eyes boring into mine.
" do you want to know my secret?" he whispered.
" yes", I gasped, trying to control my haphazard breathing.
" I love you too".