One Hell of a Doctor

Chapter One

Cold. That was all he could feel; a dreadful cold that threatened to turn his blood into ice. He shuddered and looked around, shaking his head to sweep his bluish-gray hair out of his face. He was in the cage again. Every night it was this same place. The same dark, cold room. The same steel cage. And the same people gathered around him, wearing the same black cloaks and masks. They watched him with glinting eyes and sinister smiles, and he whimpered softly and wrapped his thin fingers around the bars of the cage. He knew how this worked.

Suddenly, the room seemed to go out of focus. He sighed. It was almost over. He would be free soon. The room came back into focus, and all of the people were gone. Instead, a mass of black fog and fluttering black feathers glowed sinisterly directly in front of his cage. Slowly a pair of glowing red eyes opened in the middle of the mass, with thin slits for pupils. An almost human mouth appeared under the eyes and smirked, revealing several viciously-sharp teeth. Amusement gleamed in the blazing crimson eyes as the creature looked him over.

"Oh? What a very small master this is." it spoke in a deep, somewhat intimidating voice.

The boy sighed and waited for this to end. He had long ago grown bored of this, and he was neither surprised or afraid of the strange creature.

"You have summoned me here. That fact will never change. You want revenge on those who have humiliated you, made you suffer. Do you wish to make a contract?" the creature asked.

"You already know my answer." the boy answered dully.

"Decide, human."

"I said yes!"

Suddenly light filtered into the room. The boy gasped and sat up, his eyes wide and his breath coming out in low pants. He was awake. The nightmare was over. The memory was over.

"Again, young master?"

The boy looked over toward the window of his bedroom to see a tall, thin man watching him with amused red eyes. He had long black hair that fell over his face, and s small smile was plastered across his handsome features. He wore the black uniform of a butler, and held a pocket watch in one of his white-gloved hands. He was Sebastian Michaelis, butler to the Phantomhive estate.

"Yes, the same as always." the boy replied, turning so the butler could begin changing his clothes for him.

"Goodness. What would the Queen say if she knew her dear boy Earl Ciel Phantomhive had nightmares? She might make you retire from policing the underground at the very early age of 13, young master." Sebastian teased with a smirk.

"That won't happen. It is my duty to police the underground for my Queen, as it is your duty to protect me. That is what this signifies, is it not?" Ciel asked, pointing to his right eye.

Unlike his left, which was a startling shade of crystal blue, Ciel's right eye was a brilliant purple. Inside it was inscribed a strange star-like symbol, which glowed dimly as his butler nodded at him.

"That is the mark a demon such as myself places on his prey. The demon serves, and the prey can never escape. That is how our contract works, as I have explained several times." Sebastian assured his young master.

Ciel nodded in satisfaction and stared out the window as the butler finished dressing him in a pair of black trousers and a regal dark blue coat.

"What's on today's schedule, Sebastian?" he asked slowly.

"You have a history lesson at 11, then you are free for the rest of the day." the demon answered, snapping his pocket watch shut and dropping it into his tailcoat pocket.

"Excellent. I think after the history lesson we will go for a walk around town. I need to find something for Lizzie's birthday, with it being in a week." Ciel said, standing up and stretching.

"Aw, how sweet. Getting a gift for your fiance. How very human."

"She'd pitch a fit if I didn't, and you know how that goes."

Sebastian smirked and nodded.

"Indeed. Well, I have scones prepared for you in the dining room, young master." he said with a slight bow.

Ciel nodded and followed the demon butler down the steps toward the dining room, greeting his four servants Mey-rin, Tanaka, Bardroy, and Finnian with a curt nod along the way. He ate quickly, and proceeded to the study where he met his tutor for the history lesson. The lesson passed just as quickly, and soon it was time for him to go into town.

"Is the carriage ready, Sebastian?" Ciel asked his butler as he adjusted the eye patch he used to hide the mark in his right eye.

"Yes, young master. I have it pulled in front of the manor." Sebastian answered with a small smile.

"Good, then let's go. It shouldn't take us long to find something for Lizzie." Ciel replied, starting down the long flight of stairs toward the front door of the mansion.

"Indeed. We know that she likes anything cute, so it should be relatively easy to find her a gift. Much easier than finding something for you, young master." Sebastian said with an amused smirk.

Ciel snorted somewhat indignantly.

"Yes. Perhaps a doll or-"

The young earl stopped suddenly, furrowing his brow as he stood halfway down the stairs. The demon stopped as well, looking around with a puzzled look on his face. A strange sound had suddenly began to echo in the manor, a metallic sort of churning. Both looked around as the noise grew louder and closer.

"What is that Sebastian? Is it one of Bard's antics?" Ciel asked in confusion.

"No, that isn't Bardroy. I'm not sure what it is...wait, look!" Sebastian pointed to the foyer of the mansion, right in front of the door.

Something was slowly beginning to materialize there. At first, it was a very faded, pulsing image that was difficult to make out. However, as it began to solidify, its form became more concrete. After a moment the noise stopped, and the object sat completely solid in the middle of the floor.

Ciel and Sebastian were surprised to see a blue police box sitting there, its paint somewhat faded. A light on its top flashed blue a few times before stopping. Both waited in stunned silence for something to happen, not entirely sure how to react. It wasn't every day that a strange police box suddenly materialized in the manor.

Ciel was about to speak when they heard a scraping noise from inside the strange box, as if a lock was being undone. The door suddenly swung open, and a strange man hopped excitedly out of the police box. He wore a brown coat over a darker brown shirt and pair of trousers, and his brown hair stuck up and out at somewhat odd angles. He had dark brown eyes that brimmed with curiosity, and they lit up when he spotted the two shocked people on the stairs.

"Ah! Hello!" he greeted them cheerily, acting as if nothing odd had happened.

"You, wha...who are you!?" Ciel sputtered in shock.

The man smiled up at him, flashing brilliant white teeth.

"I'm the doctor."