
Wisteria Blossom

by Mizu79

Summary: After the massacre of her clan, Hinata Hyuuga was sold into a tea house and forced to become a geisha. With newfound allies and enemies, she looks for a way to escape this living hell. Hope suddenly comes knocking on her door in the form of one man, Sasuke Uchiha. But he has more in store for her than meets the eye. With revenge hidden beneath his loving gaze will he finish what he started or fall in love with the maiden? But what if she knew that the man she was starting to fall in love with is actually involved in the massacre of her whole clan? Would she still stay with him or leave the lone Uchiha?


Chapter 2 - Downwards Descent

Ivory eyes flashed nervously as the candle light flickered and sizzled when she walked past. The wooden door had slammed shut behind her moments ago and the scary man had locked the latch. Hinata could remember the haunting look that everyone in the locked room had given her just before she left. Eyes full of worry, full of fear and pity for someone they barely knew. Hinata's legs shook and she glanced around nervously to find any other source of human life to comfort her frantic heart but could only see vast darkness that was lit by melting candles.

Would she collapse if she took another step forward?

Anything could happen to her from here on out. There would be no Neji-nii to save her and cut down her inner demons like he always had. No one to hold back the monsters that haunted her. No one to comfort her when the nightmares reigned supreme and enveloped her in darkness. The only person she could rely on now, was herself. Everyone that was supposed to protect her was dead. Her fate was sealed the moment she had weakly let that man grab her by her hair and toss her into his wagon and cart her off to this foreign place. If only she had fought. If only she was better at being a Hyuuga just like Hanabi or even, Neji-nii. She wouldn't be in this predicament now if she had been stronger. If only.

Somehow, her whole head felt empty but her heart was fluttering like a caged butterfly in her chest ready to run or stand her ground and fight.

She fingered the tattered sleeve of her gown and swallowed thickly as her hands trembled and twitched at their position at her side. She felt as if her breathing had become heavier and irregular as the taller male studied her with beady eyes on her much shorter smaller form.

There was a predatory glint in his eyes that caused her to heave and suppress a shudder that would surely cause him to notice her fear. Why was it her and not any of the girls inside the room? Why?

"Come, little birdy," he finally said as she looked up before laying her gaze against the ground and hesitantly following. Just as she trailed too closely, she finally realized just how much bigger and stronger he was compared to her. He stood vastly taller than her and the scar on his face looked fairly new with the flesh still pink and healing. There were remnants of a starting stubble on his chin that shined when he had turned to glance at her to see if she was following him or not. She wouldn't run. Or perhaps, she couldn't. Where could she run to when all the doors were locked and the only way to move forward was towards the male that threatened her resolve?

Hinata swallowed again and resumed her gait when he turned to face the front. His gaze made her feel unnerved and seemed to make her steps falter from the fear that threatened to consume her.

She would have run if the Hyuuga blood hadn't been running through her veins like hot boiling fire that acted as a constant reminder of her roots. Because she was Hyuuga, she had to always hold her head high with pride and face the word with a cold calculating face. She was never good at being a Hyuuga. Never good and yet she was the last of her kind. How ironic.

The hall seemed like a hidden tunnel of some sorts. Grass and moss grew alongside the walls and it seemed like this hidden building was underground. She could smell dirt and moistness that seeped from the walls which helped to confirm her theory. The halls and rooms seemed rather dark and she hasn't seen any light from the moment she left the small locked room. What was her ending destination from here?

Just as they rounded a corner, Hinata noticed a rather skinny male stare at them from the front. He seemed like a servant with clothes tattered and his stick skinny arms carrying sacks of something she couldn't identify. The odor from the sack; however, she could smell from clear across the hall. It smelled rather rotten and some sort of dark liquid was seeping from the sack to stain the dirt floors. It was too dark for Hinata to actually tell what it was that was coming from the bag and making the air so unsettling.

The whole hall had seemed to become consumed with the rotten smell like bad eggs and something far too foul to be named. The skinny male didn't seemed fazed from the smell even though it made Hinata rather sick in the stomach. It was as if this was his job and his nose had become accustomed to the gruesome smell and it didn't bother him like it did others.

Her eyes watered as she walked past and she had to hold her breath before the food she had eaten could start to come up and out of her mouth.

"Get the hell moving, rat." The male in front of her called as the skinny male jumped up and a rather scared and nervous look made way to his face. He dropped the sack that seemed to make a disturbing squishing noise and some long strands of string came from the bag. It glinted like hair even though most of it was matted with dark material. Hinata held her breath and tried to stop the thoughts of what was really in the sack from filling her head. Something with hair. Long and black strands of straight silky hair.

She shivered and turned away slightly. Could this be the fate of the girls?

Was this her fate? Would they kill her? Disembowel her body just like they had to whoever was contained inside the sack?

The skinny male mumbled and muttered something distinctly foreign with his sharps eyes on Hinata. Then, with one last glance at the two from across of him, he gripped the heavy sacks and narrowed dark eyes before stomping off to go do a little tattle-telling. Surely this would make the scary man pay for calling him names. A rat, was he?

The soft tapping of the skinny males steps started to become smaller and smaller as the scary man led her further away from the skinny male with sharp eagle eyes.

As Hinata rounded another corner after the male, the scary man had jerked open a dark wooden door that seemed to be hidden in the dark wall and motioned for her to enter. She stumbled hesitantly before glancing inside and noticed a small dank room that was lit with candle light. The small room held a bed stuffed with hay as bedding and a small trunk at the corner.

Impatiently, he had suddenly reached out and pushed on her left shoulder causing her to stumble inside and flinch at the contact. It was scary the way he was looking at her. Like a man who had been thirsty for too long in a dry and windy desert. She shivered.

As she noticed her surroundings, the warning bells had started to go off in her head.

She should have known. Should have known at the beginning from the way his gaze made her feel so unsettled. How could she have been foolish enough to let him lead her this far? Hinata took several steps back and felt her back press along the cold wall opposite of him as she shivered unconsciously and tried to swallow the large lump in her throat.

Although she was much more innocent in this field than most woman her age, she wasn't stupid. She knew what he wanted and didn't dare to fool herself any longer with stupid innocent thoughts. Before she could even try to run, the wooden door slammed closed and he stood blocking the exit with his much bigger form, casting a dark and scary shadow in the room.

"Do I make you nervous, little birdy?" his deep voiced called as the floorboards creaked and moaned from the pressure of his weight. Yes, very much so, she wanted to say but couldn't get the words to form as she trembled against the wall. Hinata didn't dare to look up and only quivered fearfully once she had realized the reality of the situation that she was in.

There was no one there to save her even if she begged or screamed. No one to stop him. Not even her blonde-haired god.

He started to come closer and the candle light flickered as she tried to huddle into herself and become smaller. Her heart was pounding rapidly inside of her chest and she could smell the scent of salt and sweat. It irritated her nose as he came closer and she could only watch with eyes wide open in fear.

He was like a monster to her with his face lit with orange and red flames and his body dark and shadowed from where the candle didn't cast its light. Then, he reached his big hand out towards her in an attempt to seize her trembling form. Hinata flinched and tried to swallow as her eyes widened even more than possible and threatened to consume her whole face. Her head was spinning and the room was starting to become blurry in her eyes.

He couldn't do this to her. What had she done to deserve this?

There was a jerking shock that filled her when his fingers had caught her dainty hand and a sort of defense mechanism had activated inside of her. She wanted to scream like a banshee and use all she had to hurt him and make him yield as a dull ache started to rapidly form at her temples.

The warming sirens in her head was flaring and when his warm skin had touched hers, she was in fight mode.

With profound skills she didn't know she had, she easily slipped from his hold and had squared her shoulders and moved like water around him. The long silk kimono flowed around her and made it seem like she was floating over the ground as she moved around his hands that grabbed and missed. There were foreign veins that collected at her temples and the sides of her lavender eyes that turned silver like glowing coins when she called upon her inner powers. He snarled and lunged at her small form only to catch the fabric of her sleeve and tearing the silk down her arm. Hinata widened her stance and gasped in air as he reached out to touch her and she attempted to dodge him in return.

Her small fingers had pressed lightly against the nook between the area where his shoulder and neck connected and his arm fell like dead weight. The pain was obvious on his face as he stumbled back before flaring his nostrils and coming close again. He wasn't one to give in to pain. Afterall, the scar on his face was a reminder of that. In an attempt to curl his fingers, he realized that whatever she had done had caused him to lose sensation to that hand and no matter how much will he had put in moving the arm, it wouldn't budge.

He wasn't fazed by the little birds bold display and only continued his hunt with eyes becoming cold at the difficult chase she was giving. Even with one hand, he could make her bend and kiss the dirt beneath his feet. With another snarl, he grabbed her by the hair with his working hand and once again her smooth fingers touched against his abdomen and the pain froze him momentarily.

The atmosphere had become tense and dangerous as Hinata kept her pale eyes on the males figure. She could feel adrenaline pumping through her veins and hear the sharp gasps of air coming from her mouth. With a rough jerk of her head back away from him, silky strands of her hair snapped and dragged as she pulled away. In his frozen palm was several dozen strands of her hair that glinted and glimmered in the light. The stinging of her scalp didn't matter as she readied herself for the next battle between her and this man. She was ready to give everything she had to fend him off, even her life.

The man was sweating heavily and a drop of his sweat flitted down his dark face and plopped onto the dirty floor and the sounds of his heavy breathing filled the small room along with her shaky gasps. He wouldn't give just because the little bird had some moves up her sleeves.

With hands much bigger than hers, he avoided her slender fingers and grabbed both tiny pale wrists and jerked her forward against his numb abdomen.

"Bitch." he near snarled into her face as she wrinkled her eyebrows and pulled uselessly as he restrained her arms in an iron grip. The circulation of her hand was being cut off and she could feel a slight pain coming from her wrists as he bent his hold and the adrenaline was seeping out of her in torrents to leave the horrid sensation of terror and pain. The pain of his choking hold had become unbearable and threatened to break her as she parted dry lips and shrieked out in pain. It felt like he was trying to break her bones as he tilted his hands and forced more pressure into his tight hold. Hinata bent and leaned forward until she was on her knees with him towering over her small form.

Tears were gathering in her opalescent eyes as he twisted her wrists with numbing pressure and she had to bite her lips to keep from screaming loudly.

"St-stop!" she whimpered through clenched teeth although her hand felt like it would shatter to pieces and fall from her wrist.

"Never." he seethed darkly before slamming her face first into the dirty wooden ground with a cold and bloodthirsty look in his eyes. Hinata winced in pain as her cheek burned from being scratched against the grains of dirt on the wooden floor. He twisted her around and encircled her wrists before digging a heavy knee between her shoulder blades rendering her immobile.

While she was winded from the fall, he leaned his weight and trapped her hands under his leg before quickly untying his brown sash with one hand. Just as quickly, he bent his head and started to tie her hands up tightly using his one hand, mouth and teeth. Her knuckles turned white from the tight binding and she flinched when he roughly jerked the sash.

The sash tightened against her hands and Hinata bit back a whimper of pain as he tugged her up like a doll and threw her onto the hay bedding as if she weighed nothing. He had won. His hunt was over and he could finally consume his prey. Corners of the mans lips curled upwards into a satisfied smirk as he let his leg hit the soft bedding. His shadow darkened over the fallen girl.

This couldn't be happening.

The dark male popped his neck with a sickening crack before stalking closer to her dazed form. Lights flashed before Hinata's eyes as she lay frozen and wheezing from the force of his shove that caused her to shake and tremble as his dark figure loomed over her immobile body.

She gasped for air and could feel her chest become heavy and tight, as if someone was choking her.

Go away, she begged, please go away.

His face loomed darkly in front of her eyes and Hinata closed her eyes and gritted her teeth to stop the sobs from wracking her form.

Terror, blinding and desperate came to her then as she started to struggle against the binds and choked on unspilled tears. Her cheeks were flushed from exertion and her lips bleeding from when she had bit them earlier.

This couldn't be happening to her.

She would rather kill herself then let this monster have her.

Although her hands were bounded together she knew of only one way that would let her end herself while in this state.

Hot liquid fire seeped from her opalescent eyes and she could taste salt water hit her tongue and sting her dry parted lips. Her nose became clogged and she heaved and jerked in spasms against the restraints.

If she bit her tongue hard enough, she would die wouldn't she?

Just as she parted her lips and attempted to bite down, he had noticed her intentions and gripped her cheeks with a harsh hold, causing pain to fill her face. The hollow of her cheeks ached as her mouth opened and he took the chance to shove a dark fabric into her mouth. She choked as the fabric hit the back of her throat and more tears seeped from her down turned eyes.

"It's not that easy, little birdy," he smirked before pulling his brown tunic over his head to reveal his naked chest that probably spanned twice her size. Hinata whimpered and tried to press herself into the bedding and make herself as small and invisible as she could. Her heart fluttered and tightened in her chest and felt like it would burst from all the stress and terror.

He leaned forward and she could feel the bed creak from the pressure before his hand pressed against the cotton of the sheets by her head and tangled in her hair. Hard lips pressed against the side of her jawline and he murmured something she didn't care for at the moment before trailing them downwards to her neck and collarbone. She could smell the harsh smell of salt and sweat and the disgust and bile built up in her mouth the more closer he got.

He smirked and settled himself closer against her.

Her flesh was warm, soft and pliant against his harsh lips and he took the opportunity to slowly devour her trembling form. He was obviously overjoyed that she couldn't fight back against him like she had moments ago and slowly started to sate his baser needs against her soft body although she still struggled to escape. The little thing amused him with all the fight she had managed before he had tied her down and settled himself on top. Women can never win against the brute strength of a man.

Hinata trembled and tried to clench her teeth together so that she wouldn't throw up all the contents in her stomach.

Soon the cloth over her mouth became wet with her tears and saliva as she screamed but the only thing she could hear was the incessant pounding of her heart and muffled sounds that was supposed to be her screams for help. Her skin felt disgusting and grubby and she just wanted to will that part of her to fall off wherever he touched her. She willed herself to fight back but once the adrenaline had left her, she weakly fought with what little energy she had left.

He seemed amused at her useless struggles and she could feel the stubble on his chin scrape against her flesh and she screamed bitterly as his weight settled against her abdomen. He could break her in two if he wanted and the screams and wailing continued to leave her covered mouth. He would break her in two.

His big hand pressed heavily against her front before ripping the obi off of her waist and tearing the kimono open. She could feel cold air hit her chest and choked and screamed and dug her fingernails into the cloth in hopes of detangling her hands and freeing herself. The fabric didn't give way to her hopeless struggling and seemed to tighten and choke her as she trembled and kicked before he settled his heavy leg over her struggling ones in another way to hold her down and bind her against him.

Please, let someone kill me now, she begged as her tears continued to fall from the sides of her face and onto her matted hair.

Hinata closed her eyes and tried to go unconscious by holding her breath and rolling her eyes back yet she was still conscious and could still feel his heavy weight against her body.

With no hope or energy left in her, Hinata felt her body loosen and become flaccid within his grip as his larger hands had started to untie the undergarments that held her dignity in tact.

Please, someone, anyone, she begged through blurry teary vision, please kill me.

Suddenly with a great whoosh, the wooden door had angrily slammed open and bright colors filled her vision like dancing flames, intense and vivid.



This is a dark fic so I wanted Hinata to be caught in her darkest hours. Sorry if I offended anyone. :3 Almost rape scenes are the hardest scenes to ever write I tell you! Agh! Were you guys glad someone came to save her? Was the action good enough for you guys? I know the beginning was kind of long and slow. Hope it didn't bore anyone *crickets chirp* hmm... This chapter was kind of long so I'll go back and proofread more and probably rewrite some parts. I couldn't help but post this cuz you guys commented such encouraging comments! Please drop by and say hi if you're reading this! I really like to read every comment because it helps me know what works and what doesn't and anything I'm missing that you guys pick up cuz I tend to forget! So thank you!

Question and Answer Corner:

Hinata is around 17 hitting 18 soon...I tend to update maybe weekly and sometimes a couple times in a week if I'm motivated.