DISCLAIMER: I do not own Bleach, Tite Kubo-sama does.

WARNINGS: Yaoi, Incest.

I can't take it anymore! What have I fucking done to deserve this shit? Well, I have done tons of things, but this is too much! Even for Lord Karma! Oh I so don't need another one laughing at me and biting me back in the ass. Lady Fate is more than enough.

Shi is driving me insane! Not that I deny being insane, but that's not the point! Five. Fucking. Hours. That's all it took for my life to take a complete hundred and eighty degrees turn around. After being appointed as his Fraccion, he grinned smugly at me and said that I should feel PROUD that he chose me. Pfft, I'm so proud that I feel like punching that look off of his face.

I swear to all the fucked up Gods sitting on their fluffy cloud chairs in heaven that if I hear Shi telling me to 'do something for him' again… Oh I'll rip his balls out and shove it down his throat. Deep.

Don't get me wrong. I love Shi to hell, but this is complete utter bullshit. Even I have my fucking limits, and I am giving the honours of informing you that it's reaching its peak soon. Oh so very soon I might add. I should've tried to refuse following him to Las Fucking Noches. I should've continued stalking him, so what if I'm a stalker and I have no balls?! It's better than THIS! For the past five fucking hours, I've been running around and obeying the White-haired Devil. 'Yuki get this', 'Yuki take that', 'Yuki help this', 'Yuki go there', 'Yuki…', 'Yuki…', 'Yuki…'


"Yuki! Ya should be prou' ta even be mah Fraccion!" He looked at me smugly while his grin grew twice as wide, threatening to eat up his face. I seriously wonder how he can grin every single fucking time. Isn't it tiring?

"And why the hell should I be 'proud' to be your slave?" I snapped back in annoyance before reaching out towards the door handle, only to be pulled back.

I glare at Shi before opening my mouth to speak… Sadly to be interrupted.

"Cause bein' mah slave is fuckin' awesom' ya kno'?! Now get meh a bottle af water. Am thirsty as hell."

… The fuck?

-End of flashback-

That my friend, was only the fucking beginning of my miserable five hours. When I was on my way to get him a bottle of water, I got lost because I seriously have no sense of direction AND this place is frigging huge. It took me a grand total of 30 minutes to get a single bottle of water.

Once I arrived back into the room and gave Shi his bottle, he smirked at me before it turned into a full blown grin. It scared me so bad I was shitting bricks. I still shiver at the memory.


"My my, is takin' a singl' bottle af water tha' hard? Am gonna haf ta punish ya for bein' so slow."

Ok… This is plain scary. My fight or flight instincts took over and I rush towards the door, ignoring the surprised expression on Shi's face. He snapped out from his dazed a second too soon before launching at me, making me yelp and fall face down first.


My outburst must've amused Shi because he was suddenly laughing hysterically. He stood up and pulled me by the back of my coat. Damn it, Shi is being a total ass!

Said teen sat down on his bed and forced me onto his lap, making me blush furiously. He grinned at my expression before turning and positioning me (I struggled and protested. I really did). Oh holy mother of chaos!

"What the fucking shit are you doing?!" My face is crimson red at the embarrassing pose he put me in, my stomach is currently lying on Shi's lap and my butt is raised up high… Don't tell me...

Shi just leered at me before putting his right hand around the back of my neck, holding me in place like a struggling kitten while raising his left arm.

"Am gonna spank ya fer bein' late."


"One!" A jolt of pain made its way to my bum and I yelp in surprise, my blush instantly growing tenfold in colour.

"Two!" He spanks me harder as I struggle to get free, only for him to start laughing madly and continue spanking me mercilessly.

"An' twenty!" I couldn't help crying out in an unmanly way when Shi spanked me for the last time.

"Don't be late again. Now get meh mah dinner. Am starvin'."

Shi abruptly releases me and I drop to the floor, groaning in pain and struggle to stand up. I sluggishly move towards the door, not wanting to get spanked for 'disobedience'.

"Ya got five minutes!"

I stare at him in disbelief before dashing out the door, ignoring Shi's hysteric laughing behind me and my bum's protest for me to slow the fuck down. I already hate my life as his Fraccion.

-End of flashback-

ARGHHHHH! My butt is still sore from the torture! I'm so fucking frustrated! Sexually frustrated too! I stride towards my room in a hurry and started impatiently tearing my clothes off once I'm inside, leaving me only in my boxers with a hard on. I sprawl myself on the bed and kick my boxers off, clicking my tongue in irritation at the sight of my weeping erection.

Eagerly, I slid my hand to the base of my dick and start pumping it in a slow-paced speed. Rubbing the tip and tracing the veins, I started panting as I bit down my bottom lip, letting out a low groan. Damn, it's been awhile.

The image of a pale figure smiling at me flashes across my mind and I start to pump faster, feeling my dick leak out precum. I give the tip a good squeeze before I continue stroking harder. I could feel my tummy coiling up and the urge to release is making me moan.

"Nnn.. Haa.."

My free hand massages my balls lightly, giving it a tight squeeze before my toes curl up and I stiffen slightly. I came all over my hand and stomach, moaning out a name that surprised even myself.

Why the flying fuck did I moan out Shi's name while I released? Ok that was weird. Forcing myself to forget about it a second later, I head towards the bathroom to clean myself up. I hate feeling sticky and a hot shower sounds fan-fucking-tastic.

I turn on the shower tap and start to clean the semen off of my navel and hands. Closing my eyes and letting the shower spray hit me in the face, I sigh in contempt. My thoughts wondering about why I moaned out Shi's name. He's my brother for fuck sakes!

I opened my eyes abruptly and blush when my rotten pink broccoli decided to tease me by showing Shi's glorious naked body. I could feel myself getting hard again. Shit. Getting a hard-on from the thought of seeing my brother naked isn't really normal is it? Way to go Ichi, you're definitely getting more perverted each year. I'm definitely going to blame the teenage raging hormones.

Sighing through my nose, I wrap my hand around my dick and lean onto the shower wall to support myself. I was still weak from my post-organism and my legs felt like jelly, wouldn't want to fall down, yea?

Panting and stroking fast, I didn't hear the bathroom door slide open. I let out a breathy moan once I felt my balls tighten up, I pump harder, not noticing someone standing behind me before a pair of strong arms wraps themselves around my waist, making me squeak in a very unmanly way, much to my embarrassment. I must've let my guard down for someone to even come close without alerting me.

I heard a low chuckle from behind me and turned my head to the side, getting a good look at the grinning face behind me. I'm screwed; I left my goggles in the room! (Quite lucky to say that I forgot to open my wig…) Quickly turning back in front, I heard Shi clicking his tongue in annoyance before trying to turn me around, much to my demise. I struggled a bit before he gave up and pushed me face first to the shower wall.

My hands held the wall for support and my legs spread apart to keep my balance in place, not noticing that Shi was drooling over my erotic pose. I held back a groan when Shi pressed himself against me, making my leaking erection twitch in contact with the cold wall.

"Sh-Shiro! The f-fuck are y-you doing?! Let me g-go!" I couldn't help stuttering, much to my annoyance.

Said teen chuckles deeply and I could feel his breath on my ears, making the hair on the back of my neck stand. He licks the outer shell of my ear and I moaned involuntarily, making him hum in approval.

"Am helpin' ya releas'." Shi whispers to me, his voice thick with lust.

My eyes widen when he gropes my right butt cheek and at the same time, pinches my left nipple. I let out a long moan, arching my back towards him. I could feel his hard-on rubbing against me as he moves from groping my butt to teasing my front. I started panting and whimpered softly when he removes his hand from my dick.

I can feel him smirking when he licks my nape, making me shiver in anticipation. Oh god this is so wrong. We're brothers! I need to stop him from committing incest! He probably doesn't know I'm his baby-brother and not a fucking stranger to have sex with.

"S-Shiro… Please… stoo~op… Nnh" I couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips when he pinched my nipple hard, rolling the bud skilfully.

"Ya sure? Yer body doesn' seem lik' it wants meh ta stop." His left hand left my nipple as he reached out to grab something.

Curious, I took a peek behind and saw him pouring a decent amount of shower gel on his fingers, coating them. Oh fuck. I panicked and struggled before freezing when Shi growled in warning, making me shiver in fear. Oh shitshitshitshitshitshitshit shit. I started hyperventilating at the thought of my own brother raping me. I could feel tears rolling down my cheeks as he pushes a finger in me, thrusting it in and out before adding another one to scissors me.

I whimpered before struggling to keep the sobbing that escaped my lips in place, not wanting to show weakness. Shi seemed to have noticed my silent crying and pulls out his fingers after much hesitation, making me sigh in relief softly. Shi suddenly pumps my hard-on and I came with a strangled cry a few seconds later before sliding down the wall, my back still facing him.

I heard footsteps walking away, the door opening and closing behind me. I couldn't help the relief that rushed to me and at the same time, the disappointment. Why am I disappointed? This doesn't make sense. I used the wall as support and walked towards the door, locking it before continuing my shower, after opening my wig of course.

I got out of the shower and wrapped the towel dangerously low around my hips before spitting out a curse. I forgot to bring clothes. Fuck. As I was busy cursing myself for being forgetful, I heard a knock on the bathroom door and froze. Is it Shi? What does he want? I quickly wore my wig, ignoring the wetness of my hair beneath it. What a disgusting feeling.

Walking towards the door, I hesitantly unlock it and slide it open. Shi was standing in front of me, clothes in his arms.

"Pinky's Fraccion made these fer ya. Fer sleepin'."

He hands me the clothing. I notice him trying to avoid accidently brushing against my hands and obviously not making eye contact, which I am grateful for because of the lack of goggles. I thanked him and went back into the bathroom, closing the door before wearing my newly appointed pyjamas. Why the hell is my pyjama top and bottom, out of all the colours in the whole fucking world, pink. Hot pink to be exact. My boxers are luckily black.

Falling face first onto my soft bed, I sigh. What an exhausting day. I wonder why Shi did that in the shower… My face turned beet red as I wrap the blanket defensively around myself like a cocoon, not caring that the wig is still in place. I fell asleep soon after but my dreams are far from pleasant.

A small breeze whipped through my untamed spiky hair, tousling my neon-bright orange tresses. I shiver a bit and wrap my arms around myself. One of my legs was dangling on the edge of the cliff as I look down. It hurts…


I look up at the figure that is standing a few feet behind me, staring at him before looking back to the front. My eyes dark and my face blank.

"Ichigo, are you… lonely?" The figure's voice was unsure and I can hear worry in his tone.

"Lone..ly?" I stare at the scenery of the sun setting in front of me and close my eyes, opening it a few minutes after. The figure is patiently waiting for my answer.

"I d-don't know… My heart h-hurts. But I'm not wounded. Why is that?" My voice was quivering. I sound so unsure of myself and it's pathetic.

I can feel the figure staring intently before standing directly behind me, pulling me up. I let him pull me by my arm and stand facing him.

"You know, Ichigo. It's ok to show your true feelings. Your heart hurts because they always leave. We have no choice but to accept. I know it hurts but you can't keep everything bottled up."

A lone tear rolled down my cheek as the figure pulled me into a warm embrace. I stiffen for a bit before relaxing in his arms.

"Why are you crying, Ichigo?" The voice was full with concern. I'm confused. I raise my hand towards my cheek and feel more tears rolling out of my eyes, blurring my vision.

"T-tears…?" I quickly wipe the tears that were forming in my eyes, not wanting to show weakness. The figure tilts my chin with his long skinny fingers and stares directly at me, the look of pure concern swarming in his molten red eyes.

"It's ok, Ichigo. Crying isn't weakness. For today, I'll lend you my shoulders to cry on, I'll even be your listening ear. I don't like seeing you like this. So please, smile afterwards."

The dam that was holding my tears suddenly broke and I could hear myself sobbing and crying loudly. I burry my face into his chest and wrap my arms around his waist desperately. The figure rubs circles on my back and whispers soothing words to me. Why was he being kind of me? He always makes fun of me. Always finding the opportunity to laugh at me. Why do I feel like shit? Why does my heart hurts so much? Why?!

"W-why, why won't th-the p-pain go away?!" I couldn't help but shout out, my voice muffled by his shirt. The feeling of loneliness and longing finally hit me. Hard.

"Ichigo… I can make the pain go away. Your soul… I'll-"

"..ki! ..yu! YUKI!" I could feel someone shaking and screaming at me. I open my eyes, my vision blurry.

"Shi..ro?" I rub my eyes and stared in shock. I was crying in my sleep. What a fucking baby! What the fuck is wrong with me?!

Lady Fate must have felt that my life wasn't bad enough that I can't forget even the tiniest bit of details in my life. She just had to shove more things in, like nightmares. Endless repeating nightmares. Tons and tons of nightmares that I can't fucking escape from. It's hell I tell you. Fucking hell. If the nightmares were made up by my rotten pink broccoli, I wouldn't give a shit, but memories. My nightmare just had to be memories. Fuck you Lady Fate. Just fuck you!

I jolt out of my inner turmoil when I feel Shi stiffen and lean closer towards me, his face only inches apart from mine. I looked away nervously and saw that my goggles were on the nightstand. Fuck. Shi suddenly ran his thumb over my cheeks, wiping away my tears. I stare at him before closing my eyes. Does he recognise me?

"Why r ya cryin'? Ya were sobbin' loud enough ta wake th' dead up." Even though Shi sounds like a total ass, I could hear a tint of worry in his voice and his signature grin was faltering.

Shaking my head, I try to smile at him but only to fail miserably when it turned into a grimace. I guess I broke our promise of trying to hide behind a smile. When I finally stopped trembling, he steps away and walked towards the door.

After having that dream, I really don't want to be alone. I used to crawl into Shi's arms after a 'memory-nightmare-episode'. Hearing the door clicked shut, I covered myself with the blanket as the tears I tried to surpass started leaking out like a broken pipe. Damn you tears! I whimpered, my expression showing pure disgust for myself. Biting down the pillow, I was so busy trying to swallow all the pathetic sounds I was making that I didn't notice Shi, even as he sat beside me.

Said teen stayed silent for a minute before slowly unwrapping me from my defensive cocoon blanket slowly. I stared at him with hazy eyes before stretching my arms towards him by instinct, taking in the shocked expression from his face. If I wasn't in such a depressing state, I would've laughed at his expression now.

He hesitates before sliding into the bed and wrapping his arms around my waist. I shuffle closer and cuddled him, breathing in his scent. Shi's scent is still as relaxing as always, vanilla with a mix of mint. A weird combination, but it fits him perfectly.

As my breathing evens out, I fell into a peaceful slumber, oblivious to Shi's suspicious gaze.


Feeling warm and comfy, I tighten the grip on my pillow and sigh in contemp. I haven't had a nice nap since I left the town in search of Shi. Said pillow stirred for a moment and I stiffen. Blinking groggily, I rub the sleep from my eyes and look up. Molten gold on black eyes stare half-lidded back at me before snapping awake.

Shi removed his arms around me and sat up, yawning loudly. I blush at the sudden realization of Shi and me cuddling in our sleep. Said teen turned to look at me and suddenly his face turned serious, eyes narrowing.

"Why do you look like me?" His accent is gone. Fuck. His speech only turns normal when he's seriously pissed off or he's interrogating someone.

"What do you mean Shiro-san? I'm not an albino." Acting dumb, I tilt my head to the left and look at him with a confused expression, brows raised high.

Clicking his tongue in annoyance, he pushes me down onto my back and grabs my wrists, holding them on top of my head. I struggled and tried to kick him off… but he expected that and did one of his fucking leg locks with his ankles and knees. Damn it to hell! Why did Goat-chin let him learn Judo?! Doesn't he know that rapists and perverts use them to do things?!

"Stop your fucking useless struggling and answer my damn question!" His voice was full of unsaid promises that made me tremble in fear.

"I was born like this. What can I do about it?!" I shout out, trying to break free. It was the truth anyway. Shi doesn't seem to like my answer since he suddenly cut off my oxygen by strangling me with his free hand.

It hurts. My wrists hurt. My legs hurt. My neck hurts. Most of all, my heart hurts. He squeezed my neck harder when he realized I wasn't paying him any attention. How could I when my heart hurts so much?

"Tch! Don't fucking act smart with me! You're Ichigo aren't you?! He's the only one who would reach out towards me after having a nightmare!" His voice was cold when he asked me that. I could see anger, sadness, betrayal, happiness, confusion and something else that I didn't recognise in his eyes.

"..Le..t.. go… Can't.. br..eathe.." I gasp out; eyes rolling to the back of my head and my vision became filled with black spots.

Shi loosens his grip around my neck and I started gasping for air and coughing violently with tears rolling out of my eyes. My knuckles turn white as I tried to contain the fear that was leaking out of me. I look up at Shi and smiled sheepishly at him.

"It's.. been awhile.. Shi…" His face suddenly turned into a disbelieved expression before anger made its way. I couldn't help but shift uncomfortably when he smiled at me. His fucking eyes aren't smiling though. The smile didn't even reach them.

"Finally ya show up an' this is how ya greet meh? Am disapointe' at ya, Ichigo."

I should get ready for some serious mind blowing pain. He only calls me by my name when he's fucking mad at something I did. I do hope that Fluttershy is around and not missing when this is over. I would seriously need tons of pain killers and sleeping pills after Shi is through with me. Said teen suddenly let my wrist go and hug me like his life depended on it. I blinked once, twice. What?

I'm shocked. I don't know what to do. Shi's hugging me and I could feel my shoulders getting wet. Is he crying? I reach out my hand and ran it through his spiky white hair, smiling when he leans towards my touch.

"Ya idiot!" His head suddenly snaps up and he glares at me, my smile disappear just as fast as it appeared. Shi grabbed my pyjama collar and threw me on the floor. Bipolar much?

"Wa-wait Shi! I can explain!" I sat up and put my arms up in a defensive pose.

"DON'T CARE!" He pounces at me and yanks me up before twisting my right arm behind me, making me yelp in surprise.

"Shi! Stop! I didn't mean to lie! I swear!" My voice was filled with panic and thick with anxiety.

He grabs my hair and pulls it… Only to pull off my wig. His surprise was all I needed before I took advantage of his loosened grip. I yank my arm and sprint towards the door. Before I could tear it open, I was pinned by a larger body behind me, knocking me into the door. He was always the faster runner between the two of us.

"Ya still got th' balls ta run from meh?!" Shi threw me back to the middle of the room and kicked my stomach. I could taste blood on my tongue and spat it out. Just one kick and I'm already coughing up blood. He got stronger, great.

I stood up shakily only to get backhanded in the face, making me fall back on my ass ungracefully. My teeth cut my lip open, my mouth collecting more blood as I looked up towards Shi, his face twisting in anger. Shit. At least he didn't break my jaw. He appeared in front of me in less than a second before yanking me by the collar and giving me a splendid right hook that would make a boxer jealous. Damn it fucking hurts.

Grabbing my right cheek, I spat out more blood and my nose started bleeding. My beautiful face is ruined… He doesn't even look satisfied. Bastard. I leaned against the wall, breathing hard. Before I could speak, I felt my ribs crack and I croaked out a pained scream. FUCK! He didn't need to fucking break my ribs! I swear his punch broke two of my ribs at once. What a fucking monster. His strength is inhumane I tell you. Not that I did say he is hu-

Before I could finish my inner comments, he did a spinning right kick and sadly, I blocked it, making my ulna crack under pressure. Oh great, he broke my ulna. Well it's better than breaking my skull I guess.

I held my right forearm before gritting my teeth in pain. He swatted my hand away before grabbing my broken arm as I took in a sharp breathe. FUCK!

Shi held out my hand and I fist it on reflex. Oh how I regret it. He punched my fisted fist and I let out a loud cry. He broke my fucking proximal phalanges and probably my metacarpals! Don't forget the chain reaction to my carpal! To put it simply, he broke my god damn hand and wrist! He doesn't stop there, pinning me down face first and pulling my left arm up in an awkward angle. Oh, he wouldn't!

"SHI DON'T! FUCKING STO-" Before I could finish my sentence, he twists my arm and pulled it. My shoulder made a pop sound and I screamed, loud enough to even wake a dead man from his eternal slumber.

The door suddenly banged open, I could hear two people rushing inside and someone pulling Shi off of me. I was breathing and sweating heavily, my vision growing black. The last thing I saw were cerulean blue eyes looking at me in concern and hearing a loud shouting voice before I passed out from the pain.


My deepest apologies for not putting any zombies in this chapter. Needed Ichigo to settle down in Las Noches first.