Celebrating my new pen name with a new one-shot in a brand new fandom!

A day at the park

After his disastrous Park Debut, Oga is understandably hesitant about visiting that cursed place again. But Misaki can't understand why her brother is so excited about going there today of all days. Even Baby Beel has a spark of something in his eyes. And is Hilda carrying banners and a horn?

Oga can't suppress his unholy grin. After frequent pleading and prodding over infrequent meetings, Aoi Kunie has finally agreed to bring little Kouta to the park for a rematch. And as pleased as he is about his surrogate son making his very first friend, Oga knows some things are far mor important. Baby Beel is going to be a man among men if he has anything to say about it.

Hilda is understandably excited. Being a cold-hearted Demon Wet Nurse, she cares little for fuzzy things like friendship and solidarity. But here Young Master is getting a chance to avenge the slight to his honour and she has to support him in any way possible even if it means cheering her head off. She has even brought along a video camera, a strange and mysterious device whose application she learned only after weeks of painstaking tutelage under the perverted Furuichi.

Kaiser de Emperana Beelzebub IV is a simple boy with simple tastes. Some he attributes to his demonic heritage, some to his infantile age and the rest to his loving, if a tad bit unconventional upbringing. He has few friends and fewer enemies and a love of fighting passed on from his surrogate father. He is not very good at it, but he is getting there. So after weeks of training under extreme conditions, he finally feels ready to take on Kouta again.

The journey to the battleground is a blur. The park is different from what he remembers; hazy half formed memories of spring. But he was a much younger man back then. Beel can feel the victory coursing through his bones and it is only right that his opponent knows this as well. So he crows excitedly at little Kouta Kunie, speaking in the language that only babes know so well and Kouta gurgles happily at him.

"I suppose we should start now." Kouta's older sister says a little impatiently and Beel understands that she is worried about her little brother, but his defeat is inevitable. His surrogate parents' eyes are flaming and all the mothers at the park are fleeing with their kids. His opponent looks as pumped as he feels. It is time to kick some ass.

"All right Berubo! Kouta!" Oga assumes the role of referee as they settle into start position with all due drama. "Let's begin! Rock-Paper-Scissors SHOOT!"