Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto or Harry Potter

Warning: This is Het/Yaoi/Yuri and rated MA

Pairing: Minato/Haru(Harry)/Kakashi-Shikaku/Naru(Naruto)/Inoichi- Hinata/Sasuke- Ino/Asuma

Bashing: Rin, Sakura and Danzo

Genre: Time-travel and Angst/Romance

Summary: Minato surviving the Kyuubi sealing blamed Naruto for his mother's death and left him to grow up as he did in cannon. Naruto hiding his intelligence realized he needed to act the fool so that he could hide in plain sight. After years of being alone Minato starts to fall for his former student Rin though he doesn't realize that she is working for Danzo and is intentionally seducing him to gain more power for her true master. After his marriage Minato starts to regret not being in his son's life and try's to mend fences but his new wife and her protégé Sakura stand in his way fearing that having a jinchuriki on Minato's side would make him even more powerful. Finding devious ways in which to blame Naruto for crimes he did not commit, they manage to use the council to imprison him.

Naruto dies in his cell poisoned by Sakura when it looks like Minato would finally be able to free him. As Naruto dies so does Harry in his own world after defeating Voldemort he was killed by his so called friends. A higher being seeing that both individuals never truly lived and had horrible lives decides to give them a second chance.

Chapter One

The Goddess Fortuna has looked after her favorites for thousands of years giving luck and fortune when she saw fit, but now her bitch of a sister, the Goddess Fate, has destroyed the lives of two of her favorites beyond repair. That was okay though because she had plan. Calling in favors from Old Man Time and Dreary Death, Fortuna was going to give her favorites the tools they needed to defeat Fate once and for all.

The very minute her two avatars died she pulled their souls into the Hall of Dimensions. She had to act fast if she wanted Fate completely unaware of what she was doing. Hopefully she would continue playing with Harry's world for years to come and ignore Naruto's for a while longer seeing as how Kami was very angry at her at the moment.

When both boys were in front of her she was happy to realize her job just got so much easier when she compared their souls. Naruto and Harry were amazingly enough a part of the same soul but different worlds. How she never realized that to begin with she'll never know.

Both boys looked around with a look of confusion on their faces. Naruto and Harry stared at each other each one feeling a sense of familiarity. As if they had known each other all their lives. It was a feeling of completion almost as if they were one. Naruto looked at the slim black haired male in front of him shocked because he was pretty sure he was alone in his cell, now he was here with what looked like a foreigner in a hallway with way too many doors.

Harry too was stunned. He had just been betrayed by the very people he had saved. His so called friends had sent him through the veil just like Sirius had a few years before him. Instead of what he imagined death to be he was standing in front of some blonde kid that he felt a weird kind of kinship to and standing in a hallway that seriously had too many doors.

The boys continued to stare at each other feeling confused and a little bit irritated.

"Hem Hem"

The boys turned as one to see a beautiful woman with curly white hair flowing to her waist, a goddess like face with a porn star body and amazing silver eyes looking at them with a gentle smile and an understanding look in her beautiful eyes.

"I'm Lady Luck, the Goddess Fortuna and I have been looking out for both of you since your souls were first born and I have watched as every time I gave each of you a good turn on my Wheel, Fate has soured it. I have brought you both here into the Hall of Dimensions to give you both a second chance at the life you were supposed to live." She said as she turned to look directly at Harry

"Harry Potter you were supposed to be raised by your Godfather and his lover Remus. You would have been taught the proper ways of a pureblood and would have been prepared to take your rightful place in the Wizarding World as Lord Potter and Heir apparent to the Black Legacy. You would have seen the traitors around you for exactly who they were and never would you have trusted Dumbledore." She then turned to Naruto, leaving a slightly shock Harry to ponder her words.

"Naruto had Fate let things play out as they were supposed to you would have been raised by a loving father and on your way to becoming a legendary ninja that the whole of the Elemental Nations would have talked about a thousand years into the future. You would have found your soul mates and lived a life that many would envy. Instead you were killed by the very girl that you once professed to love." Naruto's eyes widen at that revelation. 'Sakura? It was Sakura that killed me?'

"Yes Naruto it was Sakura that murdered you." Lady Luck stated as she read his mind.

"Wha…? How?" Naruto asked a little startled that she had read his mind.

"She poisoned you Naru-chan, your father Minato was finally able to prove that you were innocent of the crimes that had sent you to prison but that would disrupt certain plans that had been put into place to keep the Hokage weak. You were a Jinchuuriki with the strongest Bijuu inside of you. If you were to side with your father the balance of power in Konoha would have shifted to your father's favor. So Danzo a council member with considerable power ordered his daughter to have you killed. His daughter just happens to be Namikaze Rin formerly Nohara Rin and she ironically enough is Sakura's master." Fortuna snorted, she had really hated that pink haired banshee.

Harry shook his head; it seemed as if the blonde kid had a life just as fucked up as he had. Harry chuckled slightly in his head, 'What a bitch Fate is!' he turned slightly angry at the thought of some self-important goddess playing with their lives.

Harry step forward and said, "So what is this about a second chance? What does it entail exactly and are there any strings attached." hoping to get the ball rolling. He would think about everything else later but for now he had a feeling that time was against them right now.

The Goddess stared at him for a moment and then said, "For you young Harry it will be a little bit more difficult due to the fact that instead of going back to your world you will be entering Naruto's. You see Fate is currently focusing on your world and is also banished from Naruto's as Kami herself the most powerful Goddess of the Elemental Nations has banished her from her realm and since Kami is a piece of The God ruler of all, Fate has to listen to her. So you see I can't send you back because Fate would fuck you over again." She sighed

"What I can do" she continued, "Is send you to a new world where you would find love and peace and a life to live fully. As for Naruto I can't fix what Fate has already wrought for you as Uzumaki Naruto because it was what got her banished from your world originally. However at two years of age you had died Naru-chan from a mob attack and it is there where I can start. You see with Uzumaki Naruto dead you can begin anew with a new identity, a new life, if both of you accept." She stated

Harry once again looked at Naruto as Naruto looked at him. They studied each other for a moment and saw the same thing in each other's eyes. A longing for something neither had but wanted desperately. To know love, to be cherished and to know what having a family felt like and with none of the notoriety that seemed to follow both of them around like a dark cloud blocking out their happiness. A moment passed that felt like an eternity before they nodded their heads together and turned back to the beautiful goddess that was going to give them a second chance.

"Yes we accept." Both young men stated with determination and fire burning brightly in their eyes.

The minute they gave confirmation a loud bang filled the room startling the three occupants. As the three turned to the source of noise, Harry was the first to see two men. One was dressed in black emo garb with rips and tears showing a rocker like image. Harry could not see the man's face though for a hood covered his head and what looked living shadows surrounding his face making it impossible to see the man's visage. The other man was dressed in light brown Wizarding robes with golden laurel leaves embroider along the edges. The man was constantly shifting from young boy to man and then to old man in a never ending stream. His face too was covered but instead of shadows it was covered by a muted light.

"Damn it Death, Time! Must you scare me like that?" Fortuna snarled obviously disgruntled

"Why of course Lady Fortune, now enough chatting we need to get this over with or we will get caught if we don't hurry." An old man Time said bracingly "Have you told them of the changes yet Lucky Lady?" a young boy Time asked somewhat impatiently

"No, not as yet, I haven't had the time, Time!" She snapped a little angry at the rush. She wanted to spend a little more time in the presence of the two that she considered her children.

"I'll tell them or we will never get anywhere." A long suffering sigh was heard from the mass of moving shadows.

"You two," Death snapped at the two mortals in front of him, "Here's the deal, you both know of Yin and Yang right?" the boys nodded in answer, "Good! Well souls are recycled over and over again. Every time a soul is recycled it is cleansed and since souls do not have gender, the soul moves from yin to yang. What this means for you two is that since you're starting new lives in new bodies to keep your souls in balance without cleansing them, so that you won't lose your memories, the bodies that we create for you will be yin because your yang soul cycle has ended with your deaths. What all of this means is that in your new lives you two will be of the female persuasion." Death was about to continue when Naruto and Harry gave a loud outburst.



"I DON'T want to be a GIRL!"


This went on for a few more moments before Fortuna stepped in and said, "I don't know why you two are fighting this, since both of you were more attracted to guys then you were to girls and both of you had crushes on your teachers. At least this way you will get to be with your true preference and have children of your own all without being shunned." She said calmly as if they hadn't been yelling earlier.

"Wha…How…Huh?...Gah!" They both stuttered out a little frustrated at the end. How did she know that! It was one of their deepest darkest secrets. For Harry he had the horrifying feeling of crushing on his evil potions Professor Snape, who hated him. For Naruto it was no different as he had, had a crush on Kakashi who didn't like him either because he like Minato also blamed him for Kushina's death or would always ignore him to favor Sasuke.

While the two stunned boys where thinking it through Lady Fortune began to prepare the two bodies of Identical twin girls that had at the age of two had been murdered by their mother, smothered in their sleep. The two girls no longer inhabited their bodies so the Goddess of Luck snagged them before the bodies could fully shut down. With a little bit of her blood to give new life and luck into the bodies plus a few added changes so that the bodies could handle Chakra and two elemental affinities a piece. For young Naruto he would keep his wind and water with the eventual ability to make ice. As for Harry he would have lighting and water. Though Harry will not have the ability to make a third element he would be one of the rare humans born with an element that compliments the other. With Water being weak to Lighting but making Lighting stronger if worked together. She also gave the bodies a Kekkai Genkai of sorts. Every soul has an animal that compliments it so she just gave them the ability to turn into their soul animal. Like the Wizards animagus.

It seemed like her boys or should she say girls where calming down so she took the invisibility off the twins and brought them into the boys line of sight. They stopped and stared at the two little girls that looked like they were sleep walking.

"Are those our new bodies?" Harry asked


"Why couldn't they be boys again?" Naruto question suspiciously

"Because even though your souls aren't going through the cleansing they already know that it is time for the Yang to end and Yin to begin. If we put you in Yang bodies with a Yin soul it will cause imbalance and eventual insanity to you." Death said with a bored sigh.

"Okay so why do they look like Lady Luck's Mini ME's?" Asked Harry and Naruto in unison and it was true. The little girls had waist length snow white hair. Only one of the girls had curly hair like the goddess and the other had slightly wavy hair that flared around her head like a halo. Both of the girls had milky white skin that geishas would kill for and beautiful faces that were truly reminiscent of the goddess before them.

"Because I had to use my blood to keep their bodies functioning long enough for your souls to inhabit them and because I'm a goddess my blood changed their DNA and made them into replicas of me. So it will be like you are my daughters." The Goddess of luck said with a pleased smile.

"Alright already let's get this show on the road." Death said as he grabbed the hand of the girl with curly hair that was closest to him, he then held his hand out to Naruto to grab onto, "Grab my hand and I will place you into the body." He said gruffly

"Not Naruto, Harry's soul belongs to that body." The Goddess said quickly

"Fine then, Harry!" Death said impatiently as he moved his hand towards the black haired youth.

Harry stared at the hand for a long moment before sighing and giving in. He really wanted a new start so he reached for the hand before him, "Fine" He said as touched cold hand of death. He felt for a second as if he was being side-along Apparate. It felt like getting sucked inside a tube and in the next instant he was shorter and he was staring up at everyone else.

"Weird. Really weird." He said faintly

"Alright then, Next!" Death said in a loud voice as he held out his hand towards Naruto. Naruto was a little scared but he too wanted another chance where he wouldn't have a stigma following him around since birth. 'This time would be different' He thought as he too grabbed the cold hand of death and felt like he was getting squashed inside of a small tube.

"Okay you two are you alright?" Lady Luck asked

The little girls looked at each other and noticed that the other one had the same eyes that they originally had. Harry's eyes were still the same green that had emerald's weeping in envy. The only true difference was that his eyes now held a ring of silver, enhancing his eyes even more. Naruto as well still had his sapphire blue eyes although he too had a ring of silver surrounding them. Finally both girls looked up at the God's and Goddess and answer in unison, "Yes Mam!" Their cute little girl voices just made the Goddess want to hug them tight. "Alrighty then first things first Harry did you brain assimilate the information and language of your new world?"


"Good then the only things left are new names because boy names just don't fit with your cute new appearance and to tell you about your abilities." She said

"New names?" Naruto questioned

"New abilities?" asked Harry

"Yes, Naruto in your former life you had the elemental affinities for water and wind with Ice being your third if you mastered the first two. So I gave them to your new body as well. As for Harry you only have two affinities lighting and water but water will make lighting stronger. Also from Harry's world I gave you both an animagus ability that will turn into a Kekkai Genkai that can be passed on to your children. Just meditate and you will meet your animal form. It will be a lot easier for you two then it would be for wizards. Now I'm your patron Goddess so you two have been blessed with luck but be warned with good luck, bad luck can follow. They both go hand in hand like yin and yang." She warned them with an apologetic look on her face.

"Now for names, I was thinking Haru for Harry. It's close enough to your old name as not to be confusing and is feminine enough to be a girl's name. Naruto should just shorten his to Naru as well. Again it's close to your old name and both names together go good for twins." She said rushing on not even given them time to think because their time together was drawing to close.

"As for last names how bout Yukimura since you both have snow white hair like me and you live in a village."

The little girls looked at each other before shrugging their shoulders and saying, "Hai"

"Okay so I'm going to drop you off at one of the village orphanages with a note from your suppose grandmother saying she was too old to take care of you and that your parents died during the Kyuubi attack two years previously. Also it will have all your confirmation papers and such explaining your back ground. Your mother was a civilian refugee from Kiri and your father was a ninja with a civilian background. Now there is an inheritance for you both but it is only a house on the outskirts of the village with a large amount of land surrounding it so you two can train. However you won't be able to live there until you start the ninja academy when you're six." She said really fast

Before the Two could even process what she said properly she had them in her arms and warmness they had never felt spread through them and suddenly they were in Konoha in front of a large building that had seen better days.

"Okay one last thing" the goddess said as she put them down and pulled out two necklaces. The necklaces were but simple black leather but the pendant on both of them looked like an old roman coin but instead of a face on its front it had the image of a wheel. "These necklaces claim you both as mine and will keep you blind to Fate as long as you wear them. Never take them off for only you can take them off once you put them on." She said as she handed them to the girls and watched as they put them on. A small glow of light said that they were fastened properly. She then gave them their papers and their imaginary grandmother's letter. Finally she said, "Well this is it, go on in and start your new lives and hopefully you will live this life happily." She gave one last smile before she vanished as if she was never there.

The little girls both sighed and then straightened their shoulders before heading for the door of the orphanage. It was only the beginning but they already felt a great deal of relief with certain burdens being lifted from them forever. No more Kyuubi for Naru and No more fame and expectation for Haru. It was a new life, a new day and new path.

It's a little different but I hope you all like it. It has been on my mind for while now. If you have any questions and or advice please review. At least let me know if you want me to continue this story. Pairings are already decided but their will be polls in the future that will give me some insight on where to take this story so keep a look out for them. Also fans of my other stories don't worry I will update them all eventually unfortunately my mind just isn't focused on them at the moment. Keep a look out though you never know when the muse hits me!

Please review on your way out -_-