This is it; the very last chapter of this long labor of love. I have chosen to combine the last chapter and the epilogue into one update. It's been a year and a month plus since I first published this and about 20 months plus since I started working on it. It has been a huge chunk of my life for nearly two years now and the ending, for me, is bittersweet. I want to thank all of my readers who have stuck with this until the very end. Your support is beyond appreciated. For those of you who have reviewed I am thankful from the bottom of my heart and for all the favorites and follows thanks. It's all these things that kept me going throughout this process. I know some of you may not be totally pleased with the ending but that's how it goes. You can't please everyone. Now sit back and enjoy this last chapter. I hope you will all follow me into the new stories and one shots that I have planned. Without the reader there is no point in writing. Thanks again for everything. As always only the original characters belong to me.

The next three months passed as they tend to do. In some ways it felt like an eternity since that fateful moment and in others it felt just like yesterday. The children were all back in school including Henry at Yale. The morning he left, the family said goodbye over brunch at the Four Seasons. Afterwards he drove off in one direction while the rest of them drove in another. Upon returning home Blair had excused herself heading directly upstairs to the master bedroom where she sobbed uncontrollably. Good byes had become unbearable for her.

Cordelia had spent the rest of her summer doing community service which was part of her punishment. She spent every day working with the Bass Foundation. She worked at food banks, blood drives, read to the elderly and even helped out her Aunt Serena at the Central Park Conservancy's Fall plant sale. She was so busy she didn't have time to get into any type of trouble. Any free time she did have was spent at the atelier with Eleanor. The past three months had matured her in a lot of ways. She had begun to seriously think about her future; college and a career beyond that.

She and Eleanor had spent a lot of time discussing universities. Eleanor had expressed her desire to have Cordelia study at the Sorbonne in Paris. Cordelia could live with her and Cyrus and apprentice at the atelier. Eleanor had seen Cordelia's talent and was ready to mentor her. The more they talked about it the more excited Cordelia became. She could see herself studying and living in Paris. She was ready to seriously think about this next step.

Blair was trying to get her life back together. She had returned to work full time a month ago. Eleanor had stayed another two weeks to bring her up to speed before heading back to Paris. Prior to returning to work she had spent a week overseeing the return of the nursery back into a guest room. She had cried as she had informed Dorota where to donate the furniture and clothes. Chuck had offered the workers triple pay if they could have it finished in less than a week and they had. He couldn't stand to see Blair upset over the empty space any longer.

Blair had been given a clean bill of health. Her recovery had been without incident and Dr. Stevenson had given her the all clear over seven weeks ago. She had returned to exercising and work full time. The only thing she hadn't returned to was any kind of intimacy with her husband.

Chuck wasn't pushing her, he never would, but he was starting to feel very sexually frustrated. There had been a lot of cold showers and masturbation. In the last twenty-one years of their marriage the only time they had gone without sexual intercourse for any length of time had been after the birth of their children. Post Henry they had waited the full six weeks but after Cordelia and Ned it was only four and three and half respectively. And during those dry spells they had at least engaged in oral sex.

Even though Dr. Stevenson had made it clear that all normal activity could be resumed Blair was still unreceptive to being intimate. Chuck had tried to initiate it a few times only to have Blair whisper that she wasn't ready.

He knew they needed to talk about it but there never seemed to be a good time. For him it wasn't just the physical act that he was missing but the closeness he always felt with her afterwards. They weren't communicating on any level and the distance was growing. He felt lost and unsure of everything and he didn't know how to get their normal life back.

He immersed himself more and more into his work. He would eat dinner with the family and then head to his home office to work on things. Some nights it was easier to come to bed after she was already asleep.

He knew that if they didn't address things soon there was a very real chance of things changing forever.

He got the push he needed earlier that day. He had just finished a huge meeting and was entering his office when his assistant notified him that Tiffany's had dropped off a package. He figured it was a gift of some kind. He had closed the door and after returning a few emails opened the package.

Inside delicately wrapped was a gorgeous locket, a locket he had forgotten that he had specially commissioned over two months ago. He had planned to give it to her on her actual birthday next week. It was made of platinum and had Thomas' initials hand engraved on the front. Inside was where he had planned to put his son's lock of hair before he gave it to Blair. When he ordered the necklace he was thinking that they would be in a better place by the time it was ready. He was hoping that it would serve as a keepsake and a beautiful memento of their son. Now he was worried if giving it to her would be the worst thing in the world he could do.

He sat there a few minutes holding the locket in his hand thinking about the past three months and he decided he wouldn't wait. He'd give it to her tonight. Hopefully that would begin their healing process. They couldn't possibly continue the way they were. It was like they were strangers coexisting in the same house. He decided enough was enough. So he called Dorota asking her to bring Thomas' lock of hair to him at the office. Dorota didn't ask any questions and he was reminded of why they paid her the exorbitant salary they did.

Once Dorota had dropped it off he placed the soft lock of hair carefully inside the locket and then wrapped it himself. He wanted this to be completely from him. He didn't want anyone else to have touched it before he gave it to Blair.

On the drive home from the office he felt sick. He had never felt quite this out of sorts in his marriage before. He was worried about upsetting her and causing an even bigger wedge between them.

As the limo made its way through the streets he found himself thinking about the loss of her first child. He had seen her just a couple of months after that and she had been functioning and seemed so much better than she was this time. He couldn't help but wonder if the problem was with him. Was Louis better in this situation? Had he been able to give her something she needed that Chuck couldn't?

He pushed the unpleasant thoughts from his head as the limo pulled up in front of the house. He didn't wait for the driver to open the door. He went up the stairs and entered his home. A place that had brought him so much joy was now draped in sadness.

Dorota met him in the hall. She reached out taking his overcoat from him. "Good evening Mister Chuck. Do you want me to make you plate?"

He shook his head as he set his briefcase down onto the gleaming marble floor. "No, I had a late meeting and I ate at the office. Where is everyone?"

She opened the closet door and pulled out a hanger sliding his coat onto it. "Cordelia and Ned are both upstairs studying and Miss Blair is in library. She's having a cup of tea and reading."

Chuck looked up from the mail he was going through. "How is she doing today? She sounded a bit off on the phone earlier."

Dorota shrugged. "She seemed alright at dinner." Dorota paused for a minute and then continued, "I don't want to overstep my bounds but I think she needs distraction."

Chuck nodded. "I agree." He reached out and squeezed her arm gently. "Why don't you go home? You've been putting in way more hours than you should."

Dorota sighed. "She needs me. Where else would I be?"

Chuck nodded. "I appreciate it more than you know."

She reached out and patted his cheek. "I love you both. It will get better."

Tears had formed in Chuck's eyes. "I know. Thank you."

He took a deep breath. "We'll see you tomorrow."

He turned and headed upstairs to say hello to Ned and Cordelia and then headed to the master bedroom to remove his tie and jacket before heading back down to see Blair. There was a time he would've rushed straight to her but tonight he needed a few minutes to brace himself for what he thought may be a difficult conversation.

He stopped in the hall taking the poorly wrapped box from his briefcase and headed to the library. He stood in the doorway for a few minutes watching her. She was curled up on the couch in front of the fire reading. He knew without looking that it was a copy of Tolstoy's Anna Karenina. She was revisiting all the classics. She'd already finished works by Hemingway, Austen, Dickens, and Flaubert to name a few. Anna had been started last night. He had seen the copy on her bedside table.

She looked beautiful. Her skin was devoid of makeup and her curls were pushed back with a simple headband. She looked younger than her nearly forty-four years. She also looked peaceful. He suddenly had second thoughts. Maybe he should just turn away and head back upstairs. Why disturb her moment of escape to bring her crashing back into reality?

He was about to move when she looked up and saw him standing there.

A soft smile crossed her face as she placed the bookmark into the book and closed the cover. "Hey."

He stared at her for another second or two before entering her sanctuary. She was spending a lot of time in here and he felt a bit like an intruder. He closed the door and crossed to the couch. He leaned over and kissed her lightly.

"Hello." He turned and sat down next to her placing the wrapped locket onto the coffee table. "Sorry I'm late. The meeting ran long."

"As they tend to do these days." She averted her eyes looking down at the book in her lap. She ran a finger along the gold embossed letters of the title.

He reached out taking her hand into his. She looked up at him as her breathing hitched. He could see the confusion in her face. He suddenly realized he couldn't remember the last time he had just sat there and held her hand.

"Blair, I think we need to talk." He glanced down at their entwined fingers. Suddenly it all began to flow out of him. "I don't know what I'm doing. I wanna help you but I feel like I'm constantly making things worse. When you lost your daughter you seemed to recover so much faster and I can't help but think that I'm the problem. Maybe Louis was better at this…"

She squeezed his hand. "Stop it."

She had said the words so forcefully that it stopped him and forced him to lift his gaze to her face. Her eyes were brimming with tears.

"This has nothing to do with how you've comforted me, Chuck. You have been amazing and so patient." A tear slipped down her cheek.

He searched her face. "Then what is it. I feel further away from you than ever before."

She pulled her hand from his grasp and placed the novel atop the end table. She then turned to face him. "What you don't understand is that the only thing that got me through my first loss was the fact that in the midst of all the pain and heartache I hadn't failed you. She wasn't yours. Had she been, I don't think I would've survived." She was crying freely now.

"Blair, you haven't failed me. You are perfect in every way." He reached out placing both his hands on her upper arms.

She shook her head. "Losing Thomas and knowing that I'm responsible for your pain is killing me." She buried her face in her hands as she cried.

He immediately pulled her into his arms and held her. He squeezed her tightly to himself. He could tell she had lost weight. How had he not noticed this before? She was literally making herself sick. He kissed the top of her head and rubbed her back.

"You have to stop Blair. I love you and I certainly don't blame you for anything. How could I when you are responsible for my life's happiness? You have to believe that." He pushed her back a bit. "I need you to believe it. This can't go on. You have got to take care of yourself. You need to start eating and getting more rest. You're going to make yourself sick and I can't handle that." Tears were forming in his eyes.

She nodded her head still not looking at him. He needed for her to really hear him. He squeezed her shoulders. "What you don't understand is being physically and emotionally separated from you is breaking my heart. I'm completely lost without you. I need you so much Blair. I love you."

She lifted her head looking at him and wiped her cheeks. "I love you too. I've missed you." She leaned forward and met his lips with her own. She kissed him as her hands moved up his arms to wrap around his neck. She clung to him as she intensified the kiss.

He pulled back suddenly and she gasped. Her bottom lip quivered. "Please don't reject me. I can't handle that right now."

He shook his head as he stood up. "Reject you? I could never reject you, Blair. You are my life's happiness." He leaned down and scooped her up into his arms. He carried her over to the fire and knelt down setting her onto the rug.

He reached out cupping her face in his hands. He swallowed hard. Suddenly he was nervous; it was a new feeling for him in regards to their lovemaking. His thumbs stroked the softness of her cheeks as he pulled her face towards his and kissed her.

As he deepened the kiss he felt her hands move up the front of his dress shirt. She began to unbutton it.

He pulled back and stared at her. "Are you sure? I don't want you to feel like…"

She bit her bottom lip before leaning in to kiss him again. It was all the answer he needed. He pushed his tongue into her willing mouth as his hands rested on her thighs. He regretted not relieving himself of his sexual frustration at some point in the last two days. He was worried that he might end up embarrassing himself.

He slowly began to undress her. He pulled her sweater over her head and tossed it aside. He went back to kissing her as he reached around and unhooked her lace bra. He placed it atop the sweater and then very gently laid her back onto the soft carpet.

He stared down at her reaching out to take the headband from her hair. He trailed his hand down her cheek, across her throat and down between the valley of her breasts until he reached the waistband of her pants. He leaned down kissing her again as he unbuttoned and unzipped them. He was remembering all the reasons why he preferred her in skirts; pants were too much of an obstacle. He pulled them completely off of her along with the velvet ballet flats she had been wearing.

He quickly removed his dress shirt and undid his belt and trousers. He then settled himself between her thighs as he began to kiss her. His hand cupped her breast and squeezed grazing the nipple with his thumb.

He kissed a trail to her ear. "I love you so much," he whispered before trailing kisses along her throat and to her breast. He captured her nipple with his mouth running his tongue over the hardened peak. He felt her back arch and heard the soft moan that escaped her lips. He turned his attention to her other breast as he felt her fingers entangle into the hair at the back of his head.

Slowly he continued kissing a trail down her body. He swirled his tongue around her belly button as he hooked his fingers into her lace panties and pulled them down a bit. He continued to trail kisses along her stomach. He paused as he came to the pink scar along her bikini line. This was his first time seeing it. He ran a finger along it before placing a kiss there.

Blair's hands released his hair and quickly moved to push him away and cover the area.

He grabbed her hands and looked up at her. "Don't do that."

She pushed herself partially upright. "It's horrible."

He shook his head. "No it's not." He was being honest. It was a beautiful reminder of her sacrifice for their son.

She watched him as he lowered his head and placed a row of kisses along the scar. She sighed laying her head back onto the carpet. "I can't feel anything. It's still numb."

He sat up as he slowly removed her lace LaPerlas. He took her left ankle into his hands and started to kiss a trail along her calf.

He licked the back of her knee and looked down at her. "Can you feel that?"

She nodded as he continued along her inner thigh. "How about that?"

"Yes," she whispered breathlessly.

He placed her leg onto his shoulder as he settled himself back between her thighs. He placed her right leg onto his other shoulder and cupped her bottom lifting her to meet his mouth. He ran his tongue along her wet center. Reaching her clit he ran his tongue over it and she gasped.

He looked up at her lifting his head. "I know you can definitely feel that."

She pushed her hips up towards him. "Stop teasing me."

He smirked up at her. "But you're so much fun to play with." He leaned down and flicked his tongue against her clit again.

He continued to please her until her head was thrashing back and forth against the carpet and her back was arching. She came hard and fast and suddenly Chuck had no will power left. He sat up quickly pulling his trousers and boxers down and entered her before she could even properly catch her breath.

He kissed her as he pumped into her. The feel of the fire increased the heat pulsing through him. It felt like heaven to be connected in this way to her again. He should've never allowed this distance to grow between them and he never would again.

He whispered an apology as he came buried deep inside of her. He rested his head against her shoulder panting trying to steady his breathing.

He kissed her damp skin as he felt her wrap her arms around him. He rose up slightly pulling out of her and pulling his pants back up.

He stared down at her. "I'm so sorry. I couldn't wait another second." He leaned down kissing her lips. "It's been too long."

She smiled softly reaching up to cup his cheek. She stared into his eyes. "I love you; so much."

He nodded. "I know you do." He pushed a stray curl off her shoulder. "Blair, we have to start talking to each other. I can't stand the silence between us anymore."

She blinked her eyes several times fighting back the tears that threatened to fall. "You're right. I'm going to try harder to be more present." She pushed her hand through the hair at his temple and pulled his face down towards hers so his forehead was resting against her own. "I promise."

He closed his eyes taking a deep breath. He then rolled onto his back pulling her with him and wrapping his arms around her tightly. He kissed the top of her head. "I think we should spend Thanksgiving in Paris. We can take Cordelia to see the Sorbonne and spend the holiday with your mother and Cyrus. Just us and the kids."

The tears started to fall now as she buried her face into his chest. "Thank you." She lifted her head wiping her cheeks. "I didn't want to be here for the holiday."

He searched her face as he gently wiped a tear away. "And maybe Christmas somewhere warm. Fuji, the Maldives; wherever you want to go. We can have everyone join us for New Year's."

She pushed herself up and kissed his lips. "That sounds perfect."

He suddenly realized that even though they were in front of the fire she must be getting cold. He sat up reaching out to grab her sweater and handed it to her. She pulled it on and then stood up picking up her pants and pulling them on as well. She pushed her fingers through her hair as she glanced into the mirror above the mantelpiece.

She smiled at her reflection. Her cheeks were pink and she looked more like herself than she had in months.

Chuck pulled himself together. He turned around to pick up her headband when he spied the package still lying on the coffee table. He handed her the band and then went over to pick up the gift. He brought it over to her holding it out to her.

"I was going to give this to you as part of your birthday gift but I decided now might be better."

She carefully took the package and looked up at him in shock. "Did you wrap this?" He never wrapped his own gifts.

He nodded. "I did. I felt this warranted me doing it myself."

She carefully removed the paper and carefully opened the box. The first thing she noticed was her son's initials beautifully engraved. She glanced up at him, her eyes full of tears again, and whispered, "Chuck."

He took the box from her as he gently lifted the locket out setting the box aside. He opened it and turned it towards her. "Now you can have a piece of him with you always."

Blair took the locket and touched the glass that protected her son's hair. "It's beautiful." She was crying again.

He kissed her forehead. "I love you more than life itself. Don't ever forget that."

She wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head against his shoulder. He held her and allowed her to cry. After a few minutes he pulled back reaching out and wiping her tears. He then took the locket from her and placed it around her neck. It was a simple but elegant piece and it suited her perfectly.

She glanced in the mirror one more time and knew that this would always be the most valuable thing Chuck ever gave her. She wrapped a hand around the locket and closed her eyes taking a couple of deep breaths trying to regain her composure. Chuck placed his hands on her shoulders and kissed her temple.

"Let's go to bed," he whispered against her ear.

She didn't hesitate as she took his hand and he led her out of the room. Anna Karenina was left behind completely forgotten.


Three years later.

"…ladies and gentlemen may I present to you, Mr. Charles Bass." The man at the podium turned towards Chuck who was seated next to Blair and their three children. The packed room had erupted into thunderous applause.

Chuck stood up leaning over to kiss his wife gently. She squeezed his hand as he walked away and that one little gesture gave him the strength to say what he was about to say.

He shook the hand of the man who had introduced him and straightened his tie as he took his spot in front of the room. Adjusting the mic he took a deep breath and glanced out towards the group. He placed his notes in front of him and waited thirty seconds for the applause to quiet down.

He nodded his head once. "Thank you for that kind introduction Mr. Mayor and thank you for this incredibly warm reception. On behalf of my wife and myself I would like to say thank you to each every one of you in this room. None of this would have been possible without the generosity and hard work that you have all provided."

There was some light applause and Chuck paused as he took a sip of water from the glass provided.

"Almost exactly three years ago today my wife and I suffered a horrible tragedy. Our son, Thomas Christopher, was stillborn. Any of you that have suffered this type of loss will understand how completely heartbreaking it was and how it changed our lives forever. My wife and I were lucky that we had the resources both financially and medically to heal and grieve as we needed and wanted to. About four months after this devastating loss my beautiful, type A wife came to me to discuss the research she had been doing into stillborn loss and healing. What she learned was that counseling; proper medical care and support were the most important things in the healing process. She also discovered that many people were not as fortunate as we had been. Many women do not get the proper post natal care that they need and more importantly they do not get the emotional support that is so essential in recovering from this devastating loss. So my wife, being the fixer that she is, decided that this was unacceptable. It was then that this amazing woman," he glanced over at Blair, "decided that we would create a place where proper services could be provided for women and families that do not have the access that they so desperately need. So it is with great pleasure that I along with my family, Bass Industries and a host of other amazing and generous people and corporations open the Thomas Christopher Bass Center today. This place will provide medical care, counseling, for both mother and family, support groups and children's services plus a host of other things. We hope this is just the beginning of these types of centers. We started here in New York because it is our home and we wanted to give back to a community that has so richly blessed us. We are going to work to make sure other centers, exactly like this one, get opened in other cities and towns across the country. Our Thomas' all too short life will be remembered and honored as long as this center is open and helping people. Thank you."

Chuck turned from the podium and went back to sit next to Blair. She had tears in her eyes. He put an arm around her and kissed her softly. "I love you."

She smiled at him. "I love you too. That was beautiful."

The newly appointed director of the center Cheryl Bradford thanked Chuck and proceeded to give a short speech about all of the many services that were going to be provided by the center. After that Chuck and Blair along with the mayor posed for a few pictures and then cut the ribbon to officially open the center.

Following a small reception the Bass family headed home where they were hosting a private lunch for the family.

Everyone poured out of several limos, up the steps and into the foyer of the Bass family townhome where staff were waiting to get drink orders, take bags and direct everyone inside.

Blair and Chuck were the last to enter along with Eleanor. A housekeeper approached them.

"Lunch will be ready to serve in thirty minutes as per your instructions Mrs. Bass."

Blair handed the housekeeper her handbag. "Thank you."

Eleanor, who had been escorted in on the arm of Chuck, kissed his cheek lightly. "That was a wonderful morning." Chuck smiled at her as she released his arm and turned to her daughter. "I'm going to check on Cyrus. He was so upset about not being able to join us."

Blair hugged her mother tightly and then watched her head up the stairs. Cyrus had been diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer five months ago. Upon hearing the news Blair was at first completely devastated and then focused on making sure he had the best care and doctors money could buy. After a very short discussion with Chuck she had arranged for her mother and Cyrus to move in with them. Chuck had flown in every specialist imaginable but there was little that could be done. They were told three days ago that it was just a matter of weeks.

They had hired twenty-four hour care and made him as comfortable as possible. Eleanor was in complete denial and that worried Blair more than everything.

She turned to Chuck sighing. "What is she going to do without him?"

Chuck took her into his arms and held her tightly. "She'll be okay. She's a Waldorf after all."

Blair leaned up kissing him. She then took his hand as they joined everyone in the family room.

Serena, who was remarried and living in California again, was gushing over Ana's engagement ring. Henry had asked her to marry him over the Fourth of July holiday while they were out in the Hamptons. Blair had thought he was way too young but Chuck reminded her how well it had worked out for them. She felt better when Ana had told her that she wanted to finish her residency before she even thought about planning a wedding.

Eric was in deep conversation with Ned about life in England. Ned was heading to Oxford in a week's time and Blair's heart constricted a bit at the thought of her baby being so far away. At least he had Eric and Theodore just a train ride away in London. He wouldn't be completely alone.

She sat down across from Lily and Cordelia. Lily was making plans to meet up with her granddaughter for Paris fashion week. Cordelia was about to start her third year at the Sorbonne. Blair couldn't be any more proud of her daughter. She was an excellent student and she was firmly ensconced at Waldorf Designs. Blair had no doubt that after graduation Cordelia would join Blair at the fashion house full time. She also knew that in the not so distant future her daughter would be the head designer. It warmed Blair's heart to realize how far they had come.

Dorota entered the room and joined the ladies. Blair had insisted that she take early retirement once Ana and Henry had become engaged. Chuck and Blair had gifted her with a ten million dollar severance so she wouldn't have to worry about anything. It had only been a few weeks and they were all still adjusting. Blair missed having her there all day, every day and Dorota felt much the same so much so that she still came by a few times a week to make sure things were running smoothly.

Blair had decided to talk to her about helping out at the center. It would help fill her time and ease what was a very hard transition for all of them.

Henry brought his future mother-in-law a drink and took the seat next to her as Ana joined him sliding her arm through his.

Blair glanced around the room and felt her heart tighten. Her family was happy and healthy and there wasn't much more she could ask for than that. She reached up touching the locket Chuck had given her three years ago and felt tears prick her eyes. Thomas would be three and running around the room if he were here. She couldn't help but wonder what their home might be like with a rambunctious little boy living there.

Chuck sat down next to her wrapping an arm around her tightly and kissing her temple. It was as if he knew exactly what she was thinking and how she was feeling. She laid her head against his shoulder and closed her eyes fighting the tears.

He kissed the top of her head as he squeezed her to himself even tighter. "I love you," he whispered.

She nodded her head knowing he knew she felt the same.

Cordelia watched her parents from her seat. She couldn't believe that she had ever once doubted their love for each other. Now that she wasn't an angsty sixteen year old girl anymore she could see how much they adored each other. It was never clearer than the months following her brother's passing.

Her parents were perfect for each other and they were so obviously head over heels in love. She could only hope one day to have half of what they had. She realized in the past few years just how lucky she was to have the parents she and her brothers had. Not everyone was lucky enough to have parents who loved and adored each other as well as their children.

Life was good and hers was even better.

A/N I just wanted to add that I decided on the three month time jump at the beginning because if I had sat down and wrote all of the pain and turmoil I would've had enough for ten more chapters and this had already become too long. I know some of you will be displeased with this decision but as the author it is my prerogative. I hope you all understand. xoxo