Disclaimer: I own nothing. Also, this is my first fic. Be nice please? And it was written on my phone, so please excuse any errors. Hope you enjoy. Read and review. Rated M to be safe, for Arthur's mouth and suggestive dialogue. Characters are probably OOC. Human names are used and they are just human in this.

Sunlight streamed in through thin curtains, warming a pale face hidden through unruly honey blonde hair and massive eyebrows. A tentative sigh escaped chapped pink lips as eyelids squeezed together to shut out any sun rays that made it past his visor of hair and eyebrows. A headache was already coming into place, greeting his morning with a vague reminder of the night before. Arthur Kirkland hated being hungover, but he enjoyed drinking too much to care. After all, he had become used to the sensation. Opening an eye cautiously revealed an emerald green orb that hazily took in his surrounds. What Arthur Kirkland was not used to, however, was waking up in someone else's bed.
Mentally, he ran over his checklist in his head.
Does my ass hurt? No. That's a good sign already.
Do I feel as if I preformed strenuous activity last night? No? Somewhat of a disappointment, but still a good sign.
Do I feel as if I've been drugged or beaten? No and no. Well this was beginning to look like a good day.
Am I clothed? Yes, minus my tie and shoes which would explain the uncomfortableness...
Do I - dear God, what is that incredible smell?!
A tantalizing scent had entered the room, swirling around him and seducing his nostrils. His eyes flashed open as he sat up on the bed, sheets and a thick white duvet pooling around his waist. A quick survey revealed books stacked on a nightstand beside him and basic bedroom materials. A lamp on the nightstand, alarm clock, thin curtains, a dresser with what looked like a t-shirt sticking out of a drawer, a closet, a - bloody hell, is that a Captain America poster?! Arthur stared incredulously at the massive poster adorning the wall near a door that must have held the closet.

I went home with a teenager.

Slowly crawling out of the bed, Arthur gingerly placed his feet on the plush carpet. This place must have been a flat judging by the looks of it. Placing a hand on the nightstand he stood, steadying himself as a dizziness overtook him. Once the spell has passed, Arthur found himself shuffling towards the door that he assumed led out of the bedroom. The incredible smell was growing in strength and Arthur found his mouth beginning to water. Groggily, he pawed at the doorknob before finally convincing his fingers to work and pulled the door open. The smell hit him like a slap in the face. Salty and strangely sweet with a undertone of smoke. It was accompanied by a slightly bitter, but chocolately smell as well as the smell of fresh bread. Stepping into a hallway, which it could be barely called as it was only three feet long, Arthur turned into an opening on his left. Natural light filled the room which looked to be a formal dining area turned into an office. But before the surroundings could be observed, a flash of blonde out of the corner of his vision caught his eye. As he turned to look, trying to register the moving target through the small bar window, the figure came to an abrupt halt.

"Mornin' Sunshine!"

Oh Bloody Fucking Hell.