Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece. I own Levy though!

Choose a Side

Chapter 1: The Voice and Chicken

Waking up, I blinked the grogginess out of my eyes. I glanced at my digital clock. 6:02.

Two hours.

Hi. I'm Cornelea Vyce Simon, but my friends just call me Levy. I have long chestnut brown hair that I keep in braids and green eyes. Average chest size, too.

I stepped out of bed, and slowly slumped my way to the door.

I'm 17, and I'm a junior at Marshall High. Just a couple more weeks and I'll be out of that hellhole called school for summer vacation.

I opened the door and the smell of breakfast wafted in. Mmmmm, pancakes.

I'm training to be a pharmacist. It's really ironic, because my initials are CVS. So, I get called CVS girl a lot.

Walking down the stairs, I saw my mom flipping pancakes at the stove. There were already 4 on a plate next to the stove.

I seriously looove writing. I always get A's on any writing assignment they give me at school. English class is a cinch.

My mom turned around and smiled at me, pointing at the plate cabinet and then the plate of pancakes. I understood the message.

I've even been writing a couple of my own original stories. I also keep a journal of most of the stuff that happens to me.

I grabbed a plate and 2 of the pancakes. The syrup and everything else was probably at the table. My mom's like that.

Most of my inspiration comes from manga. Anime too, but mostly manga. Manga is Japanese comic books, incase you didn't know(which you probably do).

I sat down, saying hi to my dad who quickly replied and went back to his coffee and newspaper. I drizzled syrup over my pancakes.

My favorite manga is One Piece. It is sooo awesome(as if you didn't know that already).

I cut off a piece of my pancake and popped it into my mouth, silently thanking my mom for her awesomeness. It had nutmeg in it.

I already own 28 of the volumes, the first 12 being 3-in-1 volumes. But it's mostly just a small hobby of mine to collect the books.

I cut off piece after piece of my pancakes, savoring every bite. They were sooo good.

I am actually very up to date with the series, having watched all the episodes and chapters out so far.

Suddenly the doorbell rang.

"That must be Amy! Bye, mom!"

"See you later! I love you, honey!"

I popped the last bite of pancake into my mouth, grabbed my backpack, and ran to the door, waving bye to my dad who waved offhandedly back. I swung open the front door, revealing my friend.

Meet Amelia Pipper. She's 17 also, and has short blonde hair with a blue highlighted strip in the front to match her eyes. Kinda rowdy, and can't express her feelings very well, but means to be nice. She's one of the best friends I could have.

"Hey, come on, I wanna stop by a place real quick before going to school."

"Okay. Let's go."

We got into her car, and she made her way out of the driveway.

"So where are we going exactly?"

"The bookstore. There's that new book that everyone's been talking about, you know? I wanted to get it."

"'Kays." I replied, thinking about looking around the manga section.

"You're thinking about the manga section, aren't you?" She asked, startling me enough to make me whip my head around to look at her. "Haha, I knew it. You get this wierd almost nostalgic look on your face when you're thinking about manga."



We drove another couple of minutes in silence, before stopping the car at our local bookstore. We walked inside, the little bell dinging as we stepped in. I immediately went towards the manga section and left Amy to do her stuff.

I looked over the selection of One Piece, having decided that I would read that one while waiting. I closed my eyes and picked a random book.

Surprisingly, it ended up being book 1. I started to read, but only managed to get to right when Luffy punched the sea king before we had to go.

Amy sighed at me. "One Piece again?"

"Yes, One Piece! It is the most amazing thing in the world and you should read it too!"


"Seriously! Like, I wish I could, like, be in One Piece, that's just how awesome I think it is, Amy!"



"Oookay, let's just get to school. We probably only have like half an hour to go fourty minutes."


After much speeding and cutting and no tickets, we managed to make it to school with 5 minutes to do lockers and get to class. I slipped into my B day math class right before the bell rang, and quickly moved to my seat on the left side near the front. My teacher almost immediately told us to take out our homework to check and started setting up the Promethean board to write on.I was really dizzy, but I set it aside by saying to myself it was because I speed walked for too long. Pulling out my notebook, I turned it to my homework and took out a pencil.

Suddenly, a wave of nausea came over me and I couldn't focus on anything. The teacher was talking in the background, but I couldn't pay attention. I stayed that way for a few moments, before-

"Well then, Ms. Simon, would you like to answer number one?"

"-wuh? Huh?"

All the kids laughed at me as I felt horrible. I slowly picked up my notebook and started walking towards the front of the room, feeling dizzy still.

"Mr. Heffley, I don't think I can-" I started before the darkness stole my vision.

I could hear cries of "Levy!" before my consciousness finally faded too.


When I finally woke up, I was in the nurse's office. I sat up, and wiped a bit of the sleep out of my eyes.


"What! Who's there?!" I said, totally not expecting someone to be there.

How would you like to do it.

"What? Do what?"

How would you like to do it.

I paused.

"Whaaat!? I don't even know you! That would be, like, rape!"

No, not that! It! Your wish!

"...But I don't have a wish."

Yes, you do. Well, almost a wish. You wanted to go to the One Piece world.

"...And how, may I ask, are you going to accomplish this?"

Easy. I'm magical, you could say, and I've been looking for someone like you to send there.

"Oookay...will it really work?"

If you agree, yes.

"Screw it! Yes, I agree!"

Then it shall be.

Looking down at myself, I realized I was starting to glow a light yellow, before I was blinded by it and passed out once again.


Ahh, I love the beach. Just laying on a towel, suntanning, is so much fun.

Wait. I'm not on a towel.

And how did I get to the beach!?

I sprang up, looking around. Then I remembered my conversation with the voice.

"So I'm in One Piece now?"



You're by Shells town. Walk towards the middle of the island and you should get there.

"How do you do that?"

I'm inside of you. Only you can hear me. I'm going to be quiet most of the time, so don't be reliant on me for a friend or information or anything.

"Oh. Ok." I said, accepting the information.

When he didn't say anything, I figured he meant starting now. I walked about a half a mile or so before realizing something.

"Hey, when will Luffy get here? Sorry, I really need to know."

In about 20 days.

"Wait. So, if I go to Ririka's bar right now, I'll be able to see Zoro beat up Helmeppo and that wolf!?"

If that is what you want to do, yes.

"Awesome!" I said, now breaking out into a run.

"Hey, do I have money?"

Any money you had has been converted.

"Awesome!" I had about 30 bucks in there!

So, I had enough money to buy a meal to be eating while Zoro did cool stuff.

I should probably get a job at Ririka's, too.

Finally, I was at the edge of the city. I managed to find an ok looking guy to ask a question to.

"Hey, do you know where Ririka's bar is? I just got here and heard it was really nice."

He blinked at me. "Ah...uh, sure, let me take you there." he blushed a little.

He doesn't like me, does he? Oh sweet baby Jesus no. No.

I still took up the offer, though, and followed him down the road, where we took a right and a left, and went a little further before we were there.

"H-here we are." he said, blushing and shuffling his feet while looking down. "What's your name?"

"Levy. Thank you!" I practically screamed while hugging him, and then I went in the restaurant.

If he did like me then he was probably in heaven right now.

Whoopee. Fan service.

Going inside, I recognized the place and took a seat at the bar. Seeing Ririka, I asked her for a menu.

Mmmm. Honey fried chicken with rice and vegetables. And sweet tea. Sounds good.

I asked for it and then got myself occupied with looking at the currency. I used to have about 30 dollars and I had just over 300 beris now... So about 10 beris equals a dollar. I took out the amount I needed and had about 25 dollars left. Pretty good.
I stuck my wallet in my pocket and turned around just in time to see Zoro.

He looked pretty dirty, but was in the clothes I thought he would be in. He walked up to the counter and sat a seat over from me.
Great. If he's here, I might not get my food anytime soon.

I want my chicken!

I turned to Ririka.

"Ma'am, do you think you could get my order done faster if I payed you extra? 20 beri, maybe?"

Zoro looked at me wierd, but didn't say anything. Ririka agreed and worked on getting it done faster.

It appeared that that was a good thing, because a few moments later, right as I got my food and payed, Helmeppo burst through the door with his wolf. Zoro looked at me scrutinizingly before turning to the plate of rice he was recieving.

The wolf thrashed around and ate a few people's food before Rika came out with her mop and started waving it at it.

"Hey! Do you have a problem with my pet!?" Helmeppo asked Rika, and then the wolf went to attack her before a chair slammed into the wolf sending it away from Rika.

"Who the hell are you!?" Helmeppo screamed at Zoro. "You couldn't be... Pirate Hunter Zoro, could you?"

"So what?"

"Why the hell is a pirate hunter messing with the marines!?"

"Just let me eat in peace."

"Why you-"

Helmeppo swung his sword at Zoro, who moved out of the way and deflected it into the ceiling. Then he punched Helmeppo in the face and pointed his sword at him.

Helmeppo was trembling by now.

"You're annoying, you," Zoro said, "And your pet too."

Helmeppo was shaking furiously, but suddenly smirked.

"Don't you understand," he said devilishly, "That if my father finds out about this, those people will be executed?"

Ririka audibly gasped and hung onto Rika for dear life.

"What do you think? We can make a deal. Why don't you go to jail instead of them? Let's see... One month. If you can survive for one month, I'll set you free. How about it?"

There was a pause.

"One month, right?"

He dropped his sword.

The marines that had been there to protect Helmeppo suddenly sprang into action, and dragged Zoro away, to the marine base supposedly.

Everyone sort of just stood there for a moment. I was the first to react.

"Hmmmm..." I said, popping a piece of chicken into my mouth. "Ma'am, do you think I could get a job here?"

A/N: I know, I totally stole the name Levy from Fairy Tail. But I love the name Levy so much! What do you think? Reviews are appreciated! I have this whole thing planned out, so I'll probably update often! I definitely worked my character out better than in the last attempt I had on a OC story. That one isn't on here though, I wrote that one on paper. I had finished 24 pages until I realized I didn't even like it that much! Maybe I'll redo it. Nobody even reads these things anyway, why am I doing this? Meh, whatever. Arigatou,


PS: I've taken Japanese classes for three years, so I may include a few Japanese references. Bye!