~Chapter one: The new life~

After what would be called The Great War of the Wizarding world, everything that was once abnormal about the world of witches and wizards went back to normal: The stores reopened in Diagon Alley, Hogwarts was returned to its former glory, students began going back to school, people started working at the Ministry of Magic again, and even the heroes of the war began to start life over.

Hermione sat with Harry and Ron in the living room of The Burrow. Even though the loss of Fred, Remus, Tonks and Snape had them mourning over the new life the war had given them, without their friends, they were slowly trying to move on. Mrs. Weasley and Mr. Weasley were the firm foundations of the family, as always, but even their strength was failing. George spent most of his time in his room, not coming out except for meals and if Percy came by to tell him of the twin's Joke shop. Percy and Charlie had taken over the Joke shop because George hadn't been in it since the death of his twin. No one, not even his own brothers, could convince him to go into the Joke shop again. It was still making the most money of all the stores in Diagon Alley. Business was booming and George wasn't there to see it. Percy was determined to talk sense into him, but he wouldn't have any of it. Charlie told him to lay off George for a while and let him mourn over Fred.

Remus and Tonk's little boy, Ted, or Teddy, lives with his grandmother. He comes to visit Harry once a week. He's now about 5 months old. His first word was "Daddy". He was looking at a picture of Remus when he said it and was also with Harry when it happened. Little Ted is looking more and more like both his parents with every time Harry sees him. Harry seems more at peace with himself since the whole battle. He can be with Ginny freely, without worry that Voldemort is going to come back and he can start moving on with his life, as can the rest of the wizarding world.

"What do you reckon we're gunna do now?" Ron asked. Hermione smiled at him. She saw Harry smile too.

"You mean now that all the Deatheaters are gone, Voldemort ceases to exist and all is right with the world?" Harry said, smiling. Ron laughed.

"I suppose we do what we always do." Hermione sighed, looking at her hands. Ron looked at her.

"Hermione, we haven't been in a world where Deatheaters weren't always nipping at our toes or sending us death threats. This is new territory. And not even you should know how to handle this." He said, crossing his arms, looking almost smug. Hermione raised an eyebrow at him, grinning.

"No, you don't understand. I mean, once a battle is over, we do the usual things, you know? Wash ourselves up and-,"

"Brace ourselves for the next one?" Harry joked. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"We rest." she said, like it was so obvious the whole time. Ron looked at her, smirking.

"We've never rested before. Not like this." Ron told her.

"Well then, I guess we'll just have to learn how." Hermione smiled.

"What if I don't want to? What if I still want some adventure? Life-risking tasks! Daring feats!" he raised his hand in the air, grinning.

"Honestly!" Hermione exclaimed, looking angry. Ron was so shocked by her sudden change in mood that he slowly brought his fist down and crossed his arms again. She exhaled sharply, looking frazzled. "Look. We've had enough near-death experiences for a lifetime. I know Harry will agree with me, won't you Harry?" she looked at him. Harry knew better than to disagree with Hermione.

"Of course." he said as Ron looked outraged.

"Who's side are you on, mate?!" Ron exclaimed, trying to joke. Harry went to joke back when Hermione glared them down.

"Why are there always sides with you, Ronald?! You or I! Besides, Harry should want this whole thing behind us the quickest, don't you think?"

"Speak for yourself, Hermione. Maybe he liked being a dare devil-,"

"Oh, and getting killed?! I don't think so, Ron." Said Hermione crossly.

"You never know! Just because you're brilliant doesn't mean you can read his mind-!"

"Guys, guys! Settle down! I'm not a dare devil. Hermione's right when she says I want to get this whole thing behind me quickly-," Hermione gave Ron a smug smirk of triumph. "-But Ron's right when he says that I don't want to spend the rest of my life being bored out of my skull."

"HA! I win." Ron said in a cocky voice. Hermione gritted her teeth, getting up.

"You're both impossible. I'm going to help Ginny with lunch." She stormed away, into the kitchen. Ron watched her leave.

"Well, that bloody sucks. Now she's angry at me and I didn't even do anything wrong!" Ron exclaimed which was followed by a particularly fiery "I heard that, Ronald!" from Hermione in the kitchen. Harry smirked at him, fiddling with his wand in his hand.

"Girls are like that, mate." said Harry in a more quiet tone. Ron sighed.

"I know. And the worst thing is I love her to bits! But, bloody hell, I didn't think having a girlfriend would be this difficult." Ronald said. Harry smirked at him.

"I know. Just give it some time. You'll get used to it." Harry said smoothly.

"Says the bloke who just started dating my sister." Ron mumbled, which got another "I heard that, Ron!" except from Ginny this time. Ron sighed. "I just don't know if I'm ready to have a girlfriend." Ron whispered to Harry. Harry smiled, sitting back.

"You will be." He said.

Hermione heard that and she swallowed, biting her bottom lip. Ginny saw her face and gave her a comforting smile.

"Don't worry about it, Hermione. Ron's always like that: uncertain about everything." Ginny said, washing a sauce pan. Hermione passed her the dish soap, sighing.

"I know. I just don't want to lose him because I pushed him away. I don't mean to be so bossy all the time." She sounded upset with herself and, truthfully, she was. She always lets her mouth get the better of her. It takes over her sometimes. Ginny smiled at her warmly.

"Of course you don't. That's just the way you are and that's also what he loves about you, Hermione. He's not going to give you up just because you guys disagree over…well, almost everything. He loves you, even if he doesn't always show it. I mean, come on, it's never stopped you guys before." she said to her. Hermione sighed again, looking out the window onto the garden. She watched a gnome pop out of the soil and Crookshanks went chasing after it as it ran. Hermione smiled and realized she wasn't being much of a help to anyone by standing there thinking. She grabbed some dishes.

"Here, I'll put these away for you." she said and put them away in the cupboard neatly as they prepared lunch for the house.