"Get back here you thief!" I could still hear the fat butcher chasing after me, we had been going like this for at least ten blocks and I was really surprised that he was still following me after four. For the reason I was running away from the fat guy, I had taken a large chunk of steak out of his freezer when he wasn't looking but when I began to run out he saw it and now here we are. "You better give that back you thief before I call the cops!" slightly turning my head, I saw that the fat guy was finally slowing down. "Go ahead and call them! You'll never find me!"

Picking up on the speed, I bolted forward leaving the fat guy way behind. After taking many lefts and rights, I finally made it out of the city and I was now out in the wilderness. A large smile formed on my face and I let out a victorious laugh. "Take that Fat guy!" looking down at my prize, I saw that I had meat enough here to last me a good week. Taking a slow pace, I began to walk to my hide out. Since there wasn't much to find out here in Nevada, I had taken shelter up in an empty cave in a large rock.

By the time I reached it, the sky was almost completely dark and the wind began to blow. Looking up the large rock, I saw my hide out a few feet above the ground. Placing my prize in my back pack, I began to scale the rock wall. Once I had finally made it to my cave I let out a yawn. "Time to cook something." I said to myself. Pulling off my backpack, I zipped it open and began to pull out my inventory. I had three bottles of water, a bag of frozen veggies, a few candy bars, and my latest bag of meat. Placing all my food aside I began to set up my kitchen, for my stove I used an old camping grill, for a pan I had a small plate of metal that I took from a car shop, and I had a kettle that I took from a garbage can.

Turning on the grill, I placed the metal plate on it to warm it up and I used two of the water bottles to fill the kettle to boil the veggies. Pulling out my pocket knife I cut off a good chunk of the meat and tossed it onto the plate. Ripping open the veggies I dumped them into the kettle and placed it next to the meat. Giving the meat a flip, I let the wonderful smells fill my nose. It had been a long time since I had a meal like this. Usually I would only have a bag of chips, some water, and a candy bar but I was running so low on supplies I had to take some things from the food mart and the butcher's shop. I didn't like to steal but I was desperate, the last time I had eaten was at least a week ago. Using my knife to stir the veggies, I stabbed a carrot and placed it in my mouth. Its taste was wonderful. "Done." Turning off the grill, I began to cut into my meat. Placing a thick piece in my mouth, I let the flavor sink in. The taste was just like heaven to me.

After I had finished off my meal, I looked out the mouth of my cave. The night was still warm but it had a chill to it that if the wind struck you it would give you goose-bumps. The moon was full and you could see the stars very clearly. It had been so long since I just sat down and just watch the sky. The last time I had done this was when my family was still alive. Wrapping my hand around the small blue rock that was attached to my necklace, I thought of my family. Then I remembered what happened to them and what would happen after that. Shaking my head I blocked out the memory, I didn't want to see it again.

Letting out another yawn, I turned to the inside of my cave. It was late and I thought it would be a good time to go to bed. Walking inside, I opened my backpack and pulled out my blanket. It was a good sized one, a light blue, and it had a few burn marks on it. This blanket was mine since I was a little girl and I took it everywhere with me. Lying down on the ground, I placed my backpack under my head as a pillow. Covering my body with my blanket, I shut my eyes to let sleep take me away.

On the Nemesis

"Lord Megatron, there is energon reading coming in." A vehicon spoke as he looked up on one of the screens. "How large is it?" Megatron asked as looked over the screen. "Not very large but there is also a Spark signature with it. It's alone." Megatron smiled and looked down at the vehicon, "How far away is it?" "Not too far Lord. Only a few Human miles away." Nodding his head, Megatron turned to leave. "I saw go see what it is myself. Soundwave, I leave you in charge until my return." The silent Decepticon didn't remove his visor from his screen but Megatron knew he had heard him. Taking off in the direction of the energon and Spark reading, Megatron had high hopes that it was a Autobot to squish.

Cave somewhere

Opening my eyes, I thought I heard something. It sounded like a jet flying by but it was much louder. Sitting up, I walked to the cave opening to see what it was. For a while I didn't see anything but then I saw something fly by quickly. It looked like a jet but it was no jet I had ever seen before then the oddest thing happened. As the jet came in to land, it … it transformed into a giant! Whatever this thing was it was as tall as a seven story building, maybe even bigger. Its eyes were a scary looking red and his mouth had many sharp teeth that made me think I shouldn't trust it.

Slowly stepping back into my cave, I began to pack up my things. If I had to run, I didn't want to leave them here. Once I had my things, I slowly began to climb down from my cave to the ground. Once I reached the ground, I took only two steps when I tripped over a rock. Curse my clumsiness! Looking up, I saw that the tall giant was looking at me with an evil grin and his sharp teeth were clenched together. "Ah, I see instead of an Autobot pest I have found a little human instead. Tell me human, have you seen any energon lying around?" his voice was full of evil that I didn't even answer him as I bolted up and started to sprint away as fast as I could. "No? oh well, at least I get to squish something."

I heard some more noise and I turned my head to see that the giant was now a jet and it was coming after me. Doing a quick left turn, I shook him off my tail for about five seconds before he was after me again. "You're fast for a human. But speed will not help you when I'm finished with you!" then blasting sounds came from behind me and I could feel a gust of wind nock me down. Looking back, I saw that there were now holes in the ground. Looking up in the sky, I saw that the jet fire odd looking blasts towards me. Not wanting to find out what they were going to land, I jumped up and began to run even faster.

I could tell that the blasts had hit the ground from the large chunks of rocks that had fallen nearby. "Give up Human! You can run forever!" the jet was right, I could already tell I was slowing down. Oh how I wish I was somewhere safe with someone to protect me! Then I heard the jet blast at me and this one was so close that it sent me flying into the air. I gave off a quick scream as I hurtled through the air. In the back ground of my scream I could hear the jet laughing evilly. Now I really wished I was somewhere safe, I didn't know how long I could last running from him. That is if I survived the fall. Suddenly a swirling sound filled my ears and my vision blacked out.

As the swirling noise grew louder my eye sight returned and I saw that I was still falling but I was in a completely new place. Before I could even guess where I was I landed with a thud on something. The thing I landed on grunted as we made contacts and we slid a few feet before we came to a stop. "Raf! Are you okay?" is he okay? Didn't you just see me coming flying in at top speed and crash into something! Opening my eyes, I saw nothing but blurry images. Great, I lost my glasses. "Could you Please get off me?" placing my hands down on what I was lying on I felt something fuzzy and something squishy.

"That's my face." Oh my gosh! I landed on someone! "I'm so sorry!" slowly I got up from the one I guess was called Raf but just as I managed to stand up, I landed back on my butt. "Are you okay?!" Raf asked me taking my hand in his. "Yeah, I just can't see. My glasses fell off my face. Do you see them?" As Raf held me up, he didn't speak for a moment before he let go of my hand and placed something in them. "Here you go. Their very dirty though." I nodded and took my sweatshirt's sleeve and began to clean them. "Who are you and where did you come from?" Raf asked still holding me up.

"Names Juliana. And I don't really know where I am so I can't answer that last question. "How were you able to use a ground bridge?" this was a new voice, it sounded older than Raf's and it was much louder. "What's a ground bridge?" placing my now clean glasses on my face, I finally got a look at Raf. He was a little boy who also had glasses and his hair was just a wild mess. Turning my head to look around, I wish I hadn't.

There, not too far away, was another giant. This one was orange and white and it had blue eyes instead of red. Letting loose a scream, I turned and ran. Seeing a large table, I ducked under it hoping it would keep me safe. "Should have seen that coming." Another voice spoke, a boy's. "Well, it's not every day that someone sees a giant metal robot." This voice was a girl's.

"Hey, it's okay Juliana. He won't hurt you." Turning to my left, I saw Raf standing next to me with trusting eyes. " How do you know! I have already dealt with one of those things tonight, and I'm not in the mood to be blasted again." Raf gave me a puzzled looked but took my hand in his own. "I promise." Something about this little boy made me want to believe him but I also didn't want to be squished either. Raf began to pull me out from under the table and he took me to the giant thing again. "Juliana, this is Ratchet. He's our friend." Slowly I looked up at the giant, he didn't look as scary as the other one and he had a nicer face on him. "Optimus isn't going to like knowing that we have another human knowing of our existence." Ratchet spoke and he shook his head.

"Whose Optimus?"