The Last Breath

Chapter Seven: La Push

Hesitantly, I reached for my phone that was ringing. I pressed the send key and put the phone up to my ear.

"H-hello?" I breathed out. When I heard nothing on the other end, I pulled it away to look at the screen. But there was no one there. They hung up.


With a sigh, I lie back down on the bed, just thinking.


"Come on, Mike. I wanna catch a huge wave before it gets too late!" Jessica, Lauren, Tyler, and Mike were all headed down to the water.

I stepped out of Tyler's blue van with Angela. We both stretched out our muscles that were stiff from sitting.

"You know everyone thinks that you two are dating, right?" I looked at Angela with an expression that no doubt showed confusion.

"You and Jasper, I mean. It's been going around the whole school, that you are dating him," she explained. I wasn't expecting this, and coming from her, no less. She didn't seem like the type to randomly bring up high school gossip. It took a few minutes to figure out what she meant, even though it was such a simple statement with a simple meaning.

Why would people think that? Sure, we walk together in the hall most of the time. We do sit together at lunch. But, that's what friends do... right? It's not like we did anything more than a simple hug, and even that was only once when he saved me from the van that I just emerged from. I have had thoughts that were a little more than friendly. I'm sure every single woman practically melts over his passing gaze. That should be a normal thing for the girls at Forks High School. That must be so annoying to him. And here I am, thinking the same kind of thoughts.

"I'm sorry for bringing it up out of the blue, but I just thought that you should know, seeing as it does involve you. Trust me, I wouldn't have brought it up if I didn't think that you should be told. I honestly don't think that the two of you act as anything more than friends. Don't get upset, okay? The bonfire is going to be starting here in a little bit." Angela took my hand, and just as we were walking over to the logs, I heard my name being called.

"Bella! Hey, wait up!"

I turned around to see Jacob running towards me. I almost asked what he was doing here, but then I remembered that we were on his reservation.

"Heya, Bells. What are you doing here?" he asked me with a huge grin on his face. It reminded me of my first day in Forks. As soon as the memory entered my mind, I mentally shook it out before I could put much thought on it.

"Um, Mike invited me. They were getting a group together for some surfing and a bonfire tonight." I supplied. He nodded. The look on his face told me that he was coming up with an idea, but was too afraid to tell me about it.

"What is it? You can tell me," I encouraged him.

He gave a light shrug before answering. "Well, I was just wondering if you'd like to go for a walk with me; you know, before the bonfire."

Since I couldn't think of any reason not to go with him for a simple walk, I agreed. Together, the two of us walked along the beach.

After around two minutes of just walking, he started to talk.

"There are rumors going around the Rez that you hang around a Cullen," he said, sneering out the name. That piece of information shocked me, to put it lightly. How could that same stupid rumor spread around not only Forks High School, but La Push?! I'm pretty sure that if it has made it this far, all of Forks probably knows that also... Charlie included. But that wasn't what was bothering me the most; it was the way that he said the name 'Cullen' that confused me a lot.

"What do you have against the Cullen's? What did they ever do to you?"

His gigantic frame tensed just before he stopped walking. His eyes were wide. The expression on his face reminded me that of someone who said too much; like he said something that he knew that he shouldn't have said. That also confused me. There was just way too much confusion going on in my life. There's the case about the killing. Then, there were the weird feelings that Jasper gave me. Don't forget that tremendously inaccurate assumption that Jasper and I are together... like together together. And lastly-let's hear the obnoxiously loud applause- the venom that laced through Jake's words. I have never, in all the years that I have known him, ever heard him speak in that fashion. The Jacob that I know is the sweet, considerate, and probably way too eager boy that looks like more of a man.

This Jacob... was most certainly not that kindhearted Jacob, but one that was angry and rude. From what I have experienced during my time with Jasper, I know that he wouldn't speak about someone in that manner.(or so she thinks... again, you'll have to wait.. mwahahahaha!)

"My father wanted me to tell you to stay away from them," he informed me, completely ignoring my question.

"Then tell him that it is none of his business. I will hang out with whomever I chose, and it is not in his place to tell me what to do. But thanks anyway," I snapped. I turned to storm away, but I felt Jacob's warm, strong hand catch mine before I could get too far.

"Listen, excuse my attitude. I know that I must be coming off as an asshole, a jerk, a whatever, and I'm sorry for that. But there is something that you need to know about them. I'm not supposed to say anything. All I will tell you is one thing..." He trailed off, not knowing how to break the news to me.

My interest was caught, and he wasn't about to leave me hanging.

"Bella, you have realized that there was something... off... about them, correct?"

"Yeah, pretty much," I replied in a 'Ummm-duh.-No dip,-Sherlock-Holmes' tone. You seriously had to ask that?

"Their whole 'family' is not human... they are immortal, Bella."

The first part? Not at all shocking. The second? Hell yeah, it was shocking. My guesses were totally off. I figured that they were angels or aliens or something like that. Sure, immortal could mean many things. What are they?

"What are they really?" I asked him as I voiced my thoughts. Even from where I stand, I could here a loud gulp coming from him.

"Come on, the bonfire's about to start. Let's go," he said. Again, he totally dodged my question, just like last time. Without concentrating on my movements-which was a very big safety hazard for me-I followed Jake back to the bonfire place, where most of the group had already gathered. I sat on a log between Jacob and Mike.

When I got home, I walked in through the door and trudged up the stairs. I threw my bags onto the floor and slammed down on the bed without changing.

There were so many things that I needed to sort out. First off, the fact that Jasper isn't human was just confirmed today. Second, a giant rumor that Jasper and I are a couple is spreading, and very quickly. The third thing relates to the second; Jasper must have heard the gossip and if not, he will soon enough. I am not 100% sure that his reaction is going to be anything but horror, disgust, and anger. Fourth, Jake and his father have something against the Cullen family.

All of these things are buzzing around in my head. I need to figure them out, starting with the first. What is Jasper?

I got up from my bed and strolled over to the old computer. I turned it on and opened Google. The time that it took to actually start searching was about the time that an old grandfather takes to drive to the store; it takes a very long time, and you just wish that it would hurry the hell up before you become an old, crippled person yourself.

Once the page was up, I started my search. I typed immortality. I didn't find much, except for one website that caught my attention. I clicked on the link and let it load, elderly style.

Finally, it finished loading. I looked back up at the screen to see something shocking. My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. My brain was going 600 miles per hour at that moment.

No. It can't be.

Sorry for not posting sooner. I am suffering out a broken leg and between getting to High School with a giant cast and getting the bone popped into place and taking extra college courses, there just isn't enough time in the day to write a lot. Well, that's another chapter for ya! Tehehe! I completely just noticed that... I left you hanging, I left you hanging, and oooh! Can't forget that... I left you hanging over the cliff, about ready to fall into the depths of "NNNOOOOOOO" World... even though NO World is really just me... being totally inconsiderate... BYE!

Review, and I might think about leaving out the cliffy that I planned on in the next chapter...

Farewell, my Jazzyers!