Loved From the Grave: Chapter 4

Hi guys, SilverSeeker97 here. I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in so long; college has been super hectic with my exams starting really soon, and I've had a load of other, more personal things on my plate right now. So in a nutshell, I'm a complete wreck. But, I've been pushing myself to finish this next chapter and I aim to finish this fic as soon as possible. So, without further ado, here is the long awaited fourth chapter of Silvaze: Loved From the Grave...

I stepped through the kitchen door, and as I did, my eyes fell on something that instantly made my heart shatter and wiped my glee away. All of my happiness was callously struck down and forcefully replaced with an unbearable torrent of stone-cold fear. My vision blurred instantly as this dreadful sorrow flooded my eyes and violently raged down my cheeks, pouring onto the chilled ceramic floor below. My heart clenched tightly inside my chest and sank into the abyss again, but much deeper this time, swallowing it in an infinite shroud of unfathomable torment and cold-blooded sadness.

There he was, sitting next to the kitchen counter, tightly hugging his legs, and sobbing his soul out. His entire body retched with pain and sorrow, like a father who just lost his son, or someone who had just lost their lover. But what scared me the most was his fur; usually a brilliant, almost shining grey colour, was stained with patches of deep red; blood red. These patches of red almost erased all of the grey in his fur, from slits across his arms, his legs, his chest, and the most worrying; his neck.

Silver was so engulfed by his sorrow, that he hadn't heard me come in. I slowly walked over to him, knelt in front of him, and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, gently rubbing up and down. This made him slowly tilt his head upwards, just enough for me to see his eyes. His eyes were filled with more pain than anything I'd ever seen; his golden eyes bloodshot and laced with sadness; so much that my heart sank, as I felt that pain emanating from both my heart and his. I gently pulled him into a warm, comforting hug, not caring that some of his blood was oozing onto my shirt. We remained still for a few minutes until he said;

"Why are you here?"


"I know you don't care about me anymore, so why are you here?" Those words shot through my heart and soul, almost killing me inside.

"Why would you say that?! You know that you're my best friend; always have been and always will be! Why would you think I don't care about you anymore?"

"I…I saw you…with him…" Silver choked on the words as I saw the sadness in his eyes rapidly growing. "I saw you…kiss…him this morning…"

All was quiet for a brief moment, until Silver started sobbing again.

"I never told you how much you mean to me…or how special you are to me…You always said how you loved me like a brother…but I always loved you more than that…I never just loved you as a sister…I love you with all my heart, and all I've ever wanted was the courage to tell you…"

An exquisite happiness awoke inside me when I heard those words, and Silver even seemed to perk up a little. But, it was short lived, as he seemed to sob even harder.

"But just when I was about to tell you how I feel, I saw you kiss him and...You have no idea how much it hurts to see the one you someone else…"

After those words, Silver broke down into tears; his entire body retching with heartbreak, causing my own tears to flow. It was my fault; he saw me kiss that jerk and took it the wrong way. If I never took that bet, this never would've happened; he wouldn't be in this state, he wouldn't be suffering!

No! I can't think like that! It wasn't my fault, and it wasn't Silver's fault either. It wasn't anyone's fault, unless that jerk knew that Silver would see, which wouldn't surprise me.

I reached into my pocket and produced the necklace. I then, gently and carefully, put the necklace around his neck, letting the heart rest in front of his. He looked down and saw the necklace, and immediately stopped crying. I placed my hands on his cheeks and said;

"And you have no idea how much it hurts to see the one you love in so much pain."

Then, without a hint of hesitation, I slowly pulled our faces closer and pressed our lips together. It was wonderful beyond comprehension; so many raw emotions overflowing and passing between us; bliss, happiness, joy, and pure true love. I was wrong when I thought this would feel as good as the time we kissed under the mistletoe last year; it felt infinitely better! We were finally able to express our purest, innermost feelings for each other; feelings so great that for this brief moment, the rest of existence faded away, and left just us and our love.

I had no idea how long this moment lasted for; seconds, minutes, hours, days, even years. But how long didn't matter, as we just wanted it to last even longer. I slowly pulled away, not wanting to lose this sensation, wanting it to linger for as long as possible. After pulling away, we gazed into each other's eyes, entranced in dreamy bliss, watching our love burn strong in our souls.

"I love you Silver; just like I always have."

I slowly pulled him into a loving hug, snuggling comfortably into his shoulder.

"I was so scared that you didn't love me in the same way."

Silver gently tightened the hug, resting his head into my shoulder, sighing dreamily.

"You don't have to be scared anymore, Blaze. I'll always be here for you, because I love you too."

I could feel tears of happiness streaming from his eyes onto my shoulder, as my own tears fell on his. It was hard to believe that such happiness would even exist; such fulfilling, perfect happiness.

"Silver, please promise me that you won't do this again."

"I promise, Blaze. I'm sorry for doing this."

"It's okay. I forgive you, as long as you promise to…"

I was cut off when he quickly, yet gently, kissed me again. It was only a quick kiss, but it was just as magical as our last.

"I promise."

"But, you don't know what the promise is…"

Silver smiled at me, with that same smile that has always entranced my heart.

"I'll promise you anything Blaze."

For the next hour, we sat on the kitchen floor, holding each other in a tight yet loving embrace, just enjoying our company and the soft lullaby of our hearts, until we drifted into the sweet arms of a dreamy sleep, as we dreamt of our future…

…as a couple.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I aim to finish the final chapter in the coming months. I can't give a specific deadline, but I will have plenty of time after the start of July, as that's when my exams end. But nevertheless, I'll keep trying to get the chapter out as soon as possible.

If any of you guys have an Xbox 360, you can friend me under the gamertag SilverSeeker97/ But if you do, send me a message to tell me that you came from this site. I'm mostly playing Grand Theft Auto V, just making money and screwing around. If you guys want to join a crew, then my crew; FireTeam Starlight, is always open to light-hearted gamers who enjoy helping each other out and having a good time along the way.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, and I hope to update soon. See ya later guys!

And by the way, don't ever use the 'four-eyes' insult; it's two centuries old and makes you look pathetic, desperate, and stupid, so come up with something original. You know who you are.