Title: Up in Flames Side Story: Starcover's Secret
Chapter 1: The Alicorn
Johnny's POV
It was a night like any other. I had just transformed into the Ghost Rider for about the billionth night in a row. I was riding my demon-cycle through town. As I transform into the Ghost Rider, my motorcycle transforms as well. I was riding it through town and I saw a raping take place down a deep, dark alleyway. I walked up to them.
"You. Guilty." I told him in my crackly voice.
"No I'm not. Will you fuck off? I'm about to fuck this chick." I grabbed him and put him up against the wall.
"Look into my eyes. Your soul is stained by the blood of the innocent. Feel their pain." As he looked into my eyes I saw what he did to them. All their pain and all their suffering, when he looked away his eyes were coals. I shrugged and placed him down on the pavement. I got back on my demon-cycle and prepared to do another scout around town. I stopped my cycle and looked over. I saw a pony there, and it wasn't an ordinary pony, no, it was a pony crossed with a Pegasus crossed with a Unicorn. As I got off my cycle I wrapped my chains around my torso and stepped up to it.
"What are you?" I asked it.
"I am an Alicorn Johnny Blaze."
"Are you Mephisto?" I backed away from it in horror.
"No I am not. I have no idea who this 'Mephisto' is. I told you that I am an Alicorn."
"Nooo. Get back you demon! BACK!" I hopped back on my demon-cycle and rode away into the sunrise. (A/N: A bit clichéd but whatcha gonna do?") I felt relieved when I changed back to myself. Luckily, my demon-cycle changed back as well.
"Hello again."
"Not again. I have no idea who you are lady but will you stop following me?"
"No. Sorry."
"It doesn't matter anyway. We're at my bloody apartment." We went up the rattly elevator and stepped into my two room apartment in downtown Illinois. There were books everywhere on demons, angels and all sorts of religious crap.
"Twilight would be jealous of you." I unconsciously unwrapped my chains and began to spin widdershins around the demon-creature.
"That won't work." With that she powered up her horn and my chains instantly turned to molten metal.
"What did you do to my chains?" I let my temper get the best of me and I turned back into the Ghost Rider.
"Sorry. Johnny isn't here right now but can I take a message?" She began to power a something in her horn and unleashed that something at me. I ate it and spat it back at her.
"Impossible …" She screamed in pain and went back to whatever dimension she came from.
"MEPHISTO!" I called to my so-called 'father' and he appeared in a flash of smoke and brimstone.
"You rang?"
"Don't you dare play jokes with me. Why did you send that fucking Alicorn here?"
"What Alicorn? Better yet, what is an Alicorn?"
"An Alicorn is a cross between a regular pony, a Pegasus and a Unicorn. Besides, don't lie about it. You sent it here."
"I'm telling you I did NOT!" He thundered and went away, smoke and all. I managed to let go of my temper and decided to pay Roxie a visit.
An hour later …
At Roxie's place …
Johnny's POV
"I don't know what to do Roxie." I told her about my daily/nightly scouts around downtown Illinois. I told her about me meeting that Alicorn as well.
"It seems like the stuff of myths."
"What does?"
"The Alicorn, of course!"
"Johnny Blaze" Mephisto appeared.
"Oh. What do you want?" I'm sick of him appearing everywhere.
"I need you to get something for me. Something very valuable."
"Oh yeah? What's that?"
"It is something of great importance. Have you ever heard of the Elements of Harmony?"
"No I can't say that I have." In a flash of hot-white light the Alicorn appeared.
"What are you doing here?" Ignoring my question the Alicorn talked to Mephisto.
"How are you Mephisto?"
"Celestia! I haven't seen you in a long time! How is Equestria doing?"
"Well … Equestria's doing fine. I couldn't help but overhear that you needed the Elements of Harmony?"
"Yes I need them for a little project of mine."
"What's this project of yours?"
"Come with me and I'll tell you." They both walked off and talked for a bit about this secret project. After a few minutes they came back.
"If your lapdog agrees then he'll come with me to collect the Elements. Do you agree?" She aimed that last part at me.
"Uh uh uh uh, yes … but-" Before I could ask why she wanted me to go this 'Equestria' place she blinded me with a flash of bright light. I then passed out.
I will not be accepting any OCs for this story although I will be accepting them in Up in Flames 2. Put in the reviews a better title for Up in Flames 2 please. Reviews are welcome.