With a sigh, Zelos finishes doing up the last button on his suit. It's been a while since he's donned such an extravagant ensemble, and he's not exactly glad to be covered in layers and layers of restricting clothing. Nonetheless, he does look good; it does feel nice to be polished every once in a while.

He walks around in the suit, testing out its flexibility, and comes to the conclusion that it's acceptable. As long as he can breathe, he's fine with it.

Checking his hair one last time, Zelos exits his bedroom. He follows the hallway until he comes up to the balcony overlooking the foyer where his friends wait.

From here, he can see Raine adjusting the slim pieces of Sheena's outfit. The summoner is blushing a bright red; the outfit isn't exactly modest. But it highlights her curvaceous figure and her toned muscles, as well as her delicate face. Her hair is rather cute tied into a bun.

The professor isn't one to bat an eye at either. Her big robes have been replaced with something a little more fitting, but elegant and refined. She gives Sheena a reassuring smile and goes to sit beside her.

Zelos looks beyond them to find Genis frozen in front of Presea. The small girl shoots him a curious look. Regal approaches them and says something to Presea, which causes the half-elf to sputter something in response. Regal simply smiles as the two young ones try to sort out just what exactly Genis meant.

Just then, Colette stumbles into the room. As she picks herself up, Sheena and Raine come to her side. The golden angel resembles a doll with her lacy skirt and tight braid. It's enough to make Zelos melt a bit at the sight.

However, as cute as these hunnies are, Zelos is most looking forward to seeing his headstrong, unofficial leader in his fancy garb. By now, the redhead has learned to stop denying his feelings for the swordsman. As much as he hates the idea of being to attached to someone, especially someone so soft and so human, it won't do him any good trying to run away from those feelings. After all, he's caught up in so many back up plans and secret deals that trying to escape this lot would probably end up with his hands tied behind his back.

With that thought, he descends the stairs.

"Oh, my cute little hunnies," he says, voice dripping with saccharine sweetness, "Look how darling you all look!"

"Shut it, Zelos," Sheena says, her blush returning. She attempts to cover her exposed skin with her hands. "If I knew any better, I'd say that you had a hand in designing this stupid dress."

"Thing is, you know just how much I love parties like these," he replies with a wry smile. The summoner merely sighs and nods.

"You look great too, Zelos!" Colette comments with a smile, clapping her hands a little. "It was a bit troublesome putting on all of these layers, though. All these skirts and ribbons and laces... I can't help but feel all dolled up!"

"I know what you mean," Raine says, "I can barely move in this skirt. It's so tight."

"That it is, Professor," Zelos agrees with a wide smile. The half elf shoots him a glare.

Genis, Presea, and Regal choose that moment to approach them. Once Sheena and Colette lay eyes on the small mage, they begin to choke up, hands flying to cover their mouths.

"Genis, oh my g-" Sheena snorts, trying to shake off her mirth, "You look like you're going to attend Easter Sunday!"

He cocks his head, puzzled. "Easter Sunday? What's that?"

The summoner tries and fails to suppress more giggles. "It's... It's a traditional festival in Mizuho for kids."

"So what?" With a stamp of his foot, Genis exclaims, "Are you saying I look like a little kid? Is that it?"

"It is true, Genis," Presea says, "You are not of a large stature."

Color floods the mage's face. "You don't have to say it like that, Presea..."

Zelos clears his throat. "Alright, before the brat has a breakdown, we'd better head over to the party. As much as I'm looking forward to it, I'd rather avoid being herded there." He walks over to the door and holds it open. "Shall we?"

The women file out, and once they've exited, Zelos follows them out, letting the door fall on to Genis. The half-elf yells in frustration.

As soon as he steps into the dinner hall, a flock of women ambush the redheaded Chosen. He puts on his best smile and manages to persuade them to get him some punch. As they scurry off, he slips away and finds a maid near the front entrance.

"Hey, when you see a guy with hair like this," he uses his hands to gesture above his head, indicating Lloyd's signature, spiky brown hair, "That carries two swords, tell him I'm waiting for him on the terrace, alright?"

The maid blushes and nods vigorously. "Y-Yes, Chosen One, of course!"

Zelos winks at her, heading off as she begins to melt.

On his way to the balcony, he avoids the herd of women from earlier and grabs two glasses of champagne from a wandering waiter. He tips his head in thanks and heads towards the stairs.

"And where do you think you're going off to?"

Zelos stops in his tracks. He doesn't have to turn around to know that the owner of that voice is one Sheena Fujibayashi. Instead, he taps his foot impatiently and says, "And who said that was any of your business, my voluptuous honey?"

While he doesn't make a move to ascend the stairs, Sheena moves in front of him, blocking off his path.

"There's a huge group of women crying over you, you know," the summoner says, contempt clear in her voice, "They're wasting their time and energy, but you could at least try to calm them down instead of... ditching!"

Zelos rolls his eyes. "They're just going to have to deal with it, I'm really not in the mood tonight."

Sheena's face softens. She puts a hand on Zelos' shoulder, catching his eyes with her own. "Hey," she says lowly, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do, alright? I don't really know what's up with you, but... just try to be considerate, okay?"

With a wry smile, Zelos dips his head in a shallow bow. "Yes, mother. I pledge to give it my all and try not to shit on anyone's parade too much."

The summoner moves her hand to give the redhead a sound slap. "Watch it. I'll leave you to have your little party now. I'm not gonna clean up after you!"

"Don't worry, mom!" Zelos grins. He can practically hear Sheena roll her eyes. "I promise to be home by dinner!"

Once he's left alone, the redhead resumes his journey to the balcony. He places the extra glass of champagne on a bench, then moves to lean against the railing.

The group of women from earlier are huddled together in a corner, looking frantic. Zelos allows himself a small, accomplished smile as he takes a sip of his drink. However, in a few moments one of them sights him and directs the others to look in his direction. They begin to stand, but Zelos starts to wave his arms around in a desperate attempt to stop them. His efforts go to waste; they don't make any move to stop. In a last-ditch attempt, he grabs the other glass and points to it, indicating that he's waiting for someone. Again, a lone woman catches sight of it and soon enough, they're all crying again.

Zelos has his head in his hands once he hears movement from behind him. He spins around, ready to tell one of his fangirls off, but it turns out it's the one he's been waiting for.

"Oh, Lloyd," he breathes in relief, "What's up?"

"...Yo," the swordsman greets, giving a little wave. His eyes go up and down before he smiles to himself.

"What's with the smug face?" Zelos crosses his arms over his chest.

Lloyd approaches him and leans against the fence. He tips his head towards the Chosen. "...You certainly look at home in those clothes."

The redhead ducks his head to chuckle lowly. "Jealous guys are ugly, bud."

A faint blush colors Lloyd's cheeks. "I... I'm not jealous!"

With a small smile, Zelos turns towards the crowd, leaning his weight on to the rail. "Calm down. You look acceptable yourself."

The brunet mimics his pose. "Sorry for only being 'acceptable'," he says, voice falling to a more despondent tone.

"Hey, don't worry about it." The corners of Zelos' mouth twitch in a slight smirk. "Nice clothes can make anybody look good."

Lloyd picks his head up in surprise. "R...really? Thanks." The look of relief on his face turns Zelos' smirk into a real smile.

"...That wasn't a compliment," he clarifies. Lloyd deflates slightly, but he notices the smile on the redhead's face and relaxes.

Staring out into the crowd below, Lloyd asks, "By the way, what are you doing here? I figured you'd be in the middle of the hall surrounded by girls."

"...Sometimes it's tiring not being serious." Zelos closes his eyes, letting his chin fall to his chest for a brief moment.


Zelos smiles wryly. "Never mind. Well, let's just relax and watch the nobles and their fake smiles from here."

"Hmm." Lloyd seems to study him for a while. "Well, if that's what you want to do, I'm game."

The Chosen just shakes his head. "...You sure are easy-going."

Lloyd leans over the railing, peering at the people below. "I talked to Sheena on my way up. She looks great, but she also looked really uncomfortable." He pauses. "It's kinda strange how the designer knew just where to put the holes in that dress."

Zelos laughs. "It's not like Sheena isn't well-known in these parts."

"Huh. Well, I guess that makes sense, then." The swordsman continues to scan the crowd. "Oh, I also talked to Genis and Colette. Did Sheena mention anything about an "Easter Sunday" to you?"

"Not any details, no."

"Hmm. Alright."

For a while, only the buzz of voices from below can be heard. To Zelos' relief, the distance that the terrace offers them lowered the noise level. The Chosen reaches for both champagne glasses and hands one to his companion.

"Cheers," he says under his breath, clinking the glasses together before Lloyd can realize what is in his hand.

Lloyd eyes the contents of the glass before moving that skeptical stare to Zelos. "There a reason you called me up here, Zelos?"

"None in particular." The redhead moves to sit on the bench. "Can't a guy spend time with his best bud?"

"I don't see why not," Lloyd agrees with a laugh. He joins Zelos and cradles his drink in his hands between his knees. "Still, I'm surprised you're not down there living it up."

Zelos takes another sip. "Don't feel like it."

"Never thought I'd hear those words come out of your mouth."

"Oh, bud, don't underestimate me." Zelos grins at Lloyd before finishing off his drink. "I'm chock full of surprises."

Lloyd hums thoughtfully. After a moment of consideration, he takes a drink of the champagne. As he grimaces, Zelos starts to laugh.

"Is this your first time having champagne?" he asks, quirking a brow.

The swordsman nods. "Glad you're enjoying yourself," he chokes out.

"That I am."

Sitting back against the railing, Lloyd studies his friend. Zelos keeps his eyes on the ground for a few moments, then looks up at his companion with a vaguely curious expression on his face.

"You don't actually enjoy dealing with those kinds of people, do you?" Lloyd inclines his head towards the party below. "You know. All these high-class people. I mean, we wouldn't be up here if you actually liked it."

"Congrats on the observation, Lloyd," Zelos says, giving him a single clap, "Would you like a prize?"

"Shut up. I'm right though, aren't I?"

Zelos shrugs.

"I don't see why you have to pretend," Lloyd comments, "What's the point?"

"I have an image to maintain," is Zelos' simple answer, accompanied with another shrug. "Someone like you wouldn't get it. Your life is as plain and simple as it gets."

"...I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or not."

"Take it as you will, I'm sure you'll come to a conclusion that's close enough."

Lloyd crosses his arms over his chest. "I don't get you."

Zelos just laughs. "I never expected you to." The redhead swipes Lloyd's drink and says, "If you're not drinking this, then I am."

"Go ahead." A corner of Lloyd's mouth falls as he regards Zelos again.

"Seems like you're in a thinking mood, anyway. Careful."

"Oh, shut up."

Zelos gives him a wry grin. "What're you thinking of now, bud?"

"Just... given everything that's happened, I guess I just don't see why you still put up this image when you're with me," Lloyd's tone holds hints of frustrated strain, "With the others, I guess you're still trying to trust them? But I thought..."

"Wow, since when did you become so special?"

"C'mon, man, don't change the subject," Lloyd insists, leaning closer to the Chosen. He keeps a steady gaze on the redhead's face. "If you want me to take you seriously, why can't you act serious?"

Zelos chews on the inside of his cheek. "Do you really expect me to dignify that question with a response?"

"No, really! I don't understand."

With a sigh, Zelos shifts his weight on to a hand behind his back. "Do you know what a coping mechanism is?"

Lloyd's face falls blank. "Uh-"

The Chosen holds up a hand to interrupt him. "Look, it's not some magitechnology from Tethe'alla. It's a social construct. Basically, it helps me deal with people."

As the swordsman digests that information, his face screws up in a thoughtful expression. Zelos watches him with slight amusement.

"I don't really see why we're even talking about this, bud, we're at a party; lighten up, will you?"

Lloyd shakes his head. "No... I think I get it. But we can come back to this later, if you want."

It's Zelos' turn to grimace. "By all means, take your time."

Zelos' skin crawls under Lloyd's scrutinizing gaze. He can't help but avert his eyes.

"You do look good, by the way," the redhead mutters. "I guess even a country bumpkin can clean up nicely."

"See, was that so hard to say?"

Looking up, Zelos sees a wide smile stretching his companion's face. A smile of his own begins to tug at Zelos' lips.

"You'll never match the amount of hunnies I can attract, bud," Zelos adds.

"Don't ruin the moment."

Releasing a breath, Zelos starts to stand. "Alright, I think it's time-"

"Zelos, wait," Lloyd interjects, grabbing on to the Chosen's coat. He gently tugs Zelos back into his seat. "You really don't have to if you don't want to. I like spending time with you."

"Even if we're just sitting around on our asses, shooting the breeze?" Zelos asks in return, raising an eyebrow.

Lloyd nods. "Yeah! It's not like we get a lot of time to ourselves, you know."

The way Lloyd holds Zelos' gaze so earnestly makes his stomach flip.

"Wouldn't you rather be down there with Colette, or Genis, or-"

Lloyd sighs, shaking his head. "Zelos, I know you're not this dense. I don't have to spell it out for you, do I?"

"Look, I don't know where you're coming from, calling me dense all of a sudden-"

In a flash, Lloyd's arms shoot out and Zelos finds his face encased in the swordsman's strong, gloved hands.

"I want you to be yourself around me, Zelos," Lloyd says, his voice steady and level, as always, "Because I like you better when you're you and not some image you feel compelled to keep up. I trust you, and I know you can trust me if you really tried."

Despite his strong will, Zelos can feel blood rush to his face due to their proximity. "Are you saying that I don't trust you?"

"Not completely, you don't."

Zelos purses his lips. "It's not that I don't try, you know. Old habits die hard and all that."

"So try harder."

Zelos sighs, watching Lloyd's expression as his breath washes over the brunet's face. "You sure are demanding tonight."

Lloyd's nose twitches as his eyes drop from Zelos' eyes to a different part of his face. "What can I say... I know what I want."

"Do you now," Zelos replies, his eyebrows rising.

"Uh." Brown eyes flicker up to meet Zelos' blues. "Yeah. You know what I mean!"

A pretty pink blush dusts Lloyd's cheeks as he lets go of Zelos' face. He contemplates the ground for a bit before leaning in closer to the redhead.

"This is... okay, right? I mean, I'm not exactly a "voluptuous hunny" or anything like that." His eyes are wide and so attentive, transfixed on Zelos' features. "But I thought maybe... since, you know-"

Zelos has always found that kissing someone is an effective way of shutting them up, and this is no exception. Through a heavy-lidded gaze he watches as Lloyd's face brightens in a blush, his eyes widening with surprise. The Chosen guides Lloyd with his lips, pressing forward with a gentle caress.

Lloyd makes a sound of disapproval as Zelos pulls away.

"I really hope that wasn't your first kiss," Zelos says, his mouth curled in a half-smile.

The swordsman chuckles breathlessly. "Why? Was it bad?"

Shaking his head, Zelos replies, "No, I've definitely seen worse. I just feel like I'm ruining your innocence, somehow."

"Well," Lloyd starts with a grin, the red in his cheeks lingering, "That sort of thing isn't meant to last forever."


The brunet laughs. "What? It's true!"

"Don't tempt me, h-" Zelos stops himself. The grin on Lloyd's face widens. "Honey."

"I wonder how long you've been dying to call me that," the swordsman says, tilting his chin up smugly.

Zelos rolls his eyes. "Shut it."

"Make me!" Lloyd replies, leaning forward again. He's all too eager and innocent, but Zelos can't help himself as he eliminates some of the distance between them.

"Is that an invitation, honey?"

With a loud sigh, Lloyd makes the move this time and presses his mouth against Zelos'. He tries to mimic the redhead's earlier movements, but eventually Zelos feels compelled to take control and guide him through it.

Lloyd's face is colored in a deep flush once his companion pulls away. His hands cling to the front of Zelos' shirt, his fingers trembling with the strain of his death grip.

"You're so innocent it's killing me," Zelos breathes, maintaining a distance of a few inches between them, "We seriously need to get downstairs before I make a mess."

It takes Lloyd a few moments to catch his breath. "...Alright. I think that... sounds like a good idea."

Gently, Zelos pushes Lloyd's hands away from his shirt. He stands and straightens his back.

"Shall we?"