"I don't care if the whole lot of you get lodged on the end of his blade. You will buy me the time I need! Do not fear him… Fear my wrath if you fail me!" bellowed the Demon Lord.
Ghirahim's horde rushed up from the pit, brandishing their weapons, fully bent on obeying the command. Link had only moments before they would be upon him; he needed to figure out how he was going to survive this.
He could hear the Bokoboblins roaring in anticipation of their attack. Link supposed he had no other choice but to cut his way through them. His hand strayed to the Master Sword, but he paused when an idea struck him.
Link quickly rummaged through his belongings until he found the mechanical Beetle he had found in Skyview Temple. He managed to wind it up and release it just as the first Bokoboblins came into range.
The Beetle started flying toward the horde with more serenity and grace than one might expect from a mechanical insect. And for some reason, it freaked the Bokoboblins out.
The creatures leading the assault screeched and squawked with absolute terror, then turned tail and retreated. There was a massive amount of confusion as the Bokoboblins coming from behind crashed into the ones who were fleeing. Many of them conked heads, many of them were accidentally hit by another's weapon, and some were unfortunate enough to be knocked unconscious by either action and trampled on.
The understanding finally filtered though, and the entire horde was now running away from the Beetle. In their mad panic, many of the Bokoboblins ended up slaying their own fellows in hopes of escaping the horrible threat. The Demon Lord Ghirahim looked up from his spellcasting and was very much unamused at the scene that was taking place: his minions were mobbing themselves into a terrified frenzy.
At last, the mechanism in the Beetle wore out, and it dropped to the ground. The Bokoboblins regained their courage, and quickly charged again. However, only a small number of the horde survived the rampage, and Link met them and quickly dispatched them all. Ghirahim ground his teeth in fury, but with a snap of his fingers he placed a magical barrier in Link's path.
Try as he might, Link was unable to find any way across the barrier. He couldn't afford this; every second wasted meant Ghirahim was one second closer to sacrificing Zelda for Demise's return. Link had to find some way to interrupt the spell. His gaze fell upon the Beetle. Well, he reasoned, it had worked before…
Ghirahim tried to refrain from quivering too much in anticipation. The incantation was almost complete. So much toil and suffering he had endured for this moment, the glorious return of his master. Just a few more minutes, and—
Something was bonking Ghirahim in the head. He snatched it out of the air, but not before it managed to hit him hard in the nose. He was enraged.
"The Beetle," answered Link, standing next to the Demon Lord with Zelda on his shoulder, the barriers having dropped when Ghirahim was distracted.
"YOU!" Ghirahim screamed. Link bolted, running up the incline that led back to the temple. Ghirahim prepared to blast a bolt of magic at them, but doing so meant letting go of the Beetle. The moment it was free, it flew right into Ghirahim's face again. "BLARGH! CURSED—LITTLE—INSECT!"
He blasted the mechanical bug with the attack he had intended for Link and Zelda, and finally the Beetle was stopped for good.
But it had achieved its purpose; Link had made it with Zelda to the temple, and at that very moment they were returning to their own time.
Ghirahim's eye twitched. Outdone by a stupid metal insect.
Whoever came up with such an obnoxious thing was going to die.