I don't own Twilight

Bella POV

I laid in the darkness cursing the fates, my mother and Carlisle Cullen. I punched my pillow staring at Emmett's celling I might as well get some sleep.

"Bella." I could just make out Emmett's silhouette in the doorway.

"What?" I hissed.

"Can I ever have my bed back?"

"No." I flipped over.

"I'm tired."

"You have a couch."

"It's my bed and Alice is on the couch." He moaned.

"Fine you big baby." I got up and threw a pillow at his head as I stumbled out of the room.

"Edward, Edward, Edward." I pounded on his door.

"What." He angrily pulled the door open and glared at me.

"Yes well good morning sunshine Emmett kicked me out of his room so you're sharing." I flopped down on his bed and buried myself under the covers.

"Excuse me."

I ignored him turning over. Closing my eyes and trying to ignore the scent of Edward enveloped around me. "Just get in bed Edward." I groaned. Still not looking at him.

"What the actual Fuck." I knew without looking at him that he was staring me in that wide eyed look he got when he was confused. I sat up and glared at him through the darkness.

"We're all adults here okay so get your ass in this bed and shut up because Alice is on the couch and Jasper is on the floor and I'm not sharing a bed with Emmett."

"Whatever." He mumbled getting under the covers. Sure I'd said we were all adults here that didn't mean I didn't move as close to the wall and as far away from him as I could. I forced my eyes closed and I forced my heart rate to slow down and I forced myself to not think about the man laying in bed next to me. Fuck there was a lot of forcing going on in my life right now and forcing myself not to kill my mother was high on that list.

Somehow I feel asleep by some miracle I should say. I woke up the next morning to an empty bed and the smell of coffee coming from the kitchen. I stumbled out of bed almost tripping over the sheets. "Ow." I shouted as I rubbed my foot where I'd wacked it on the floor.

"Bella re you okay?" I looked up to see Alice standing in the doorway.

"I'm fine." I groaned. "Please tell me there is some coffee left."

"Yeah What are you doing in Edward's room?"

"Emmett kicked me out of his room that ass and everyplace else was taken."

"Right." Alice smirked at me. I scowled and walked out behind her into the kitchen. "My Hero my Savior." I crooned.

"I knew you loved me Bella." Emmett put his hand over his heart.

"Oh shut up you. I was talking to the precious coffee." I took down a cup and filed it with the elixir of life.

"I see where I rank." Emmett feigned hurt.

"Well that's what you get for kicking me out of your bed last night." I said sipping the hot beverage.

"Yeah where did you end up anyway." I scowled at him not answering.

"She slept in bed with Edward." Alice pranced into the kitchen getting coffee for herself.

"Oh really, trying for a little incent now are we sis." Emmett winked.

"Shut up it's not incest he's only related to you by blood not me." I hissed. A stab going through my heart at the mere thought of it. "So I guess Rose went home last night?"

"Yeah she had things to do this morning." Emmett shrugged. "Edward went out to get Breakfast and I believe Jasper is in the shower."

Just then my phone started to go off from the living room and grabbing it I groaned. "Mommy dearest." I snapped slamming the phone back down. As my phone stopped ringing Emmett's started.

"Bet we can guess who that is." Emmett sighed looking at his own phone. "Yep Mom."

"Ignore her." I sighed draining my cup and laying against the couch just as Alice's phone blew up.

"If he thinks I'm answering his stupid phone call he's got something else coming." Alice snapped I was afraid the cup would break in her hand. As her phone silenced I heard another go off. This one coming from Edward's room. I was pissed I'd had enough. I stormed into the room and snatched up the phone hitting cancel that's right let them know we're ignoring them. I turned to head back to the living room but stopped in my tracks. There was Edward standing in a towel.

"Who was that?"

"You're father between him and you're mother he's hit us all." I walked past him trying my best not to look at him. Just then a knock came on the door. "You have got to kidding me." I groaned. "I'm staying in here I can guess who it is and I'm locking the door." I slammed the door. And flopped down on the bed face first.

I knew Edward was staring at me but there was no way in hell I was going out there. I heard clothes rustling behind me and I heard someone open a door. I heard raised voices and then silence.

"That can't be good." Edward said.

"No." I grimaced getting off the bed and opening the door a now fully clothed Edward behind me. We walked into the middle of a really odd scene. Mom was silently crying Carlisle looked like he wanted to hit something or someone. The way he was looking at Jasper I figure it was him. Jasper was holding a crying Alice. Emmett was standing in the middle of it looking so bewildered.

"What the hell.' Edward said. All eyes snapped to us.

"Were you just in that room together?" Carlisle snapped.

"So what if we were." Edward snapped back. "Now what in the hell is going on here?"

Alice raised her head from Jasper's chest and looked at us broken. "They eloped they went to the courthouse and got married. It's office we're one screwed up or screwed over family."

Eloped, married." I felt myself become dizzy I felt myself crumple and I felt someone I'm guessing Edward catch me but that's the last thing I remember.

A/N Sorry for the long long wait and I'll try to have more up soon. Thanks to everyone that reviewed and please do so.