Crossposted on my tumblr, specialagentaomine.

Dark | Sarumi | Rating: Feelings (also maybe confusion) | Word Count: 461

It's dark.

That's the first thing Saruhiko recognizes as he runs after the shadow of a figure a few strides ahead of him. He squints, but the action is in vain. It's too dark. The city isn't usually this dark, is it? He can't make out the silhouette before him, but the figure's frame is small. A male, most likely, for the footfalls are ever-so-slightly too heavy to be that of a female of that build.

He's dimly aware of the person shouting something, but it's as though Saruhiko's underwater.

The figure is slowing from fatigue and breathlessly crying out protests. He hears, but he does not listen. He is clearly the culprit of a crime. What crime, he is not sure. He's too focused on the thrill of the chase to care.

Suddenly he has the figure pinned to the ground. The person thrashes in his grip, now all out screaming, and Saruhiko wonders idly why he can't tell what the person is saying. He should know what's being said by the victim at this point. He's very rarely careless on his missions. Perhaps he was provoked? He can't seem to remember.

Kill him, Fushimi.

The order is whispered through his headset, and he has no issue with complying. An order is an order. A criminal is a criminal.

So he plunges his blade into the male's chest, not quite piercing the heart, but damn near close.



He stares in horror at the teenager he's straddling. This couldn't be happening, no, it's impossible. He wouldn't have done this to his beloved Misaki! Scepter4 would never have sent him after the one who he was so attached to.

"This… is what you wanted…?"

His darling's face looks resigned. This isn't okay, not at all, and it couldn't be happening to him.

"Misaki, no, please!" he begs, removing his blade with the childish hope that the pain would go away, that everything would be good again.

A weak smile is all he receives in return. Misaki raises a trembling hand to cup Saruhiko's cheek, and as Saruhiko desperately reaches to clutch at it (an anchor, he needs an anchor, this can't be happening), it falls limp back down to the ground.

I love you! Don't do this to me!

Saruhiko's eyes snapped open. He looks around frantically, wondering if that sound was a siren, but it was just his own scream. He's in his bed, he realizes, and shoves the covers down.

He nearly sobbed in relief, only barely managing to choke it down.

"I love you, Misaki," he whispers, clutching the elder of the two close to him.

He continues sleeping, unaware of the nightmare that had just plagued his lover, but that's alright. The close contact is enough.