Hey guys,

As you may know, this story is on hiatus for now, as I've just lost interest. I started this story when I was 14/15 and now as a 19 year old 'adult' I've just found that I have no time to write anymore which is very disappointing and I just think that the whole story is crappy and badly written. I may come back to this story sometime in the future, but I don't see myself writing anymore anytime soon, and I'm sorry to those that are new or old or have stayed with me through my inconsistent updates over the last 3-4 years. Thank you for all your lovely reviews and PM's, I've greatly appreciated them and just know that y'all made my day every time a read them, so thank you again!
The last person to comment on this fic stated a few things that really bothered me. It's FANfiction for a reason, 'guest'. Of course my story isn't going to be correct in every single way. All the things you've stated are things I was already aware of and already knew when I first started writing it, none of what you said is news to me, as I've studied the Vietnam war AND read/watched The Outsiders back to front more times then I care to admit. But judging by your poor grammar and spelling I can tell that you're young and new to FanFiction, so I can forgive you. Just don't continue to destroy others people's creativity and imagination. The whole point of fanfiction is for people to write more and extend to their favourite stories, TV shows, films, novels etc., It doesn't at all need to be realistic. If you want something realistic and factual, go to the library and read some fiction books or something because this website isn't the right place for you. But thanks again for sharing information I and many other people in The Outsiders fandom already knew! Have a lovely day.
And just one more HUGE thank you to the rest of you, I hope to pick up this fic one day in the future when I find some inspiration! Love you all xoxoxox

And, I really love Harry Potter, so you may see a story on him if I have the time ;)