Disclaimer: I don't own LOTR.
Summary: "Elladan and Elrohir are your brothers Estel. Even if they do not always show it, they love you very much; as do I." A series of ficlets and drabbles in which young Estel learns the true meaning of brotherhood and family, sometimes through hardship and struggle.
A/N: I love young Estel fics so here is my shot at a series of drabbles I've wanted to write for a while. Those of you reading "All Bonds of Fellowship", don't worry, I'm working on the next chapter and it should be up soon! In the meanwhile, enjoy this!
"Muindor nin" = my brother
"Aier" = little one
"Hir Elrond" = Lord Elrond
"Adar/ada" = Father/Daddy
Having two older brothers is a healthy reminder
That you are always closer to the bottom
Than you are to the top
"Estel…what is the matter aier?" Four year old Estel was curled up in the corner of his bed, sobbing loudly when Lord Elrond entered his son's room. Estel had been with them for two years now and the child was settling in just fine; he had gained the heart of many in Rivendell and the Elf-lord had to admit that he too was ensnarled and enchanted by the little one's charm. Estel looked up at Elrond who had now sat down beside him, tears were still streaming down his eyes and his pillow was wet from the tears.
"'Dan…and 'Ro were being mean ada," said Estel in between his tears. Ah, thought Elrond and made a note to have a word with the twins afterwards.
"What they did they do dear one?" By now, Estel had climbed onto Elrond's lap and his crying had subsided, although he was very clearly still upset.
"They said….orcs would get me if I'm not nice; and that there are monsters that eat children."
"Monsters and orcs?" Elrond wasn't sure whether to laugh or not so instead he let out a sigh. Leave it to his sons to come up with something like that. Bringing up orcs with Estel was especially reckless given the faith of his father. Even if he might be too young to remember it now, someday those memories might come back to him.
"Estel, there are neither monsters nor orcs in Imladris. What Elladan and Elrohir told you was not true. Nothing here will ever harm you. " Elrond told him calmly
"But…Glorfindel says lying is bad." said the four year old.
"And indeed Glorfindel is right."
"Why did they lie then?" Estel looked up at his father with confused eyes.
"Elladan and Elrohir are your brothers Estel. Even if they do not always show it, they love you very much; as do I. Come now, it is much past your bedtime. Let us try to go back to sleep."
"Oh come on Adar, it was only a joke. We meant no harm by it."
When Estel had finally fallen back asleep, Lord Elrond had called his sons to his study for a word with them. As much as he loved Elladan and Elrohir he knew how they liked to joke and often they did not think about how others would perceive them. In fact, they reminded him a great deal of himself when he had been their age.
"Estel is not yet old enough to understand the meaning of a mere practical joke Elrohir. He now believes there are monsters in his room and refuses to fall asleep. Do you have any idea of how long it took me to calm him down?" Elrond told them seriously. Elladan hated that voice, it meant that more than anything his father was disappointed and that was worse than him being angry.
"We're sorry," said Elladan "It won't happen again.
"I'm sure you are but bath time and bedtime will be on you two every night for the month." Both twins were about to protest with a "what!" but the Elf-lord cut them off with a single gesture of his hand. "Estel is a part of our family now and you are his brothers; it is important he learns that he can trust you and look up to you and you need to earn his trust. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes Adar." Without saying anything further Elladan and Elrohir left their father's study in silence. Elrond once again sighed as he sat down by his desk. If it weren't for the fact that he was immortal, he was quite sure that one of these days he would grow grey hair.
To be continued
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