
That was the sound Sky heard when he woke up. He roved over his surroundings. The light hurt his eyes, unaccustomed to the bright white light. He blindly searched the table next to him for his sunglasses but to no avail. He sat back in the ivory sheets of the hospital bed with a long-drawn sigh. He also noticed his leg hanging in a cast. Jason's writing was on it, saying, "Hello, buddy!" Sky smiled at this, hoping the rest of Team Crafted could come, or that they had come.

What had happened was clear to him: one of his recruits, the swordsman Darren, had somehow rescued him as a green-eyed Endermen, who were said to be rare. A thought came to him: wasn't there a button to summon a nurse? With minimal looking he saw it, on the left wall. He pushed it, waiting for the nurse.

The nurse cam, a few minutes later, smiling. She greeted him, "You're awake!"

Sky nodded and asked, "So what's wrong with me? Other than a broken leg." his eyes looking at his cast.

The nurse picked up a clipboard and said to him, "You needed a lot of water and food, since you probably hadn't been fed."

Sky commented, "And water is not something those of the End like. Anything else?"

The nurse continued, "Other than a couple major lacerations, which were easy to stitch up, and some minor ones that healed on their own, nothing else."

Sky cheered, "Yeah! Can I get up?"

The nurse smiled, "Sure! I'll have to get a wheelchair though. I imagine you want to see Deadlox?"

"Deadlox is here?!" Sky said.

The nurse stopped her walk to the door and nodded. She closed the door quietly as she left. Sky said aloud, "Wow. I hope all the others are too. I would never wish for anyone to go through what they must have."

Five minutes later, the nurse and Sky came into the room Deadlox was in. He was sleeping, his headphones on the table by him, glowing faintly. Sky whispered, "He still has those."

The nurse nodded and said, "Since he's sleeping, I'll take you back to your room and tell your friends you're awake. They'll want to see you."

Sky laughed, "I must have worried them sick. Team Crafted...sounds like a good name for a team, doesn't it?"

The nurse replied after pondering the thought, "It does, indeed."

The two ships, belonging to the Dead Army and the Stars, had been docked out side Icaria. It had become the impromptu base of the replenishing Sky Army. Night and Flame had welcomed their friends back who in turn brought the recruits from the Skyhold. After that the recruits had flocked there. The news was huge! Commander Sky saved! Enderlox defeated! Deadlox and CaptainSparklez making wonderful recoveries! It seemed as if a new age of peace had been ushered in and a feeling like the one Minecraftia had on that day, had not been felt since the day Israphel disappeared from Minecraftia.

At that point, Miki and Annie had been sitting with the other recruits on the grass in the shadow of the DragonSong. Darren walked up to them and said, "Anyone know where Jason is? I want him to give Sky something."

"What?" Miki asked.

Darren showed her his gift, a pair of shiny black shades. Darren spoke, "He needs a new pair."

Annie stood up and said, "Let's go find him then!"

But despite the world thinking they are free, we must remember one main character. He did appear a couple times but he showed that beneath the OverWorld, in the lava rivers of the Nether, another evil was weaving wicked schemes. Schemes that may bring the entire Enderlox situation back...but worse.

Herobrine knows even if his more benevolent brother doesn't. The Hellgates have been altered. Twisted energy flows through them tearing the fabric of the very reality, bringing impossible things into the world. He had seen one with crimson sunglasses. Whether the Sky Army...or Team Crafted...or any of Minecraftia's heroes can stop it, time will tell.


*hears screams of anger* YES! I did reference my Minecraft avatar! Anyway, I am glad to have so many that liked the story! I am truely flattered by your compliments and your happiness about it! And becuase of that I am writing a sequel...or will soon. I am going with the working name "Shattered Time" for the time being so keep a look out!
