Chapter 17: Surprises, gossip, and nightly kisses...

Masahiro unlocked the doorknob of Hiroki's apartment and heard no sounds of piano playing. Whenever he visited Hiroki, the music traveled toward the elevator, brightening the atmosphere. Once he walked out the metal doors, sweet melodies encased his senses and halted him for a brief moment. Nothing of the sort happened during this visit. Checking the time, Hiroki practiced during certain hours of the morning, unless, he overslept and continued on snoozing in his bed. A probability. Then again, he called on ahead and informed him of his visit.

Through careful footsteps, he entered through the threshold and shut the door behind him. A light click. Shoving his spare key in the extra compartment of his wallet, he slipped it in his back pocket. He took off his shoes and moved them aside before he tripped over them. Taking extra precaution not to alert Hiroki, he tip toed over the step and started walking down the short hallway.

He went straight into the dining room and saw Hiroki sitting on the table with a mug in between his hands. A container full of cinnamon cookies resided in front of Hiroki's body. He suspected Fuyumi made a recent visit. Hiroki blew into the cup and gently lifted it up to his face, taking a light sip of the hot liquid. His face scrunched up. Masahiro guessed Hiroki burnt his tongue again.

Masahiro jumped at Hiroki's comment. "Stop sneaking around and make yourself some tea." Hiroki waved his hand behind his body. "There's extra water on the kettle. I checked my supply of tea and there's English breakfast. You can always grab yourself something else."

"I'm not even going to ask." Masahiro walked around Hiroki and grabbed his usual mug from the low cabinet. "Your hearing is still impeccable. No wonder you spot your own mistakes before anyone else."

"You should know better than to sneak around in my own home." Hiroki rolled his eyes while he started counting his fingers. "The floors make noise whenever someone steps on them. Your arm hit the door which made it creak. Your stuffy cologne reached my nose when you entered the kitchen. Do I need to say more?"

Masahiro picked up a mug from the cabinet and prepared his tea. "Doesn't stop the ladies from wanting me. They love smelling me."

Hiroki teased the man with a playful smirk. "Do yourself a favor and tone it down. Your dates are too polite to dash your dreams of smelling like a perfume counter. My own mother has criticized your overabundance of layering on the scents."

Masahiro snorted. "You should tone down the make-out sessions with this Nowaki Kusama. He left little marks underneath the collar of your shirts."

Hiroki's eyes widened as he inspected his neck with his fingers. "He left them there again!"

"Yup." Masahiro took his tea with him as he sat down on the table. "You're lucky. Most people leave them in the middle of the neck or under the collarbone. So..have you two done the deed yet?"

Hiroki growled. "No. We haven't done anything of the sort."

"No shit?" Masahiro whistled. "I thought you'd be rolling in the sheets by now."

Attempting to change such a personal topic, Hiroki asked him. "What did you need to talk about?" Hiroki sipped his tea to wet his throat. "You leave commentary for the end of the week when I visit your home."

Masahiro's grin lowered into a deep frown. He cut to the point when he stated. "Akihiko Usami was at your performance last night."

Hiroki gulped. "Your sad attempt at a joke won't faze me."

Masahiro scoffed. "I don't joke. Ever. He lurked around during your last performance and I chased him away before going to the back. I figured he went to your parents and got no information about you. Your schedule is plastered on your website up until the middle of the year. An easy way for him to catch your next location."

"I don't understand. He pushed me away and stopped talking to me years ago. What could he possibly want? I have nothing to offer him."

"Your fame. I'm assuming an association with you might boost his own reputation. I heard from your father that the Usami family tried getting back into his good graces. Well, Haruhiko Usami planned a meeting with your father." Masahiro fiddled with the hair tickling the back of his neck. "Anyway, I'll keep a look out for him before and after your performances. The little prick can't just waltz in and..." He saw Hiroki's forlorn expression. "Are you alright?"

Hiroki pushed his teacup away from him, it screeched along the way, making them both cringe. "I'm fine. Just fine. I just...never thought he would attempt any interaction with me ever again. I stopped reacting to his name whenever someone said it but now..."

"He's an asshole. You don't need to speak another word to him again!"

"I know! You don't need to tell me!" Hiroki snapped. "He abandoned me when I needed a friend. Left me struggling for someone to support me during those dark years. Kana didn't have to help me but she tried her hardest."

Masahiro ruffled Hiroki's hair, he bemoaned. "Yeah, you were such a depressing little shit."

"Not helping."

"You know better than to assume I soothe things over with nice words." Masahiro ran his fingers through Hiroki's hair. "What do you want to do with him?"

Hiroki told him. "Keep him away from me. Next time you see him, divert him somewhere else. His sudden reappearance is suspicious enough. I'll seek him out on my own terms."

Fuyumi sat at the house of Akiko Tenjo, the wife of Jiro Tenjo, an abundant electronics distributor. Akiko's vibrant personality shined through her tough exterior and she made friends with a majority of their community. A quality Fuyumi admired about her. As she added another spoonful of honey, she listened to the latest gossip. Other than the staff working in the richer homes, Akiko always managed to get the news before anyone else.

They met through a socialite party where their husbands convinced them to tag along. Their shared boredom and interests helped guide them through the afternoon. Laughing at the people Akiko pointed out, they exchanged numbers before they left the party. After their husband's joined into a partnership, their friendship blossomed even more.

On her last visit, Minako informed her about her daughter's engagement. Stars in her eyes. She explained the plans in full detail. The relationship started in high school and the Tenjo family approved of her boyfriend. A perfect man to assist his future father-in-law in his office. The woman already started thinking of names for her unborn grandchildren.

A devious twinkle showed in Akiko's eyes. She inquired with a smile. "I have something new to chat about. You know about Megumi Adachi's little secret? The illegitimate child?"

Fuyumi slurped her tea and set the cup down on the saucer. "Yes, I found out through a few sources. My main source came from one of my staff. She talked with someone who overheard one of Adachi's maids talking with the gardener. The front neighbor saw the young man almost running away. This solidified the rumor. How did you find out Akiko?"

Akiko stirred her tea with a small serving spoon. "I heard the tale from my head butler. Out of all the things to find out about that woman, hearing about how she abandoned her son tore at my heartstrings. The poor boy went through life thinking he had no parents but his mother lived in the lap of luxury. Such a disgrace."

"I'm sure he passed through his struggles into a fine young man." Fuyumi said. "He didn't ask the woman for money. She jumped into her own conclusions and assumed his intentions. This doesn't surprise me. The woman went into a downward spiral after her divorce. Well, before her marriage she still got herself into situations which put her in a bad light."

Akiko shook her head. "That prenup stopped her in her tracks. Not much of an argument in the courts when she signed it in black ink."

Fuyumi snickered. "Doesn't stop her from complaining."

"That's true." Akiko began laughing along with her.

Megumi slammed the front door before stomping toward the staircase. She ignored her newly hired maid's inquiries and trekked on forward. Giving her the indication on leaving her alone unless she called for assistance. Her day went from decent to a downward spiral. Her PR manager booked her on a radio talk show to describe her single. From her marriage, her husband provided a lavish lifestyle which gave her the chance to leave the music business. The overall goal of unlimited money at her fingertips disappeared during her divorce. A prenup put a stop to any claims of alimony. Thus, pushing her back into singing.

Her manager warned her about keeping herself out the headlines. He planned out an interview with a high end magazine which blew stories out of proportion. Better to hold back any ammo for them to use against her. She imagined the oncoming scolding from her manager for this sudden indiscretion. Her manager came from her own idol group. She understood which news worked well with the press.

The public ate up anything without researching for themselves. With the surge of online blogs and media outlets, anonymous blogs published baseless articles on whomever they wished. No one controlled the content surfacing on the internet. Either the public worshiped them or waited their downfall from grace.

During her morning jog, whispers on her illegitimate child reached her ears. The taunts, jeers, and glares met her gaze when she passed the exuberant homes. She forgot how fast the rumor mill spread such big news when she didn't leak it herself. News she thought stayed in her own home. This aggravated her throughout her whole run. Souring her mood.

She felt more than happy when she entered her home. Shutting the door from the public eye. She kept an ear out for any paparazzi daring to come around her home uninvited.

Shifting through her phone, she saw no missed calls from her manager or anyone of importance. Her own family left her no messages. After her divorce, her mother showed her disapproval in losing such a high powered husband. She didn't hold any of the blame. The passion ran out and she scoured for a new man to fill the position. Men still showed interest in her. Just a matter of time before she snatched up a better husband.

She glanced at herself in the mirror. Poking her face and turning her face to check for imperfections. From the stress of the week, she thought a wrinkle developed on her face. The resurface of that boy ruined her life. A young man who held evidence of their relation in his hands.

She feared that he released the information through spite. In fact, she expected this reaction when he informed her of his original papers. Nothing sprouted. She almost felt relief but she stopped herself from letting down her defenses. He dragged it out to bring out her anxiety.

Stripping off her work out clothes, she dumped them in the hamper before she entered her bathroom. She turned on the water in the shower and rinsed herself quick. Afterwards, she turned off the shower in order to prepare her bubble bath. She added in a numerous amount of products before she sunk herself in the warm soapy water. A hiss of pleasure pursed from her lips.

She cursed herself for not bringing in a ice cold bottle of champagne. In that moment, she craved a harder substance to dull out her memories of the day.

"I can always spread out that my parents had the boy. We had a falling out and he came to make amends." Megumi nibbled on her manicured nail. "The word of a maid has no value anyway. This whole debacle will pass on before my interview. Knowing the magazines, they will find other celebrities will come out with their own distressing gossip to cover mine."

Kana called Shinobu earlier in the afternoon for a meetup. The plan in figuring out what happened between Miyagi and Shinobu went into effect. Hiroki would have joined her but he called and informed her of practicing his music for his newest venue. Masahiro visited him in the morning and stayed longer than expected. Cutting into his usual time. Kana expected the call when Masahiro called Hiroki during their cab ride home. She didn't feel so bad about it. Hiroki promised to spend the day with her on her next day off.

Catching Shinobu in the crowd, she raised her hand above her head and waved. She yelled his name out loud. Shinobu noticed her and walked over to her direction. He gave his own slight wave but with a sincere smile. She expected to see him in disarray but he showed up in a decent comfortable outfit.

"Shinobu-kun, I'm so happy to see you. It's been a long time!" Kana held him tight in her arms and he squeaked from her strength. "Thank you for coming to see me on such short notice. I know you're busy on the weekdays but I had to see you in person."

"No problem, Kana-san." Shinobu patted her back, she released him and he stepped back. "Anyway, what did you want to see me for? You don't usually call me during my school days."

"I heard from Hiroki-kun that you're having relationship problems." Kana pouted. "You know you can always call me right? You're my friend too."

Shinobu coughed into his hand. "We're not fighting. We were never in a fight. I just had to separate myself from Miyagi for a little bit. He dramatized the whole situation."

"You two are back together already?" Kana asked, louder than she wanted but the news caught her by surprise. "Wow that was fast! Yoh-san didn't tell me or Hiroki-kun. Why didn't you guys tell us?!"

Shinobu blushed at her exclamation. Grabbing her forearm, he dragged her into another direction. Away from any eavesdroppers that recognized him from university. He held no shame in his relationship with Miyagi. In fact, he told them about an older person attaining his heart. He just concealed the gender for his own purposes. Better to keep his private life a secret from his acquaintances.

Kana struggled to keep up with Shinobu's long strides, she frowned. "Now, that was rude Shinobu-kun. What was that for?"

Shinobu explained in quick successions. "Not that I'm embarrassed about Miyagi but I have to keep my privacy around here. A lot of my classmates still wander around after classes."

Kana sighed. "You're impossible. You could have told me to meet you somewhere else." She hooked an arm around his shoulders, leading him down the street. "You're going to give me all the details while we order some food. I'm starving! You can pick the place, I don't really care. Let's get going."

Shinobu smiled, giving her a sly comment. "Alright. You're treating me for this meal."


"You invited me out." Shinobu drawled. "It's the least you can do for me."

"You little sneak! Fine," Kana messed up Shinobu's hair and he glowered at her. "I'll pay."

"You don't look so well."

Tsumori lifted his head and locked eyes with Nowaki's striking blue gaze. Every attempt made for Nowaki Kusama to fall into his hands failed. Nowaki's free time went toward spending time with Hiroki Kamijou. His lover. A man in love never strayed into another person's embrace. In a way, Nowaki's loyalty to Hiroki Kamijou brought out his awe. His ego bruised from the fact that a blind man grabbed Nowaki's attention. Someone who saw nothing of Nowaki's handsomeness or grasped it, captured his heart.

He assumed Hiroki's closer friends described Nowaki's appearance to him. Throughout those months, he wondered about Hiroki's opinion about Nowaki. His own statements changed throughout the months. He desired Nowaki for his looks and a night in bed. His usual motives. As he stared up at him, he saw the kind person who set aside his own self for the sake of other people. A unique individual out of a sea of people.

He lost his chance the moment he invited Nowaki to that piano concert. He heard of Nowaki's fascination with the piano through second hand gossip. It benefited him to get Nowaki as comfortable as possible. An easy victim to his whims. His lack of knowledge pushed Nowaki into the line of Hiroki Kamijou. Someone who brought a new level of happiness to Nowaki's life. The addition of Nowaki's family in America came at the right time. Everything shined bright in Nowaki's world.

Seeing Nowaki's loving smile gnawed at him. Nowaki's big smiles went for Hiroki Kamijou not for anyone else. He missed the chance to gain the affection of a worthy man due to his own stupidity.

Nowaki grew worried from the silence as he inquired. "Is everything okay?"

Tsumori straightened himself out. "I've had a shitty week."

Nowaki asked him. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Tsumori shook his head. "Nah, I'm fine. It's troubles. You know, falling for someone who doesn't love you back. They end up dating someone else because I was too late. They fall in love with that person instead of you. Seeing it all unfold before your eyes and you can't stop it. That sort of thing."

"That's horrible." Nowaki bit his lip. "I remember those feelings."

Tsumori shrugged his shoulders. "What can a person do? Not like I can steal the guy away. He's in love. Too loyal."

"Yo Tsumori!" One of their coworkers bellowed out, interrupting their private conversation. "Ready for another night in the bars?" He patted Nowaki's shoulder as he addressed him. "Hey Kusama, you're here after hours for the first time in weeks! Man, it's been a while."

"I'm leaving soon." Nowaki chuckled. "Today's work kept me here longer than expected."

"We've all been there."

Tsumori put on a fake smile. "I'm feeling pretty tired today. Why don't you all go on without me?"

Their coworker heard Tsumori's words as he snickered. "Yeah right! You're never tired for a bar night! C'mon, let's get going before the usual places get swamped. A good beer will perk you right up."

"I insist. I need to get home and sleep."

"Man, you're no fun. Hey guys!" He yelled over his shoulder. "Tsumori says he won't go."

"For real?"

"Oh well."

Tsumori clenched his hands into fists. Hiding them in his pockets, he snorted. "You will all survive without me."

"I guess." The coworker turned his attention onto Nowaki. "Kusama, you're too happy these days."

Another man went toward them and commented, "Yeah, you're going on your cases with the biggest smile on your face. Reminds me of when I first got together with my wife."

"Did you get yourself a girlfriend?"

Nowaki smiled sheepishly. " see.." No use hiding it, his blissful face revealed his secrets. "I'm in a committed relationship with someone. Please don't ask their name, this person is private and we'd like to keep it that way."

"That a boy!" A slap came onto Nowaki's right side of his back. "You're breaking a couple of hearts here at the office but it's about time! Bring your significant other here at the office sometime!"

Tsumori sneered. "If I was this person, I wouldn't be private. I'd show off my boyfriend to everyone."

"Ah don't be jealous Tsumori! You'll find a significant other soon!"

"There's plenty of people in this city."

Laughter passed through their co-workers at that statement.

Nowaki saw the anger passing through Tsumori's face. He thought he hallucinated it. Tsumori joked around and trailed through any annoyances in the office. This behavior seemed off to him. He brushed it aside as tiredness when he piped up. "Tsumori has plenty of good qualities. I'm sure everything will be fine."

When Hiroki heard Nowaki walk through the threshold, he stood up on his feet. Placing his hand on the wall, he went toward the front door. He left it unlocked on purpose for Nowaki's visit. In other occasions, he locked the door to keep out any unwanted intruders. Whenever he prepared himself for bed, lectures of safety measures entered his mind. His parents made sure to educate him about the proper protocols about living alone. His disability gave him a disadvantage.

Despite his reservations, he still enjoyed living alone. This apartment provided the freedom for his own needs. He didn't feel lonely. His family and friends visited him often. They called him almost every single day. He heard them complain about their day while they listened to his concerns. A fair exchange.

His ears picked up Nowaki humming a song he couldn't place. He guessed some catchy song growing in popularity. Miyagi and Kana kept on tract with the trends in pop music. They might play it for him the next time they visited. Predicting Miyagi singing it on their next karaoke night, he cringed. He hoped Shinobu reigned Miyagi in before he got drunk enough to sing off tune.

"Hiro-san, I'm back." Nowaki said.

"Welcome back." Hiroki muttered.

Nowaki shuffled out of his shoes. Taking special care in putting them in the right space, he stepped inside. He wrapped his arms around Hiroki's body and pulled their bodies close. He buried his face in the crook of Hiroki's neck.

Hiroki tightened his grip. Having grown used to Nowaki smothering him with his hugs, he thought on doing the same. The hidden motive of punishing him for his misdeeds crossed his mind. Nowaki loved holding him and cuddling him whenever he spotted the chance. This wouldn't invoke any repentance from Nowaki. He'd love every minute of it.

Nowaki smiled big as he held Hiroki tighter. He beamed at Hiroki's sudden affectionate state. "You must have really missed me today, huh? I always have you in my thoughts. Don't you worry."

Hiroki's eyebrow twitched. Nowaki proved his point not even a minute later. So predictable.

Kissing Hiroki's temple, Nowaki bit down his neck. Hiroki reached up and blocked his mouth from touching anything. Hiroki's hand muffled his words. "What's wrong?"

"You left marks on me. Again." Hiroki hissed. "My manager saw them when he visited me this morning! Do you know how embarrassing that is? He got a kick out of pointing them out and teasing me about it. I hate giving that man any reason to come at me."

Nowaki removed his face from Hiroki's palm as he laughed nervously. "I left them low enough that no one saw them this time. I'm so sorry. I lose myself when we kiss that I tend to forget."

Hiroki's face reddened, he put his hands on Nowaki's chest. "That's no excuse. I don't fall over myself and leave them all over you."

Nowaki said. "Not often but I do get them from you. I just happen to wear turtlenecks all the time. No one ever notices them. Your manager must have eyes like a hawk to notice yours. I can't tell."

"Well, aren't you the lucky one." Hiroki reached up his hand and patted Nowaki's cheek. "Limit them. I'm not a chew toy." He placed his hand onto Nowaki's left shoulder, rubbing his shoulder.

"Hmm..." Nowaki pouted. "I love biting your skin whenever we kiss."

"Not my problem."

Nowaki suggested, he placed his hand on top of the hand that Hiroki kept on his chest. "Then, bite my body however many times you want. I won't complain one bit."

In order to deter Nowaki's statement, Hiroki's lips quirked up. "You'll regret giving me permission."

Nowaki chuckled. "Not at all. I'll enjoy having your lips on any part of my body."

Hiroki's eyes widened, lifting his hand up again, he pinched Nowaki's cheek. "You just live to mortify me."

Nowaki laughed before capturing Hiroki's lips into a kiss. "You love it."