Its been so long since I have updated , (sorry )

Anyways this chapter switches between Mystogan and Wendy . Slight swearing .

"Its not that bad ,"


"You know it could be a lot worst , WE could be in a jungle with tigers and snakes instead of a forest with moose instead ,"

"I blame you ,"

"You know this really isn't my fault ,"

"Yes it is ,"

"You really don't give me any credit anymore ,do you ?"

"Not really ,"

"Why not ?"

"Why … Really Mystogan , really ?"

" I really don-,"

"We are LOST because-you-decided-that-you wanted-to-find some wizard you wanted defeat and besides did you even read the quest paper?"

"The what ?"

Something inside of me cracked ,maybe it was because we had been traveling throughout some gosh forsaken forest for the last couple hours . It was getting dark , and I felt like Mystogan didn't even read the paper , I bet he really didn't know what we were searching for just to add we are currently looking for the fire wizard Eve who is terrorizing a small village (says the paper , at least …). And yes I wasn't being to harsh , it was his fault that we are lost , I wanted to look for directions but noooooooo , he thought he knew how to read a map !

"Oh , hey funny thing Wendy ,guess what ? We were reading the map upside down ! Mystogan replied remarked as he turned the map right side up .


And that was last I heard from Wendy for the past last 4 hours , funny thing ,she was worried that the sun was setting before , guess what ? Its set !And I cant find you .

What the number one rule of a team , don't separate in anger (especially when you are searching throughout a forest for some possible psycho path murderer ).

"Yeah that was smart of you Wendy ,"I muttered to myself . Maybe she hadn't matured from the time I last saw her .

A small stone meet my foot and splashed across a puddle before the rock decided that it preferred life under the water..

What was her problem anyway ?

I should be the one pissed off , sure I've been acting strangely o.k with the whole parts of my life suddenly gone and , what ? I am suddenly younger ? What the hell was going on ? The whole situation made no sense.

But however , that was the least of my concerns at the moment .

"Wendy !" I shouted out to the forest , That was the same phrase that I shouted on the top of my lungs for the next hour and a half , all I hoped for was to find her .

Once I found her I would apologize for getting us lost and maybe –"

That thought was interrupted when I saw a explosion of fire and the trees in the area come crashing down with a gust of wind .

" Wendy ," I whispered knowing that somebody found her .

I sprinted as physically fast as a human could .

Great just great , I thought to myself . I end up getting angry at my partner for getting us lost , when I manage to do that perfectly well myself .

Except when I get lost I end up finding the one person I happened to be looking for , Hello mister fire master Eve .

Blood dripped from an cut on my shoulder , the blood ran down the rest of my arm before I bothered wiping it away . He casted a powerful Fire move that blew away the area trees I was able to block a bit of it using a strong gust of wing .

Dragon slayers Roar !

A gale of wind came and knocked my enemy t to the ground .

Wind scythe .

Forceful blast of wind came crashing on him . Before I was able to do the finale attack he jumped up and …castes a blast of fire that hit me square in the stomach .

The world turned to one filled with pain and agony .

" OH I see a little birdie has came in attempt to clip my wings !?" Eve belted in a deranged voice , everything about him was off the way he moved the way he fought in battle .

I staggered up .


I never got to finish that attack because in a blink of my eye Eve broke through my defenses and all that was left behind was a dagger through me .

"Scream little child ,"

I felt the blood , but for the rest I don't remember , the last part of this story I was conscious was a familiar person holding me while he spoke calming words .

And .

" Now you die Eve ,"

Mystogans battle next ! (Against the slightly creepy Eve ) Except I could remember any of Wendy attacks and wasn't up to the writing an all out battle right now .

Thanks for reading , please review !