Murasakibara's miracle snack
Pairing : aokise, future!aominexkise, aominexfuture!kise
Summary : usual days in teikou, and murasakibara give kise some snacks, but aomine ate it! And suddenly... what happened to him? The magical snack changed his body with his future one! What will happened?
Author note :
Lol idk, i had this idea and just wanted to upload it since i felt depressed from all aokise angst and i read aokise's fans in tumblr about they're tired with aokise angst? Sad ending? Aokuro onesided and never happy kise? I felt the same.
And i didn't intend to made you cried from all angst here. Kay. Enjoy dudes and dudettes whatever.
My bbys deserve happiness, and as loyal fujoshi fans of them (i sacrificed my time writing this while i was supposed to do my homework and etc) i made this.
I got no idea what will happened in the next chapter nor i do know when will i update since i'm busy with all the exams coming. Really. And this is my first multi-chapter fic.
And i insert official moment that we, aokise shippers, love. It's frickin official *dances like a noob
I got no time for this, disclaimer! I didn't own the beautiful kiseki no sedai since it's tadatoshi fujimaki-sensei's bbys. Lol i write this in hurry sorry.
Hope you like it, sorry for the long note!
Happy reading~
"ne, ne aominecchi! Let's go one on one again! I will win this time!"
Said the blonde and handsome teenager as he approached the ace of teiko. The taller tanned man just sighed.
"oi, kise. This is already the 16th time. This will be the last." and then he smirked as he gave the ball to the blonde. "you will not win again, since the one who can beat me is me."
"heh, and i have to be the one who make you change that." replied the other as kise run toward aomine and trying to pass him to dunk the ball. But as soon as he approached the tanned male, like a fast lightning, aomine get the ball away from kise and run faster. Just as kise about to get the ball back, aomine made score, again.
The blonde just whined as he didn't get any scores from aomine. And that's the typical afternoon activities at basketball club at teiko middle school. The "generation of miracles", as what they called, always practice together until noon.
"haah, just wait i'll catch up with you, aominecchi!", kise said as he get his towel and wiped his sweat.
"heh, still years later if you want to beat me." aomine replied as he laughed at the blonde. Kise just pouted and drink some waters.
"well, it's enough for today. There will be another practice tommorow, so don't be late or, you know what you will face." said another teenager with red hair and different coloured eyes known as the tyrany captain, akashi seijuurou, with menacing aura.
Nobody wanted to messed up with him since they know what will be waiting for them if they have guts to go against him.
"aka-chin, let's go buy some snacks on our way home." said tall body with purple hair and with unimpressed face. "you only have thoughts about snacks, atsushi." replied akashi as he walk away to his locker with murasakibara atsushi, following behind him.
"hey, kise. You put these balls into the storage. This time it was your turn anyway, and don't even asked for help. Or else i will not continue lend my notebooks" another voice said as a green-haired teenager looked fixing his glasses while wiping his sweat with a towel.
"haaaa, midorimacchi is crueel!" kise whined as he stopped drinking and walked to gather all the basketballs on the floor. Right, kise always asked Midorima shintarou, the accurate shooter and horoscope freak, as he had a cute little rabbit doll on his left hand, said it was his lucky item or something, to borrowed his notebook on class and as the return, kise willingly to take midorima's turn to always gathered the basketballs after practice and put it in storage. But eventhough it looked like give and take friends relationship, they are quite good friends.
"oof! Huh?" kise stepped back as he looked what is in front of him as he felt he just bumped into something. And that something was kuroko tetsuya, the 6th phantom who was able to did misdirection so people sometimes didn't recognized him and has the best expressionless face.
"kise-kun, please look around you carefully, i know i have height problems but please don't push me back again." he said as kise apologized to him "k-kurokocchii! I'm sorry, really i didn't see you there!" and hugged the light blue haired boy and was pushed back as kuroko went to change his clothes and ignored the blonde.
"everybody is so mean to meee, ssu!" kise whined and aomine groaned as he watched the blonde pick up the balls and looked at him with his best kicked puppy sad eyes.
"i want this to be over, not because i pity you, and doing everyone's favor to shut your whiny up." aomine said as he ruffled kise's hair and helped the blonde. Kise smiled up and as soon as they done, they went to change their clothes.
As they already changed their clothes, they walked out together and headed to the nearest convenience store. They chatted on their way and as soon as they reached the convenience store, they bought their own flavour popsicles. It was kuroko first who bought it some day ago and the others were curious with the taste because kuroko always bought the same popsicles. Since then, it was their usual habits to buy popsicles and ice creams after they practice.
"ne, ne! Midorimacchi, pay for us too!" kise teased as he saw the glasses teenager glared at him from the cashier as he paid for his red-bean soup. He prefer red-bean soup rather than some ice cream. Akashi were looking at a tofu shop near the convenience store with murasakibara as he followed the red haired teenager like a chicken following its mother.
"i didn't remember having a debt from you, kise. And ice cream is not healthy, you should stop eating it after practice." midorima scoffed. Kise just laughed at the tsundere-ness and how much midorima cared for others.
"kurokocchi! What flavour is your ice cream?" kise asked as he choose strawberry flavoured ice cream.
"it look the same, but the taste is vanilla, kise-kun." kuroko replied.
"what about murasakicchi?" kise asked as he paid after midorima's turn and he torned the plastic as he taste the ice cream happily.
"mine is candy flavour. What's ki-chin's?" he replied as he chomped his ice cream.
Everyone almost stared at the unusual flavour but decided to shrugged it off. Kise almost replied but was cut by aomine suddenly noms his ice cream while he still hasn't finish his.
"mhm, strawberry. Mine is watermelon. I like both anyway" he commented and kise just laughed.
"aominecchi is like a child! You had yours but you take minee! Not fair!" kise jokingly whined and bite some also from aomine's ice cream. And then they fight to get a bite from each other ice cream.
"daiki, ryota, stop your stupid lover quarelling." akashi threatened as the hetero chromatic eyes stared with dark aura and it worked effectively as both of the male quited down. The others just continue their way as the power forward and the small forward continue behind them. They chat with each others, murasakibara were chatting and sharing some of his snacks with kise, akashi and midorima talked each other about the strategy to their next match with other school, aomine and kuroko just chat about why satsuki didn't come to the club today and aomine just answer nonchalantly about girl stuff she had to buy and hanging out with her friends and stuff and they talking about schools stuff, and some interesting topics, and when they reach their own way to each houses, they say goodbye to each other and parted to continue to their own houses.
Aomine take kise's hand and hold it as the blonde blushed by the sudden contact from the tanned male. "it' been a long time since we last got our time together." he said as his eyes found kise's eyes. Kise just smiled and squeezed his hand that holding aomine's.
Yes, the ace and the copycat of GOM are going out. It wasn't a new news for the members too. They don't even tell the others about them being together, but since akashi already knew it and had a feeling about it and told the others, they didn't go against it. It was aomine who confessed first and kise, truly accepted it since his admire toward the tanned male already seen and continue from admire become love.
"ne,ne aominecchii, murocchi gave me this snacks, do you want to eat it? I'm not really hungry" kise asks him as he offered the tanned male the snack. Since aomine eat a lot and ice cream is just not enough for him, he just accept it and eat it until they got to the model's apartment. Kise is living by himself, so they got no problem doing their 'activities' there.
As soon as they reached kise's apartment, aomine pinned the blonde against the wall. "i'm still hungry you know. I want to eat you." he said as he throw away the snack he ate earlier and attacking the blonde's neck. The sudden attack from the tanned male making kise blushes furiously and yelps. he is always getting turned on by the affections that aomine gives.
Right when they were making out and kise was carried bridal style to his bedroom, aomine discarded the uniform that getting in the way for him to get into kise's pants. Kise just obediently helping aomine, because he was eager too. They both rarely got times like this, since the blonde always working as model and whenever he worked, he will be busy until late of night and rarely got time for his boyfriend.
"aominecchi... Hurry" said the blonde as he whined. The taller male just chuckled and kissing him. As they reached the bed and aomine put the blonde softly in bed, he discarded his own clothes. Kise just watching him, feeling his boxer really tight he circled his arms around aomine's neck when aomine pinned him to the bed and starting to kissing again. That's when aomine squeeze kise's butt cheek and kise gasp, he took the chance to dominate the kiss and letting his tongue slip in the blonde's mouth.
"hmmn, aominec-chi.. Haah" is the only thing he could say. And just about aomine working on the blonde's nipples as he licked it, suddenly...
There's white fog around kise, and the confused blonde just stared dumbfoundedly.
"a-aominecchi?" asked kise as he backed away from the shadow figure in front of him.
The fog become less, and kise was able to see what's in front of him. He couldn't be more astonished than this, because his aominecchi, has turned into someone that look like aomine, but look older and he was wearing a cop uniform.
"huh? Ryouta? What the hell? Why are you... "
His voice more heavy and huskier as kise examining the well-built sexy body in front of him.
He squeaks manly. Right. Manly. Not to mention his furious blushes that made his face really red.
Then both of the male were silent and stared into each other.
"EEEEHHHH?!" as they shout and point each other.
And soon they realized they were in such an awkward position.
"WAAAHH!" they jumped back and still stared into each other.
"w-why... Aominecchi... Y-you..." kise stuttered as he used the blanket to covered his body.
"ryouta... You... That is... Teikou uniform?" the older aomine also seems speechless.
"what the hell?" they said in unison.
Right at the snacks in the trash bin.
'magical rainbow sponge cake!
The taste of magical rainbow in the cake,
Bringing you the unexpected magic! Beware of the awesomeness!'
To be continued.