Thank you for the reviews for the first story I posted. They truly are exciting to get. I'm not sure how I feel about the first chapter of my new story, but after going back and forth with myself, I decided to post it. Catherine is nervous as she gets ready for her first date with Vincent. This story is rated M for a reason, though this chapter is completely PG. More to come soon!

Catherine was nervous. Her stomach was in knots. Her limbs felt weightless and there was a slight tremble in her hands. Tonight was the night for her and Vincent. After two years of looks, near kisses and "accidental" touches, they were at last going on their first date.

And she was a complete and utter wreck!

Clothes were thrown all over her bedroom, each item rejected. One skirt was too short, the other too long. Colors seemed to clash. Jeans were too casual. Nothing worked! She was on the verge of throwing out all of her clothes because none of them set the tone for how she wanted her first date with Vincent to go.

"Okay Cat," she said to herself, "there's something in here to wear. You're just nervous. It's Vincent."

Vincent. The first moment she glanced into his eyes she knew they were meant for more than just friendship. His gaze seared her. He made her feel...made her feel alive. She wished she could shout his name from her window; let the world know what an amazing man he was. She saw the man within. He was a man who patrolled the streets at night to help those in distress. He held her in his arms while she wept over the death of a fellow officer. He laughed at her jokes, even though she knew they weren't funny. He looked at her as if she was his very reason for breathing. A man who felt that intensely, was more than a mindless beast. Everything in her longed for him. Despite some of her best attempts in the beginning, she couldn't stay away from him.

Whenever she was near him, every nerve in her body felt electrified. The strength of her own feelings were part of the reason she was so nervous tonight. She never used to stress over which clothes to wear on a first date.

"I'll just pick something," she told herself. She had to be at his place in thirty minutes. She was not going to be late for their first date. This date was two years past due and she intended to enjoy every second of her time with him.

Looking around her room, she noticed a white Summer dress her sister, Heather, bought her recently. If she remembered correctly, it flowed to just above her knees. It had skinny straps and tied in the back. She walked over and rescued it from the pile of clothes it was entangled with. Holding the dress up, she examined it. It definitely was pretty. The dress would show enough skin without being slutty.

Catherine quickly dressed. The dress hugged her slight curves and showed off her summer tan to perfection. She decided to wear a pair of dressy white sandles, choosing comfort over style. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail, a few wisps of hair escaping. Her makeup was light and her jewelry minimal. She chose small diamond studs that once belonged to her mother. After lightly spritzing herself with her favorite perfume, she was ready to go.

She took a glance at herself in the mirror before leaving. Mixed in with the nerves, there was a sparkle of excitement in her eyes. No matter how out of sorts she felt at the moment, she couldn't wait to begin her date with Vincent. He was hers tonight. They would talk, laugh and kiss one another good night. There weren't any emergencies waiting for them and JT wouldnt' be there as their unofficial chaperone.

It would just be the two of them.