Ok I redid this story I fixed the miss spelled names. And I added a lot to make it longer and better. I didn't know how to fix the errors without taking the story down so...
It was just after sundown when the dwarfs determined it was time for a rest. They were hungry and tired and Bombur wanted to take his old boots off and give his feet a rest.
Thorin look up beyond the tall trees where there was an opening to see the bright big moon. He looked around and saw Gloin kneeling in the dirt hovering over some logs, twigs and some leafs ready to start a fire. The air was a bit frosted but not bad, Thorin saw Fili and Kili still sitting on their ponies making hand signals at each other and laughing. It seemed pointless in Thorin's eyes but his nephews seemed to be having fun, but he was going to ruined it. "Fili, Kili, watch over the ponies. And don't lose them this time!"
Fili and Kili looked over at him the smiles on their face fading turning into a pout, but they nodded getting off their ponies and taking their reins.
Fili and Kili couldn't believe they were sent to watch over the pony's again. Maybe it was because they were the youngest of the group? Didn't matter because this time they were going to make sure that nothing took or bothered the poor ponies like the last time. That way Thorin wouldn't be able to hold it against them.
"I've got an idea to keep us entertained." Kili said the smile returning to his face.
Fili looked over at his brother. "OK, what is it?"
"Tag!" He hit his brother on his back kind of hard. "You're it!" Kili laughed loudly while taking off to take cover behind a large beaten old tree.
Fili watched his brother run behind the tree. "Brother…Are you trying to get us in trouble with uncle?" Fili shook his head knowing it was a bad idea as he jogged over to the tree in an attempt at sneaking up on his brother. He smiled as he slowly walked up behind his brother who was looking around the tree trunk.
"Boo!" Fili gave Kili a shove after he shouted at him, his brother falling to the leafy ground with a grunt. "You're it!" Fili took off in the direction he came from laughing heartily.
"That was unfair!" Kili pushed himself up with a grunt, brushing the leafs from his jacket and took off after his brother.
They dodged in between and under the ponies chasing after each other laughing. They had been chasing each other back and forth for maybe fifteen or twenty minutes. Some of the ponies were calm and some were getting uneasy with the two running around them. The two brothers had to dodge around the rowdy ponies to not get stomped on. The air felt hotter as they ran around slipping here and there from the muddy spots and wet leaves. They were enjoying themselves, it was the first time since they had left home.
Kili was catching up to his older brother and just after he grabbed the back of his fur jacket and pulled, a shout sounded off making them both jump.
"What do you two think you're doing?" Thorin asked as he looked over at his nephews holding a white pony by its reins looking disappointed. He had a way of yelling without even raising his voice.
The brothers looked at their uncle with wide eyes, one of the pony's must have snuck away. Kili was the first to speak. "We were uhh, we were….having some fun to past the time from watching the boring ponies." He was stuttering a little as he spoke, feeling his cheeks getting warmer from embarrassment.
Thorin's eyebrows scrunched up as he looked over at his youngest nephew. "This is not a game. I told you two to watch over the ponies not make a game of it. What is wrong with you two?" Thorin walked over to his two nephews.
"We know it's not a game uncle. We're sorry. We just.." Fili said but trailed off not knowing what to say. Ashamed of his own behavior. He was to be king one day and Thorin had always told him to act as such.
"You what?" Thorin watched Fili closely as he waited for an answer.
"It was my idea uncle." Kili said bowing his head. He didn't want his brother to get into trouble knowing what Thorin had told Fili a bunch of times.
"I figured as much." He said looking down at Kili in disappointment. "I should have never brought you two along." Thorin thought about how Fili would behave if he would have made Kili stay home.
"I thought you to be adults not little children still needing their mother. Your stupid immature behavior is going to get someone killed. Then how will you feel?" He asked looking at the two dwarflings who stood in front of him. "It could be either of you. Me or one of the others. Could you live with that?" Thorin shouted feeling a little guilty as Kili jumped at his shout. He knew it was harsh but they acted a little too childish at times he wanted them to grow up a bit.
"I want you two to stop your childish behavior or I will send you both on a long jurney home!"
Kili's eyes went from his uncle back down to look at one of the leaves on the ground in between his feet. Tears were starting to form in his eyes and he didn't want Thorin to see them, nor his brother. He didn't want to feel more ashamed than he already did for wanting to cry. Kili's voice was soft as he answered. "I would rather die than cause you or Fili to be hurt."
Thorin took a deep breath and slowly let it out. "Kids didn't belong on mission like this."
Fili looked over at his brother for a moment having an idea of his brother's emotions. He looked back up at his beloved uncle. "We are of age and we do take things seriously we just like to lighten the mood every once in a while. We truly are sorry."
"Good. Because you two can sleep with the ponies tonight and think about behaving more like real men not little boys." Thorin thought he saw a tear fall from Kili's face but he wasn't sure and at the moment he didn't care. "And crying is for babies Kili."
Fili looked over at his brother who had his head down feeling his pain. He wanted to say something to his uncle but he couldn't.
"Maybe it's time I stop acting like your family and more like your leader…Maybe then you two till show me respect and follow the rules." Thorin shook his head wondering if he said too much as walked back towards the camp, half of him wanted to go back and give them a hug and tell them he was sorry and the other half, the king half wanted to punish them. He looked up when he heard a twig snap and saw Gandalf watching him. "Were you here the whole time?"
"Maybe I was maybe I wasn't, either way that was quite harsh of you." Gandalf took a puff of his pipe blowing a smoke ring.
"You always were a nosy wizard. And they are my kin not your, so mind your own business wizard." He walked angrily past the tall man.
Gandalf watched the two young dwarfs with sympathy and thought about offering to share his pipe and share stories but thought better of it. He heard something off in the distance and when he turned around to look he didn't see anything. But he had a sick feeling come over him as he grabbed his staff that leaned against the tree.
Fili put an arm around his baby brother's shoulder and tried to pull him in for a hug but Kili pulled away. "You know he didn't mean what he said, he's just angry."
Kili looked up at his brother just for a moment his eyes red. "He doesn't want to be our family anymore." He told his brother sadly as he looked back down.
Fili shook his head. "That's not what he meant Kili."
"Sounded that way to me." Kili looked back up his eyes becoming more watery. "I'm going to go sit by myself for a while." Kili turned around thinking that a clean spot near a dead bush looked like the right stop. He couldn't get what Thorin had said out of his mind. If he wanted to stop acting like they were all family then it was obvious to him that Thorin didn't want to be related to his shameful nephews anymore.
Fili hated seen tears in his baby brothers eyes, the moonlight made his watery eyes shine. It made him so mad at his uncle that he had hurt his brother, even though part of him knew his uncle was right. Thorin's words had upset him but not like his brother. He watched Kili sit in between a pony and a half dead bush, almost matched his pride. It was quite stupid that Thorin was so upset over something so minor. But he figured that Thorin had too much on his shoulders and thought he had to do so much for everyone, it made him grumpy sometimes.