A meeting at the hospital

The rain was forming vast swirls on the front window of my worn-out, little Ford I called a car. I glanced sideways, taking a quick look at my friend, Lucy .She was seated very tranquilly, watching the raging storm.

I'd offered to drive her to the hospital where her Mother worked, since the weather was so dreadful and I was scared something might happen to her on the way.

"Thanks for doing this Ell, I know you're prob-" My boy loving, adorable and always saying sorry for almost everything, friend started again.

But I cut her off.

"No, it's fine but how many times have I got to say this? What a-"

This time it was Lucy's turn to cut me off.

"Alright, alright, I get it, I'm starting to annoy you but you keep repeating yourself as well," she rolled her eyes and started flapping her arm like an idiot while trying to mimic me. "How many times have you said 'no it's fine' or 'what are friends for' in the last ten minutes?" She backed up from me, attempting to keep a safe distance from the death glares I was giving her. I must say her imitation of my Texan accent was a major washout; she sounded more like an old granny.

She joined in with my death glares. It ended up being a battle of who would back down first, but you only had to give us a minute before we both cracked and had a major laughing fit.

Lucy smiled at me, and then looked down at her lap.

"Hmm... I'm going to miss you so much", Lucy mumbled while twiddling with her fingers that she lay on her lap.

I smiled back at her even though she couldn't see me (she was still looking at her lap). I sighed to myself. This was the worst bit about my life, having to say good-bye to my friends every 2 to 5 years.

You see I never grow old. Which is why I have to keep lying to their faces saying, "Don't worry I'll come visit you all the time," or "I'll speak to you on Facebook".

But I couldn't .They'd see that I don't change, it's so frustrating. AND YES! Before you ask I have tried not making any friends and staying out of the sight of humans but it's easier said than done. It gets boring and lonely. Nobody could live a life like that.

It had only taken a second for me think of those thoughts. Lucy hadn't even blinked, that's how fast a vampire brain works.

"I'll miss you too, but I still have a couple of weeks left in this rainy old town remember," I said gleefully, trying to brighten up this dreary mood.

"No Missy! This is the last time I'm going to see you, I'm going on holiday tomorrow and you'll be gone before I get back… I sure hope this family is worth it."

"I'm so sorry Hun, but this is my last chance of getting a proper family and to stop having different 'parents' every month."

That was my cover up story at school and to the public. They think I live with a foster family and I'm finally getting an adopted family in the next couple of weeks who live in New York. But the fact is I live on my own in a run-down flat and I'm actually moving to some other rainy town.

I stopped the car, we'd just made to our destination so I turned to her.

"Have fun on your holiday yeah? And text me and go on Skype all the time, you promised me?" I continued.

She replied with a bone crushing hug, even though a human won't be able to break my bones.

"Bye Ella." She whispered in my ear.

"Bye Lucy." I replied.

With that she climbed out of my car, waving as she headed through the hospital's main doors.

I sat there for ages just thinking about the good times I'd had with Lucy. How we became best friends, how we played match-maker at school, dressing up for Halloween. They were all great memories, still are great memories!

But it was time to leave.


"ARR," I screamed as the car I was in jolted forward.

My senses came in naturally then I smelt it.


"OMG, OMG!" A blond woman screeched while running up to my door. "I'm so sorry." She panicked as I climbed out of my car.

I walked around to the boot and there was a huge dent. I sighed.

"Great," I murmured.

"Look we're so sorry. Rose wasn't paying attention to the road and was looking more at her reflection in the mirror." A tall well-built man said while smirking away. He was about 18-20 and wore dark blue jeans with a tight fitted white vest top that showed all his glorious 8-pack. YUM!

"Uh Hum!" The girl who crashed into the back of my car cleared her throat, probably trying to get my attention away from the GOD before me. I was thankful in a way, at least now I didn't look like a drooling mess.

She was tall and strikingly beautiful. Her wavy blond hair framed her face as though she was a work of art. She wore clothes that hugged her in all the right places, making her look like a goddess.

"Look I'm very sorry for bumping into your car but that doesn't mean you can gorm at my husband!" Rose hissed at me, pointing an accusing finger in my direction.

"Ok, ok I get it, I'm sorry Rose but I didn't know he was taken." I apologised while putting my hands up in surrender.

"That's Rosalie to you!" The blond bitch who clearly did not like me hissed, again. She was really making a habit of that.

I thought it was only vampires that his-

WOW they are vampires! That explains the eyes and the smell. Silly me!

"Oi you, what's your name?" I asked the black haired one.

"Emmet, what's yours?" he replied

"Ella, and you're a vampire right?"

Emmet grabbed my arm and threw me into the back of his monstrous truck; he closed my door and jumped in the driver's seat. He stared up the engine.

"You can't kidnap me you know. It's against my rights!" I bellowed, sounding like an annoying little girl.

He laughed in response. I could see him smirking in the re-view mirror which only annoyed me more.

"What about my car?" I cried, feeling like I was losing the will to live.

"Rose's driving it," Emmet laughed.

"Great. Just great, are you going to at least explain where you're taking me?" I hissed.

"Mine!" He grumbled stopping the whole conversation.

I'd been in the jeep for 10 minutes now and we finally turned into an excavated up road.

"And where exactly do you live, in the forest?" I asked

"Here," he replied while we drove into a field.

Emmet stopped the car sharply and came around to open my door.

"Get out." He smiled while stepping back. I did as I was told. The house before me was beautiful, immaculate. It had three floors that were mainly covered in glass windows, and the bottom floor was wrapped in a porch with stairs leading up to it. All of this was in a field with trees on the outside. You could hear water running nearby.

"You like?" A motherly woman asked while walking up to me.

"It's beautiful." I whispered.

But it was more than beautiful. The way the moonlight engulfed it in its ever present white shield, made everything around look black and white everything, except the house that was lit with orange lights from inside.

"Come on let me show you inside, oh how rude of me, I'm Esme by the way."

"I'm Ella, are you sure? I wouldn't want to bother you…" I shook my head while stepping back.

I saw a group of people staring at me, 7 of them, and 8 including Esme who was holding a hand out to me trying to lead me into the grand mansion.

Half of me was saying go in and meet strangers! The other half of me was hiding and saying run for shelter, they're vampires for God sake they're stronger than me and could kill me in an instant.

But for some reason I grabbed Esme's hand and began to walk up the pebbled drive.