Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto or Harry Potter

Warning: This is Het/Yaoi/Yuri and rated MA

Pairing: Minato/Haru(Harry)/Kakashi-Shikaku/Naru(Naruto)/Inoichi- Hinata/Sasuke- Ino/Asuma

Bashing: Rin, Sakura and Danzo

Genre: Time-travel and Angst/Romance

Reviews: I've gotten some reviews that really made me want to blast some people but I'm going to be civil. I don't care if you critique my story in fact I encourage you to do so but don't tell me I'm lacking in Intelligence or that there is something wrong with me just because I used my imagination and made Naruto and Harry girls. A thousand other writers have done the same thing. There is absolutely no reason for you to be rude or offensive when stating your opinion or preference so I want to congratulate this Anonymous reviewer, who wrote,

Can you put this as a female Harry and Female Naruto in the summery please? I don't really care for it, and it would be a nice warning for those that don't. From what I read of the first chapter it's very interesting story with Lady Luck, I just didn't care for them being turned into girls, but that's just my preference. Good luck on your story.

Thank you whoever you are and I have updated the summary to show that Harry and Naruto are girls in this story. I would also like to give big thumbs down to this next person,

I don't even know how to even begin with this fic. I really don't. But the authors note just showed confirmed my fears for this fic.
First off; don't refer Shikaku's and Inoichi's, Kakashi's and Minato's relationships as a 'yaoi' relationship. It makes you come off as not only immature; but very, VERY stupid. So please don't do it again. It's VERY degrading.
Second; No more gender benders. Seriously; Naruto and Harry is enough. You don't need anymore.
I'm willing to read more to see where you're going; but I have to ask if Naruto and Harry will return to being male soon? I hope that they will. As there was really absolutely no reason for them to be changed into females in the first place.
I will keep an eye on this for future updates.

I just want to say to this person that this is my imagination, my story and while I have taken some suggestions from reviewers to heart, I cannot do the same for you. Not only where you extremely rude but my story would get really confusing with the constant gender switches if I were to turn Harry and Naruto back to boys.

Chapter Four: Filler (The Betrayer's Bad Luck) Part One

Lady Luck was happy with the way things were going with her pseudo daughters. Naru and Haru were coming along nicely and hopefully they will have a happy and fulfilling future. The only thing left to do is get revenge in Haru's world as the revenge in Naru's world was being taken care of. Lady Luck knew she couldn't directly influence Haru's world or she would risk getting Fate's attention but she could contact the Goblins who had always revered her as they had revered their gold, the greedy buggers, she thought fondly of her little minions. The Goblins could act for her and in such a way that wouldn't draw notice.

'Yes, she thought, 'I can put that plan into action I would only need to get Haru's input, which is easy enough and the Goblin's would do the rest' She began to laugh manically, 'Kukukuku' She cut herself off when she realized she sounded like the snake pedophile, 'I really need a new evil laugh' she sweat dropped at herself.

Time-Skip Harry's Will Reading

A varied and large group of people were waiting in a large room set aside by the goblins to conduct the will reading of one Harry Potter. The people waiting were a sight to see because on one side of the room was the Weasley's with all their light sided friends like Oliver Wood, Dean Thomas, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Hermione Granger, the rest of Harry's quidditch team and the sixth year Gryffindor's along with Remus Lupin and the Order of the Phoenix. However on the other side were people that most truly would not believe would be in Harry's will like Blaise Zabini. Harry had never even talked to him before and then there was Severus Snape, the Malfoy family, Marcus Flint, the Greengrass family and perhaps worse of all Argus Filch the Hogwarts caretaker. In the middle of the two groups were people that backed neither side, Madam Promfey, the Tonks, Aberforth Dumbledore, also the remaining Bones family Susan and Amelia. As the tension rose to uncomfortable heights a group of goblins enter the room followed by a warrior goblin squad.

A goblin of obvious high standing reached the podium in the middle of the room and began speaking, "We are gathered here today to read the Will of one Hadrian Jacobus Peverell the last Duke of Peverell, the Duke of Blackbriar, the Marquis of Gryffindor, the Earl of Grimland, the Earl of Lionshead, and the Viscount of Blackwood also known as Harry James Potter." The goblin would have continued speaking if not for the loud murmur that arose from the various attendants.

"Harry has that many titles!" a shocked Remus gasped

"That Potter brat always had to have attention even in death." Snape grumbled to Lucius Malfoy who was shocked the boy-who-lived far out classed the Malfoy's who was only a simple barony.

Albus Dumbledore sat in his seat next to the Weasley Matriarch, his eyes twinkling madly at the thought of controlling all that power, after all Harry would have surely left it to him to control as he was Harry's beloved mentor and leader of the light.

All around people were slowly calming down eager to hear more of what they were sure they were going to inherit after all they wouldn't be here if Harry hadn't left them something.

The Goblin sensing a lull in the commotion continued, "As the Will states, I will now activate the portrait of Lord Peverell." The Goblin then opened a small box on the Podium and pulled out a freaking huge fame that in no way could have fit in such a tiny box without magic. The Goblin said a few words in Gobbledygook and a bright light shone around the portrait that now hung in midair. When the light died down everyone could see Harry Potter grinning madly at them, "Yo!" he said enjoying their reactions.

"Harry mate how is death treating you?" a Weasley Twin yelled out smiling wildly

"I wouldn't know Forge, I'm a memory not the real thing." Harry said gently

"Cub, I'm so sorry." Remus said to the painting with tears in his eyes

"Don't worry about it Uncle Remy, I'm in a better place." He replied softly, "Well let's start this Shindig. I Hadrian Jacobus Peverell being of sound mind, body and magic yadda yadda yadda." Harry gruffed out, "Ehh… all this lingo stuff is boring so let's just do it this way. To Seamus Finnegan I leave the Potter Brewery in Dublin along with the connecting warehouse full of muggle explosives. Don't ask why I have such a thing just know it was for a prank set up by my Father and Godfather." Harry said when he got some weird looks.

"Thanks mate, I really appreciate that. I had no idea what I was going to do after school." Seamus said still a little stunned that Harry had just basically given him a future.

"No prob Irish." Harry laughed, "Next to Oliver Wood I leave the 33% shares I own in Puddlemere United and the 63% I own in Quidditch Weekly magazine. May you spread your madness to other unfortunate souls." Harry grinned sadistically as his old quidditch team groaned.

"To Katie Bell, Angelina Johnson, and Alicia Spinnet I leave the controlling shares of the Holyhead Harpies that my grandmother Dorea Potter nee Black left to my father and him to me. May you kick Ollie's arse for all the torture he put us through." Harry merely grinned as the girls whooped and cheered and taunted Oliver when his soon to be defeat.

"To Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil I leave to you both 15% each of my shares in Witches Weekly. Go wild my lovely lioness's" the two girls had tears in their eyes as they thanked Harry for generosity and helping them to achieve their dreams.

"To Kingsley Shackelbolt, Alastor Moody, Arabella Figg, and Mundungus Fletcher I leave to you ten thousand gallons, may you spend it wisely."

"To Aberforth Dumbledore I leave to you the knowledge that your daughter did survive the attack on your family all those years ago but died in 1980 after giving birth to your granddaughter one Hermione Granger adopted daughter of David and Jean Granger. I would suggest having a blood test done with the goblins to confirm my statements."

The shock of Harry's statement had everybody stunned silent for a few minutes then people were talking and voices arose above the crowd determined to be heard.

"Are you telling me Granger isn't a Mudblood?" Draco's said loudly finally having hoped that the girl he was secretly in love with was going to be good enough in his father's eyes.

"What the HELL do you mean I'm adopted?" Hermione shouted looking shocked that she wasn't whom she assumed she was. 'If this is true how come my parents never told me I was adopted?'

Albus Dumbledore looked nervous that information he had hidden for years was now being aired in front of minions and enemies alike. Albus had kidnapped his niece after he killed her mother and made it look like a werewolf attack over forty years ago. He after all needed his brother to be focused on the enemy and not on family and what better way than to have his family killed by the supposed enemy. He left his niece with the McKinnon's who were unable to have children and blood adopted her to make her their Heir. When Marlene McKinnon formerly Arianna Dumbledore was attacked and killed in 1980 she was only a few hours out of childbirth with the child she secretly had with Gideon Prewett. That child which Albus himself knew of since Marlene had confided in her grandfather figure, was then taken to a muggle orphanage where she was later adopted by the Grangers.

Albus really didn't want his past deeds to get out to the general public or to his minions, so he was sweating nervously as he glanced at his brother who was still too shocked to say anything.

Aberforth Dumbledore looked at his supposed granddaughter with hope in his eyes that some of his family was still living. He turned to Hermione and said, "After the Will reading is over we will get blood tests done to either confirm or deny a family connection between us. Until then we will wait patiently." He gently picked up her hand and gave a comforting squeeze. Hermione stared at him for a moment then gave grateful smile.

Aberforth then yelled over the murmurs and said, "We will deal with this after today's proceeding so if you will continue Harry, we would be grateful."

Harry nodded and said, "Well moving on, to Blaise Zabini whom I used to secretly meet in Hogwarts' kitchens for late night hot chocolate and good conversation and whom I would shamelessly stare at his hot little tush when he wasn't looking." Harry waited for Blaise to stop choking and for the Weasley Twins to stop laughing, "YES, I was gay anyway I leave to Blaise my Italian Villa in Florence along with copies of every history or historic book the Potter and Black family has ever collected. I know how much you enjoy history my friend and I hope these will feed some of your hunger."

Blaise stood and bowed towards his secret friend, "Thank you Harry and I don't mind if you stared at my bum. It's a damn fine arse if I do say so myself." He and Harry laughed as many people snickered. Ron looked like he was going to have an aneurysm but calmed down with the thought that Harry was dead and he was about to inherit that gay freaks vast wealth.

"Next to one Severus Snape I leave you all the belongings, notes and ancestral home of one Darius Underwing who left all of his procession's to the boy-who-lived upon his death. I also gift you with his vault containing over four million gallons. I also leave to you all of my mother's potions notes, books, Journals, and a copy of her Portrait from Potter Manor."

Snape was shocked to his core. Darius Underwing was a famous Potioneer who had invented many cures to help the general public. When he died four years after the first fall of the dark lord it was said that he was working on something big but no one knew what. It was also a Potion Masters dream to visit the home of Master Underwing as he had turned it into a state of the art Potions lab including muggle lab equipment that worked well with potions. For the brat to give him this was incredible but even that didn't compare to feeling of having the portrait of his beloved Lilly and her works. It was a bittersweet feeling and all he could do was nod to Potter once and look away for he was sure he would cry and wouldn't that be embarrassing to cry in front of the brats he despised besides Lucius would never let him live it down.

Harry quickly moved on for he couldn't look at the man he had a secret crush on without feeling regret even if he was but a memory. "To Marcus Flint I leave to you the means to lift the curse my family put on yours six hundred years ago." Marcus looked confused, "What curse, and why are you leaving me anything I've never even spoke to before?"

Harry stared intently at Flint mentally thinking about all the information Lady Luck had given him so he could right some wrongs and fix some things that Fate wouldn't notice.

"The curse was cast over six hundred years ago by my ancestor Lady Evelyn Potter who was rejected by Tiberius Flint who instead chose her prettier cousin Lady Lidia Lovell for his wife. My ancestor was jealous so she used a blood ritual to curse your family to be born with traits of a troll, to ruin your family's beauty a beauty that she herself didn't process. I cannot fix your looks but I can make sure that your children aren't born with the same traits. The reason why I'm doing this is because it's not only the right thing to do but because you helped Luna when you could. She told me of the times you protected her from her housemates and I thank you for looking out for my little sister." Harry said as he inclined his head slightly towards Flint respectfully.

"To the Greengrass Family" Harry said and the Greengrass's straightened in their seat's curious as to why they would be willed anything from the Potter Heir, "I leave to you the title's the Duke of Peverell and the Marquis of Gryffindor along with both ancestral homes Peverell Palace and Griffin's Nest. Of course you will also inherit the fourteen seats on the Wizengamot and the twenty-three million gallons in the Peverell vault and the twelve million in the Gryffindor vault plus 25% ownership of Hogwarts School of magic and a seat on the Board of Education."

There was an immediate outcry from the Weasley's, the order of the phoenix and Harry's general friends. Even Lucius was outraged for the simple fact that Marcus Greengrass was the leader of the neutral party and he now had more votes than both him and Albus thus making Marcus the controlling body on the Wizengamot.

Albus Dumbledore stood up slowly trying hard not to show his anger at the foolish boy in the portrait, "Harry my boy, I'm afraid I must protest. They have no ties to you and aren't even a blood relation. You cannot simply give away…"

Harry interrupted the old goat, "Actually they are a blood relation. Marcus Greengrass is my cousin."

Marcus stood up shakily, "I'm afraid Albus is right Mr. Potter. I know my family History and the Greengrass's and the Potters have not been connected since1649 when Agatha Greengrass married Henry Potter."

"You would be wrong dear cousin because a heritage test would show that your mother Jasmine Greengrass nee Holt is actually Gisela Marie Potter twin sister to my grandfather Charlemagne Octavius Potter. She was stolen by our enemies the Lastranges and given to their vassal's the Holt's. As you are the last legal and blood descendent of the Peverell and Gryffindor line you inherit the titles and seats of nobility." Harry smirked as Albus could no longer hide his fury.

"I demand a blood test. This is nothing but rubbish. There is no way the Greengrass's and the Potter's are related." He would have continued to rant if the Goblin overseeing the Will reading hadn't interrupted him once again.

"All evidence has been gathered that shows the connection between the two families, However Heritage tests will be conducted after we have concluded today's business." The Goblin smirked nastily as Dumbledore looked like he had one to many lemon drops.

"Alright then moving on from the drama, next up is the Malfoy's. Narcissa I'm sorry to say that I, even though I inherited the Black family fortune, cannot overturn the mandates of the previous two head of houses. Both Arcturus and Sirius had stated in their will's that any who took the Dark Mark cannot inherit from the Black Family. So unfortunately I cannot give anything to either you or Draco but for your previous kindness and Draco's courage to spy on the Dark Lord I can give Draco an ancient title that has been passed from Head to Head for centuries. Draco I give to you the title Prince Mavros and the ancestral Palace of Shadows located on an unplotable Island off the Coast of Greece."

"Long ago the Mavros family immigrated to Britain and changed their name to Black to hide from their enemies who wanted the family's death because they were third in the line to the throne of the Macedonian Empire in the time of Alexander the Great. The Palace in the Shadows has been in stasis and preserved from damage drawing on the magic from the ley line it sits upon. To claim the title and the palace you will have to go to Gringotts in Greece and lay claim but to do so is too give up the Malfoy name and live forever in Greece as there is a possibility that you may very well be able to still lay claim to the dormant throne of Wizarding Greece."

Stunned silence filled the room. Even the goblins were shocked that a Royal had been found.

Draco couldn't process what he heard. When he came here he fully expected to be given the Black Family Fortune as was his right as he was the only one with a direct blood connection to the family through his mother. When he heard he was going to be denied his Black Birthright he had been so disappointed and the beginnings of anger had turned his cheeks a rosy red but when Scarhead had just basically made him a Royal he had been shocked silly and he still couldn't come to grips with this recent revelation.

Albus was white with rage. His eye's cold as a winter wind and staring hard at the portrait that was ruining all his carefully laid plans that would get him more power and wealth. He had no influence in Greece or with the Malfoy's. He had no way to control Draco who was given more power than he could have ever dream of.

Lucius was conflicted. On one hand Draco would be a Royal and could possible become what the Dark Lord never could, a King. On the other hand however Draco would have to give up his name and become a Mavros and it would only be if Draco had more than one child that the Malfoy family would have a true Heir once again.

Ron was furious. How dare that gay fag give the ferret that title? It should be his. He was the FREAKS best friend. He deserved to have the glory of being a prince. Stupid Potter.

"As we need to keep going I give to Bill Weasley Chateau Noir and a hundred thousand gallons. I hope that you and Fleur have a very happy life."

"To Charlie Weasley I give to you the Dragon's Lair, a Manor with seven hundred acres of land on a private unplotable island off the coast of Constanta in the middle of the Black Sea. Also gift you with a hundred thousand gallons, may you live happily."

"To Percy Weasley I give to you the Potter Town house located in Vertical Alley and a Hundred thousand gallons along with copies of every Law book that the Potter and Black Families own. Also I give to you two of the Black seats on the Wizengamot. May you achieve your dreams."

"To Fred Weasley I give to you the title of Earl of Grimland along with Marauder Manor and two seats on the Wizengamot. I also give you a hundred thousand gallons and half my shares in Weasley Wizarding Wheeze's."

"To George Weasley I give to you the title of the Viscount of Blackwood, two seats on the Wizengamot, half of my shares in WWW and Marauder Island off the coast of Fiji. Both of you are of Black blood and can inherit the Black titles. I know Bill will have the Weasley Barony and Charlie gave up being the heir of the Prewitt Lordship to Percy. So being the next in line without title and the grandsons of Cedrella Weasley nee Black I give you a piece of your birthright."

"To Arthur and Molly Weasley I give you back the Weasley Ancestral Castle Joyous Guard, bought secretly from Lucius Malfoy by Sirius Black under the name of Lancelot Dulac. The Malfoy's never could enter the castle because they were never of Dulac or Weasley blood so everything is still intact from your great Grandfather's time when Hyperion Malfoy tricked ownership away from Gerald Weasley. I also give you a hundred thousand gallons. I wish you both happy lives with many Grandchildren." Molly was crying her eyes out on her husband shoulders at Harry's generosity and Arthur was stunned that he would finally have his family history back.

Lucius was shocked and angered that he was tricked by that damnable mutt, not that he was really angry about losing Joyous Guard since he could not get in anyway but to be out Slytherin by a Gryffindor was unacceptable.

"To Ginny Weasley" Harry paused as he watched that wretched girl sit up with a greedy look in her eyes, "I leave you with nothing but the shame of your family knowing of your sins." Harry waited as he caught everyone's attention at this startling statement. What could little Ginny Weasley possibly done. When Harry was sure he had everyone on tender hooks and Ginny paling he said, "I leave you all with the knowledge that Ginny Weasley is a Kin Slayer." Shocked gasps filled the room as Harry continued, "Ginny Weasley had aborted the son of Dean Thomas, the daughter of Michael Corner and the twin girls of Blaise Zabini. She has also been trying to feed me loyalty, lust, jealously and love potions throughout the last two years of my life."

Molly couldn't think, couldn't move, and couldn't even breathe. Her baby, her precious baby girl had killed her own children. She had committed the highest crime in the Wizarding world. There would be no forgiveness, no second chance, and no redemption. Children were the most treasured possession in the Wizarding world. Even He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named didn't start killing children until his very last years when he finally went completely insane.

Arthur felt like the world just stopped. He couldn't hear anything, there was a soft buzzing in his ear but he couldn't bring himself to care.

Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred and George stared at their sister in disgust and shock not sure what to do but knowing that today they had lost a sister.

Ron was even shocked because Ginny tells him everything and he had even helped her make some of those Loyalty potions but this was too much. He never would have thought she could do something so heinous though he had no room to talk as he had killed his so called best friend but still to kill your own children was something else entirely. There would be no saving Ginny now.

Albus was disgusted even he had not killed a child. He had made sure his niece and great niece had a loving home when it would have been easier if they were killed. He wasn't that heartless. If he had known this girl was like that he would never had drawn up that betrothal between her and his pawn.

Ginny was shocked. How could he have known? She had made sure there was no evidence or knowledge of what she had done. Maybe she could bluff her way out of this. They couldn't prove it and Harry was dead. They couldn't take the word of a dead man for fact.

"You are lying. I have never been pregnant and I have no knowledge of what you are talking about." She said in a somewhat shaky voice trying to get her fear under control.

"I thought you may say that but you weren't as careful as you thought. You see you committed the highest crime against magic there is in Hogwarts a school that I had 25% ownership in. Hogwarts herself protected the fetuses when you flushed them from your body with the help of House Elf magic and the magic left from Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff. Hogwarts then got in contact with me as I was an Heir of Gryffindor and lead me to the magically made wombs so that I could ensure their safety." Harry turned to Griphook who stood by the door and said, "Griphook, if you would."

The entire room was stunned when the goblin named Griphook opened the door and floated four one year old babies into the center of the room. Three were the color of mocha with dark black curls and the fourth was pale as snow with dark auburn hair.

"Are you saying that two of these children are mine with Ginny Weasley that she aborted and Hogwarts saved?" Blaise said with disbelief coloring his voice.

"I admit it is weird Bunny boo but blood and Heritage tests will prove that the baby girl in pale green and the one in lavender are your children with Ginny Weasley being their blood mother while Rowena Ravenclaw is their magical mother." Shocking Blaise even more at the thought of his children being the magical Heirs of one of the Hogwarts Founders.

"Dean, Blaise" Harry said getting Dean's attention who was mildly panicking at having a son and Blaise who was lost in his Slytherin side thinking of the advantages of having two daughters as Heirs of Ravenclaw, "I have spent almost two years making sure that these children lived through their magical birth fully formed and without defects from the potion Ginny used to abort them. I then made sure that the children were safe from the war and the manipulations of other's. Since I protected them as a true mother would, I named them."

"Blaise, the one in pale green is Francesca Josephine Zabini after both your grandmother and mother. The one in lavender is Rosaline Juliet Zabini named after the women that your ancestor Romeo Montague was in love with." Harry smirked as Blaise groaned. Blaise had told him it was his father's family that Shakespeare had based his play off of. Harry always thought it was funny that Blaise was somewhat embarrassed by the play because it showed Romeo as a hopeless romantic and a failure to the family motto, Love em' and Leave em'.

Blaise guessed he could only be happy that Harry hadn't named his children after his other ancestor Casanova and his supposed lovers.

"Dean before I tell you the name of your child I will tell you what I leave you in my Will. I Hadrian Jacobus Peverell also known as Harry James Potter leave to Dean Andrew Thomas the title of the Earl of Lionshead, Potter Manor, the entire Potter Estate and the Potter Vault filled with 34 million galleons as Dean Andrew Thomas is the only son of Icarus Charlemagne Lovett bastard son of Charlemagne Octavius Potter and Lynette Caroline Lovett."

People weren't really paying attention to this latest bombshell their minds still on the previous mind boggling revelations, but Dean had his full attention on Harry with tears falling down his cheeks as he felt a strong force of magic rushing over him, claiming him as the last living Potter. Seamus was beside his best friend trying to comfort Dean in his time of need.

"Dean, take my name and continue the Potter Legacy and know truthfully that had my grandfather, father or I knew of you sooner you would have been welcomed into the family the very minute we found out. I only found out a month before my death when I made my Will. Will you become Dean Icarus Potter? Named for your father and the Potter family as is tradition." Harry asked with a quite strength.

"Yes, cousin." Dean said as wipe tears from his eyes.

"Then I welcome you to the family cousin and I would like to introduce you to Charlemagne Jacobus Potter your son. May he carry a piece of his grandfather and great grandfather along with his uncle and cousin. We look after own." Harry smiled at the family he never knew he had.

"Dean if I could have I would have given you everything the I had but the Gryffindor and Peverell line has Family Laws that state any born from a bastard line cannot inherit but I do hope that you are happy with the Potter Fortune and Name."

"Yes" Dean laughed. He was deliriously happy. He had a child but he now had a way to care for it and he had a family history he never had before. It was sad that he lost his cousin before they could form any family bonds but at least they were friends.

Harry yelled, "If everyone will pay attention so we can get through this as quickly as possible, please."

When everyone was once again focused on him, he started, "Molly the little girl in yellow is Margaret Eloise Weasley. She is your granddaughter and if you wish you will have full rights to her as Michael Corner and his parents signed their rights away. She is named after you and Helga Hufflepuff's daughter Eloise Hufflepuff as little Maggie here is a magical Heir to the Hufflepuff line. Do you accept her?"

Molly jumped up and grabbed the precious little girl and held her closely while crying, "Of course I do. My first grandchild. She is so adorable, how could I not claim her." Molly cooed gently to auburn hair girl in her arms.

"Well then to Remus Lupin I leave five hundred thousand galleons and the Marauder Hideaway along with the surrounding 800 acre forest and my father's and godfather's prank journal's. I also leave you with copies of every book owned by the Blacks, the Potter's, the Gryffindor's, and the Peverell. I love you Uncle and hope this may easy your burden even if only a little." Harry said softly to Remus who was crying brokenly in Nymphadora Tonks arms.

"Thanks' cub and I love you to." Remus said choking on his own tears.

"To Andromeda Tonks nee Black I reinstate you into the family and name you Duchess of Blackbriar and leave you the entire Black Family Vault filled with 41 million galleons, seven seats on the Wizengamot and what is left of the Black Estate. As a close relative of Bellatrix Lastrange nee Black you can reclaim her dowry and add it back to the family fortune before it passes onto the new Lastrange Heir."

"To Neville Longbottom I leave copies of every Herbology book I own along with Potter London Greenhouses."

"To Luna Lovegood I leave to you copies of every book I own on magical creatures and 15,000 galleons with the hope that you find the crumple-horned snorkack and prove everyone wrong."

"To Argus Filch I leave to you a small cottage in Scotland attached to a small farm in thanks for saving Lavender Brown a true friend at the battle of Hogwarts. I hope your retirement is kid free."

"To Amelia Bones and Susan Bones I leave you Bones Family Heirlooms that came into my family through marriage many years ago. It is only right that they are return to the last of the Bones family."

"To Madam Promfey I leave you a hundred thousand galleons and my thanks for always taking care of me."

"To Hermione Granger I leave a hundred thousand galleons and copies of every book I own. Try not to drown in books Mione."

"Finally to Albus Dumbledore and Ron Weasley" Harry paused as Ron and Dumbledore's eyes lit up with greed and lust for power, "I leave you both with thirty silver sickles and name you traitors to the Potter, Peverell, Gryffindor and Black families. So I say it, so Mote it be."

Everyone was slightly shocked that Harry had left his mentor and best friend with basically nothing. They would have been more stunned but with all the bombshells dropped today, they were wore out and just wanted to get through the rest of the day and go to sleep.

Stay tuned for the Aftermath and Dumbledore's Downfall. Ron will also get a more vindictive comeuppance soon. A new filler will probably be out after I get further along in the original story.

I want to thank reviewer's who gave me some wonderful suggestions and ideas on Haru's and Naru's animal form. I Still have not completely committed to any animal as of yet but my decision will be out in my next chapter.

I am also very sorry if this chapter is long winded. I just couldn't find a good stopping point.

Please Review and tell me what you think! Good or Bad, I'm opened to both just try to be civil about it and keep the rudeness down.

Thanks Minna-san