Chapter 1: Chiefs Daughter
Disclaimer: I do not own the actual story, that privilege belongs to SM but I do own the characters that I created and you will know which ones those come along in the story. I also do not own of the songs that I will put in some places. The plot is mine, however.
Word count: 3,129
A/N Some of you may have started reading this and noticed that I removed the story till I was finished and now I can say that at least 10 chapters are finally finished and I thank you for everyone who stuck on and kept with me while I went through many times of not being able to finish the 10 chapters of the story as of yet, I decided that I didn't want to keep you waiting too long so I set the limit to ten chapters to have done then start posting hopefully more get finished right shortly but as of yet it is 10. None of this is beta read so any mistakes are my own doing.
PPOV (Paul)
"The whispering around this place is seriously going to kill me," I complained as I sat down at our usual lunch table. I had just gotten out of my third-period class and all day there has been some sort of whispering going on around the entirety of the school.
La Push High School, in all honesty, was like any other high school in this world. You had the standard white linoleum floors all through the ghastly white painted walls. The building itself was an older style and probably dated back to the early 1800's but small. We had at, the most, 250 students with the highest amount of graduates being about a whopping 30 students. Each classroom was of average size, fitting roughly 28 desks or so and the walls are all painted a faded, almost yellow-tinted, and white. The school was great, just need to be updated; walls needed to be repainted, chalkboards need to be cleaned, some desks need to be replaced and lastly our systems needed to be updated, but of course who's going to do that, we are just a run of the mill Native reserve with a small school that has a low graduation rate. We, at least have a computer lab, though not that clean, with computers with good running systems, just not the fancy monitors to match the program and also a pretty well-stocked library; according to Kim. Though that doesn't really count, she spends at least 80% of her time in any library that she can find.
"What is all the whispering about?" Jake, one the quietest people I know, questioned from behind me before sitting down. Jake was a great pack member but sometimes he had his moments where is temper got the best of him, which can contradict his quietness and I am not saying that that doesn't happen to at least to one of us on a daily basis, it's just, out of every one of us in The Pack, Jake and I are probably the worst in controlling our levels of anger, oh and Leah, I cannot forget about her anger issues. She's not bad, but she is definitely not the greatest of us all; she's also just had a rough time when she first shifted.
"Chief Swan's daughter coming back to La Push and will be attending the school, is what all the whispering is about," Seth butted in from his spot at the table and before I could say anything he continued, "You should know that your dad is Chief of the Tribe also Chief Swan's best friend. Chief Swan is basically your uncle."
Seth was a sweet kid and was, at times, full of enough energy to get everyone in the pack going. He was Sue and Harry Clearwater's youngest child and Leah's little brother. Besides Brady and Collin, he was the youngest to change at the sweet age of 15. He was literally the smallest in wolf form amongst the pack, the youngest boys were bigger than him even, we have yet to figure out why but my guess is that that is just the way the Taha Aki wanted it to be. Harry, when he was talking about if he had changed, he believed that he would have been a small wolf as well if. Harry, the poor man, passed away from a heart attack when Leah fazed right in front of him the first time. He was too overwhelmed with the fact that his little girl was a part of the pack. Nobody could have known that woman could carry the gene, Leah is the first to be recorded that we have found. Sam has searched many times through journals to see if he could find a record of a woman phasing.
"Sorry, I haven't been home at night lately. I've been out on patrol till 3:00 A.M and dad is usually asleep when I get home, so we don't really get time to converse because I wake up three hours later just to get ready for school and be out the door. Do you guys think she'll be a wolf like her dad is?" Jake snapped at first then his tone changed to almost one of worry with a hint of annoyance thrown in, see there's that temper rearing its ugly head a little bit.
"God, I sure hope not. One female mind is plenty enough, we don't need another one and I especially do not want to deal with the number of mood swings that go on in a girls mind that personally any more than I have to," Jared voiced in with a shudder from his spot with his arm around his imprint, Kim Fuller's shoulder. The couple was one of those ones that rotted your teeth because they were so sweet together it was annoying. Do not tell anyone I said that, I would much rather keep my not so manly side a secret to myself, thank you very much.
All of us pack boys and imprints- minus Sam, Emily, and Leah, are sitting at our lunch table eating and listening to everyone else in the school whisper and go on about Charlie Swan's only daughter. I do have to agree with Jared though; Leah's mind is bad enough, we don't need another female mind with us. Even though at times I do feel bad for Leah and her being the only female wolf and all, she doesn't have anyone she can communicate with that goes through the same thing, all the rest of the females in the pack are all imprints to one of the guys. Plus we have to listen to the Sam, Leah, and Emily love triangle all the goddamn time through both Leah and Sam if someone is lucky enough to be phased at the same time as the two them, one would think that because we all share our thoughts that they would not think about that, they are just hurting themselves more. Maybe having another female pack mind might help Leah be more human and get her to open up more, be like she once was.
I must've zoned out thinking about things because the next thing I know Brady, one of the youngest members, is hitting my arm to get my attention and asking me a question at the same time, "Yo, Paul what do you think about all of this?"
"Think about what?" I asked back with a confused face. I wasn't sure if they were still on the topic of Swan's daughter or if something else had been brought up.
"About Chief Swan's daughter and the possibility she might be one of us," Collin quipped in before his best friend could respond with probably some sort of snarky way he usually does. For the age that he is, he does not show his maturity level at the best of times. Brady was often seen fallowing Jake and Seth around while Collin was seen as my shadow. Sometimes I didn't know how to deal with that because I never had someone look up to me the way that he does but at the same time I could relate to the kid, see him as my own brother at times.
"Well besides the whispering about to kill me, as I mentioned before," I responded sarcastically before continuing, "I don't really know. Wait what the hell am I saying I think it would be bullshit if she was one of us. I don't care if Charlie is a wolf; he is from a different Tribe, a Tribe in which their triggers are different. She might not even share our pack mind if she phases. What's her name even?"
"Isabella. She's in my English," Kim supplied from under Jared's arm.
"Hey, Kim, glad you decided to join our conversation instead of being Jared's armrest," I joked but Jared sat forward and growled at me for talking to his imprint like that. One big thing with us wolves is that we were very protective of our imprints and did not take talk that to our significant others like that. I wouldn't understand though because I don't have an imprint just yet. I honestly hope that I never do, I have seen what it does to us.
Kim just smiled at me. She was a pretty woman with shoulder length brown hair and the same olive tone that everyone else on the reserve has. She was standing at average height at 5'7", came to about Jared's nose when she was standing next to him, with Jared being 6'0" and even though she was considered shy at school, with us pack guys she could hold her own. We never did anything with the girls that could cause them any physical pain. After the little confrontation between Jared and me, we all broke into separate conversations. Seth and Jake were discussing something or other. Brady and Collin started whispering to each other quietly, I've always wondered if they were more than just best friends, they often acted as if they had imprinted on each other and I think that would be great for them both. Both Brady and Collin had hard childhood's, dad beats one to the pulp almost and the others father abandons him and his mother in a busy section of a downtown, just for them to find their own way back to La Push. Jared and Kim were staring into each other's eyes all lovey dovey, gods sometimes they made me sick. And I was just sitting here taking everything in, accepting the calmness that was going on around me. I had a small smile on my face when I suddenly came to the blinding realization that Isabella was a senior like all of us but Seth, Brady, Collin, Jake, Embry and Quill, which means she would be in almost, if not all, of my classes. That would mean that I would get to see this famous girl and get to see just how much she looks like Charlie.
The bell rang signaling end of lunch. We all got up and pushed our chairs in and threw our garbage away. Then we all headed our separate ways for the fourth period, some of us together, some not. All depended on what class we had next, mostly all of us seniors were together.
"See you later!" I shouted as I walked off towards my locker. I had to grab my books for my next class. Hopefully, it wasn't as boring as it normally was.
The rest of the afternoon flew by fast, which was good because some days it just drones on. I only got into one verbal fight with the teacher; usually, there is a physical fight in there somewhere so that's a record. Turns out I have all classes but English with this Isabella girl; which should be interesting when she starts. I am curious to know what type of person she is. Finally after final period had finished the bell rang and I didn't bother walking to my truck after stopping at my locker, I just went straight to the trees and as Quil state's it 'Wolfed Out'.
- Paul! Be back in and at Swan's house by 5. We are meeting Isabella there as a pack.-Sam said into my head, how does he always know when I am fazed? Am I really that predictable that he knows that I phase as soon as I get out of school.
- What? Why do I have to come? – I growl out in my mind. I don't have anything wrong with Charlie or his daughter it's just that I wanted the night to myself. I don't really get that very often.
- She needs to know someone else besides Jake tomorrow. Don't make me Alpha command you, 'cause I will- Sam explained with a bark. Jake never said anything about knowing Isabella, but I guess if Billy and Charlie are good friends it would make sense that he would know her.
- Alright, see you at 5 o'clock. – I said back with a final sigh.
I spent the next 2 hours running free. When it came to be near 5 o'clock, I ran to the woods behind the Swan residence and changed back to human and through my cut-offs on. I headed towards the back door; one would think I would know Isabella with how close I am to Charlie but nope not a bloody clue who she is. I guess the topic of Charlie having a daughter or child for that matter never came up when we were together. I mean of course I saw the pictures that loitered around his house but I always that the little girl was a niece or something, there was never anymore that just ones of the little girl. Charlie is like a dad to me, more so than my own sperm donor, he helped me through things that the sperm donor didn't have the decency to do, and he was there for me even when my mom and the pack weren't. Charlie would take me out and do things with me when my dad was on a bender when I was little. He could never actually do anything with fear of exposing himself and having the sperm donor do something to me, but he would take me from the house and we would go fishing or something till my deadbeat came looking for me, saying that he was better.
As I stepped in the back door of the house my nose was attacked by the delicious aroma of fried fish, "Damn Chief I didn't know you could cook fish that smelt this good," I joke, my eyes on the hallway to the kitchen. I knew this house like the back of my hand and could hear another heartbeat within the walls. I guess that could be the famous daughter of the Chiefs.
"It's not me, it's Bella," he bragged from his recliner beside me. I looked over at him to see him smiling with pride in his eyes. This Bella must be some woman to get him to look like that, the only other time I see that look on his face is when he is looking at Sue. Charlie imprinting on Sue when they were younger but her parents had already made the decision that she would marry Harry. They didn't know about the imprinting process and didn't understand why Charlie, a pale face, was so interested in their daughter. When Charlie found out about the decision he backed off and let Sue live her life with Harry but when he passed he stepped back and became someone that Sue needed and their relationship has just evolved from there.
"Who is that?" was my reply. I could take a guess because Bella sounded short for Isabella but I wanted to be sure before making an assumption.
"Bella, my daughter, you probably know her as Isabella."
"Yup, that would be what I know her as. Where's everyone else?" I question turning to face him after noticing that no one else was here. Suppers with the pack was usually a loud and rowdy event and often ended with something broken, usually furniture. We often got in shit because we seem to only break things at the Swan residence but we just all pitch in and make Charlie something new to replace the broken with. Charlie has also complained about the amount of us coming over and stealing food but he understands because he knows what it's like to have a fast acting metabolism.
"You're the first to arrive actually," he said while laughing. Usually, I am the last to arrive at supper events but apparently not this time.
"Dad, who are you talking to!?" The most feminine sounding voice I have ever heard came from the direction of the kitchen. I turned to Charlie with wide eyes and slack mouth, trying to convey that his daughter had to be beautiful with the way her voice sounded. All I got in return was him answering his daughter's question.
"Paul. He's one of the boys I told you about." Charlie responded with a cheesy grin shot at me. Whoa, wait did he just call me a boy? I was no boy I was a grown man. I released a small growl that was quite enough that nobody else but Charlie could hear. All I got back was a shit eating grin as he stood up. Of course, that wouldn't affect him, the devious old man.
"Oh. Well, supper is just about ready. When are the rest coming?" She asked while coming around the corner.
Her height had to be around 5'3" but she could work it, maybe if she does change, she will gain a couple more inches and be closer to Charlie's six feet. Actually, they look a lot alike only she has nice curves. Now I know what Charlie would look like he had been a girl, great so not an image I needed in my head at the moment, I saw him as a father figure, not someone I was to hold tightly and say sweet nothings to. With the amount that they look alike they could probably pass as twins even though Charlie has a bit of an older looking face, but the wolf genes in him keep looking younger as well. Hair and eye color the same shades of brown, though her hair had tinge of red highlights in it. She did have some qualities about her that must be from her mothers, such as the freckles on her face and the softer look about her, maybe even her highlights came from her. A person would be able to tell she does a lot of running from the structure of her legs. They were well defined and easy to see from the type of shorts that she was wearing, and her top was a loose fitting top that swayed freely around her when she shifted around. On her feet, she was wearing a pair of soft look ankle socks with flowers all over them.
I made eye contact with her pools of chocolate brown and it was like nothing mattered to me but her anymore. All that mattered to me was that she was happy at all times and that nothing was ever going to hurt her no matter what I did to protect her. I was officially owned by this beautiful creature. Shit, I just imprinted, I thought with wide eyes. That was something I was honestly hoping wouldn't ever happen to me. At least I wasn't attached to someone that would end up like Leah. Crap what do I do now?