Beta: Thanks to jwmelmoth, all mistakes are mine

Disclaimer: Thankfully, not mine

AN: This has once again changed name, as I haven't ever really been happy with it. Finally found something I liked, "To smile".

Chapter 3

Sebastian sat at the cafe, playing with the packet of sugar. He wouldn't say he was nervous, except he really was, and he wasn't one to lie to himself. Others, yes, but not himself. It was seriously out of the norm that he hadn't realized it was Kurt he wanted before he had.

He looked up as he heard the door open, and saw Kurt walk in, looking around, and soon catching Sebastian's gaze. Sebastian gave him a timid smile, and got a small one in return, as Kurt walked towards him.

"Hi." Sebastian mouth seemed to have stopped working properly for the first time in his life, but he tried to not be fazed by it, and instead offered up the coffee he had bought Kurt before he came.

"Hi, thanks."

It took a few minutes, but they managed to start a conversation somehow, and they talked back and forth easily. There was banter of course, it was the two of them, but it was light and easy and mostly they were just getting to know more about each other. Sebastian told Kurt about his parents and siblings and about how they were a perfectly stable family with lots of love, which always surprised people for some reason. He talked about going to school in Paris, and Kurt broke him off.

"Why did you move to Paris?" Kurt looked like he wanted to ask for a while.

"Oh, my mom is French; we've been living there the last five years. We just moved back this summer. It was hard, coming back here. I hadn't been in the states for five years, and suddenly I was going to school here again. It was a difficult change, with food and language and such, yes, but the hardest part is just being gay. In Paris, no, in most of Europe, you can walk down the street holding hands with a guy and no one will look at you strangely. You can make out with your boyfriend without people making disgusted noises. That was a lot harder to change when I came back."

Kurt told about his father in congress and his mother long gone, and about the difficulties of suddenly having two new members of the family. He talked about the short time he had at Dalton, and how glad he was that he still had contact with some of the Warblers.

"Why did you go to Dalton? No offense, but it doesn't seem like your family can afford it."

Kurt looked at him for a few seconds before he sighed. "We didn't, not really, but my dad and stepmom used the money they had put aside for their honeymoon to pay for it. There was this guy at school, he was getting rather violent, and just a couple of weeks before I transferred he kissed me. Then he threatened to kill me if I told anyone."

Sebastian's eyes widened in shock. "What? And you went back there?"

"I didn't have much of a choice, we couldn't afford Dalton anymore, and they don't have a scholarship program. Besides, I really missed my friends. The guy that threatened me had apologized, and I decided I didn't want to run anymore, so I went back. It wasn't easy, nor fun, and to be quite honest, if I had known what I know now and we had the money, I would have stayed. But it is what it is."

They turned back the conversation back to a lighter topic, and when Blaine came up, Sebastian asked why Blaine wasn't allowed in the coffee shop.

Kurt started laughing and it lit up his whole face. "We came here sometimes when we both went to Dalton. One day we were talking about how people just burst into song at random places in musicals, and he just suddenly started singing. There weren't a whole lot of people here, but he sang loud enough that everyone heard. Then he got up and started dancing, pulling people out of the line to dance with him, twirling around everywhere. The managed came out to try and stop him, but he was bouncing around all over the place, so she couldn't get to him. People around us were not particularly happy; there are a lot of people that sit in here to work. Then he decided to jump onto the sofa and on onto a table. He was standing there, grooving to this music only he could hear, playing air guitar, when the table suddenly broke! He slid right of, taking the table with him. He wasn't really hurt, just a few scratches, but the manager was furious. She told him to pay for the damages and never come back, and just showed him out the door." Kurt continued laughing as he told the story, and Sebastian couldn't help but join in, and by the end of it they both broke out in full laughter.

When he found his breath again, Sebastian asked. "Where were you in all this?"

"Oh, I was hiding behind my coffee, pretending really hard that I didn't know him, and as he fell off the table, trying really hard not to laugh. He was so mad at me afterwards, complaining about how I should have backed him up. I never did ask if he meant in the song or after, but I don't see how either would have helped."


Kurt was lying on his bed, thinking. He had had a great time with Sebastian the day before, and had come home smiling. His dad had commented on it, and Kurt had just brushed it off, but it made him think. When was the last time Blaine had made him smile? It was a long time ago. He couldn't remember one after they had said that they loved each other. Maybe the first time they had sex, though Kurt wouldn't actually bet his money on that, as he had agreed more out of a need to keep Blaine than anything else.

So he had decided it was time to think through everything. Think through his relationship with Blaine. He refused to be one of those people who just stayed in a relationship because they didn't want to be alone, or because others pressured them into it, so he needed to figure out if staying with Blaine was something he actually wanted to do.

A few hours later, he walked down the stairs and into the living room with nerves in his stomach and a lighter heart. His dad and Carole were talking quietly with the news on in the background. They both looked up with smiles when he came in.

"Hi, kid." His dad had his arm around Carole's shoulders as she leaned into him, and though Kurt didn't want to break the peace they had, he really needed to talk with his dad.

"Hi, dad, Carole. Uhm... dad, could we talk?" Burt must have seen the nerves on his son face, and grew grave.

"Of course. Just the two of us?" When Kurt nodded, he started getting up from the couch, but Carole stopped him.

"You two stay here; I'll go to our room and read a little." She got up and gave Kurt a kiss on the cheek as she passed him.

Kurt sank down in the couch, legs crossed beneath him and facing his dad. Burt sat up and turned towards him.

"What's going on, kid?"

"I'm breaking up with Blaine." The words spewed out before he could stop them.

Burt's eyebrows raised in surprise. "Okay. Do you want to talk about why?"

"I've... I've been thinking a lot lately. I've known for a while that mine and Blaine's relationship hasn't been and isn't the... healthiest of relationship. But I've ignored it, because I figured as long as I was happy, it didn't matter. Except it did. And I'm not so sure I'm happy anymore.

I didn't tell you this, but when I was at Dalton, Blaine always tried to change me, I guess. Giving me little guidelines on how to be, how to act, how not to act. At first I just thought he wanted to help me out, help me figure out things. But the more they kept happening, the more I realized that he wanted to change me because it would be better for him. When I auditioned for the Warblers, he told me to tone it down, that I was being too dramatic. In Glee club, he keeps pulling down my hand when I raise it to make a suggestion. He knew I needed Tony for my resume, and promised he wouldn't try out for Tony, but then sang a Tony song, and read for that part when asked. And I didn't get an apology from him on that, and in the end I gave him flowers to wish him good luck. It's just... it's piling up and up, and I feel like it has finally become too much.

And the last piece on the pile is bad, and I haven't told you before, but you need to hear this. We went out, me and Blaine and another guy from Dalton. To a gay club." Kurt looked up from his lap, where he had kept his eyes on his fidgeting hands whilst he had been talking.

Burt's face was tight, like he was trying not to be upset. "Go on."

Kurt looked down again. "I didn't drink, Blaine did. He danced with this other guy most of the night. I was going to take him home, when he suddenly started trying to have sex with me in the back of my car. I managed to push him off, and he talked about wanting to be spontaneous and then walked off in a huff. The day after, he said that I was right and that our first time shouldn't be like that, and that was it. No apology, no nothing."

When Kurt looked up again, Burt was clenching his jaw and fists, breathing heavily. He continued talking, hoping to calm his father down a little.

"This was a couple of months ago. It's strange really, what made me decide in the end, but yesterday, when I came home smiling? You commented on it, and that made me think. I can't remember the last time Blaine made me smile."

Burt looked at him with sad eyes. "Neither can I. I should have asked sooner, but I didn't know how. I kept thinking your mom would know what to say, you know?"


Sebastian was sitting in his and Jeff's room when Jeff and Nick came in the door, almost running.

"Did you know?" Both boys stopped at the end of the bed, Jeff being the one to ask the question.

"Know what?"

The couple looked at each other with raised eyebrows, communicating something Sebastian didn't understand.

"Shit, he doesn't know."

"Know what?" Sebastian was getting agitated (it had nothing to do with the fact that Kurt hadn't answered his last couple of messages. Shut up. It had only been a couple of hours. Maybe half the day).

Nick ran a hand through his hair and looked at Sebastian again. "Kurt broke up with Blaine."


Sebastian felt like his brain had frozen, his whole brain an empty space except the words flashing in front of his eyes. Kurt broke up with Blaine. Holy fuck.