Why Dont You Notice Me?

He was everything that the raven-haired lieutenant admired. Strong, proud, and sported a great body along with equally great looks. Yes, Kensei Muguruma, his Captain, was without flaw, and day after day, Shuhei found himself deeper and deeper in love with the man...

Yet, Kensei remained oblivious to his feelings. He worked himself to exhaustion with the paperwork in his office and every night, Shuhei would come in and cover him up with a blanket, resisting the urge to lean in and kiss those parted lips of his Captain. Tonight was no different.

There Kensei lay, his silver hair flattened by the wooden desk, fast asleep next to a stack of papers. Shuhei covered him over with a blanket as usual and instead of leaving like normal, he gave in to his urges and gently pressed his lips to Kensei's parted ones. The silver-haired Captain moaned in his sleep slightly, shifting around a little and relaxing again, causing Shuhei to jump back, blushing furiously.

"I'm sorry Kensei..." He apologised quietly, silently fleeing for the door, only to be stopped an all too familiar, yet sleepy voice that he loved.

"Sh..Shuhei...D-Don't go..." Kensei mumbled in his sleep, causing the lieutenant to stare at him in disbelief. Kensei was dreaming about him? Smiling to himself, he left the office, completely and blissfully unaware that Kensei, was in fact, wide awake and had been looking at him through the inky darkness of the office, having feigned sleep the entire time.

"Shuhei..." Kensei murmured sadly, sighing and striding over to his bed from where he was sat, flopping down on it with another sigh. "How long will it be until you notice that I want you too?"

Kensei let out another sigh and rolled towards the wall, letting sleep take him for real this time, even if he wasn't sleeping next to his raven-haired lieutenant.

The morning came too soon for Kensei, who rolled over and grunted tiredly when Captain Hitsugaya of Squad Ten flash-stepped into his room. "Good Morning, Captain Muguruma." The small child prodigy greeted politely, earning a grunt from the other Captain. Toshiro sighed and walked over to Kensei's desk, noticing the stack of papers. "You must be exhausted so I'll take these papers off of your hands. By the way, what is up with Shuhei? I heard he blew off Izuru when the lieutenant tried to strike up a conversation. And then I find you in a similar mood..."

Kensei had sat up by this point and was sorting his hair out in his office mirror. He simply shrugged,not wanting anyone else knowing about his and Shuhei's predicament. "Beats me. I'll talk to him later and find out for you." He replied just as simply as he had shrugged, earning a sigh from the child prodigy that was still in his office.

"Very well then. I'll go now." The younger Captain responded, flash-stepping out of the Squad Nine Captain's office with the rest of the paperwork. Ironically, he had taken his own squad's paperwork too, obviously so he could give his own lieutenant, Rangiku, a severe lashing. Nothing new there. Kensei finished with his hair and shrugged on his Captain's Haori before swiftly leaving his office to go find his lieutenant.

Shuhei was not in the mood for chit-chat. Not today. So telling Izuru where to go was really no big deal to him. He slumped against a tree in the Squad Nine gardens, in his usual spot, and sighed heavily. Kensei had probably been told that he was acting strange, but nobody else understood. They all thought Kensei was just some idol from his childhood. True, he was, but he was also so much more. He was Shuhei's rock, the one he could go to, the one he trusted and loved. It wasn't just simple admiration as Renji had put it once. The raven-haired lieutenant was quickly snapped out of his thoughts when a familiar voice resounded and a familiar pair of breasts hit him.

"Hey Shuhei!" Rangiku chirped, her breasts still enveloping the side of Shuhei's face as she hugged him. "Izuru said you blew him off!" Shuhei looked at her sternly, her face showing concern and confusion about his actions. She was a good friend, but that being said, she also ran her mouth off a lot, so she wasn't easily trusted with secrets. She had spread the fact that he and Renji were once an item, causing most of the Seireitei to hound them with questions, particularly Momo, Yumichika and Yachiru.

"Sorry Rangiku, but I'd prefer it if I was alone." He replied, sounding more polite to her because she was a closer friend than Izuru, plus female and he was never rude to a girl. She nodded, hugging him again and flash-stepped away, respecting his wishes. And now it was back to his thoughts.

He was considering opening up to his Captain but he knew he'd probably be shot down in flames and demoted to Third Seat or something because of it. But, what other harm could it do besides kill his trust. It's probably no fun walking around Seireitei with your lieutenant, knowing that their either staring at your ass or imagining having sex with you. It would be even more awkward in a fight too. Shuhei growled slightly when another person interrupted his privacy, only to shut himself up when he saw the familiar metal belt.

"So, now you're blowing Rangiku off too? Just what is up with you today, Lieutenant?" Kensei asked formally, folding his arms across his muscular chest. Shuhei looked up at him and sighed. He couldn't blow Kensei off, no matter how much he wanted to avoid the conversation.

"It..It's nothing. I'm just not in the mood to talk to people today..." He half-lied. Kensei didn't budge. Clearly, he wasn't buying it. Swallowing his pride, he remained eye contact with his Captain, and suddenly, Kensei was on his knee infront of him with one hand on his shoulder.

"Shuhei...I know...I was awake last night..." He murmured, staring into Shuhei's eyes. Shuhei swallowed again. Kensei had been awake. Oh shit. His cheeks flushed red and he broke the eye contact, looking at the grass instead of his Captain.

"S-sorry Captain..." He apologised, thinking Kensei was going to get annoyed at him. "I don't know what came over me." He was quickly silenced by Kensei sighing. His Captain never sighed, or at least he'd never heard it except when he was frustrated, but that was different to the one he was hearing now.

"Shuhei...Why don't you notice me? Why don't you notice I want you...?" The silver-haired Captain admitted quietly, causing Shuhei to stare at him, completely stunned by what he had just heard. Kensei looked at him, trying to maintain his macho facade, but inside, Shuhei could tell he was close to breaking.

"Wh-What?" Was all he could say before Kensei pressed his lips to Shuhei's in order to prove what he had said was true. It took the lieutenant a moment to realise he was being kissed, but he kissed back as soon as reality hit him with a harsh slap. He gripped Kensei's Haori and pulled him closer, moaning slightly into the kiss. This was happening! Kensei was kissing him! Or was it a dream that Shuhei was enjoying while still in bed and in reality he was embarrasingly tossing and turning while making out with his pillow like a five year old? He seriously hoped it wasn't the latter...that would be embarrassing.

"I want you to be mine Shuhei...Why couldn't you see that? The way I looked at you, the way I always listened to what you had to report while I turned away all other division members, including ones from other squads? I've wanted you since you were in the Academy...before Aizen's treachery changed my life..." Kensei murmured, his voice slowly starting to crack, despite his best efforts to hide it. Shuhei cupped Kensei's face and kissed him again, before pulling his Captain into a hug.

"I've always been yours Kensei..." Shuhei replied, hugging Kensei tighter. The Captain responded by hugging Shuhei just as tightly in return, but both men separated when a girly squeal came from somewhere nearby. They looked around and sighed when they saw Rangiku perched happily in the tree, with Izuru, Renji, who looked a little pained, and Momo, all four of them staring down at them, even though Renji looked like he was throwing knives at Kensei via his eyes. Rangiku jumped down and hugged Shuhei, squealing again.

"Oh my gosh, Shuhei! You've been such a grump today, I just couldn't stay away, I was so worried, so I came back and I find you making out with the hunkiest Captain in the whole of Seireitei!" She squeaked, causing Kensei to blush slightly at the compliment. Shuhei clawed his way free from the voluptuous Lieutenant and looked down, barely able to get a word in before Rangiku was off squealing again. Izuru was next to jump down and he patted Shuhei's shoulder merrily.

"Ah! Never would of guessed this was why you've been a grump! No hard feelings about earlier man! I'm glad you're happy Shuhei." He congratulated, clearing the air between the two of them, before bowing to Kensei. Momo followed after Izuru, giving him a hug and smiling.

"Congratulations Hisagi-san!" She said politely, bowing at him and Kensei. She was a sweet, young girl who always gave everyone polite greetings and as a result, people always thought she was a pushover, but she really wasn't. Her Kido was powerful and it was like her secret weapon. Seriously, nobody liked to see her angry. Not like she was in the war with Aizen. She had been so heartbroken that she had lashed out at Izuru, Ichimaru and even Hitsugaya! Poor girl. Finally, Renji jumped down, but instead of going to Shuhei and happily congratulating him, he strode straight over to Kensei, glaring at his superior. "I'll say this once Captain. I don't care if this costs my position as Lieutenant, but if you ever make Shuhei cry, make him unhappy in any shape or form, I will hurt you. That's a promise!" He growled, before turning to Shuhei on his way back to the other three. "Congratulations Shu." Renji was promptly slapped by Rangiku for being so rude but he just shrugged and flash-stepped away, leaving Kensei snickering at Renji's threat. Rangiku bowed at them both, particularly Kensei.

"I am so sorry about Renji!" She apologised on the Squad Six's lieutenant's behalf, before leaning in close to Shuhei. "I shouldn't of brought him...I'm sorry, he's still a little bitter over the break-up. I think he still loves you, Shuhei." Shuhei just nodded and smiled at her, before hugging each of them again. Kensei had slumped himself against the tree, still snickering. Renji had guts. He had to give him credit for that.

"Bye guys!" Shuhei said to his friends happily, before they flash-stepped away and he conveniently took the opportunity to join Kensei by his side. "Well, I'm sorry about Renji. He's still bitter about me breaking up with him a while back. Also, any bets on how long it will take Rangiku to tell the whole of Seireitei?" Kensei laughed a little more and shrugged, slyly linking his hand with his lieutenant's. "I don't know, not long. You and Renji dated?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. He wasn't heartbroken, he knew Shuhei wouldn't stay single his whole life. Shuhei sighed and nodded. "Y-yeah, not for long though. Few weeks. I broke it off, I just didn't feel right. My heart wasn't in it." He admitted, staring into Kensei's eyes as if they were the most beautiful thing in Seireitei. To Shuhei, they were a part of it. "My heart wanted you."

Kensei smiled and kissed Shuhei softly, still smiling at him when they broke apart. He was glad that Shuhei was his now, but he couldn't help but feel that Shuhei was still hiding something from him. Shrugging it off, he decided it could wait until later. Both men were distracted by a sudden announcement that resounded from someone using Bakudo 57: Tenteikura.

"All Squads! This is a congratulatory announcement to Captain Kensei Muguruma and Lieutenant Shuhei Hisagi on their relationship! Congrats guys! A celebratory party will be held tonight at the Squad Ten barracks...come along guys to congratulate the happy couple! Ah! Captain!" Rangiku cheered, before Hitsugaya interrupted her message, his rant being broadcast via the Bakudo. "MATSUMOTO! What are you doing!? I ordered those papers in an hour ago! Stop wasting time and...this is being broadcasted isn't it..." The small Captain quickly shut up and the announcement faded, leaving laughter all around. That had to be the best announcement of the week! Shuhei and Kensei enjoyed it for sure, both of them having laughter fits until their sides hurt up against the tree.

"Looks like we got a party to go to!" Kensei mused, still roaring with laughter next to his lieutenant. Shuhei nodded, barely able to contain himself. It was too funny. "Y-Yeah! I bet Captain Hitsugaya is bright red right about now and fuming, probably flipping stuff over and having an embarrassed hissy fit! Poor Rangiku!" He replied, doubling over while holding his stomach. His sides killed, but he couldn't stop laughing. It was definetly the second highlight of the day. It was also going to go in the next issue of Seireitei News for sure! Front Headline material right there!

After the men composed themselves, still snickering slightly, but not as much, they began to walk back to the barracks, with their hands entwined. However, it didn't last becasuse as soon as they got back to Kensei's office, they found Hitsugaya perched on Kensei's desk, with a stack of completed papers, and they both burst into giggles again.

"Yeah yeah...laugh it up you two." Toshiro remarked, unamused, folding his arms across his chest. "I'm only here to tell you that we expect you at the barracks in three hours for your party. Congratulations by the way."

And with that, Toshiro vanished back to his own barracks, obviously still embarrassed about being broadcast without realising. Kensei sat down in his chair and Shuhei leant against the desk, smirking to himself, while Kensei began checking over the papers. Apparently, there was going to be some new squad members coming to his squad. Great. More people. As if the Editorial department could get much bigger. It took him a while to get through them all, and when he was finished, he glanced over at the clock and realised they had twenty minutes to get to the Squad Ten barracks. Shuhei had fallen asleep on Kensei's bed while the Captain had been working, a cute sight to behold, but regrettably, Kensei strode over and softly shook the lieutenant awake. Shuhei's eyes fluttered open and he smiled, before shooting upright, realising where he was.

"I'm so sorry!" He apologised, blushing bright red, only to be quickly reassured by Kensei's lips on his. He moaned into the kiss and whined a little when Kensei pulled away again.

"It's okay, Shuhei...Come on, we have fifteen minutes to get to Squad Ten for our party. Let's go." He replied, helping Shuhei up and holding his hand gently, before flash-stepping to the said barracks. Tonight was going to be a enjoyable night.

Okay guys, I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it! :D I'm still rather new with these two so forgive me if they are a bit OOC... .

Kensei: A Party!?

Shuhei: C'mon...it'll be fuuuunnnnnnnnnn...