A/N: This takes place between the funeral scene and the scene where Archie shows up alive at the Charmings' apartment in "The Outsider." Thank you for reading and reviewing!

Archie was really gone. It was so hard to believe that Archie, one of Henry's best friends in Storybrooke, was dead. Archie had really been there for Henry when he was the only one who believed in the curse. Even when Archie didn't believe in the curse himself, he had always been someone that Henry could really talk to. Before Henry went to find Emma, Archie was the only person he could talk to about what he knew. Archie was such a good person, too. Yet, he was murdered.

What made it so much worse, though, was that his mom had killed him. Or, at least, Emma seemed certain that his mom had killed him.

He was supposed to have faith in her. She had been changing; Henry had seen it. If it wasn't for her, Emma and Mary Margaret wouldn't be back in Storybrooke. Was it still possible that his mom hadn't killed Archie?

"Are you really sure that my mom killed Archie?" Henry asked Emma. "I mean, I know you said you saw it, but is it possible you made a mistake? Maybe it just looked like that, somehow."

They were on their way home from Archie's funeral. The last funeral he had been at was Sheriff Graham's. His mom had killed him, hadn't she? She was changing now, though. She had told Henry that she wanted to redeem herself.

"Henry, I know that you don't want to believe it," Emma said. "I really thought that Regina was innocent, too, until I actually saw her kill Archie. I'm really sorry, Henry, but yes, I'm sure."

"You haven't used magic very much, though," Henry said. "Maybe something went wrong."

Emma shook her head. "I don't think so, Henry. I mean, the evidence all pointed toward Regina, too, and Ruby even saw her go in there around the time of Archie's murder. She saw them have a fight earlier. I mean, maybe Regina didn't plan to kill him when she went to his office, but she just…snapped."

"But, she was changing," Henry said softly.

"I know, Henry, but it's hard to change," Emma said. "Maybe she just…couldn't."

What if Emma was right, and Regina just wasn't capable of changing? Maybe she had tried and failed. Maybe she had just been doing bad things for so long that it wasn't possible for her to be a good person anymore.

If that was the case, then Regina might have given up on the idea of even trying to be good now. Henry remembered the day she had come into the town hall determined to get him back. She had flung Archie aside that day. Later, she had changed her mind and said that she wanted to redeem herself. What if she thought it wasn't possible or wasn't worth it anymore? What if Regina came in and hurt Emma and Mary Margaret and David in an attempt to get him back?

As they walked up the stairs to the apartment, Henry still didn't want to believe any of it was true. He wanted to believe that it was all a nightmare and that Archie was really just fine back in his office. He wanted to believe that Regina didn't really kill him, but he wasn't sure that he could have faith in her anymore.

As Henry sat down on his bed, he stared at the phone. Maybe this was all some big mistake and he could just call Archie's office, and he would pick up the phone and say that he was fine. After all, this was a town with magic, right?