Country music echoed throughout the house as Chepi danced around the kitchen, happily preparing dinner for her father and herself. After their heated make-out session the night before, Godric had driven her home. She smiled as she thought back to the sweet kiss he'd given her on the porch after walking her to the door, and how he promised to see her at Fangtasia tonight.

"Chepi," her father's voice called from the front door, interrupting her thoughts. She finished placing the food on the table just as he walked into the kitchen and stood back with a smile. She'd prepared his favorite: shrimp jambalaya.

"Hey, daddy. How was work today?" she greeted as he placed a kiss on her cheek.

He gestured for her to sit down and followed after her, immediately reaching for the food. "Busy, which is good. 'm probably gonna have to hire another hand." After eating in silence for a few minutes, he nearly made her choke with his next topic of conversation. "So is this meal s'posed to make up for the fact that you're datin' a vampire?"

After chugging her glass of water to dislodge the shrimp that had slipped down her throat, Chepi stared at her dad in surprise.

"Don' give me that look," he huffed, setting his fork down and pointing a finger at his only child. "You knew I'd figure it out eventually."

That was true. Her dad was the most perceptive person she'd ever met; he would have pieced it together sooner or later. She had just been hoping for a couple more dates before unleashing that detail on him.

"You mad?" she asked quietly.

Troy easily reached across the table with his long arm and cupped Chepi's face in his hand. "I'm not mad; I'm worried. But I'd be worried no matter who you were datin'."

Chepi smiled at him appreciatively. For all of that rough and tough guy act he put on, her dad could also be a big teddy bear; especially when it came to her. "You know that I can take care of myself."

To say that Fangtasia was busy would be like saying a lot of people owned cell phones; it was an understatement. It was packed. There was barely enough room for the waitresses to move between bodies to deliver drinks. The alcohol was steadily pouring, Chepi and Tara doing their best to keep up with the flow of orders. A group of fraternity brothers had just made their way to Chepi's side of the bar and she could tell with one glance that they were going to be rowdy.

"Hey, gorgeous!" one of them called to her. She finished handing the man in front of her a beer before approaching them.

"What can I get you boys?" she asked with a smile, hoping they'd take their drinks and wander off in search of some other entertainment.

"We'll take a round of tequilas," the same one answered. He was clearly the leader of the group as the rest were fine with him ordering for them. "And why don't you take one with us?"

Chepi quirked her eyebrow. "You want me to take a shot with you?" she asked, though her eyes strayed from the young men to the vampire seated in his usual place on his throne. Drinking while on the job was generally frowned upon, but some bar owners would allow it, especially if the customers were buying.

Eric easily heard the exchange and made eye contact with Chepi. He nodded ever so slightly, barely moving his head at all, before glancing out at the crowd once again.

"Why not?" She shrugged as she took some shot glasses and lined them up on the bar. Grabbing the tequila, she filled the glasses and stuck a lime wedge on each rim. "Cheers," she said, sliding each man a glass and picking the last one up for herself.

The men hooted and howled, throwing the tequila back like pros. Chepi did the same, followed by sucking the juice out of the lime. "Now how about we make it interesting?" the leader suggested, leaning towards Chepi with that smirk again.

"More interestin' than straight tequila?" she questioned with a laugh.

"Let's do some body shots!" he cheered, causing his brothers and the rest of the people around them to join in.

"Um," Chepi glanced at Tara for help; the vampire smirked back at the fairy.

"You heard him, girl. Get on up there," Tara motioned to the top of the bar, a dare in her eyes.

Never one to turn down a dare, especially when someone didn't think she'd do it, Chepi grabbed the bottle of tequila and hopped onto the bar. "You know this is goin' to cost extra, right?" she asked the leader frat boy with a smirk.

"It's worth it," he pressed money into her hand, which she passed to Tara before lying back.

She scrunched her black tank top up to just under her breasts, exposing her toned stomach to the man standing in front of her. Tara, ever the helpful one, placed a wedge of lime in Chepi's cleavage and and poured a generous amount of tequila into her navel. She finished it with a sprinkle of salt near the waistband of her jeans and stepped back to allow the man some room.

Urged on by cheers from his fraternity brothers, the young man eagerly dipped his head and licked the path from Chepi's jeans up to her belly button, slurping the liquor provocatively. He leaned up with a grin, locking his eyes on her breasts and intent on claiming the lime that rested between them. Before he could move there was a blur, the lime was snatched from Chepi's body and jammed into the man's mouth, nearly choking him.

"What the-" the man shouted as he spat the lime out, looking around for his attacker. But the blur was already gone, as was the tempting young woman who'd been lying on the bar only seconds before.

Chepi leaned against the wall in Eric's office, trying to regain her bearings from being dragged so quickly through the bar. It was quiet in here, she noted, the muffled noises from the club barely making it through the walls. After a few moments she opened her eyes and was immediately met with the sight of a very pissed off Godric glaring back at her.

"Did I not make myself clear when I told you that you were mine?" he asked, the fangs currently descended from his gums accentuating his anger.

"You did," Chepi answered quietly, her heart thumping wildly in her chest. She'd never been afraid of Godric before this moment.

Godric took a step towards her, bringing his body within arms' reach of her own. He didn't make a move to touch her, however, his hands remaining firmly behind his back. He quirked his head to the side as he eyed her. "Then explain to me the scene I just walked in on."

Chepi swallowed her nerves. "The customers wanted to do some body shots," she replied meekly, knowing how ridiculous it sounded, probably moreso to the two thousand year old vampire.

"And did my child force you to perform this task as part of your job?"

She shook her head with remorse. "I did it willingly."

"You willingly allowed a man to place his lips on your body; a part of your body my lips haven't touched yet, may I add." A low growl reverberated through Godric's chest before he reigned in his beast. "You've embarrassed me, Chepi."

"But," he continued before Chepi could apologize, which she wished to do immensely. "Perhaps some of the blame falls on my lap. I explained what would happen should other vampires defy my claim on you; I never explained what would happen if you betrayed me."

A shiver ran down Chepi's spine at Godric's words and she glanced nervously at his fangs. "Are you going to bite me?"

Godric's lips quirked into a smirk, though that proved to be more terrifying than the frown he'd previously worn. He closed the distance between them, pressing his body against hers as one of his hands settled at the base of her throat.

"When I feed from you for the first time, you will be begging for my bite, vacker fe," he growled into her ear, his fangs ghosting over her skin.

She shivered again, this time from the promise of pleasure to come. The thought of him feeding from her was still a fear, but now she couldn't deny that she was curious. "What are you going to do?"

Godric lifted the hand that wasn't holding her throat to his mouth and Chepi watched in amazement as his sunk his fangs into his skin without a flinch. Blood immediately poured out of the small wounds and trickled down his arm.

"Drink," he commanded softly, his pupils blown out as he watched her with apparent desire. "But do not take it if you plan on betraying my trust again. Our blood is sacred and I would not be offering it to you if I did not think you incredibly special."

Astounded by his declaration, Chepi grasped his hand in both of hers and, maintaining eye contact, closed her lips over his bleeding wrist. The familiar metallic taste of blood his her tongue first, but soon gave way to a taste that was almost impossible to describe. It tasted like power in liquid form, almost electric in her mouth. Her eyes fluttered closed and she took a deep pull from Godric, desperate to feel more of the magic he was offering. All too soon, after only a couple of swallows, Godric pulled his wrist away from her.

"That's enough," he whispered huskily. Blood stained her lips and he slowly dragged his thumb over them.

Chepi moaned and tried to close the distance between them, her body desperately calling out to him, but he held her in place. "Godric," she whined, the sound foreign to her.

The vampire smirked at her. "I will see you tomorrow, Chepi," he said, then disappeared the same way he had appeared: in a blur.