AN: Hey guys, I know it's been a while, so here's chapter four! I hope you enjoy and please review!
The riding today wasn't as carefree as yesterdays. The rain was pouring heavily, when Serina slipped off her horse, causing the creature to run off in the opposite direction! Serina was forced to share a horse with Kili, since Fili was weary of going near her.
Let's just say Kili did not understand personal space. Half the time she was yelling at him to keep his bloody hands to himself! Serina soon grew tired and let him hug her waist, and rest his head on her shoulder. This obviously made Fili jealous.
"Princess, why don't you ride with me instead?" Fili questioned.
"I would love to." She answered, glaring at Kili and letting him boost her over into fili's arms. To serinas much distaste, Kili had horrible throwing aim, which meant Fili had to grab the first thing he came to contact with so she wouldn't fall. Her butt.
"Get your hand off of me, you perverted fool!" Serina cried, smacking Fili clean across the face. The rest of the company laughed at them until Thorin barked,
"Stop jacking around! We are to camp here for the night!"
The company did as told, and started to unpack. Serina on the the other hand decided to follow Fili and Kili to tie up the ponies.
"You're doing it wrong!" Fili yelled.
"No! You're just an idiot!" Kili retorted.
"Will both of you just shut the hell up!" Serina rolled her eyes.
The brothers grinned and tackled each other to the ground, rolling away, with Serina tumbling after them.
"Wait! Stop fighting! The horses-"she cried when the ground trembled, and a roar was heard.
The three ran back to the horses to find four of them missing.
"Now look what you've done…" Serina sighed, about to notify Thorin.
"No! We can't tell him!" Fili panicked.
"He's right, for once! Thorin will be furious! We can just get them back ourselves!" Kili added.
"Well… OK."
"If you're scared, don't be… I'll protect you…" Fili cupped her cheek in his hand, winking and placing a soft kiss on her lips. Serina blushed furiously and nodded, grasping fili's hand in hers as they followed giant tracks.
AN: I know its short but its only to hold you over since I have major writers block right now… L Please review?!