A/N: Don't you just love Castle? This is currently my second Castle story (My other being I Just Want You) so I feel like a newbie! This fandom is amazing and what could be better than Caskett? I know one thing, Esplanie trying to bring them closer together! Enjoy!

Please R & R!

Chapter 1

The morgue was surprisingly quiet for this whole week, only one case in which it took two hours for Beckett to figure out it was the boyfriend. Lanie hadn't had to do anything.

So here she was, tapping her pen, trying to fill out forms that were due in a couple of months' time, trying to distract herself with the fact she still had three hours till she could go home. She'd already done everything necessary, had already planned out her evening (a candle lit bath and some quality television time) and checked Facebook too many times already. And it was only 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

She rolled her head, cracking her neck as she snuck a glance at the clock to her left.

Yep, still three hours.

She rolled her eyes turning back to her paperwork, doodling on some spare paper she had tucked away, using her procrastination skills at their best. Twirling the pen around in circles, she tried to remember the last time she'd ever had this much spare time. She frowned and got her phone out of her pocket, checking for messages for what seemed the millionth time today.

No messages.

'Urgh!' She threw the pen down in frustration and slowly stood, twisting her torso to release the pressure off her spine. She groaned as she felt her back crack, feeling the hours of standing hunched over the examination table getting to her. Stretching her hands above her head she had an idea of utilizing her time.

She took her time in taking off her lab coat and hanging it off the back of her chair before going to the cabinet in the corner to retrieve a foam mat she kept for her odd yoga class. She couldn't even remember the last class she'd had.

Stretching it out on the floor she took off her shoes and positioned herself on her back to try and release all the annoyance and tightness in her body. She took deep breaths and used her knowledge of her yoga classes to do the positions that would help her. Fifteen minutes had passed and she could already feel the tension slowly ebb away from her body.

She slowly rolled her spine and stood up, breathing in deeply as she did so. Closing her eyes and relishing in this wonderful, peaceful state, she let that breath out and proceeded to do the downwards dog.

'Man I love yoga.'

Her eyes snapped open and she glanced to the doorway where Javier Esposito was currently occupying her door frame, with crossed arms and that smirk that just made her stomach turn.

She raised an eyebrow as he gazed appreciatively over her backside, 'Javier Esposito, if you don't have a good enough reason to be down here, ruining my yoga time and oogling my backside, then I'm gonna smack you.'

He uncrossed his arms, shoving his hands into his pockets, 'I was not oogling,' She pushed her hips towards the floor to do the cobra position before giving him a pointed look over her shoulder, 'more like surveying.'

She rolled her eyes before pushing herself up and returning to the standing position, 'Mhmm sure you were.' She dusted her hands off before leaning forward to touch her toes.

Esposito tried to keep his composure as she bent over, 'Um-so, what are you up to?'

Lanie rolled her eyes before pushing herself till she was standing up and slowly walked over to him. She was reminded how much taller he was compared to her when she stood next to him without heels on. 'Small awkward chit chat isn't going to help here Javi. Now,' She stood closer to him, liking how her actions caused him to react slightly. She loved how she could overpower him, even if she was half a head shorter.

Esposito seem to struggle with his words as he pushed himself away from her, trying to hide that fact that his heart was beating pretty fast, 'Well, Beckett and Castle haven't seemed to be that close lately and it can't be just me that notices it.' He rubbed a hand across the nape of his neck.

'Yeah I noticed that too. So what are we supposed to do about it?'

'Oh come on!' He whined, 'They're supposed to be together but they're just dumb enough not to see it!'

Lanie could see where he was coming from, 'Well yeah but they just have to figure it out for-'

'For themselves? It's going to take them years before they figure it out! And you would think with all of their near deaths scares they would've gotten their act together!' He huffed before fiddling with of her trinkets.

'My, my, Javier Esposito acting all romantic!'

'I'm not being romantic! I'm being practical!'

'Don't worry honey it shows your sensitive, that isn't a bad thing. I won't tell anyone.' She winked at him before turning to slip her shoes on, 'But I do see your point. I've told my girl time and time again that Castle likes her and that he won't be around for long but she is as stubborn as an ox, she's just afraid to admit she likes him too. That's why she hiding behind her relationship with Josh.'

'Stupid Motorcycle Boy.'

'Oh he ain't no boy.'

'Not helping.'

Lanie laughed, 'Well then, what do you suppose we do?'

Esposito's face lit up, 'How bout we help them along a bit.'

'Excuse me?'

'Well,' He jumped onto the examination table and lied down, 'Just make them realise what they're missing out on.'

She raised an eyebrow and leant against the table, looking down at him, 'And how exactly do you suppose we do that?'

He smirked up at her, 'Force them to be together.'


'Well, I'm not sure. I was thinking, you know, we could pretend to be together and make them be the tag along friends. That would force them to interact.'

Lanie frowned, 'This could get complicated-'

He sat up facing her, 'Come on, what is the worst that could happen?'

She pursed her lips and she turned around. She knew exactly what would happen. When they would be pretending, she would get sucked right up again with her unresolved feelings for him and make it worse. He wouldn't know about it and it would make her distance herself further from him.

'Laaannniiiee,' He sang her name to her and he plopped himself off the table, 'Come on!' She walked around the table in which he caught up with her, swinging her around to face him, making a pouty face at her.

It only took one glance at his gorgeous eyes before she rolled her eyes, 'Fine, but no grabbing my ass in public or any kind of indecent behaviour, got it?'

He mock saluted at her, 'Yes ma'am.'

'Now,' She made a scurrying motion with her hands, 'Shoo and do your magic on Castle. Dinner on Friday at Pasquinis. Got it?'

He grinned at her before dashing out of the morgue.

She blew the deep breath she'd been holding in out. She knew this was a bad idea but somehow her heart had different ideas. She shook her head at her own stupidity before deciding to leave early, knowing she'd have to pay for it later, and exiting the morgue.

As she stood in the elevator, she grabbed her phone out of her pocket and sent a text to Kate:

Pasquini's on Friday Night?

She waited a moment before her reply came through.

Sounds good, dressing up?

Hells yeah! Nothing puffy though! Maybe the nice dress we bought last time!

The barely there dress? Nu uh.


Uh Fine, I know you will eventually persuade me anyway.


She grinned evilly to herself, Oh Boy was Castle in for the shock of his life on Friday!

A/N: Ok my friends I think I know where this story is going to go but not quite sure so we'll see!

Hope you all liked it!

Please R&R!

C xx