(I know this is absurdly similar to Hidden Secrets but after thinking about it for awhile, I think it has more of an impact with these characters instead. I'm probably making no sense, and it's not very original of me to change one of my old stories (is that plagiarism?), but this kept popping into my head so I guess I have to write it out. I know I havnt written anything new for Unexpected Twist, I am suffering from a terrible bout of writer's block for that one. So I give you this instead: an updated, hobbitized Hidden Secrets. Please don't laugh at my foolish attempt to get over writer's block.)


The company of Thorin Oakenshield had been walking towards Rivendale for several days now. Even though he was happy to be heading towards the Hidden Valley, Bilbo couldn't help but miss his old cozy life style and he shuddered every time he thought of what lay ahead of them.

"Stop worrying so much, you know Gandalf and the others wont let anything happen. Cheer up Bilbo, soon you will finally see the elves!" he constantly told himself.

They set up camp for the night near a small river. Bombur immediately began preparing some sort of delicious stew for their they had eaten, each dwarf began to prepare themselves for the night. Thorin set himself up by the fire, for he was the first watch, Kili disappeared behind the river bend to scout out their path for tomorrow, while Fili went to attend the ponies. The others: Bifur, Bofur, Dori, Ori, Nori, Oin, Gloin Dwalin and Balin began preparing for the night by rolling out their sleeping clothes, smoking on their pipes or whittling little chunks of wood. Bofur nudged Bilbo with his toe "Mr. Baggins, can you be a good help to us and wash these dishes other there by the river?" and pointed to the pile.

Grumbling, Bilbo took the dishes and walked towards the river.

"I always do them. For just once I would like to see Fili do them, or Thorin or Gloin but no its always "Mr. Baggins can you wash these dishes for me?" Do them yourself you blasted braided dwarf! Im not your-"

But his thoughts were cut off by a bright something in the water that caught his eye. Bilbo put down the pot he was rinsing and looked closer; it was blood. Though it only was a thin line, it still flowed with an intensity that indicated that whoever's or whatever's blood it was had been injured badly. Immediately he felt a sense of panic rise up in him.

"Is someone hurt? Are there orcs? What do I do?" He thought to himself.

"If someone is hurt, I should help them." He said outloud, trying to calm himself for he wasn't one for brave deeds. Then he stood up stuffing the dish towels in his pocket, taking a large frying pan with him (just in case) and began to follow the stream upwards.

He had not gone more than twenty paces when he came across a peculiar site: Kili, kneeling on the bank of the river. His dark hair covering his face as he focused intensely on the river. He had both wrists submerged in the water, a thin line a blood was trailing from them. Kili's vanbraces, which he always wore, were put off to the side and next to them, was a small hunting knife. It blade was covered in dark red, shiny blood.

Bilbo quietly took two steps closer towards Kili to see exactly what was causing the young dwarf to bleed so profusely and gave an involuntary gasp of horror for what he saw chilled him to the bone. Up and down Kili's wrists were cuts. And somehow, deep down Bilbo knew that they were no accident.

"Oh Kili, whatever happened to you to cause you so much pain?" He thought sadly, but he had not the courage to ask such a question out loud.

Kili remained where he was. Bilbo slowly walked towards him, and when he was close enough, put a hand on the dwarf's shoulder. Kili jumped with surprise, making the water splash and then twitched away from the hobbit's hand. Bilbo kneeled down next to him.

"Hello Kili" He said softly.

Kili would not look the little hobbit in the eye, for he was ashamed at what was written across both wrists. Each cut across his wrist represented his deepest darkest insecurities and failures. Ever since he was young, he had always followed in Fili's footsteps. Never being quite as good as his brother, never receiving much praise from his uncle. Ever since he had learned that he was an heir, a prince to Erebor he had continuously feared and doubted himself. Eventually those doubts and fears had built up too much inside of him and he had resorted to the blade for release. He had kept it a secret, even from Fili, by hiding the scars under his vanbraces. No one ever knew, no ever suspected, until now. The hobbit sitting next to him had found him out. What would he say? Would he tell the others?

Fortunately, Bilbo was not one to judge. He quietly reached into the river and pulled Kili's hands out, and dabbed them dry with his washing towel. As he did this, he saw not only the new cuts but also many scars that were scattered up and down the dwarf's wrists.

Bilbo then took his last two handkerchiefs out of his other pocket and neatly wrapped them around the new cuts. Kili winced softly as the hobbit secured the handkerchiefs.

After he was done bandaging both wrists, Bilbo looked at Kili's young face hidden underneath dark strands of hair. The dwarf wouldn't even look at him, he was so ashamed. Bilbo then reached out and put his hand under Kili's chin, bringing his eyes to meet his.

"I don't know your whole story, Kili but from what I see I can tell you have been hurting. You are a great dwarf, you do not deserve this."

Kili turned his head away from Bilbo and looked down at his bandaged wrists.

"But I do." He whispered

"Why do you have so little faith in yourself? You have been nothing by valiant, brave and strong on this journey."

Kili sighed. "You will not understand."

"Try me." Bilbo challenged.

Kili sighed again. He was so tired of hiding, so tired of pretending he was alright.

"You do not need to go into detail, Kili. I just want to understand so I can help." Bilbo added, suddenly afraid that his words before had been too harsh. To his surprise, the dwarf nodded and turned to face him. Their eyes met for a second but then Kili looked to the ground. Then Kili began to talk;

" When I was a child living in the Blue Mountains, I was often teased by the younger dwarf children. They called me clumsy, for I was smaller than the rest. My brother always did everything right, always pleased Uncle Thorin, always knew what to do and what to say. I felt that I could never be perfect. I was all alone, overshadowed by the success of my brother. How could I, a dwarf of so many faults ever be a King or even a prince? It became so unbearable, so heavy that one day I took my hunting knife to my wrist and cut it deep into my flesh. That was the beginning."

"Oh Kili" was all Bilbo could say.

"Every time I felt doubt, every time something went wrong I would cut to relieve my pain and now I cannot seem to stop." Kili eyes yet again met Bilbo's with a pleading look. "I do not know what to do." he whispered softly, voice heavy with emotion. He leaned his head in and rested it on Bilbo's shoulder. Bilbo didn't need to guess what this was about, only last night Thorin had scolded Kili for joking of orc attacks.

Bilbo put a reassuring hand on the dwarfs's back. "Its alright, Kili. Do not give up hope." He whispered. After a few minutes,Kili leaned back into the sitting position. They sat there in silence for a little while, the only sounds were the from the river and the wind in the trees.

Bilbo did not know what to say next. Kili's tale had shaken him down to the very core. It made him sad to see such a strong person fall so easily at the fault of others. Kili needed his help, but he didn't know how to help him. Finally Bilbo sighed, and then said:

"You are one of the strongest people I know, and I do not think that you are clumsy or bumbling or whatever else you were called. As for Fili, you two compliment each other so well I couldn't even imagine a world without the two of you together. You have strengths too- different from your brothers? Yes, but that's what makes you unique. Fili is good with the sword but, he is nothing compared to you when it comes to archery. Believe me, I've seen him try. I think you will make an excellent King someday, and that you give the line of Durin something to be proud of."

Then Bilbo took both of Kili's hands in his carefully, for he did not want to disturb the bandages on his wrists. He looked the dwarf in the eye,

"I am no good at coming up with clever solutions to problems, I am a simple creature. But I'll make you a promise, and in return you have to promise me something, alright?

Kili nodded shakily, and Bilbo saw the dwarf's eyes turn glassy.

"My promise to you is that I will try the hardest to make sure no more scars become a burden on these wrists. I will try my hardest to support you in any way possible. You have my faith until the very end, Kili. But only, if you promise that if you ever feel like you need to cut, to come talk to me. Don't do this to yourself anymore. We will figure out a solution that will not cause you any more harm. I will always be here for you, and so are the others. Yes, even Thorin. We are a company. We will always watch out and take care of each other."

Kili nodded again, but remained silent. Bilbo squeezed the archer's hands that were still held in his.

"Do you promise?" he asked

Kili nodded and looked up, "Yes" he whispered and smiled slightly.

Bilbo smiled back then handed Kili his van braces. Kili carefully put them on over the bandages.

"Please don't tell the others. In time, they shall know but it is too soon for me now." Kili requested just as Bilbo was about to mention saying something to Fili, but he swallowed his thought

"Your secret is safe with me" Bilbo half-promised, smiling at his friend. He had already made up his mind to speak with Fili though. No one should have to suffer like this, and if there was anyone that could truly help Kili, it would be his brother.

It was not until then that Bilbo noticed how dark it had gotten.

"Oh my, I still have all those dishes to get to! Excuse me, Kili but if I don't get to them right away, Bofur will have my head." He stood up, and patted the dwarf's back.

Kili looked up at him and gave him a watery smile. "Thank you, Bilbo." The Hobbit nodded, and then turned away from the young dwarf and headed back towards his dishes.


Shall I continue? I don't really know how the dwarves would react to this? Will Bilbo be able to muster up the courage to actually tell someone? Then what? I don't know. We shall see, I guess.