Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters of Naruto that are within the story.

Warning: The characters are going to most likely be out of character, but I''ll do my best to stay true to their original characters. And the story will have aspects that is not true to the original story.

Background: Alternate Universe that I created. The land the characters live are divided into three kingdoms: Aki, Natsu, and Fuyu. Aki is ruled by the Kitsune family: Naruto, Ino, and Deidara (Yes, I am making them related). Senju (Tsunade and Jiraiya), Haku, Morino, and Umino live in Aki. Fuyu is ruled by the Uchiwa: Sasuke, Sai (Sasuke's twin), and Itachi. Hatake (Kakashi), Hyuuga (Neji and Hinata), and Hebi (Anko and Yamato/Tenzou) families live in Fuyu. Then the Natsu kingdom is ruled by the Kaze (Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro who are half siblings to one another). Sarutobi (Shikamaru, Shino, Chouji and Kiba -twins), Haruno, and Might families live in Natsu. Aki allows marriage no matter the class, but females are discouraged in learning to fight and encouraged to heal. However, the Natsu kingdom encourages the females to learn to fight. Fuyu kingdom has strict policies on marriage in social classes.

Chapter 1

It has been 17 years, since she has been living in the same place and unable to see the world outside. As the pinkette grew up she came to realize several things: 1) her mother conceived her without getting married, 2) her mother is shunned from her family for her "disgraceful" behavior, and thus the reason for them living in seclusion, and 3) her mother has been suffering from heartache. The years of suffer her mother has been in eventually took a toll on her, and she is now bedridden. Of course the pinkette partially blames herself for her mother's bedridden form, all because she said too much that one time.

As she grew up she felt as if her mother has been using her as a replacement for her brother. And as those feelings of being a replacement grew, resentment started to form. Until finally she snapped at her mother to stop treating her as if she was her son. It was after that that her mother started to fall ill.

The other part for her mother's illness is the Haruno family's fault. After all, if it wasn't for them imprisoning her mother away from civilization, and then not even bothering to provide any medical help when requested, her mother wouldn't be feeling so poorly.

"Meredith, have you sent a hawk carrier earlier today to the Haruno house to ask for a doctor?"

"Yes Miss Sakura."

"And yet, there is still no reply? Of any sort?"

"I'm sorry." Meredith looked down as she apologized. It is all that so called family's fault, and yet Meredith is the one to apologize. Their lack of response to the letters show how much they care for her mother, and the reason for Sakura's resentment towards those with titles.

"Miss I'll send another hawk for good measure." With that last comment she hurried out leaving Sakura alone.

She has told Meredith on multiple accounts to drop the Miss, but to no avail. Meredith is a stickler for customs and even though Sakura argues that she has no title, Meredith would argue that as long as she is the daughter to her Mistress, Sakura would be called Miss. Considering the way Sakura grew up and all, one would think such formalities would be dropped, after all there is no purpose for it, and no one is around to really take notice or not if such formalities were followed. However, the formalities are probably because of her mother.

Sakura grew up within one of the many Haruno estates, one that is probably rarely in use, since not one single Haruno or anyone has ever come to that particular estate in the 17 years she has been there. However, her mother took it upon herself to teach her everything: history, etiquette of a lady (probably hoping she would be able to use it one day), politics, reading, writing, healing etc., but what she could not teach, Sakura turned to the books that were in the estates library. She took care and heeded her mother's words and teachings because it made her mother happy. Also, she learned, as years passed, that it gave them both something to do. On that note, there is not much anyone can do when confined to one place, so reading and learning about the outside world was welcomed. Lady or not, she also took up swordsmanship under the tutelage of Zabuza.

Zabuza, she learned, was once a knight and personal guard for her mother. Zabuza is tall, since her head barely reaches his shoulder, and he is big and broad compared to her petite form. He has a head of short spiky dark brown hair, dark eyes that are almost midnight, and he sometimes would wrap bandages around the lower half of his face. Zabuza is someone she looks up to and respects, because he doesn't use formalities when speaking to her like Meredith does. In addition, Zabuza was the father she never had or got to know, and in many ways he was like a father: he took care of her, listened to her problems, scolded or consoled her when needed, and would indulge her wishes like piggy back rides. Of course, he is probably a father figure to Konan also.

Konan is an orphan who was being sold, but Sakura's mother bought her freedom. However, Konan chose to follow her mother, and thus how Sakura got to know her. Konan has pale jade eyes, beautiful Violet-Blue hair, and is slightly taller than Sakura. She is 5 years older than Sakura and someone Sakura looks up to as an older sister and best friend. Konan is the only other person who does not use formalities when speaking to Sakura. The two girls grew up playing, learning, and training together.

"SAKURA!" Konan burst in frantically interrupting Sakura's train of thoughts. "It's your mother!" With that they both dashed out. Sakura had a sinking feeling about what is happening, but held on to her threads of hope that everything will be fine.

"MOTHER!" Reaching her side, she could see that her mother's visage was a pale pallor and her breaths were labored.

"Sa..kura...I want you to...listen to...me..." She nodded to her mother trying to withhold her tears. "I want you to have my journal...I'm sorry..for everything...I'm sor..ry..." By now her tears were free. Life was unfair. She grew up with her mother who was her only blood related family, and now she is gone. Taken from her. She was part to blame.

She didn't remember much after that, but she remembered leaving for her room. Then feeling Konan holding her and crying with her and Zabuza saying something, but she was pretty numb to her surroundings.

"Sakura." Zabuza was kneeling and trying to get her attention. "We are going to leave." At those words, she was able to snap back into focus and was now panicking.

"Please don't leave."Tears were now streaming down her face again, but she took no notice of it as she grabbed onto him.

"I'm not leaving you anywhere. WE are leaving. We are leaving this place." As the words were made clear, she was more confused now than anything. She looked from him to Konan beside her.

"What do you mean? We can't leave."

"Don't worry. It's all taken care of. You just need to get ready to depart." With that he left with Konan behind him as Sakura started to assemble her things. Konan returned later with her own pack to help Sakura with her packing.

That day in the dead of night, Meredith set a fire throughout the house as a diversion to help the group escape with chaos and darkness as their ally. That day is a day that Sakura will remember her whole life.

Author's Note: Forgive me this is my first story. I would appreciate any comments and questions that will enable me to make this story a great one in the long run. Also, if anyone by any chance know Haku and or Jiraiya's last name it will be much appreciated.