My Life as a Teenage Robot: Mark II

A/N: I'm going to backtrack a bit to explain why and how Jenny was upgraded. Not to spoil anything, but the reason for it won't be pretty. By the way, if anyone wants to do artwork for any of my stories they may. You can email me at saxperson .com.

Chapter 1: Tip of the Iceberg

A group of teenagers waited at the bus stop to go to school. One of them was a sophomore with spiky red hair, khaki dress pants, loafers, a dress shirt, and a black vest. Brad looked at his watch and wondered "Where could Jenny be?"

Meanwhile, 240 miles above the Earth's surface, a robot girl with a blue and white paint job and pigtails was busy fighting a pair of Cluster Prime's greatest aces, The Black Hornets. "Join us XJ9, and become part of the pantheon of the greatest pilots in the universe!" One of them proclaimed. His Mark V Hornet Starfighter matched XJ9 move for move.

As the name suggests, the Hornet has the appearance of an Earth hornet. It is 5 meters long with a wing span of 8 meters and comes equipped with three laser cannon (one on the "stinger" two on the mandibles) and a compliment of 12 homing missiles stored in the abdomen.

Jenny gave an exasperated sigh. "When will you get it through your thick head gaskets that I will never join the Cluster?" she exclaimed. "Very well. Edge, let's take her down." One of them said. "Copy that Chopper." The other replied. Edge and Chopper obtained missile lock and fired two missiles each at Jenny.

Jenny leapt into evasive maneuvers, rolling looping and swerving to shake the projectiles to no avail. Suddenly, she had an idea. With the missiles still following her, Jenny reversed course and headed straight for the Cluster aces. The two fired their laser cannon, thinking that Jenny made the worst tactical error ever.

She dodged all the lasers and flew in between the two fighters. Seconds later the missiles made impact. Straight into the very fighters that launched them. Two huge explosions light up the sky before dissipating. Jenny checked the time. "Crikey!" she exclaimed. "I might miss the bus!" She bolted toward Tremorton as fast as her jet pigtails would take her.

Meanwhile back at the bus stop…

Brad was starting to worry. He looked at his watch again. "The bus will be here in a few minutes." He said to himself. He was startled by two sudden booms. Brad looked up and witnessed a pale blue streak hurtling toward the bus stop. Jenny stopped on a dime above the bus stop and gently touched down. A few seconds later, the bus pulled up and the students filed on. Jenny and Brad sat together as always. "That was cutting it kinda close." Brad quipped. "I had to fight off a couple of Cluster Aces. You'd think they were fresh out of flight training since I defeated them so easily." Jenny explained. Brad was always jealous of Jenny's abilities. "You got to tangle with Cluster Fighters? Some people get all the luck." He complained.

Conversely, Jenny envied Brad's humanity. "I'd hardly call nearly exploding and almost missing the bus lucky." She countered. Anyway the school day progressed without a hitch, much to Jenny's relief. On the walk home from school Brad asked "Hey Jen, you wanna go to Mezmers?" Before Jenny could answer, she received a call from her mother, Dr. Wakeman. "XJ ni-yun, something has come up that requires your immediate attention!" The doctor explained. "Ugh, is it another meteor?" Jenny groaned.

"Don't you use that tone with me young lady. This is serious!" Nora countered. "Several teenagers have been disappearing in the forests outside Tremorton. You must investigate the cause of the disappearances and find the missing people." Jenny rolled her eyes and switched off the screen. "Sorry Brad, apparently I've got other plans now." She grumbled. Jenny activated the jets in her pigtails and rocketed toward the forest.

She landed in a small clearing and set her scanners to search for human bio- signatures. For twenty minutes she searched and still nothing appeared on her scope. Suddenly, she heard a branch snap. She whirled around and deployed a laser gun from her right arm. Then she felt something whoosh past. "Who's there?" she demanded.

She was starting to regret accepting Sheldon's offer to play Slender: The Eight Pages. Something swiped Jenny across the face and disappeared. "Come out, and face me!" she demanded. "As you wish." said a voice from behind Jenny. She whirled around to see a blonde haired boy with fair skin and blue eyes. Jenny cocked her head sideways.

Three more people appeared from behind the trees. Jenny checked her readings. "Okay, I'm confused. You're all humans, but my scanners aren't picking you up." She said. A nasty grin spread across the boys face as he nodded. The humans' hands peeled back, revealing devastating laser, missile and bladed weapons.

Jenny's optics widened with realization. "No. That's not possible. Dr. Locus only built one robot." She stammered. "Melody was only the tip of the iceberg. Now there is an army of us." The blonde boy boasted. Jenny drew her own weapons. "Stay back! I'm warning you!" she threatened.

45 Minutes Later…

"Okay, I think that's enough John." One of the robots said to the blonde. "Yeah, you're right Amy. Let's go home and tell the Doc the good news." John agreed. The four ran back into the woods, leaving Jenny in an utter mess. Her right arm and left leg were severed, several holes were torn open in her armor and her power was dangerously low.

Jenny's display crackled with static. CONDITION: CRITICAL… DIVERT ALL POWER TO CENTRAL CORE… ACTIVATE DISTRESS SIGNAL… "I hope they get here in time…" was Jenny's last conscious thought before everything went black.

A/N: I know I skipped what could have been an epic fight, but I'll save that for later. Right now I just wanted to get to the chase. There will be three or four more chapters before I start updating MLAATA again. Please tell me what you think. Your reviews mean the world to me.
